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blake918 last won the day on April 16 2016

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About blake918

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  1. Sewell seems to have the best prices around for OEM parts straight from the dealer. Create an account with them, and you will see the discounted prices... http://lexus.sewellparts.com
  2. Does your car have the smart key system? If so, the dealer is needed to program your keys. My car came with 2 smart keys that looked like hell. I bought a new one from Sewell Lexus online for $110 or so, and the emergency, slide out key was cut too. The dealer programmed it for $65.
  3. My garage is very tightly packed! Next to my 430, is my lovely F150... You can't see it, but there is an ATV in front of the Lexus too..
  4. Haha, I am and will always be a huge fan of the LS. Why did I trade? Nope gas wasn't getting to me; I traded in when gas was $2/gallon. A number of reasons- after 7 years of ES/LS I was ready for a change, I wanted something with more head and legroom, better seats, something just more modern in general, iPod integration, useable cup holders, better fuel economy, lower maintenance costs, better headlights, the hatch functionality is nice, etc. The biggest reason was I was just ready for a change. Also, my LS needed a few repairs and maintenance items, and I just didn't want to sink any more money in to it (timing belt was coming up, it needed a windshield, shocks, etc.) at the service department, and I didn't want to work on it myself. The other car I considered was a Sonata Limited which was extremely nice, but it just didn't excite me -- probably because I already had a nice 4 door and that's what the Sonata is too. Then, I drove the Prius, and when I left the dealer, I couldn't stop talking about it -- it definitely has the X factor that I was looking for. After the first drive, I thought it over for several weeks and test drove it again 3 or 4 more times before buying. Yep, I've been done with school for almost two years. I work in operations management for a liquid storage terminal company that's right outside New Orleans. It's a great job.
  5. Hey there Josh! Like Jim said, I traded my LS in 9/10 for a brand new Prius. I didn't make a post about it (other than in the moderator forum), so there's no way you would have known. ;) I browse the ole forum every now and then, but just as a lurker. It's hard to believe that I've had my Prius for almost a year now; I've loved every second of it. I thought long and hard about switching to the Prius since it is so completely different than my previous cars were, and I have no regrets. I love my Prius. My only complaints are minor ones (the lack of fully auto head lights and crappy sun visors come to mind at the moment as my main complaints). And wow, how nice is it to have a car with great aftermarket support. I've really enjoyed modifying my car with a bunch of factory looking mods. First week I had it. Jeez, those fog light blanks are hideous: Blizzard Pearl White flake shot. It's just a terrific color. Factory looking fog lights; the turn signals have silvervision bulbs in them as well. I hated the "fried egg" look with the amber light bulbs. Leather upgrade that I installed myself JDM Leather steering wheel JDM Turn signal mirrors....these are really cool. No exposed wires for the signal mirrors, and you can see the factory looking fog light switch too. Illuminated door sills: JDM Grill Garnish I hope all is well for you too!
  6. Very nice Steve! I guess a screen name change is now in order?
  7. I had to go to Ontario for work a few weeks back, so I flew in to Buffalo. It would have been fun to meet up since it has been a few years! Of course, I would go to NY, and you are not there. I hope you had a good trip.
  8. I haven't heard from him in a loooooong time. I think the last post of his that I remember was about 2 years ago. What's ironic is the first vessel to come in to our new ship dock was loaded up with lube oil that our customer gets from BP. lol
  9. I'm curious, how many miles on your car? I'm two for two on starter failures at 150k miles on the two Gen 2s I've had.
  10. And our thanks to you too! You're one of my favorite posters here.
  11. I always eat in the car. I don't always have the time or desire to stop. Having said that, I also have the cleanest car of anyone I know because I clean up after I do eat in the car -- vacuum the fries, tons and tons of fresh air to get that fried smell out, and so on. I keep wet wipes in the car too, so I don't have to spread the grease all over the interior. I buy things to use them and enjoy them, not to half enjoy them and sell them to let someone else enjoy it more than I did. Use it, but don't abuse it, and clean up afterwards, and everything will be just fine!
  12. I'm glad Lambo won! They deserved it since they played the best game; they were extremely strategic but still seemed to have a ton of fun along the way. Well done! Is Season 4 here yet?? :D
  13. I was indifferent about BMW (wasn't a fan of their car mods...didn't care for the black car with black and chrome rims.). They didn't seem too serious about the competition, and I think they got lucky in the challenges too since that guy wasn't a very good driver. It's a shame NSX wasn't the one to leave! Another very strong performance from Cuda. The daughter impressed me the way slamming in to the wall didn't really phase her. Well done! It will be interesting to see what Lambo does next week, to see if they can do a repeat of this week. I was shocked to see them come out on top.
  14. What a lovely car! Congrats!
  15. I do the same thing, and I've never had any trouble either (including my former 315k mile 95 LS).
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