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Road Rage


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I'm not one to just start new threads, but there was a "certian" thread that was brought up about 2 weeks ago that seemed to really touch on some very contested practices. And because this board has input from across the nation and even over seas, I thought maybe we could air out some issues. I know we won't solve anything, but maybe the next time someone does something I think is really dumb, maybe from our talks I might be able to understand some of the thinking or see it from thier point of view. And by all mean, I think we should just raise Kane in here. LOL!!

Ok, so I'll start with:

Why in the :censored: do so many people think that if they miss their turn, it's ok to jump across 3 lanes of traffic, make everyone else do hands stands, and that if everyone doesn't clear a path for them we're the idiots???? You can clearly see them screaming at everyone else for not getting out of their way. What are they saying? How could they possibly think that I need to stop and move out of the way because they are in the wrong lane, nevermind that they cut you off 4 miles ago to get into that lane in the first place. What is sooooooo wrong with just going to the next turn? and going back the road you needed? Can someone help me out with this?

I have alot more, as I'm sure alot of you have also. PLEASE post it here, so I can atleast say, "Ah HA!! I'm not the only one that feels like that."

And by the way, if you identify yourself as the person doing it???, we'd like to hear from you too ;) . I gotta hear the other side of these.

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Left lane bandits....I hope they all die very slow and painful deaths.:pirate: LOL You cruise on the right and pass on the left. It's really quite simple.

I also hate people who are scared to merge on to the interstate. Here's a thought: put the pedal down and let yourself in to the flow of traffic and don't expect someone to slow down 20mph to let you in. They're not as bad as the above group though.

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Just a few…

I absolutely hate having someone in the left or the passing lane that is holding up traffic. It drives me crazy when drivers create a moving roadblock and hold everyone up. :chairshot:

Turn signals...what are they for? Do they teach people to use them anymore? :chairshot:

People that ride you A___ :censored: this goes with my 1st one if someone is in front of me I can not drive through them. So get off of my A S S.

I hate getting blown by a police officer that I see a couple miles up at a Royal Farms getting coffee.

TEXT MESG while driving...wow you are cool.

Reading news paper while driving...

Putting makeup on while driving... Mostly women…

People that speed through a parking lot. There are kids and people that are walking…

Wow...this is easy. I will think of some more.

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i hate driver up close... when i asked the driver to back off she gave me hand signals.... i was so angry i did not see the speed camera and got a ticket.. die that person DIE!!! :censored:

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OMG OMG OMG..... this *BLEEP*es me off the worst!!!!! there is a railroad track crossing closeby me where they pickup and drop off cars.... i don't know if any of you guys have ever experienced this, but it makes me wanna get out a kick the conductor guy in the face!!! it's where the train crosses by and then stops and he gets out and changes the track and backs up and drops sum cars and then goes back across changes the track... backs up again... and blah blah blah this happens like 5 times back and forth... and takes like 30 minutes... stopping traffic till the next town..... what the hell is wrong with these people!!!!?????? does anyone else have to deal with this!!!

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o0o i had a very dramatic and traumatic experience like a month ago. just thinking about it gets my heart racing again.

so if any of you have ever been on the bay bridge, you know the streets that allow you to get onto the bridge are really jammed in the rush hour times. so im waiting patiently in the turning lane (one turning lane is all there is) and im so close to the bridge entrance and i can almost smell the dead seaweed in the bay. all of a sudden this guy cuts everyone behind me on my left hand side trying to cut in front of me. im basically next in turning on the intersection and this guy just keeps inching forward, and im inching forward. HES NOT EVEN SIGNALLING NOR GIVING ME THE FRIENDLY HAND. anyways, at this point, im honking for like 15 seconds non stop...hehe (a nice touch in my opinon)...because then everyone else behind me is honking as well. So im inching forward and hes inching forward and finally he gives up (cause he was in an E class mercedes, and I was in my crappy Sienna) and as i pass him, i give him the middle finger. thats when things turn for the worse.

apparently, that really ticked him off cause he got out of his car (traffic jam so i couldnt go anywhere), and came up to my window, and was banging on my glass shouting "OPEN YOUR WINDOW". at this point, my wife in the passenger seat is screaming at the top of her lungs, and im yelling at him to back away from the vehicle. of course i didnt open the window. though a gun might have been nice. lol

well, im guessing his punching of my window hurt him more than it hurt my car....hehe.... at this point, this other car from another intersection of the street stops next to us, double parks in the middle of the street, and tells him to get back in his !Removed! car. lol. yay somebody defended me. he was a big guy too, so it must have freaked out the guy at my door.

to put the icing in the cake, i let the guy who defended me to get in front of me in the car. haha

so i just want to say, even though i was probably wrong to use the middle finger (first time in my life btw in a driving scenario), he deserved it. there are some crazy people out there so beware. ill probably think twice about doing that ever again.

and for those who back him up, there was no way he could miss the 100 gazillion signs telling him that the turning lane was for the bay bridge (even if he was a tourist), nor could he ignore the long line behind me.

i just want to say what a jack@$$. stay safe guys and thanks for letting me vent.

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o0o i had a very dramatic and traumatic experience like a month ago. just thinking about it gets my heart racing again.

so if any of you have ever been on the bay bridge, you know the streets that allow you to get onto the bridge are really jammed in the rush hour times. so im waiting patiently in the turning lane (one turning lane is all there is) and im so close to the bridge entrance and i can almost smell the dead seaweed in the bay. all of a sudden this guy cuts everyone behind me on my left hand side trying to cut in front of me. im basically next in turning on the intersection and this guy just keeps inching forward, and im inching forward. HES NOT EVEN SIGNALLING NOR GIVING ME THE FRIENDLY HAND. anyways, at this point, im honking for like 15 seconds non stop...hehe (a nice touch in my opinon)...because then everyone else behind me is honking as well. So im inching forward and hes inching forward and finally he gives up (cause he was in an E class mercedes, and I was in my crappy Sienna) and as i pass him, i give him the middle finger. thats when things turn for the worse.

apparently, that really ticked him off cause he got out of his car (traffic jam so i couldnt go anywhere), and came up to my window, and was banging on my glass shouting "OPEN YOUR WINDOW". at this point, my wife in the passenger seat is screaming at the top of her lungs, and im yelling at him to back away from the vehicle. of course i didnt open the window. though a gun might have been nice. lol

well, im guessing his punching of my window hurt him more than it hurt my car....hehe.... at this point, this other car from another intersection of the street stops next to us, double parks in the middle of the street, and tells him to get back in his !Removed! car. lol. yay somebody defended me. he was a big guy too, so it must have freaked out the guy at my door.

to put the icing in the cake, i let the guy who defended me to get in front of me in the car. haha

so i just want to say, even though i was probably wrong to use the middle finger (first time in my life btw in a driving scenario), he deserved it. there are some crazy people out there so beware. ill probably think twice about doing that ever again.

and for those who back him up, there was no way he could miss the 100 gazillion signs telling him that the turning lane was for the bay bridge (even if he was a tourist), nor could he ignore the long line behind me.

i just want to say what a jack@$$. stay safe guys and thanks for letting me vent.

Cell phones while driving, Lunch @ the wrong hour (while on the cell phone), Makeup that won't help (while on the cell phone)..., Backseat drivers, Drunk drivers, And any other form of lack of respect for the other driver. Then there is OH I DROPPED MY CIGARETTE, I had to give my baby a nooker and forgot I was driving and the list gets longer everyday. Does anyone remember and abide by the rules and laws that they aquired there liscence by??? First come first serve.... :whistles:

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Here's my list:

* People in my neighborhood that drop their kids off for middle school in the center of the road when there is an empty parking lot 5' away (the school is straight in front of the road I'm on - and the kids have to walk down the street to the stop light/cross walk anyway). No signal, no flashers, nothing. The parking lot is a business that doesn't open until after school starts & there are no signs saying no drop off, no turn around, etc.

* People that try to turn left onto a busy 4 lane road when there is a stop light a 50' away. There is a very busy gas station - cheapest on in town - that people try to turn left out of all the time. My personal favorite is when they do it at rush hour. Plus there is a center lane & a turn lane for a total of 6 lanes. Fun for all!

* Slow pokes in the LEFT LANE!! Have people not heard phrases such as the "Fast Lane" or the "Passing Lane"? If there are 3 lanes of traffic, why do people drive the speed limit or slower in the left lane? My boss is a culprit of this.... I'm so embarrassed driving on the highway with her. I hide my face from the people flying past us on the right. She also likes to tailgate SEMIS!!! That's fun also - really gets the blood flowing. Missing turnoffs is normal since I can't see road signs until we are right under them.

* Why do people wash their windshield at 65 mph on the highway with people behind them? I just love that residual wiper fluid on my clean car.

* When traffic appears to be stopped right after a stop light (light is still green), why do people still enter the intersection? Really fun when the intersection is blocked and no one going any direction can move.

* People that block driveways. It never fails that someone needs to turn into a business & it's blocked by traffic.

Ok.... I'm done for tonight.

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Rx330, I know its hard, but you should never do that. ESPECIALLY when you cannot drive away. Had he had a gun, you very well both could be dead. I've flipped the finger once or twice but I've always been moving LOL.

Doing it while boxed in takes balls! I'm impressed ;)

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well to be honest...i didnt think he would have a gun. he was a middle aged white man in a mercedes with children and a wife in the car. i was quite surprised he did that infront of his family, or who i thought is his family. his wife didnt even try and stop him. she was just watching. gets me so mad. at the moment, i didnt think he would actually get out of his car.

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People like that like to intimidate people. Unfortunately, it's how things escalate, as niether wants to be the one to "back down" once they initiate the confrontation. I think you did the best thing by just staying in the car, and staying cool. But I really feel he was in the wrong for getting out of his car. I mean come on, I'm sure he's been flipped off lots of times before in his life, and called much worse to his face. He needs to chill!! If that ever happens again, jump on your cell phone, get thier tag number right away, and explain whats going on. Then if it does escalate, you have that on your side.

Ok, I have a you call it scenerio. I'll put up the scene, and you give me your opinion on how to handle it. Cool?

Your driving down the freeway. The speed limit is 65 mph. Traffic is medium density. It's 3 lanes, your in the middle lane. Your doing between 65 and 70 and approximately 2 1/2 seconds behind the car in front of you. And the car behind you is comfortably spaced as well. A Ford F 150 style deisel pick up truck comes tooling up the outside lane at about 85 mph. He comes to "slower" traffic and now wants over into your lane in front of you. You think he probably want s over to get into the inside lane so he can continue. Let's say he put his blinker on to tell you he wants over, or as he is closing the space between him and the slower car, and you anticipate he is going to want over.....

Question: Do you slow down and let him by?, Speed up a hair and make him work his way around some other way, or just trap him there so he has to slow down, or just ignore him and the situation all together and continue your own path?

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two words..... "tip drill" LOL..... nah, i would prolly ignore him and then if he did get in front of me i'd get in a different lane..... i can't stand being behind suvs/trucks/anything i can't see around... i mean it's not that i don't trust the people in front of me.... it's that i don't trust the people in front of me.... :D

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LOL!!! See, the reason I put that scene together is this, Does the blinker ask "Is it ok to come over?" Or does it tell "I'm coming over." And then you, ( Being the other car), now respond?, or react? Do we let them in, or block to say no? Is it ok to to say no? Is it ok to ask to even come over? See, what I'm tryin to say here? flop brought up a good point, I hate having SUV's and big trucks in front of me. So does that mean I have the right to block others? Isn't that kinda being a jerk ? But on the other hand, if everytime a car or truck pulled up next to me and put on a turn signal to merge into my lane, and I allways slowed down or yeilded the right of way to allow them to move in, then I think my stress level be thru the roof!!

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It's soo interesting to hear the road rage stories you guys just posted. But let me ask you guys something, have any of you ever visited the Philippines? Cuz I remember before I relocated here, I easily got mad at some of the circumstances mentioned here. Now I've literally disciplined myself to control my road rage because here, NO ONE FOLLOWS THE RULES!


1. you've got drivers making right turns, but they overtake on the left lane..

2. you've got drivers that can't wait in the lane, so they over take on the oncoming lane, and sneak their car in front of you (THAT I never let them cut because they cheated!)

3. Driver's don't drive in their lane! They don't even know that the lines on the road MEANS it's a lane!

4. Tailing the last moments of the yellow light... Causes a big traffic jam.. Usually at night, if they do that, I just turn my brights on them and honk a few times and bridge the gap between my car and theirs (because here there aren't too many SUVs but I drive a big Trooper or the CRV so they get scared sometimes by the big size of my car lol)...

5. You've got dumb drivers that just randomly step on their brakes for no reason! I swear! It happens to me, that the car in front of me is slightly on his brakes, even though there's no car or danger in from of them! Idiot!

6. On some streets, there are small parking lots in front of stores or whatever, right? Some drivers over take there and try to cut, but if they try to cut in front of me, I NEVER let them cut unless they have the nose of their car in front of me already..

7. Making a left turn? But there's traffic before the stoplight? Some drivers will use the oncoming lane with their left turn signal and speed their way to the stoplight and turn left... annoyance to the people who deserve that oncoming lane

8. At night, impatient drivers keep flashing their brights at you (if they are in a hurry and have no where to over take) meaning move to the side cuz the "vip" is in a hurry... The more they do that, the more i slow down... :P

9. People change lanes a lot, even when the car in that lane is pretty close to them, BUT they won't use their turn signals! I usually honk at them, or at night flash my brights at them

(now you guys can just imagine how I drive! lol... I can't even imagine myself driving in America anymore! :whistles: )

Those are just a few examples. Now if I list every single event that can cause you road rage over here, it would take me more than an hour (literally) to type all of them and explain! lol...

This is one reason why I kinda love driving a big SUV in a crowded country. Yes that sounds really ironic, because the more crowded it is, the smaller the car should be right? Wrong! Bigger vehicles tend to be able to move anywhere they want because they always bully their big size in and out of traffic! lol.. A lot of my new friends here are amazed at how I can drive the Trooper in such cramped traffic, but it's just a natural thing to me now lol.. Although driving a smaller vehicle is better, don't get me wrong (I drove my friend's 07 Civic a few times, and it was a new driving experience for me lol since all my cars at home are SUVs/Trucks) but sometimes the bigger vehicles can force their way into traffic, and the smaller vehicles tend to get scared IN CASE of an accident lol.. :P

Side mirror touching?? ALMOST! lol


See, they don't know that a lane exists!


Edited by denslexusgx470
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1. When the light turns green, and the person in the lead "takes their time". Most mornings, on the way to work i somehow always seem to end up being the 5th or 6th car behind the red light. If that first car would just hurry up when it turns green, maybe i'd be able to get out of there before it turns yellow!

2. When HUGE trucks/18-wheeler's drive in the high speed lane.

3. When people don't turn their high beams off when they see you coming down a dark, narrow road.

4. When people leave their blinker on when they're sitting at a light for a long period of time, or any other instance when it shouldn't be on.

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off topic, but that van looking thing needs to be added to the fugliest thread... LOL.... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

And what's a Crispy Pata???

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off topic, but that van looking thing needs to be added to the fugliest thread... LOL.... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

And what's a Crispy Pata???

Deep fried pork leg :cheers: And a Pabst :cheers:

Really? I mean I'll take the beer, but a deep fried pork leg? Man, that sounds like the hypodermic tip of a cholesterol heart attack injection!

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off topic, but that van looking thing needs to be added to the fugliest thread... LOL.... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

And what's a Crispy Pata???

Deep fried pork leg :cheers: And a Pabst :cheers:

Really? I mean I'll take the beer, but a deep fried pork leg? Man, that sounds like the hypodermic tip of a cholesterol heart attack injection!

Actually, Pata is delicious. Very savory and satisfying. :cheers: Ever been to a spanferkel ? Very similar.:cheers: There may be road rage on the way to the roast :lol::lol::lol: I wanna be first....................

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