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What Do We Do For A Living


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I started my career shortly after high school in the United States Air Force. There I was a Senior Airman in the Civil Engineering Squadron where I did AutoCAD drafting, land surveying, and construction management. After almost five years and serving at F.E. Warren in Wyoming, Osan Air Base in South Korea, and Beale Air Force Base in Northern California, I discharged from the Air Force in order to start college.

After the Air Force, I became a weekend warrior for the National Guard in Northern California as a heavy diesel mechanic where I met my wonderful husband. I discharged the National Guard in August of 2001. One month before September 11th. My Husband on the other hand was called up to guard the San Francisco airport.

Now I am the IT / EFT manager at a credit union. I am thinking about going into the Air National Guard so I can payoff my student loans.


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I'm 24 and self-employed. I graduated from UW-Madison in 2002 with a degree in economics. I never really wanted to be an economist and never really liked being told what to do, so after thinking about starting my own business for a while I decided to do it. Mid 2003 I started my digital imaging business, Carl Pearson Imaging, so technically I'm a digital imaging professional. I do everything though, so I could give myself just about any title...customer service rep, salesman, CEO, shipping & receiving man, janitor..haha, technician, computer specialist, web designer.....you get my point. What I primarilily offer and do is high resolution film scanning. You can learn more about what I do on my website. I really enjoy being self-employed and am doing pretty well for only being in business for a little over a year.

I work from home and must say it's wonderful. My commute is only 2 minutes, I can work in my pajamas, and I can listen to music all day. That brings me to my next sort of business venture, music. I am also a musician. I have been involved in music for most of my life. I play bass for an artist by the name of Mr. Biggins. We started playing music together in high school and currently have recorded 2 albums. You can listen to samples from those on the Biggins website which I just got up and running again a few days ago. Also, if you want to see pictures of me there are tons to see ;).

The third thing I "do" is Lexls.com. Many of you already know about that. I am currently trying to think of how I could turn that into a business.

If you're wondering how much I work, the answer is nearly all the time.

amf1932, I would be interested to hear more about what you used to do. You should shoot me a PM or email.

dcfish, I'm in Miniapp too. You and any other fellow Minnesotans should join our Minnesota Lexus Club (MNLC). Right now we've got about 6 members, including myself. We meet at Lake Calhoun, but probably won't meet again until after winter.

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I'm a 30 year firefighter and part owner of a beauty supply store. I bought my 94 LS 2yrs ago and it has served me well. I'm looking forward to retirement in the next couple of years and possibly moving to a warmer climate ?

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got a new job and now i'm a Tech support person for the Unicenter AMO and SDO and i now work for Computer Associates.:) i deal mostly with linux and solaris and cant wait to take my hands on the solaris 10:)

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got a new job and now i'm a Tech support person for the Unicenter AMO and SDO and i now work for Computer Associates.:) i deal mostly with linux and solaris and cant wait to take my hands on the solaris 10:)

congrats on the new job! :cheers:

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Generally a type A QA (quality assurance) tester of network/wireless technology. I guess I just like technology so I have worked with routers/switches/fiber optics/copper & currently now working with wideband wireless.

I like my job cause I get to break other peoples stuff :cheers:

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Self Employed myself. This is my 3rd business that I've done, the first and second were basically to test the water, and more of a personal interest thing, (an online parts business, and a record label/distro ((VERY VERY Small)) but now I own Boosted Development in southern Wisconsin. I've been doing "Import Performance" since around '95-'96 and that's about it since I started. I've moved around a bit, but I always seem to find my way back home.

Much nicer here, IMO.

Anyways, we're a small shop for now, 5,000 sq ft. It's our first Winter as being a full service/retail place (as well as my first experience). I started out with a 300ZX TT moved to an Eclipse which was completely built by the end, got into another 300ZX TT, and now to my SC300, which (if money and time allow) will be TT'd by spring. Not really much to say.. I'm also a "practicing Chef, and Semi-active Musician. I've been playing Poker for about 4 years now, and that's about all that consumes my time.

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I am a Copier service rep. Been one for 30 years and prior was in the United STates Navy as A communication technician (CTM2) Proud to be a conservative Christian family with three kids and three grandchildren. Started my car experience on British cars, Austin Healey, Triumph, Jaguar, etc. Now own and maintain the RX300.

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CPA and an Internal Audit Group Manager of a midwest bank.

Micro beer money comes from a side job in personal tax preparation. I look forward to the day we can all file our tax return on the back of a post card. I’d be out of the tax business but a person shouldn’t need a beer drinking CPA to prepare their return in the first place.

Car history includes a snazzy Chevy Chevette, a veritible chick magnet at Ohio Northern Univ, followed briefly by a Dodge Dart, then a favorite…a 67 Tempest, then a wonderfully reliable 94 Camry on which I put on 220K over 10 years and now an ES330…I am spoiled forever!


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This is still an ongoing thread?

I'm in Information Technology with a specific focus on Information Security.

I work for one of the big-3 TV networks (the one that begins with "N"), that also owns 7 cable channels, 24 local TV stations across the country, runs a movie studio and operates theme parks in Los Angeles and Orlando.

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I am a freelance copy writer and editor. This comes after many years in college administration, followed by tenures at a marketing agency and as marketing director for a non-profit organization. I love the variety of my clientele, which ranges from a women's lingerie company to a corporate CEO.

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Technology teacher in Virginia Beach. My wife works for a Pharma co. in NJ, my daughter is an engineering student at Virginia Tech (go Hokies).

LOC is my favorite website because I repsect everyone here and have a lot of friends. Y'all are cool!

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I'm a independent contractor that started my own I.T. business. I am currently providing support as a Network Engineer for the City of Detroit Water Deparment and Network Security for Home Land Security with the U.S. and Canada border to Windsor, ON. I love my GS300! Even though it's in the shop at the moment getting some dents pulled from careless drivers I share the road with. LEXUS 4 EVER BABY!

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