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Punk Kids!


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About a week ago...I went to bed around 11, dog starts barking and the wifey hears something outside. I look out the blinds and I see 3 kids (actually they probably were close to 18) looking in my Jeep. Not thinking the first thing I did was turn on the lights and open the door and yelled at them (was in my boxers and did not have shoes on) They took off running and I see them looking into another car down the road from my front window. Both of these cars were not parked on the street...but in driveways. I called the police they sent a deputy out about an hour later. He drove around but did not see them. I have heard that this is the new High School/ just out of high school thing to do. Look to see if cars are unlocked and then take everything out of them

Now yesterday morning I had a few things to do outside and I find 3 cigarette buts right next to my Jeep. I looked in my front yard and there is a beer bottle and more cigarette butts. And in the back of my fenced in yard more cigarette butts... :chairshot: I had just recently sprayed weeds in the area and know for a fact that someone had been in my yard that night. Now I am not scared of these little pricks and I honestly wish that I had put my pants and shoes on and kicked their little punk asses.

I have a 110lb dog in my house so I do not think while I am at work that someone will try to get in the house. I also have an alarm system...sort of I never set it because of the dog, but I have signs in the yard that say protected by.....! If I see them in my back yard I will let the dog out there and I will wait for them in the front. I am thinking about putting security lights in the back of the house. I have flood lights there now. This is just got me pretty upset, I wanted to know what else I could or should do. I have thought about calling the president of the homeowners association but as I said I am pretty sure these are not neighborhood kids. I have talked to my neighbors about this and they have never had any problems like this...


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Your course of action probably depends upon the cooperation (or lack of cooperation) you receive from your local law enforcement folks. Call them now and report these incidents. Write down as much as you can recall about the situations before you call so you won't forget any details. Ask for increased nighttime drive-by patrols in your neighborhood using clearly marked law enforcement vehicles. Also ask about what particular courses of action you can take to protect your own property without overstepping your bounds.

About ten summers ago our neighborhood had a problem with what we assumed to be teenage punk vandalism on some Friday and Saturday nights. Streetlights and landscaping lights would get broken, and in one case, a neighbor's motorcycle was taken from his garage, used in a joyride, and then returned and dumped on his lawn. All of this activity was reported to the local sheriff's department and we asked them to send a representative to a quickly-scheduled neighborhood watch meeting so we could voice our concerns in person and find out just exactly what we could do. A deputy came to the meeting, provided some common-sense neighborhood watch-type advice, and we let him know that we were forming a couple of two-person neighborhood teams that would patrol the neighborhood in the shadows and the woods all night long on Friday and Saturday nights. He advised us that if we spotted this activity again, we should immediately call his office to request a patrol unit. I told him that we would, but if my team happened to be on duty when these punks showed up, it might be a few minutes before we called because we might want to utilize a few scare tactics first. He advised us to stay within the concept of the local laws and we said that we would do so. But he clearly understood that a little neighborhood justice was going to take place before we called the sheriff's office.

Two Saturday nights later, my buddy and I were on watch about 2:30 am, hiding in the neighborhood entrance landscaping, when a dark sedan with no lights on pulled into the neighborhood, cut the engine, and coasted over to the side of the road. A couple of kids who looked to be about 18 hopped out and headed for our entrance lights with what looked to be an old golf club to bash them in. They had no idea they were headed right for us, hiding just behind the treeline about 20 feet away, ready to pounce. When they started laughing and joking with each other about tearing up our lights for the third time, my buddy and I came flying out of the woods before they even had a chance to turn around. We scared the living sh*t out of both of them and they tried to get back to their car but we had them tackled from behind and duct tape wrapped around their bare legs before they knew what hit them. We dragged them up against the back of their car and told them if they tried to get up or even scream, we would duct tape their mouths as well. They sat there whimpering and begging us not to kill them while we just stared at them with our best Clint Eastwood faces. I'm 6'7", 250 pounds and my buddy is 6'4", 230 pounds. Those punks literally thought that their days on this earth were over, and that is exactly the effect that we wanted. We never threatened them verbally, never told them what we were going to do with them, we just stared and glared and "debated" between ourselves whether to "call the law or handle this ourselves", well within earshot of those two punks. Finally after about five minutes (which had to seem more like an hour to the punks) we dialed the sheriff's office on my buddy's cell phone and a patrol car showed up with lights flashing within ten minutes.

Turns out those "kids" were 20 and 22 and had been breaking into houses for years to steal money and small electronics to sell to get money for their coke habits. It took several months but they eventually went through the court system here and were sentenced to active time, each one getting two or three years if I remember correctly. We've had a couple of thefts in the neighborhood since then, but no more of this routine vandalism that went on for weeks before we put a stop to it that summer night.

So call the authorities in, start a neighborhood watch program if you don't already have one, and if you decide to take action yourself, be sure you find out exactly what your local laws will and will not allow you to do yourself. You have the right to protect your property, but you don't want to put yourself in a position to lose a lawsuit based upon the actions you took while doing so....

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About a week ago...I went to bed around 11, dog starts barking and the wifey hears something outside. I look out the blinds and I see 3 kids (actually they probably were close to 18) looking in my Jeep. Not thinking the first thing I did was turn on the lights and open the door and yelled at them (was in my boxers and did not have shoes on) They took off running and I see them looking into another car down the road from my front window. Both of these cars were not parked on the street...but in driveways. I called the police they sent a deputy out about an hour later. He drove around but did not see them. I have heard that this is the new High School/ just out of high school thing to do. Look to see if cars are unlocked and then take everything out of them

Now yesterday morning I had a few things to do outside and I find 3 cigarette buts right next to my Jeep. I looked in my front yard and there is a beer bottle and more cigarette butts. And in the back of my fenced in yard more cigarette butts...:chairshot: I had just recently sprayed weeds in the area and know for a fact that someone had been in my yard that night. Now I am not scared of these little pricks and I honestly wish that I had put my pants and shoes on and kicked their little punk asses.

I have a 110lb dog in my house so I do not think while I am at work that someone will try to get in the house. I also have an alarm system...sort of I never set it because of the dog, but I have signs in the yard that say protected by.....! If I see them in my back yard I will let the dog out there and I will wait for them in the front. I am thinking about putting security lights in the back of the house. I have flood lights there now. This is just got me pretty upset, I wanted to know what else I could or should do. I have thought about calling the president of the homeowners association but as I said I am pretty sure these are not neighborhood kids. I have talked to my neighbors about this and they have never had any problems like this...


So they are trespassing after dark? Since I own pits, dogs are a double edge sword here. I would call your local PD and tell them the story but take some pix's here.

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Thanks guys...I did call the Cops the first time...I think that I will call them agian and advise that I have had someone back at my home. I do have a couple of positives in my development...my neighbor across the street is an attorney, and the other two neighbor's are DR's. So after I beat the living *BLEEP* out of them...I can let the DR's treat them and the Lawyer defend me in court! :lol: :D

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put a car cover on it. That's what i do and makes me feel much safer. It may not be much, but it'll deter people to look into your car and they'll go find someone else's car to break in.

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This may be a little expensive but an investment for future safety. Place security cameras around your house and cars, that way you can also capture the faces of the thieves.

You know I also thought about that but would cost quite a bit. I am totally obssessed with my cars, even if it's the Ody and since the day I found out that the renters in the cul-de-sac across the street from me were drug dealers (which I don't know why the cops can't put them and the drugs together?!?!?) so I've been a little more cautious.

Or my last resort (which would probably be in my wildest dreams) is to move out of my current house into a house with a 3 car garage. :whistles: :rolleyes:

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Very bright lights with motion sensors. No thief or punk likes to be lit up for the public to see.

Cameras are an awesome idea, as there will be a record of them, either by face or by clothes.

Whatever you do, just make sure you vehicles, garage, shed and house are locked. They break in, you stand a better chance of getting the thief and the insurance.


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I have one of these great car alarms that deters crimals pretty well... jk don't go that route.. enough calls to the police and they'll probably beef up patrols and besides most kids these days have a.d.d. and will find a new hobby relatively soon.


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Well I have plenty of GUNS!!! :ph34r: I do not have kids (yet) and I have no kids in my home at any times...I just wanted to make that clear before I say...I keep a loaded hand gun the clip is popped out in my night stand. I have a 12 gauge shot gun in the closet with shells close by. I also have quite a few guns in other places...most of them are just collectors...(collecting dust). Not planning on opening up fire on them but if they break into the home while I am home then that is another story....

Any way...the car cover is not going to solve my problem. Thanks for the idea...if they only had been looking in the Jeep maybe...but since I have found that they had been all around the home...that is what bothers me. Car alarm same deal...both my car and my wifey's are parked in the garage...Jeep is a beater. I still do not want them to break in it of course but if they did the only thing they would get is a set of jumper cables... :huh: unless of course they are smart enough to actually steal the JEEP. Whatever...it would make me aware that they are outside though...

I am planning on going to Lowes and swapping out my rear floodlights for motion lights...I think I like the tackle and duct tape idea the best!!!! What the worse thing is every little sound I hear I am ready to put my shoes on and whoop some !Removed!!

I did quite a few stupid things when I was younger but I did not bother other peoples property... :chairshot: The bad thing as they probbably are not terrible kids but they are going to get hurt or even worse...if they keep this type of thing up.

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Increased neighborhood patrols by the local law enforcement is great, and security lights should help, but your best bet to solve this problem once and for all is to scare those punks. Maybe you do that with your dog, maybe you do it by firing some blanks into the air, or maybe you do it similar to the way my buddy and I did years ago. Whatever way you choose, just have a well-conceived plan and ensure that you understand what the law does and does not allow you to do in your neck of the woods.

I feel your pain - this is a major hassle and a constant source of worry for you. I've always told the law enforcement folks in our area that if they would just suspend all rules and regulations for me for only five minutes when I catch these punks, I would be happy to make their jobs that night a bit easier....

Keep us posted on what you decide to do and make sure you keep yourself and your family safe....

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got a video camera? video tape them the next time you see them, then knock on the window, get their attention, and wave to them with the camera in your hand.....they'll never come back.

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I don't think you want to blast some punk 18 year olds for searching thru your cars...I don't know if that warrants a gun blast... If they are inside your house in the middle of the night then that may be a different story....

I had experience with gang bangers and drug dealers renting a house across the street from my first home...I actually had a run in with the Leader Mexican gang banger when he came over while I was rehabing my house..One of my workers was a former Mexican gang banger with tats all over his body...The drug dealers and gang bangers from across the street came over trying to start a fight.... I was ready to throw down, but realising it would only escalate things to future attacks, etc..., I talked the situation down, offered them a beer, and told them we are nieghbors and let's try to get along..... It worked out great, and that situation was completely difused....

However, the next day I went out and purchased a new 357 snub nose revolver Smith & Wessen Magnum with hollow tip bullets just incase they tried to come over a start crap again...That never happened...However, I would have blasted them if they did something like that again inside my house... Glad that didn't happen either, I would probably have ended up in jail for man slaughter or something, you never know with todays liberal laws...I was really upset over that situation and felt violated in some way...I was in my mid twenties and didn't know any better.... Today, I would have still bought the gun, but would have got the police involved.....and also the Narcotics division...

Needless to say the gang banger drug dealer across the street got shot in the head during a drug transaction and was killed just a few weeks later...The house was yellow taped and vacated...Problem solved.... The neighbor hood quickly cleaned up, my house went from being worth $134,000 (purchase price in 1994) to today it is worth close to a million dollars.... I got lucky.....

Anyway, keep your cool bro, lock your car doors, home doors, and arm yourself for "HOME PROTECTION", and I would say try and stay involved with local law enforcement.... Good luck, I know how you are feeling.....

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I don't think you want to blast some punk 18 year olds for searching thru your cars...I don't know if that warrants a gun blast... If they are inside your house in the middle of the night then that may be a different story....


I am not talking about shooting a bunch of kids in my yard...I am not sure if you read my post wrong or not. The guns I have would be used if I felt that my or my families life was in jeopardy. Now as far as the little punk kids...I am big enough to take care of them. I appreciate your suggestions...and I at sometime all of us have, or will have something like this in any neighborhood...glad my situation is minor compared to yours!

Anyway over the weekend...I replaced my floodlights with security lighting around the back of my home. I also talked to a couple of my other neighbors and we are all going to the homeowners association meeting this week. Another person in the beginning of the development has had their mail box creamed...and another has had their lights busted out...

They did not show up that I am aware of this weekend...

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I was actually reffering to the other posts in reference to guns and what not...Didn't think you would actually blast those punk kids....

Anyway, if your big enough and have the balls then confront them next time you see them on your property or around, let them know you are serious and scare the heck out of them with maybe a good !Removed! kicking or body shake, let them know you got a gun and they are lucky they didn't get shot....That should keep them off your property.....I think most would not recommend you taking that course of action but it does work if the local police are to busy eating donuts at the local bakery...

Fair warning though - If they look like gang bangers I wouldn't mess, doesn't matter how big and brave you are.... Knives and guns will win out over punches and body slams all day long....Be carefull and good luck...

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I was actually reffering to the other posts in reference to guns and what not...Didn't think you would actually blast those punk kids....

Anyway, if your big enough and have the balls then confront them next time you see them on your property or around, let them know you are serious and scare the heck out of them with maybe a good !Removed! kicking or body shake, let them know you got a gun and they are lucky they didn't get shot....That should keep them off your property.....I think most would not recommend you taking that course of action but it does work if the local police are to busy eating donuts at the local bakery...

Fair warning though - If they look like gang bangers I wouldn't mess, doesn't matter how big and brave you are.... Knives and guns will win out over punches and body slams all day long....Be carefull and good luck...

Thanks...Jibby wasn't sure if you thought I was going to blast them!! :lol: :D

Nothing ruins a prowler's fun like surprise flood lights controlled by a motion sensor. Cheap and effective.


Yea...Tom I think the lights I put up will help a great deal...

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or a sprinkler system.

Now that I had not thought of! :D :lol:

:angry: An aggressive Pit bull or Rot will work too.. :P

I have a English Lab he is almost 110lbs...he can be pretty protective...

:angry: An aggressive Pit bull or Rot will work too.. :P

Mow them down and let GOD sort it out....:pirate:

DC!!! :D :lol: :D :cheers:

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Dude, what city do you live in?...Sounds like Watts, South Central or maybe even the LBC out here in LA, Cali....... :ph34r: .

A slobbering 150lb Bull Mastiff dog will do wonders for you along with an AK40 assualt riffle if your in an area such as I mentioned above..... :o

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