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Everything posted by pj8708

  1. We'll keep our fingers crossed for you. For us old farts, this is when we call in the old "Statue of Liberty Play" lol Paul
  2. From Kelley Blue Book: A look at the most and least popular autos by region around the country. Probably no suprises...have fun! http://autos.aol.com/gallery/most-least-popular-cars-region/?icid=maing-grid7%7Chtmlws-main-bb%7Cdl28%7Csec3_lnk4%26pLid%3D430351#!slide=2142644
  3. Hi James and glad you've joined the LOC. Pick one: Yes. It's a great deal. 2: You paid what?? Which one of these answers makes you feel the best? Glad I could help. LOL Your question is the same one that all of us ask each time we start that neat process of buying a new car. The Civilians in our lives simply can't understand the thrill of the hunt. I haven't looked at the blue book numbers to check your numbers, but it sounds like it is within the 2013 ballpark. The mileage is amazing. However, does the seller have a complete set of service records, and a CarFax report? This is a deal breaker as far as I'm concernesd. To be brutely honest James, I would NEVER buy a car sight unseen let alone with out a test driven. Yet, some of our members do it all the time. I know you have done your due-dilagence, but if this process is supposed to work for both of your benifits, I would strongly encourage you to have a contract that gives you the right to cancel the sale and return the LS if it's not as advertised. Who's going to pay for transport of the car? This is both a good opportunity and a possible money pit. My sueggestion is to pass this one up. There are a lot of LSL's out there, any ones you can drive and kick the tires. Try to throttle back on the adreniline and proceed one car at a time. Come back and let us know how thing are going. Paul
  4. If you have a chance Jim, look over the video from DARPA re: the same topic. They talk about other ways to do the same thing. Such as using a audio CD infected with the hacking virus which they have made able to take over all ECU's in the car. Truth or Dare? Paul
  5. This guy can hack his way into virtualy every ECU in your car. The USA and Congress are worried about what this means in terms of giving car thieves an IPad and a little bit of knowledge off the net, and Bingo. You just changed all the GPS routing codes, and just for fun you unlocked the trunk to steal that brand new set of PING golf clubs. What do you think?? Much ado about nothing? Or is it a very real probleem? Paul http://autos.aol.com/article/car-hacker-explains-how-he-infiltrated-two-vehicles-for-research/
  6. The "Kiplinger Report" says today that the collectable car market is hot. Back in 2008 the worth and prices for almost all categories went of the road. But over the last 12 to 18 months prices have really come back. Would you believe droping $30 million for a vintage Benz?? Wether your taste run to a "Cuda" or an "XKE", or how about a "Cord"? Long one of my favorites. This is a great article and I had my eyes opened very wide. I had no idea there was so much cost involved in this "hobby"!!! Paul http://www.kiplinger.com/article/cars/T009-C000-S001-wise-investments-in-collectible-cars.html?si=1
  7. On January 8, 2014 Lexus annouced the addition of the "RC Coupe" to the sports family of Lexus world class performance platforms. The RC gives the driver the use of 314hp, all new aerodynamics, and a long list of enginering first. The cabin has the absolute most striking materials and colors that make any other sports car look like your Grandmothers car from Pasedena. LOL Read on and tell us what you think!! http://www.caranddriver.com/news/2015-lexus-rc-photos-and-info-news
  8. A good idea would be to use our data base search feature and look for something like "LS460 best tires", or " tires for LS460". Below is a link to a group of threads on this topic taken from a search I did of the data base. There are more in there. http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/topic/64642-best-replacement-tires-for-ls460/ The search window is at the top of the page, to the right.I usually use google as it seems to be give the best results. Paul
  9. I am always impressed with the thoroughness of your reports and the accuracy of your diagnosis. For example. After completing my doctorate, I went on to do some additional studies in Astro Physics. In particular, we were trying to measure the speed of light as it passed through a 2 foot snow drift when the temperature was -10 below. It became obvious we couldn't do it. From that, I first learned the scientific term, "KAPUTSKY!!!" LOL I love your threads and your sense of humor. No, I do not have a PHD. I barely made it through Algebra!LOL Paul
  10. Hi Martin, I looked at your other posting that Landar pointed out. Unless I'm missing something, you have indeed made two seperate postings for the same topic. This is an abuse of the forums resources and a waste of members time working two threads and not realizing they are each, the same thing. Because there is important information in both locations I am not going to delete or consolidate your threads. To do so would probably cause confusion. In the future, post your topic in the correct forum only once. Post a second item in the same forum only if it is a different topic. Paul
  11. I feel your pain....lol This new edition of the Navigation/Infotainment system is "dog dodo". It is cumbersome, not at all intuitive, and a potential car wreck waiting to happen. IMO, you should be able to access, operate,and select your preferances with a miniscule amount of time with your eyes of the road. Even with the use of the mouse, when you are driving in freeway traffic, dicking around with the mouse and trying to line up a particular target while trying to keep your eyes on traffic is not my idea of a "User Friendly" package. It reminds me of the old saw, "A Zebra is a horse that was designed by a committee". Whom ever Lexus chose for this design must have been told to use the concept of the New Coke Campaign. Paul
  12. Hi Lex. Glad to have you back. This topic seems to be one of those questions that takes on a life of its own. Since I joined the LOC, I can't remember a time when it wasn't up for conversation. I looked at my Owners Manual from my previous 2010 ES350, and it shows the fuel tank capacity to be 18.5 gallons, (US). The Owners Manual for my 2013 ES350 says it's capacity is 17 gallons. When the "low on fuel" warning light comes on the tank is supposed to have 2.5 gallons left. Frankly, I've never heard any two people say they each got the same number of gallons used or needed to fill the tank. If you don't have your owners manual you can go on line and find several sources for download. Also, go to Lexus.com and look for the Tech Support link. They should also be able to help you. No Charge. Paul
  13. Hi Marc and welcome to the LOC. Owners manuals are wonderful things. On page 100 of my 2013 it shows the feature labeled "Route Overview". It is precisely the same feature you describe as Route Preview. I did not find a listing for "Calendar"within the index. Yes, I know. Lexus may have made some overarching changes to the Nav software for the 2014 RX350. But as near as I can tell that is not the case here. If after reviewing your manual you still can't solve the problem, your quickest help would be to either call your dealer and explain the problem. Their customer service tech may be able to help you over the phone. This person is trained to go over all of a cars features and gadgets upon delivery of a customers new car. They have been very helpful. Or call Lexus Customer Service. They may have more current information regarding the Callendar feature. The link below will take you to the Lexus contact page. Paul http://www.lexus.com/contact/index.html
  14. Hi Keith and welcome to the Club. The Levinson system has always been held by Levinson as a propritary system. That is, they have never supplied anyone, even Lexus with technical manuals for repair. What Lexus does is diagnos the trouble, then exchange the bad module with a new module. They do not have the ability to just fix one little part. That is one reason why it is so exspensive to fix. After 12 years of service your problem could be one of several things. It could be an amplifier. If it is, this would be a suggestion. Have your Lexus dealer diagnos the problem. Get a bid. Contact this company in New York- "United Radio". They are the only company in the country that I know of that will work on Levinson systems. (their link is below.) Get a bid from them and see how you come out. Several members have used United Radio and have been very pleased. Come back and let us know how things are going. Paul http://unitedradio.com/automotive/
  15. Hi Peter and hope your haveing a good day up in the north country. I did a quick search of our data base and found this posting on removing the parcel shelf. In order to do that you must also remove the back seat back rest. It really isn't too hard, but it takes quite a bit of time and patience. There are other postings in the data base on this subject and I would suggest you check them out. If I remember right there may be one or two with some photos attached. The search window is at the top of every page and to the right side. If you are unfamiliar with speaker dynamics, impedance and wattage, I would suggest you try Crutchfield for help with a replacement speakers. Paul http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/topic/1351-95-speakers/
  16. Jim, I thought you told me that Missouri was the Midwest version of Florida! 15 degrees sounds more like Iowa. LOL
  17. When this has happened before to another member some time ago, he took a rather "baseball bat" approach to the problem. He disconnected the negative cable from the battery for 15 to 20 minutes, and it WORKED. The theory was that by cutting off all of the power to the DVD unit, it gave it time to drain all residuall power from all circuts and chips/componets i.e. chip integrated capacitors, etc.. When the power was restored to the DVD unit, it started up from scratch and reinitialized all the software. Why I said a "baseball bat" approach is that when you dissconect the negative cable you also wipe clean all of your other settings for your ES. Your seat settings, your radio presets are wiped, some of your instrument settinngs may have to be reset. In short it just takes some time to get everything back to normal. I am not making in any way any promises that this would work for you given your situatiion. Come back and keep us posted. Paul
  18. Hi Michael and welcome to the LOC. From what you've said so far I can't tell if the DVD you aquired was free or a OEM product. The obvious reason I ask is that there are some sources online that will put out faulty or fake code. If the DVD you used for your update is not Lexus OEM I would strongly urge you to reconsider returning your present DVD. It is difficult to say why your disc won't eject. However, it's not because of just the Map Disc. Other ES models, as well as other models will jam from time to time.
  19. A couple of things. In following that logic, if EVERYONE was cheating their employer by sneaking a Lexus home every week from the factory where they worked, then it wouldn't be stealing anymore since it was "acceptable behavior" again, because Everybody did it. Obviosly, my point is if this is the way that indeed the "game" is played, it does not obviate the players who make up the rules from bending the rules to their advantage and arbitrarly determining when and who the rule makers will provide a remedy. It may be that in fact, because of the parameters Lexus has apparently set for this problem, your out of luck in terms of getting the problem taken care of. However, as Jim says, just play the game and learn from the experiance. It still dosen't mean it's right. Paul
  20. Hi d and welcome to the Lexus Owners Club. Don't feel bad. The FOBs are designed to dissapear at any point during your ownership. This mysterious occurance happens wether there are children in the house or not. It happens to me usually when I'm running late and should have been on the road 15 minutes ago! LOL Many members, including myself, have gotten excellent service and prices from Sewell Lexus in Dallas, TX. I needed a FOB (new proximity style) for a 2013 ES350. My dealer wanted over $300 for one. I went online and checked with Sewell. Their price was $160.!! I ordered the FOB from Sewell and it came in about 3 days. Go to Sewellparts.com..You have to register to sign-in. At one point it will ask you if you belong to any Club or organization. Since you are now a member of the Lexus Owners Club check that line or enter LOC. I don't remember exactly how they ask for that. As a LOC member you will recieve a great discount on your purchase. Paul
  21. I put in a call to my contacts in service and admin. at my dealer late this PM. I'll talk with them tomorrow. What I'm trying to accomplish is constucting a path of resolution. I already knew this TSIB was not a "do it or die"!! problem, and I used a unrelated example for comparison. My error. Call me crazy, but when I pay $51,000 for a new RX (yes, I know this is not what Brian paid) I sure as hell don't expect the company decision makers to sit back at lunch and say "Well lets just skate on this noise thing. Unless an owner complains, we'll just let the mistake remain an internal secret. Hell they'll never know"!! Now if you have chosen your answer to be, "yes your crazy.", then why does a problem like this suddenly go away when the car's warranty expires? Lexus says "It was a problem once you decided to tell us about it, but your auto just turned a mile over the warranty limit when you drove into the service bay. That means it is not a problem anymore as far as Lexus is concerned. Now, If YOU think it's a problem you'll have to pay for fixing the problem we continue to tell you dosen't exist!" As you can tell,I have no strong feelings about this post. Paul
  22. Hi guys. I'm puzzeled. When the TSIB was issued for this problem did Lexus send a notice to every owner of an affected automoble, or was it the duty of the owner to find out on their own? Since when does a design/manufacturing defect become the responsibility of the owner after some magical date. Does that mean that the floor mat - accelerator recall suddenly became less deadly because someone said "Sorry. Times up. Good luck."? Paul
  23. Hi David and welcome to the Lexus Owners Club. At this point it sounds like you've covered all of the usual suspects, and after 4 hours under the hood with no progress, It looks like your dealer has also run into a brick wall. I would urge you, before you go any further with the diagnostics to speak to the Service Manager, not just a Service Writer, and establish an aggreement on what, if anything, they think they should charge you for the work done so far. When they find the trouble and you decide wether your going to have the dealer do the work, or do it your self, or have an independant mechanic do it, then negotiate those charges as a seperate item. If you decide to have the dealer do the repair, they shouldn't charge you anything for the diagnostic work. Your problem could be a short in the starter, the fuse with the alternator, bad cables even though you already cleaned the terminals. Did you disconnect the cables at both ends? Let us know how things are going. Paul
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