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Everything posted by pj8708

  1. https://ikeyless.com/business/ I just noticed this advertisment on our site for the things your looking for. I have no idea who they are or who has used them, but I do know that Steve B, the LOC Grand PoBa in the UK is VERY stringent about who he allows to place promotions to our members. Additionaly, as a member of the Club, you can contact Sewell Lexus in Dallas, TX for any Lexus part. They give excellent discounts on parts to our members. As an example, I lost my spare FOB somewhere and after a thourough search I never found it. So, I called my dealer and they quoted me just over $300, plus $35. for programing. After telling them I only wanted the FOB not gold plate the door handles, I went on Sewells site and registered as a LOC member. I put in what I wanted and $161.00 and 2 days later I had my New FOB. The only thing I couldn't advert was the programing fee. If you wish you can contact Sewell Lexus at "Sewellparts.com I had to do mine this way Eugene because my Shade Tree skills are about the same as a Sea Slug.lol Paul
  2. Hi Invinzor and welcome to the LOC. I don't have a clever answer to your problem, but I have had something similar happen that involed the same components. The Security System, in addition to monitoring the usual doors, windows, hood, etc., also includes an engine immobilizer. This part of the system blocks the ignition circuits from receiving current and of course the engine will not turn over. One of the things that activates the engine immobilizer is trying to turn the sterring wheel when it is in the locked position. The locked position is to prevent anyone without a FOB from being able to steer the car while being pushed or towed. I've had it happen that when I got into the car, the wheel was locked up tight because it was parked on a hill and I had left the steering wheel in a tight-turned position. When I got back, even though I had my FOB, I had to push on the brake, wiggle the steering back and forth while pushing start. It worked. Thats about all I can contrbute. Unfortunately. Hopefully, someone will jump in and add something really smart! lol Let us know how things are going. Paul
  3. Welcome Tharoah. I apologize for someone not responding to your post earlier. I hope we can still offer some help. Regarding the mileage on the ES model years you mentioned. Neither the 70 nor 90K would be a problem. Lexus for years has been known to be one of the most reliable makes for any model. As you browse through the site you will find its not uncommon for members to have the same Lexus they bought 10 years ago. Your second question depends on where you decide to purchase your Lexus. Lexus dealers offer a Certified Pre Owned package that provides a 127 point inspection of the car and replacement or repair of any problems found. It also gives you a 4 year, 40,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty. I purchased my first ES330 this way and had a great experiance. After that, I bought a ES350, 2010, and now have a ES350, model year 2013. I also just got a RX350, 2013. Every single one has been excellent. If you look at a non certified car, insist on asking for all the service records. If it is a Lexus, the dealer should be able to pull up all the service records from any dealer around the country. Also, some people swear by getting a CarFax report. I've never done that and I've heard both good and bad. Do some research and decide for your self. Come back and let us know how it's going. Paul
  4. From CNN comes this look forward at what they believe are the cars and their technology that are most likely to have a broad effect on how we will drive in the next 10 years. Some of the stuff is old ideas brought up to date. Some is down right spooky in my opinion! What do you think? Is there 1 out of the 10 that you think has the best chance of make driving better? Paul http://www.cnn.com/interactive/2014/02/tech/cnn10-future-of-driving/?hpt=hp_c2
  5. Any more, my brain is becoming like Swiss Cheese. What goes in comes out the other side in just a few minutes. At any rate, I think I told you a short time ago that Lexus is moving all pproduction of the ES350 to Kentucky. Why? Much cheaper than having so many of it's parts made here then shiped over to the US, then back to the USA again. Their are other reasons as well.....Check out "Motor Trend" magazine, the last issue or two if you don't find it posted here. Sorry about not having everything ready for you. Todays news is the anouncment that Nissan, Mada, and Ford are all opening large manufacturing plants in Mexico. The same reasons. Many parts are already made there. Wages are lower. There is some argument about these large companies taking advantage of a people that will work for anything just to be able to have a reliable wage. Others say that paying them something on a scale of at least the US minimum wage would put more money into the local econonomies, and improve the overall health of the cities. Will these shuffles around the May Pole be a good thing for we US Car buyers, or not so much.? Put in your two cents worth;.... http://www.aol.com/article/2014/02/21/mexico-to-trump-japan-as-no-2-car-exporter-to-us/20834849/
  6. Hi Ben and welcome to the Lexus Owners Club. Well upfront, I am not going to be of much help. But this is my "for what it's worth" column. Fear not for things are not beyond repair. The major problem with all first generation Nav. systems was providing a consistant, smooth, platform for on going software updates. Obviously, as your experience has proved, that smooth upgrade path is still a work in process. Since you've already done a lot of research, I would take a differant direction and contact your Lexus dealer. Here's why. Lexus .should have the ability to reboot the system and clear the old and new software its trying to do a Vulcan Mind Meld with. Lexus should also be able to load the current release for upgrade Nav. Yes, people will tell you that Lexus is exspensive. My response is if I can solve the problem in the correct manner. at one appt. with factory training., and then be able to have a place where I can go back to for questions and ongoing support. Thats my two cents, Paul
  7. The rain sensor is located directly behind the inside front rear mirror. It is stuck to the winshield with a pretty substantial adhesive. As you two have said earlier, it can be kind of difficult to get it "tuned in" for your particular needs. One quirk I've noticed is when you get in and start the car, and you had all ready set the wiper interval setting to only come on when it begins to sprinkle, as you drive off and it does start to come down with a light sprinkle, the wipers won't come on. Even though their set to do so. I've had to pull the whole wiper control stalk down another notch to get things going. This is only on rare occasions. Other than that I love the feature. Everthing you are asking about is in your Owners Manual. However, there are some differances if your Lexus has a Navigation or not. I'm posting a link for Lexus Corporate Customer Service. They can help with your tech questions and an Owners Manual if you need one. I hope this has been of some help? Paul http://www.lexus.com/contact/index.html
  8. Your correct Landar in that the photographs do start to become blurry when you begin approaching 160 mph.As you might remember, it was around that time that we started to hear whispers of a place called Area 51, and Roswell. Very few people knew that people like Billy had been involved all along in the development of the so called "Rocket Engine" as marketed by Oldsmobile. Only the goverment and test subjects like Billy, knew that at 160 mph, you hit the magic number for what later was called "WARP DRIVE! It was this break through in propulsion that made it possible for U.S. Auto manf. to produce incredibly enginered cars such as the Corvair, for runner to the shuttle craft. The Edsel. The first attempt at reverse enginering a piece of crap. The Rambler Marlin. Yes, it's true. You've never heard of one. It was lost in a transport between the Holo Deck and a Borg Hardware Store Grand Opening. Yes, I'm ready for my mental stabiity eval, but I just wanted all to know that not everything is Billy's fault. Go Billy!!! Paul
  9. That is great!!! Super pics and desriptions. Glad you were finaly able to get rewarded for your hard work, and thanks for coming back and sharing your solution with the rest of us. Paul
  10. Hi King, Your absolutely right in that purchasing and programing a new or defective smart key can eat through your allowance in a hurry! Since 2004, as you know, Lexus has phased out the the old style metal key with metal blade and notches. My 2010 ES350 used the newer "Proximity" FOB. My 2013 ES350 also has the same system. If I have the FOB in my pocket, or in someones purse, I just touch the door handle and the car unlocks itself. This technology is what led me to make my smart a.. remark. But I don't see any future for the smart key system in the present or future. A side note. You mentioned cost. A couple of years ago, I lost the FOB to my 2010 ES 350. Like always, I looked and looked and never found it. So, I called my dealer for a price and they wanted $320.00 for just the FOB. The programing was another $35.00. I then called one of our Clubs approved vendors. They quoted $161.00 for the same FOB. The vendors name is Sewell Lexus in Dallas. For LOC members they give us substanial discounts. When you login, be sure to say your a Lexus Owners Club member or an LOC member. If people in your area are buying the key at such a rapid pace, are they using them for more than keys for cars? Paul
  11. Hi to both of you and welcome to the LOC. Up to this point King, I've not known of anyone who had their own key programer. LOL To off set the exspense of the the purchase you could set up a card table in the parking lot of your local hardware store. :) Thanks Jessica for solving the riddle of the missing website. The new site looks pretty cool. Paul
  12. J.D. Power and Assoc.has chosen Lexus as THE most reliable car in America. This is the second year in a row that the consumer research group has awarded Lexus this honor. Lexus also won over Mercedes and other well known luxury brands. This doe'snt come as a suprise to those of you who have been around Lexus for awhile, but if you are a new buyer, this will give you some peace of mind when you put down that hard earned cash. I'm having trouble pasting the report to this thread. I'll keep trying and hopefully my brain will some how catch up 6with the reliability of my car!
  13. I think everyone has had a chance to try and come up with an answer, but it looks like thats only going to come from Lexus corprate. As I said earlier, according to previous postings on this subject, this flaw is not unique. I'm going to spend some time this week trying to pin down some one who will at least talk about the subject. Maybe I should call the NSA. They probably no the answer any way!!LOL. Paul
  14. Hi Rudy and welcome to the Club. Most of the complaints people report about the ML sub-woofer is the rattling , or "buzzing" sound at higher volumes. It sounds like you have taken the seats out and looked at the woofer it self. You say that the cone is fully intact and their are no tears in the surround material that holds the outer rim of the cone to the metal frame. If all that is accurate, then it might be the "motor" in the voice coil. A replacment from the Lexus dealer is a major exspense. But any replacement woofer MUST meet the exact spects of the ML system as all of the system is balanced by a comoplete crossover network. I would reccomend contacting United Radio in New York for information about your Mark Levinson system. We get excellent reports from members who have used them, and I have talked with them myself. Let us know whats going on. Paul http://unitedradio.com/automotive/
  15. Did you drive your ES350 before you bought it??? I have had an ES350 - 2010, and a ES350 - 2013. After owning both models I don't think we're talking about the same cars. I fully understand the mess with the sunroof, but I think your extrapulating that incident over to the whole car and that is simply not right. Good luck in your hunt. Paul
  16. Hi Dana and welcome to the LOC. You sound like your that "rock & a hard place" that affects all car lovers. When is the best time to say good by to your first love and follow that siren call of that shiny new object. I come from the side that tends to believe that after 8 good years, your GX470 has given you excellent service. Now she is starting to show the the results of those years. The folks that are good at and can do their own repairs, enjoy the fun of keeping their Lexus in top shape as their Lexus go's along. If you are not "do it your selfer" but have a good mechanic, in my opinion, your still going to continue to have ongoin repairs as you go along. In addition, as you've already found out. after 8 years, your market value has pretty much hit bottom. This has made your ability to negotiate a new car some what difficult. Having said that, given your current history, I would come down on the side of selling your GX either intrade, or as a trade in. Your best price will come from selling your self, but that can be a real hassle. Don't rule out the flexiblity of a lease. Come back and let us know how things are progressing. Paul
  17. Hard to believe?? It's true. Lexus and Mazda came in as the least exspensive cars to own when compared to all other brands, It does seem hard to believe, so put in your two cents and let other members know what you think. Paul http://editorial.autos.msn.com/blogs/post--mazda-lexus-still-among-cheapest-cars-to-own?icid=autos_5274
  18. Hi guys. Call me crazy, but after careful due diligence and research, I can not figure out what all the hand wringing and gloom and doom is all about. Surely the LX can't be the only car you've ever owned with a low fuel/tank reserve feature. ALL Lexus automobiles have very conservative tank reserves, and for some customers it drives them crazy. Others, like it because they know that unless they are incrediby stupid, they will have ample warning in time to find a gas station. I can't afford an LX, so I am content with my humble ES350. My ES has a 18.5 gallon tank. When the low fuel warning light comes on there is 2 1/2 gallons left in the tank. Some times.....For some reason, known only to the Toyota lord's, the low fuel ligt will come on when the tank still has 4-5 gallons left. Yes, that can be a hassle some times,zzzzzzzzzzz My un-asked for opinion is to error on the side of having more Petrol left in the tank than you will end up needing, But I don't get why that seems to be a bad thing for some. Have a great weekend everyone.
  19. Hi John and thanks for the really, really great news! Wether the customer is Joe Average or Donna Diamonds, most of them buy their cars by just asking the sales person, "...what would my payment per month be? In addition, so many of us just won't take the time to learn about depreciation, reliability reducing cost of ownership and a car that actually might still be worth some what close to the sticker price after we leave the parking lot; John if you can, would you try to send me the article. Just click on my screen name and you should get a prompt showing "PM" or "Personal Message". Click on that item and you should be able to past your information there. I'd like to place that information in some other places. Thanks John!! If this dosen't work just don't worry about it. I can search for it in some of the other forums.
  20. Hi JARK. The "Tire Pressure Monitoring System" is designed to be reset by the owner. In your Owners Manual there should be a section outlining the steps to follow to clear the TPMS light. There are pictures to help you identify the correct buttons to use. Additionaly, I did a quick seach of our data base. I came up with about 50 threads about resetting the TPMS for single models as well as cross-compatible models/years. I hope this will be of help. If you are still having trouble, come back and let othermembers know. Paul
  21. Hi sha4000, Sorry someone hasn't been here earlier. I'm not going to be much help but I will try to point you to some things that might help. Hopefully, someone else will chime in who can give you some real help. In the search data base there should be several threads about problems with the side rails on the sunroof. As I recall, the removal and replacement of the rails, along with the connectors with the harness to the motor. It sounds like you've already done all this. Go to the search box and see if you can find a referance to this situation. Also, you might check on Club Lexus. You mentioned the soaked carpets. Was that from plugged drain tubes around the sunroof? Come back and let us know how things turn out. Paul
  22. I think some of you have hit the piston on the head. Think back to when the ES350 was brought out. The grille work on that was not felt to be a warm and fuzzy relation ship. My first thought was, "what the hell did they do with all the beautiful wood in the cabin? For many of us it was the upside down, tear drop shape, slabe of plastic they called the dashboard. They sold like hot cakes Still the customer's and the motor/automotive press , along with the BMW lovers, continued to hammer away at the stayed, stuffy, no imagination, lead sled, each Lexus comes with every Medicare Card..... Not fun stuff to hear. So should something be changed or just continue on course. Finising getting the Japense factory up to full production capibility, which it hasn't had since the giant earthquake and the immediate tsunami. Additionaly, many of Lexus parts vendors and "Just in Time' suppliers were wiped out and in some cases Lexus had to help those companies rebuild. I was buying a car during this period and because I wanted real leather, it finaly could only be made in the Japan factory. As you can guess, time lines were liquid. New is risky. New can be exciting. As one of us here pointed out earlier, anything new takes a while to adjust to. I am not being chauvanistic. but has your wife or girlfriend ever come home from the Salon? She walks in the room, puts down her purse and coat. She ask if the mails come yet. THATS IT!!!! You've looked up to answer and suddenly, something in your "Man Cave" has been disrupted. Same thing. Mom just got home, shes trying to clear a space on counter so she can at least start something for the thundering hoard. Suddenly, like a bat out of hell, your 16 old son is making his entrance. As mom looks him over, there's just the tinest squell. Whats the problem? You got it. He had just come from the barber with a Mohawk. The point being some of you will learn to really like the 2013 and 2014 styles. Some of you will never like them. Okay. But never paint yousel in such a small corner that youl'll never ever be able to change. Paul
  23. Given the situation, I'd say your handling it a heck of a lot better than I would. But just think, ten years from now you'll look back and laugh at what all the fuss was about........or not !? Peace to you.
  24. Is anyone else besides me suprised to hear Smash Mouth covering a really old Monkees tune? Do you remember when they chose the actors for the TV show most couldn't play an instrument or sing as a ensemble? I still liked some of their tunes.
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