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Everything posted by pj8708

  1. Hi Dee and welcome to the Lexus Owners Club. I did a search of our data base and came up with some threads on your topic. As you can see there are several pages to look through and hopefully you'll find something that will help you. Paul http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index.php?s=4ec37a1c952eede762919c5a5f33c8b7&app=googlecse#gsc.tab=0&gsc.q=replace speed speed sensor
  2. Hi Steve and welcome to the Lexus Owners Club. Your situation is a real puzzle to me. I'm no expert in this area, but it's easy to jump to the conclusion that it must be something to do with the changing of the battery. You say all the fuses look fine. A fuse cannot look fine unless you've actually pulled it out and used an ohm meter to put a current through it to test it. Many members will often remind others that this happens more times than not. Someone else will hopefully chime in here with more expert knowledge. Keep us up to date on your progress. Paul
  3. Hi Kazi and welcome to the Lexus Owners Club ! The problem your experiencing is a not infrequent one when working with after maket remote starters .As Mason said, I would put a pretty sound bet on the wiring installation of the after market starter. You say that you talked with Lexus Roadside Assistance, and that their suggestions were working. Can you elaboate? If you continue to have problems, It is frequently the action of the engine immobilizer. The immobilizer is designed to keep the engine from starting if someone tries to steal the car, the engine will not start. If your in the car and you get out to go into say a store, and you keep the FOB inyour poctet, its possible that when you get in it will die on you. I have had 3 - ES 350, all with aftermarket remote starts.Allof themhave required some fine tuning. If you keep having problems go to your installer and get the schematic from them. If they won't give it to you, go to you Lexus dealer.My dealer sells both after market remote starters as well as the factory device. I don't recomed the Lexus factory product. Paul
  4. Boy! DoI feel dumb. I owned a 2005 ES 330 and I knew that was the sequence with it. But like most my vintage, Tell me the answer know and I'll be sure to forget it 2 seconds befor you tell me Paul
  5. Hi sktn77a and welcome to the Lexus Owners Club. Below is a link to the direct Lexus trouble for trouble. If you bought that car new and the purchase documents you have includied the oddomoter statement. Also make the dealer, through your contact with Lexus, funish a clear title to you. It is almost beyond belief that they wouldn't fix this problem right away. Paul https://lexus2.custhelp.com/app/ask
  6. Not only that, after having the pleasure of two front end involved collisons, the plastic grills were just riped off and a new fitted on. Much cheaper. Paul
  7. I would agree Autumn. A short of some type and which could be in several systems, is the most likely problem. That being said, finding away for you or someone else to trace it down is the next problem. Paul
  8. I'm just glad all of you walked away without major injuries. These situatons really shake you up. I have been in two accidents over the last 4 years. Both involed ES350's. The first situation was my ES hitting a Highlander in front of me when the road had been covered with ice. The air bag did not deploy, and the radiator fans we're pushed into the radiators, the radiator was pused into the engine, the rest of the engine compartment was pushed toward the firewall. Front fenders, bumpers, head lights, all shot. The air bags did not deploy because my car was traveiing less than 5 mph. The insurance company totaled the car and made me an exceptionaly generous offer. In the other occurance, the damage was worse and I asked the claims adjuster why do these cars seem to crumple into tissue paper when the impact is so little. She said the obect is to let the engine compartment absorb as much as possible the energy of the impact so it stays in the compartment and dosen't break the firewall. I've never looked into this but I think it would be interesting. Paul
  9. I'm not surprised at all David because we all know your certainly irreplaceable. The space suit however that would look the best on you would be the ones they used for the Monkey's they used in the beging to test the capsule and other equipment. LOL!!
  10. These items are so cool, and of national signifignace and world pride, I can't believe they are selling them off to the highest bidder. It's just my opinion, but I can't imagine walking into someone's home and seeing John Glens space suit hanging above the fire place mantle. Or the first boots to have walked on the Moon. I'm sure their is some logical resason, but at the moment, it doesn't even come close to being obvious. Paul
  11. I think we can make this fairly simple for you. In Dallas, TX. there is a dealer that does a lo1 of sales in parts for Lexus cars. They also offer an excellent discount to members of the Lexus Owners Club. I would think they would be able to go back in their parts listing for that year and model, and find what was offerered in matts and interior colors for touch-up repairs. If your looking for parts other than OEM you probably won't find it here. Let us know if this works out. Paul
  12. Do not worry mien capitan!! I will guard your homeland and tho secrets with my very life!!!!
  13. That's probably right. I'm suprised though that Lexus would be able to milk out four more years out of an already some what dated cabin design an body style. I always wonder how the RX continues to be the best seller for Lexus when the overall body style hasn't changed in years. Yes, the rear tail light treatment has changed, the front end has gone through makeovers, but put them all side by side, you could easily chose that they are all RX's Paul The above is in response to Stephen's thread. The threads for Stephen and Jim must have poped up while I was writting this. LOL
  14. Attached is the recent Press Release regarding the release of the NX. It will be shown in Bejign on April 25, as it will be in full production style. Man o Man I wish I could be there. Paul
  15. Hi Jim,(1990L). Thank you for filling in with more tech.information and DIY solutions. When a new member comes on, my practice is to assume they are not a "creeper" person and doesn't want to spend all Saturday under the car. That being said, our goal here is to always provide accurate infomation. After you've read the info. come back and let us know how things are going.
  16. Hi Mark and welcome to the Lexus Owners Club! Well I guess you found out pretty fast why there was no fuse in the "Horn" fuse block. That's kind of bad sport to turn a car in with a known saftey defect. I don't know of any specific reason for your situation, but to my knowledge there is no recall or Tech Bulletin out for that prolem. It is more proable it is related to 19 years of great service. There is a problem in fixing problems involving the stering wheel. The entire steering column is put together as one sealed unit. This is done to contain the Air Bag unit in the center of the steering wheel. If the horn problem can be repaired by something simple, short, switch, then you will have a low cost repair. However, If the Tech has to pull out the entire unit, Air Bag, turning stock, wiper stock, telescoping steering shaft, and tilt. This is big money. I would urge you to get multiple bids. Paul p.s. Whats with the horn in Alanta traffic? Are you trying to become New York City suburb? LOL
  17. Hi Brandt. From your dialogue I can't tell wether you've been in thouch with Lexus corporate or just the dealer so far. In what ever case, I've included a link for Lexus corporate specificaly on Navigation. I would be doubtful if it's going to solve all of your problems, but it can give you some great directions. Also, "dcfish" should be able t0 help you out as well.. http://www.lexusnavigation.com/ Paul
  18. The way in which Lexus is chosing to equip and offer different options for what are basically the same car only with a diffrent sheet metal covering, is "cu-coo". Sitting in my 2013 ES350, and then going over and sitting in our 2013 RX350 you would think there would be mostly similar features since they were equiped with the same package level. You would be wrong Earthling. Both have Parking Assist. The button to activate it or turn it off is in plain sight to the left of the steering wheel on the ES The Rx also has the same feature. There is no on/off button. You have to scroll through one of the menus using a button on the steering wheel. That means you have to take your eyes off the road more often to turn the feature on or off. The settings dials for the heated/cooled seats on the ES are at the front of the console where you can see them. On the RX the're back under the lip of the console lid. You have to bend your head and look down to change the setting. There are several other things that are just irritating, but it appears they moved some of the 2013 features to the RX but didn't really give it the full treatment.
  19. After a rigourous game of political "You bet your Life", Tesla has come out on the Good Guys side. Do you think this is going to be a good thing overall for the automobile customer as the future unfolds? Or do you think this is just going to screw up what people now seem to feel is an efficent well working system and we should stick with Gasoline powered cars. Please. Take a moment and say your piece. After all, this really is a serious problem. Paul http://autos.aol.com/article/investigators-find-no-defect-trend-with-tesla-motors-model-s/?icid=maing-grid7%7Chtmlws-main-bb%7Cdl6%7Csec3_lnk3%26pLid%3D458966
  20. All of us like nice things. And all of us are probably giving our contribution to the IRS in a heftier percentage than the average bear. If that were not so, you probably wouldn't be reading this site. But even luxury has it's limits. Here are some options you can add to your truly luxury car and the next day say to your self, "boy, that was a huge waste of money". Take a look, check em' out. Is their one you think is really dumb, or is there one that for your needs and likes would be a slam dunk sale?? Go for it !!! http://autos.aol.com/gallery/most-extravagant-car-options/1539358/#!slide=1539358 Paul
  21. Yesterday, March 27, 2014, I happend to drive by my Lexus dealer. And when I got in front of the lot there was this out the world, drop-dead gorgeous platinum Lexus like I have never seen before.Now I'll grant you I probably don't get out as much as I should, and as the owner of 3 ES350's and 1- RX350 you can tell I kind of like sedans. But I would wash down the grease racks every night at that dealer if they would just let drive it home every night. The GS350 is a knock-out in the styling category. The molded, folded, angled, line makes it look dangerous just sitting still. Even the choice of wheels says "I fooled you. I am a Lexus." Yes, it will take a year or so to tally the bugs and things the engineers should have done better. But holy cow Bat Man, with looks like this, I still would wipe down the grease racks and make the payments as well. Have a good weekend everyone. Paul
  22. Hi Gilberto and welcome to the Club. You should be able to click on your avitar or screen name above your avitar/photo. That in turn will take you to your profile page. This is the form that has all your information that other members can visit and find out more about you. When you get to your profile page, you will see a sign in the right hand upper corner that says "Edit Profile". Click on this and the vertical column on the left lets you scroll down and change any content you wish. Caution: In some occasions, the site will limit some features to new members until they have posted 5 - 10 times. This is a vital software bloc to block the hundreds if not thousands of hits your club receives almost every day. After this "trial" period It's pretty clear that your not a spammer or sitting in your underware with a number generator.. Let me know if your having a problem. Paul
  23. pj8708


    Hi Monique and welcome to the LOC. I just wanted to tag along with Gene here and add a couple. It is surprising but the topic of how much gasoline your gas tank holds and how do you know when it is REALLY almost out. As Gene said there is no such thing as an @UL approved gas gauge(LOL) Over the years, it's been a industry standard to play with human psychology and again, as Gene pointed out, If you have filled your tank to the top, the needle on the gauge will stay on full for quite a while. This is to give you the illusion that your car is very thrifty. Then, the needle starts starts it's slow journey to empty. Now here is the place that confuse's folks the most. Eventually the Low Fuel light will come on and the problem starts. "How much gas is in the tank, and how far can I go before I'm dead on the road? My 2013, ES 350 - has an 18.5 gallon tank. The Owners Manual says there should be 2.5 gallons of gas in the tank when the Low Fuel light comes on. Two weeks ago, I had driven the car most of the afternoon after the light came on. I pulled in to fill up. When the pump shut off and I put the noozle in the pump, I looked up, and then I looked again. "That can't be right!" Remember I said the tank holds 18.5, and 2.5 when the low fuel light comes on This fill up only took 14 gallons!! There is no such thing as an accurate gas gauge.
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