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Everything posted by pj8708

  1. Hi Vlad and welcome to the Club. Sorry we didn't get back to you sooner. I'm afraid I don't have any helpful news for you. This is a problem that has not come up very often and your particular situation is a head scratcher. I have two sugestions however. There is a technical web site just for Lexus, Toyota, and Scion makes. It cover all of the technical data available including service bulletins, parts diagrams, trouble shooting and a bunch. The one draw back is that there is a fee for access to the data. I usuall sign up for the two day use which is $15. You can also sign up for a month, year, and so on. I believe a year is around $1,200. https://techinfo.toyota.com/techInfoPortal/appmanager/t3/ti?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=ti_home_page&SMENC=ISO-8859-1&SMLOCALE=US-EN&SMAUTHREASON=0&SMAGENTNAME=%24SM%24mT%252bGLraBu9CwUVnZg4mEDzB2kysT90hgbwsWgdZzNOc%253d&TARGET=%24SM%24https%3A%2F%2Ftechinfo.toyota.com%2F Also, is you haven't search the data base hear on the LOC site. Hope this helps. Paul
  2. Welcome as well Izzy. I have a 2013 ES and a 2013 RX. Both have nav with XM. Just to be sure I went back through my owners manual, as well as going out to the ES to back track the steps needed for starting a new subscription. While doing that process I didn't find anything about "all channels". I also hand tuned the Sat. readio to 100 but got the same results as you. Now I'm curious. Lexus equips each car that is sold new with a 6 month XM subsription. If your IS was not equiped this way when you drove it home, is this the first time you've tried to install XM? Paul http://www.lexus.com/contact/
  3. Hi Brendan. Unfortunately, it looks like no one either has or dosen't know where to buy the special addition Pebble Beach matts. Based on my own experiance, E-bay is where I have had the best luck in finding scarce parts for autos. Another source for information as to where another possible source might be is Lexus Customer Service or Lexus Tech Service. The link below will give you the information to contact Lexus. Hopefully, one of these will pan out for you. Paul http://www.lexus.com/contact/
  4. Hi Lori, As Becki said, your first step is to make sure you have power. It is not undeard of for a key to loose it's programing, in particular when you stop and remember your SC430 is 20 years old. ( I still think the SC should have never been discontinued). If that doesn't do the trick then buying a new key/fob should fix the problem. I did a quick search on-line and found this site which carry's a large selection of auto keys. The new key/fob is about $30.00. This link should take you to the page which shows the Lexus model and year to cross reference to the correct key/fob. A special note: The key for your SC430 - 2004, is designed to be on-board programable. This means you will be able to sit in the drivers seat, and by following the directions that come with the key, you'll be able to program the key your self. Please come back and let us know how your coming along. Paul https://www.remotesandkeys.com/Lexus-Ingenuity-Transponder-Key-p/cktoy50pt.htm
  5. Hi Moke, and welcome to the Lexus Owners Club. I had Nav. in my 2010, ES350 and really liked it. NOTE: "dcfish" & Moke - New members do not have access to the PM (Personal Message) feature until after they have posted between 5 - 10 post/threads. This is to prevent SPAMERS from flooding the forums with spam PM's and potential MalWare. I would suggest you two use e-mail instead. Let me know if you have any questions.
  6. You heard it! "dcfish" is the expert. He's forgotten more about these systems than I'll ever know. He is also a LOC approved vendor of Lexus electronic and audio systems. You might check with him to see if he has an amp available.
  7. Hi Peter and welcome to the Lexus Owners Club. Your new Lexus operates a little diffrently with the push to start feature. If the car is turned off, and you wish to retsore power for accsesories such as the radio, just push the "Start/Stop" button twice and you will see power come on for your radio and other items. One important thing you MUST remember, you have to have your fob with/on you at the time you want to do this. Without the fob the car has no way of knowing if you want the radio or if your trying to steal the car. Let us know if you have any trouble. Paul
  8. The Lexus team came up short over the weekend coming in 3rd at the Super GT in Japan. The video of the last few laps of the race are great to watch, however, you won't be able to understand a word. The "Play by Play" is in Japenes. But the announcer's excitment really comes across in any lanuage. Takea look!!! Paul http://us1.campaign-archive1.com/?u=c8d07861212a6ff83112f89f7&id=0c40b1908c&e=03d7af6b56
  9. Hi Robert and welcome to the Lexus Owners Club. Even thou your getting one "second" of sound does not let the amplifier off the hook. If it was the head unit, radio, you would probably still here some humming from the speakers as you turned the volume up all the way. The amp may clip instantly from a sudden surge or other component failure. This is out in left field, but since your at it, take a good look at the fuse panels. My guess would be the amp. and to take it to a well known auto audio installer. You can take it to your Lexus dealer, but you would pay way to much. Please come back and let us know how things turn out. Paul
  10. Hi David. We're glad your one of our new mem Lexus has historicaly followed a 5 year new model plan for the ES family. For example last year, 2013, was the intorduction of a new design for the ES350. The next new model should be introduced in 2017. I'm curious about why you dislike your 2011 so deeply? I had a 2010 ES350. The interior was'nt my favorite but it was problem free, uiet, and comfortable. Paul
  11. Try Sewell Lexus in Dallas, TX. They have a large amount of Lexus parts inventory and just by chance may have what you need. Go to "Sewellparts.com." Also, look at Loyds matts or Weather Tech floor matts. Good hunting! Paul
  12. From the Lexus Enthusist site comes this look at the new RC and all of it's new technology. Plus a 360' look at the car. The grill will take a little getting used to in my opinion but it is very agressive looking head on. From the RC feature you can navigate your way to the NX overview. This new breed is beautiful and with power to match. What are your opinions? Would you buy one of these? Speak up! http://www.lexus-int.com/models/RC/#view360
  13. I agree. At that price you could probably get the bra put on all over again. Get a quote and an explanation from a shop that does this procedure. I have never heard of applying the product to a front grill. IMO, the best film is made by 3M. Paul
  14. pj8708

    Is Future?

    Yes, this is a year old but loaded with IS info about it's future......or not? Paul http://lexusenthusiast.com/2013/03/11/is-the-lexus-is-f-being-discontinued/
  15. High praise from the Wall Street Journal. The writer predicts the IS F will become a collectors car. Paul info@lexusenthusiast.com
  16. This review from the Wallstreet Journal's auto correspondent predicts the IS F will become a collectors item for the incredible forward engineering and advanced performance. Now, the question is, will there be a new IS F in 2014? Paul info@lexusenthusiast.com
  17. Hi Roger and welcome to the Lexus Owners Club. Yours is a really good question which I don't think I've ran across before. It makes perfect sense. I have not driven a ES300h and therefore can't offer you an experianced answer. However, I think the best bet and a expert bet would be to go directly to Lexus Customer Service and get an answer from them. The link below will take you directly to their site, Please come back and let us know what youfind out. Paul http://www.lexus.com/contact/index.html
  18. Hey Jon, No need to run away! We take in stray dogs and cats as well as those who have gone astray. lol Please feel free to stay around and check-in at the "General Chat" forum. You'll soon find the error of your ways....lol Paul
  19. Hi Clay and welcome to the Club! Frankly, I don't exactly know what the problem is. But I've got to tell you, having had this problem for 3 years and escaping a failure of some type makes me kringe. My suggestion is to take your RX either to a dealer or trusted mechanic and get the problem pin pointed. My guess is that it could be anything from bearings, rotors, struts, etc. Please come back and let us know what you find out. Have a great holiday. Paul
  20. Thanks Lenore for reminding us to stop om Memorial Day and remember with gratitude the sacrifices made by many to protect we few. I think too about the over 620,000 who died in our Cival War...... yes, you read that right. Over 620,000, and now the killing continues in Ukraine, Afganistan, the middle east, Nigeria, and other areas where someone wants some thing some else has or vice-versa. In stead of walking around the Grocery Store with a gun straped on, let's try walking around looking for ways to help the older lady reach the dog treats on the top shelf. Peace. Paul
  21. Thanks Alan for posting this Recall! It's the first I have ever heard of the problem. (that doesen't mean much as I'm always the last one in my family to get the punch line of a joke). With this recall along with GM's recalls, pretty soon we will have more cars' in the shop than on the road. Thanks again Alan, Paul
  22. Hey guys, Excelent job! The finished project looks perfect. One of the best OEM mods I've ever seen! In reading your threads its' obvious you two are well versed in auto audio and video topics. The Club does not recieve a great deal of traffic around these issues, but there are certainly enough that we need to do a better job of providing more helpful and accurate information. To that end, I am wondering if both of you would be willing to act as "Guru's in Residence" lol But I am serious. It would be great If we could call on one or the other of you to answer a posting now and then. I don't anticipate this would be on a frequent basis Please give it some thought and let me know what you think. Thanks guys, Have a great weekend! Paul
  23. Hello Donald. I apologize for someone not getting back to you sooner. Part of the problem is that someone who drives a 460L with air suspension is not terribly common. lol I have not driven a LS460L with the ASP so I can't compare it's temperment to one without the ASP. However, my current Lexus has the Sport and Comfort settings. My wifes 2007 Volvo S80 had on the fly setting for Comfort, Snow, and Sort. In each of these cars the Sport setting stiffened the suspension so the car would reduce the amount side to side roll, and its handeling on curving roads. If I'm not mistaken, the 460L, because of it's additional weight, I would think it already come with a stiffersuspension. My thought, waiting for the TP package isn't worth it. As I already said the Sport setting will take care of your needs about 80% of the time unless you decide to enter the Race to the Top at Pikes Peak, Colorado. lol Please come back and let us know how things are going Paul
  24. Hello Fabio and welcome to the Lexus Owners Club! Many years ago when I was in school, you could take classes to learn Spanish or Latin, but not Portuguese. So I'm glad you speak english as well. If you'd like to get to know some of the other great members just log in to the "General Chat Room" forum and talk about your Lexus or whatever. Paul
  25. Hi Sairick. You need to include all data for your car including model, year, miles, mods, add-ons. Thanks.
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