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bartkat last won the day on June 7 2016

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  • Lexus Model
    2006 IS350

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  1. Not sure what you mean by personal lights. The dome light in the middle has switches for "on" "off" and "door".
  2. Take it easy guys. This isn't the time or place for message board politics.
  3. According to this it's part #1533 for the passenger side and #1534 for the driver's side. http://lexus.sewellparts.com/oem-catalog/1104116296-EngineAndFuel-LS400-1999.html There is also a screen filter for the OCV's part #15846A Perhaps this has become clogged and needs cleaning. PS: If you haven't reset the ECU by this point then you could very well be barking up the wrong tree.
  4. I think you can just disconnect the negative battery cable rather than pull the fuse. Leave it about 5 minutes and that should reset your ECU.
  5. Sorry for the late reply. I don't drive my IS very much. I only just turned 35K miles on it. I've had all the recalls done although I never noticed any of the symptoms Lexus mentioned. Car runs as good if not better than when it was new.
  6. With the odometer in total mileage mode, press and hold the reset button down. While holding the button, push the car start button and watch the numbers on the odometer. It should "spin" for a bit and then show 0000. That's the reset.
  7. Where does the bull go?
  8. It is normal. It's the high pressure pump for the direct injectors.
  9. You can clean it with spray electronics parts cleaner. Gotta be very gentle with it. Does your car have symptoms that indicate it needs cleaning?
  10. Go to lexus.com and register your VIN. You will then be able to access the owners and maintenance interval manuals. I think you can also access your vehicle's maintenance history.
  11. can you send me any assembly or breakdown pdf's for the 2001 IS300? I found an old post of yours from 2008 for the door assembly that helped a ton! thanks! wondering if you have any more spec sheets to offer

  12. Your MAF may be going bad or there's a leak in the intake pipe after the MAF that's drawing in hot air.
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