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Everything posted by pj8708

  1. Good to know Larry. Thanks for the info! Paul
  2. Hi everyone, If your a "DIY" type, go to Toyota Information Services or "TIS.com. This is Toyota's technical web site for Lexus, Toyota, and Scion cars. This service contains nearly everything you might want to know about your Lexus, including electrical. The fee for two days use is $15. An annual subscription is around $1,200. If you have a question about your Lexus, even going back to 1990, give this tool a try. Paul
  3. Beam me up Scotty for I have seen the Promised Land and it is awesome. With 540hp this baby moves like liquid glass, hot and smooth. Vossen, a tuning compony in Japan has modified the GT 3 for racing, Heres your link. What do you think of the changes? http://us1.campaign-archive2.com/?u=c8d07861212a6ff83112f89f7&id=ab8822edb3&e=03d7af6b56#mctoc1
  4. Your right Matt. I had no worries with the Nav/Radio system in my 2010 ES, but when they shuffeld the software and added the "Mouse" function in 2013, this old !Removed! can't seem to tell an Ohm from a Watt. Maybe I should go back to Morse Code...lol Welcome Matt. Paul
  5. I can't tell from your post if this is the first time you've had this problem, or if it is a recurring problem. If the bearings go bad and rub the belt out of alignment it would sound like the pulley is some how mounted out of "true center" with the belt tracking placement. It probably would'nt cost you a dime to have a reputable mechanic look it over and give you some advice. Paul
  6. Hi Deb, re you sstill there?.......WE owe you a huge apology if you have us still on your list of Lexus sites. I have no idea what happened to your post but it just poped up today as an unread posting. So please forgive or mistake. It is nearly impossible to diagnose your problem over a few emails particularly when there are multiple issues involved. I will say that that the blue and white smoke is not a happy sign. It may mean oil being burned in the combustion chamber. The most important thing to do before any thing else, is to take your car, if it can run that long, to your dealer or Auto Zone store, and have then hook up their small computer that downloads the problem codes which your car has stored every time there has been a problem. This dooes not fix your car but tells the mechanic what to look for. Auto Zone stores usualy do this for frree. As to your dealer, it just depends on their policy. Just call the dealer and tell them the situation and ask about down loading the codes. Paul
  7. No I don't good buddy. It's been a while and I had them take the Bridgestones off so soon I didn't have a chance to take the time to write things down. However, the last time I went through the dealers lot, many 2014's had Bridgestones were shiped in with Bridgestones. My dealer took the position that sinse the Bridgestones were brand new coming off the ES, they would just sell them for another new ES since they were OEM, and make up the difference for Michelins by that transaction. By doing that, every one gets their wish and everyone walks away with no need for out of pocket cash. Paul
  8. Thanks Jeff ! It goes to show you can learn something new every day. Paul
  9. Hi Bobbi and welcome to the Lexus Owners Club. As Lex-Sv said, there probably isn't as much difference in a smoother ride between a 19" and a 18". Howerver, there is a tremendus difference in tire brands. With my 2013 ES350, it came with Brigestone tires. I hated them. They produced lots of road noise and you felt every bump. My previous Lexus had Michlen Primacy tires. I loved them. So the dealer took the Bridgestone tires off and traded them for the Michelin tires, If you haven't, go to "Tire Rack".com and look at the tires suggested for your RX. Consumer Reports also has good info on tires. Paul
  10. Hi Patrick and welcome to the LOC. In most models of Lexus cars from those model years, the TPMS is mounted underneath the dash on the right side of the drivers leg. On some model packages, there is a second button next to the TPMS button. I'm sorry however for the life of me I don't remember it's exact function. In case someone else doesn't come here with a complete answer, I'm going to paste a link to Lexus Customer Service, They should be able to help with any questions you might have. Please come back and fill us in on your outcome. Paul http://www.lexus.com/contact/
  11. This article, from todays Lexus Enthuist, appears to put legs underneath the rumors about the introduction of an all new SC in 2017. It supposedly will borrow heavely from the LFA technology, but at $150,000 a pop, I don't think you'll be seeing one in my garage any time soon. The target market is the high end MB and other performance european cars in this profile. After you read the article, tell everyone your two cents. Has Lexus laid a golden egg, or a plate full of scrambled eggs? Paul http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/topic/80910-new-sc-in-2017/
  12. This article, from the Lexus Enthusist, makes the return of an all new SC more than just a rumor. The expected launch date is 2017 and at a price that puts it out of range for many of folks like me. At $150,000, it supposedly will have a great deal of power and technology brought over from the LFA. After reading what I see as pretty darn exciting news, what do you think? Is it "too cool for school" or priced to high that it won't be of any value to the average Lexus owner? Give everyone your two cents worth. Paul http://lexusenthusiast.com/2014/06/11/lexus-sc-return-2017/
  13. Hi Peter and welcome. By tag I assume you mean setting your favorite stations to assigned "buttons" or presets as Lexus calls them. The answer depends on whether your GX is equiped with navigation or without navigation. The procedure in each circumstance is spelled out in your owners manuals. If you have navigation, the instructions are in the navigation manual. Below is the contact information for Lexus customer service should you need help. http://www.lexus.com/contact/
  14. You say it "sounded like a tank" when the seller started it. Does that mean it was just loud or did it run rough? If it ran alright at that point, but not after your work on it, it would seem logical to work backwords to your original starting point.
  15. Begiining last year, I have heard rumors off and on about the prospects of Lexus and BMW getting their heads together for collaberation on a totally new automobile. Well according to this article fron Car Magazine that rumor is in fact a reality. The new joint venture, code named, "Silk Road", is scheduled to come out in 2017 or 2018. With close to 500hp, the car is designed to meet the Porsche 911 head on. Read the article and then give us your two cents worth. Paul http://us1.campaign-archive2.com/?u=c8d07861212a6ff83112f89f7&id=8b685873e3&e=03d7af6b56
  16. Wow Adam. Thats quite a list! In order for you to collect answers for all that information your going to have to be patient. I say that because many of your questions can have multiple answers because they are so subjective. One person may tell you that replacing the engine is a must, but you should pay no more than &500. Your question regarding the collectability of your 92' LS400 is also subjective. To my knowledge, the LS of those model years are not considered classics yet because there are so many of them still on the road every single day. However, of late, I have seen these Lexus early 1990's cars refered to as "Legacy" models. I imagine there will be others who will chime in here. I would suggest doing searches of our data base where there are thousands of post on many topics. Paul
  17. Hi Clayface, I'm not sure what to tell you. The best place to start would be taking the car to an Auto Zone or similar place and have the codes downloaded to see if there is something that will head you in the right direction. Since your SC won't start at all your rather short on options. It could be something in conjunction with the extra load placed on the system when the AC was turned on. Someone else should come along and give you better info than I. PJ
  18. Check out Lexus of USA's new redesigned website. More information, more updates on new models yet to be released, and plenty of links to other Lexus focused links. http://lexusenthusiast.com/2014/06/09/lexus-usa-launches-new-website-design/ Paul
  19. For 2014, Lexus is going toe-toe with our European friends, MB and BMW, for most sales begining the first of June. The earthquake and tideal wave in 2011 forced a halt to nearly all Lexus models. Now, back in almost pre-earthquake condition, Lexus has even been able to go into production with the new Nx and RC. See the link below for full story. Paul http://us1.campaign-archive1.com/?u=c8d07861212a6ff83112f89f7&id=6a226f4b44&e=03d7af6b56
  20. The "cherry red" points to the catalytic converter. It is probably just bad timing that the two would happen simultaneously. Over time, the CAT, as it's called, can become blocked and the exhaust from the engine is unable to pass through. This creates a substanial back pressure to the engine and can result in what your experiancing. Over the years and miles driven, any car may eventuaity have the CAT replaced. It is not cheap. The convertor is plated with platinum in order to set up the chemical reaction that removes polutants from the exhaust. You may get a price from your dealer or a reputable mechanic. Paul
  21. As a follow up to your note up above, and for all of you who like or need to do your repairs your self ,I've placed a link to a Toyota and Lexus website called TID for short. It is an amazing collection of parts and diagrams for all mechanical assemblys and all electrical systems and wiring diagrams. It also has all Technical Service Bulletins and recall information put out by Lexus. This a terrific source of knowledge. The catch is that you pay for the amount of time you want to use the site. The smallest block of time is 2 days for $15 dollars. It goes on to by the week, month, year. A year is between $1,000 and $1200. I find that I can learn and trouble shoot a lot over a 2 day period. Paul https://techinfo.toyota.com/techInfoPortal/appmanager/t3/ti?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=ti_home_page&SMENC=ISO-8859-1&SMLOCALE=US-EN&SMAUTHREASON=0&SMAGENTNAME=%24SM%24mT%252bGLraBu9CwUVnZg4mEDzB2kysT90hgbwsWgdZzNOc%253d&TARGET=%24SM%24https%3A%2F%2Ftechinfo.toyota.com%2F
  22. Hi Oscar and welcome to the Club. I too had a 2005, ES330 and if I remember correctly, it was like most other Lexus years. That is to say there are those settings that can be customized by the owner, and other settings that can only be done by the dealer. These are clearly spelled out in the Owners Manual. On a new Lexus, or a Certified Pre-owned Car, all of the settings are done free of charge. However, Sense changing these settings is so simple and quick, I can't imagine that the dealer you bought your Lexus from would charge you a dime. If you don't have an Owners Manual, go online and do a search. There are tons of places that have them. Also, you can call or e-mail Lexus.com for more info. Hope this helps. Paul
  23. New for this year at the Tokyo Lexus show, Lexus showed two made for Lexus short films around the topic of life and achievment,There was alsoplenty of footage and indepth information about the new RC F. (It handles like a dream even at over 7.000 rpm. Enjoy and tell everyone how you like the new color! http://us1.campaign-archive2.com/?u=c8d07861212a6ff83112f89f7&id=f7bc604cfb&e=03d7af6b56
  24. Hi Jill and welcome to the Lexus Owners Club. I'm with you! The entry/exit feature is just one of my favorite features. The link below is to a web site for technical information on Lexus, Toyota, and Scion models. The information shows a diagram for the circuits that connect the memory function to the controls. This may be more than you want. Another thing to check that is quick and easy are the fuses'. Your owners manual has a page which shows the location and purpose of each fuse. TIF is the name of the technical site. If the circut diagram doesn't help, you can create an account for 2 days for $15 and look through all of the Lexus tech info you wish. Please write back and let us know how things are going. Paul https://techinfo.toyota.com/t3Portal/resources/jsp/siviewer/index.jsp?dir=rm/RM1048U&href=xhtml/RM1048U_0885.html&locale=en&model=LS430&MY=2004&keyWord=memory&t3id=RM1048U_0885&User=false&publicationNumber=RM1048U&objType=rm&docid=659236&context=ti
  25. Always go with what your owners manual tells you. It ensures you'll get the best performance and always meet the requirments of your warrenty. Paul
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