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Everything posted by pj8708

  1. Ask a simple question, get the Tower of Babel. In the 2013 ES350 NAVIGATION manual, it insturcts the user to say; "Automatic climate control."----This controls turning the system on and off. Say "warmer for more heat, and say cooler for colder air. I have found that with the two ES cars I've had with Navigation, the Nav owners guide always covers the audio system in the greatest depth. But, I have a feeling that this thread may just confuse the situation more.
  2. That is perfect!! If Mark Twain were here today he would probably throw up his hands and say, "Stop the world. I want to get off!" Paul
  3. So far it looks like everyones' doing very well. When you consider the broad range of ages and education, I still hold that our members have above average intelligence. Come on people. Take the quiz and feel pretty smug when your done.LOL LOL Paul
  4. Welcome to the "Twilight Zone"!!! I believe Lexus dealers provide some of the best service in the country. But.....there are always exceptions. Unfortunately, most of us oldies on the site will almost allways recomend AGAINST buying extended warranties. Per uaual, the policies cover little of the most troublesome parts. Additionaly, its a good bet you won't need it. In your example Jorg, You say you purchased your GS with 60 miles on it, Now, at November 2013 you have a whopping 10,000 miles on it! Your situation is a perfect example of when to let your better judgement take over. You do not need a Platinum warranty. The factory warranty is 4 years or 40,000 miles....bumper to bumper. If you are buying a pre owned Lexus you can buy one that is Certified by the Dealer and Lexus. Againn, the coverage is bumper to bumper. Length of term is 3 years I believe. Over the years, I have purchased Lexus from my dealer, using the Pre Owned Certifide Program. Paul
  5. Check out the spare tire compartment. There may be some tools not fastened down as they should be. Also, most people have found that there is always that little "thump" when you leave for work,just to remind you that it's going to be a bumpy day! Just a poor effort at humor. Paul
  6. I'll admit, the one that got by me was "which was smaller, a Nano or an Atom? A really dumb mistake. Conservatives are not stupid. They just suffer from vapor lock. LOL
  7. Over the years, from reading hundreads to thousands of post, it has been my belief that LOC members are more intelligent than the average American. For fun, I ran across this test/survey, that was developed to measure the learning level of high school graduates and those without a diploma. It also has segments testing adults. To find out your knowledge level of basic science and technology, take the short quiz and see how you come out!!. Paul http://techcrunch.com/2013/12/07/a-few-basic-science-and-tech-facts-many-americans-dont-know/
  8. Happy holidays Cduluk!! It's terrific to see these threads come back to life again. As anyone can tell, your "Mr. Wizard" mind always gives others the excitment to go out and try something your self. Also, as I read through the entire posting, I was amazed to see the number of members who we haven't heard from for over a year or more. If any of you reading this have a LOC friend, send them a holiday wish and invite them to join in the fun of talking about our favorite car(s). Happy Holidays to all of our Lexus Owners Club friends. Paul
  9. Hi again Jim! My answer is yes. You can re/program the FOB that came with it. However, there are some "but's". It has been different on model groups as the ignition/entry locks systems have evolved. I'm pretty confident that your model year GS is fairly easy to program. One other thing, some times the dealer will ask for a little rectangle metal piece which has a lock code stamped on it. Come back and let us know how things turned out so we can all learn. Paul
  10. Hi Jim and welcome to the LOC> Don't feel alone for this question comes up several times a year. There is really only one official guidline to follow. That is the fuel reccomended in your Owners Manual. This citation is what Lexus requires to back any warranty claims derived from using the wrong fuel. Where I live, we have always had 87,89,&91 octane gasoline. The 89 contained 10% ethanol. My Owners Manual allows for this type of fuel. Now, over the last two months, the State Gov. has stopped selling 89 octane and now, we only have 87 Octane, 87 octane with 10% ethanol. and 91 octane, no ethanol. Sinse these changes, I have moved to 91% straight gasoline. It's better for the engine, and there is evidence that ethanol needs to be in a higher blend ratio if it is help us continue reduce free CO2 molecules. My advice is to check your Owners Manual and ask a Service Advisor at your dealer. IMO, if your wallet is nice and fat, using 91 octane takes care of all of the questions. Paul
  11. Very strange! My only guess is that just like cutting the power to the entire system as you did when you re-started your engine, disconnecting the negative cable from your battery may have rebooted the system and cleared whatever software glitch there may have been. The big thing is that it's working. Crank the tunes! Paul
  12. Thanks for the article Lenore. My first impression is where's the comparable math? The authors throw out bushels of percentages and "facts" without sourecing the statistic or credit for study results. Even in the so called detail reference. I would have liked to have seen a comparrison of the authors figures to other conclusions such as the New York Times or the Congressional Budget Office. Regarding the limitations of doctors you can use or hospitals available for your choice, remember many of us who have been in insurance plans such as HMO's or PPO's, have been used to this for years. Another issue, hopefully, that will be helped by the Afordable Healthcare Act, (its not Obamacare actually, remember Congress passed the bill), is the astonding loss of payment for hospital Emergancy Room care. As you all know, hospital Emergancy Rooms have become the primary care center for millions of uninsured across the country. By law, a hospital Emergancy Room cannot refuse treatment to ANYONE who presents at an Emergancy Room for care. As I've may have mentioned before, my wife is the Chief Administrtive Officer in a Midwest Hospital System. Each year they deliver MILLIONS of unpayed for caare. People think that since they are a non-profit institution, they have have a magic treasure hidden in a hollow tree deep in the forest. There is no source of reimbursment. Thats why you see fund raisers, foundations to raise capital funds for replacement of old technology. The hope is that the Afforable Health Care Act will provide insurance for all and in turn will provide funds to hospitals to cover these huge loss's that are just getting bigger. Paul
  13. I wonder what department Jeep puts in charge of their ugly stick.
  14. Hi Larry and welcome to the club. This is the first time I have heard of this problem. Like you, I too have had other Lexus cars, and have had my 2013 ES since December of last year. During that time period I have not run into this issue. It sounds like, at least finaly, the dealer has become straight with you and has admitted the problem is something he can't fix until Lexus gets their butts in gear. Any situation like this where you have to deal long distance with an unknown Lexus entity can drive you nuts. My experience over the years with my dealer has been excellent. It almost sounds like there is condensate from the A/C laying in the duct work instead of draining out like it should. All of us see that puddle of water underneath the engine when the A/C has been running and we stop and park the car. Please let us know your progress as this situation unfolds so we can all learn. Paul
  15. Hi Bob and welcome to the LOC. The link below will take you to some threads from other members talking about replacing the battery in your LS430 FOB. Hope this helps. Paul http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/topic/65298-2003-ls430-key-battery/
  16. A wish for a beautiful and peaceful Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones. Paul
  17. A beautiful and peaceful Thanksgiving to all of you and your loved ones, Paul
  18. No problem. One of the things you have with your premium system, is a three level equalizer. I find that adjusting these setting's makes a big differance in the way the music sounds.Note: If you try to play your system with the bass set a full, you will probably get distortion at high volume. To improve the presence of the bass and it's deep, smooth transition across the music's range, I installed a small (8"inch), subwoofer in the trunk. I have had people tell me these few, inexspensive changes, have made my "Premium" Lexus system sound better than the Mark Levinson. The ML is a wonderful system. But at $2700 or so, I kind of swallow hard. There are some technical things about the system that can make it exspensive to maintain. But, it is still rated as one of the very best in auto radio. Happy Thanks Giving
  19. Remember this moment in time........, on this day in history, Paul agreed in part with some of what Lenore said. I am humbled. In comparison, using Social Security as a bench mark, a look back over the introduction of the idea, the debate of it's benifits, and it's sputtering implmentation, made FDR unpopular and dealing with an unhappy populace for several years. Paul
  20. OMG Bullwinkle. We must be in the way back machine...LOL It's been quite a while since we've had a real dust up on here. In fact, over the last year or so, the moderators have received some comments about too much politics on the site. They wanted car talk only. My opinion only, we have a forum specifically labeled for open conversation. Anyone is welcome to come in and play or move on to other Lexus forums. The "open microphone" forum fosters comradery and long time frienships among dozens of members. Regardless of the conversation or topic, we do and will moderate the threads to insist that they follow the LOC rules and guidlines. If someone begins to get out of hand we will not hesitate to ban that member. Paul David;....I haven't got the time at the moment to put up my wisdom from my highly superior Democratic brain. I hope to be back Monday.
  21. I'm going to come dowm in the middle of this one. I believe it happened and can't see a profitable reason for saying it didn't. There have been a handful of additional reports exactly like yours where the sun roof has exploded. You might want to do a search of our data bank to find other post. On the other hand, if, as I say there have been other reports for this same problem, why has Lexus not sent out a service bulletin about it. I think I'll contact Lexus next week. Paul
  22. I think your right on target. I went back and pulled the the original window MSRP/invoice. In very small print within the special accessories section, there is a line marked "Dark Instruments", " Darker than a Coal Mine, Darker than the inside of a Bruised Crow!! Actually, I had the "Black Beauty" in last week to put on snow tires and like any other 65 year older with a memory like a sieve, I forgot to ask to ask the dealer about it!!! Paul
  23. Still looking for a thread of insparation ????? Anyone?? Paul
  24. Hi Nicole, Not much of an expert in this field but no, a fuel pump can last for years. In this situation, You've diagnosed your patient without taking any test or examination for a true method of finding the cure. I would suggest you have a dealer or Autozone plug in and read out the diagnostic codes. Also, the read out of the codes could show a need for plugs, plug wires, coil packs and on and on. When you consider the age and miles on the car, it could use several things. Do you know who owned it before you? The Lexus dealer may be able to pull up the history of any service that a Lexus dealer may have done. Come back and let us know what you found out. Paul
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