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RX in NC

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    2004 RX330 AWD
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    North Carolina (NC)

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  1. The cabin air filter is the only one I am aware of.
  2. 2005 Jaguar S-Type 3.0 sedan. Purchased in December 2008 at 18,000 miles and sold in May 2018 at 107,000 miles. 2006 Jaguar XK8 Victory Edition convertible. Purchased in February 2012 at 36,000 miles and we still own it today as it approaches 118,000 miles.
  3. Social media influence or not, there are still some great automotive forums on the net. We have owned a couple of Jaguars since December 2008 and I can easily say that jaguarforums.com remains the best automotive forum I have ever utilized. We have also owned a Subaru since November 2015 and I can say that subaruoutback.org is also a good forum. So when automotive forums start becoming a ghost town, there have to be other reasons besides social media. By the way, we indeed purchased the 2015 RX350 my wife was considering. It will assume the role of her daily driver.
  4. Thanks for the recommendations. I will indeed check out clublexus.com as well as the UK version of lexusownersclub.com.
  5. I was an active member of this forum from 2003 until 2012 when my wife first owned a 2000 RX300 and later a 2004 RX330. She is now considering a 2015 RX350 so I signed in today for the first time in many years to bring myself up to speed on the pros and cons of these vehicles. I was stunned to see the lack of forum activity here compared to a decade ago and I have to wonder what happened. Where is the current best forum to educate myself on the 2015 model and the DIY maintenance I expect to perform if we purchase one? Thanks for any recommendations you can provide.
  6. Thanks guys. I haven't been very active here since we acquired my wife's XK8. That's due to her RX just sitting around except for me taking it out for exercise every ten days or so. It's done less than 300 miles since the XK8 showed up in our driveway back on February 3rd, so it's time to find it a new home.... I'll try to stop in from time to time. I have a feeling that my wife will miss her RX on the snowy winter days around here. Our two Jaguars are not venturing out in that type of weather, and she won't drive my Ram because it is too big and "trucky", so she'll just have to stay home until the roads clear up again.... Thanks to all the folks I've gotten to know here on the Lexus forum over the past eight years or so. Best wishes with your vehicles. Our RX330 has definitely been a good one....
  7. Since my wife prefers to drive her recently-acquired Jaguar XK8 convertible all the time now and never drives her 2004 RX330 AWD these days, I'm going to go ahead and sell it. We've owned it since January 2007, and it has been an excellent vehicle for her. I've done all the routine maintenance myself and have all service records, including the records prior to our ownership. Other than a handful of Lexus recalls that were handled by our local Lexus dealership, routine maintenance is all it has ever needed. We are the second owner. No accidents during its entire lifetime, and no new paint has ever been required other than stone-chip touch-ups (using the appropriate Lexus touch-up bottle) on the front bumper.... The vehicle is Crystal White with Ivory Ecru leather interior, has a great set of Bridgestone Alenza tires (235/55/18), and has just under 121,000 miles on the odometer. We have always been avid non-smokers and I am anal about keeping all of our vehicles in meticulous shape. This vehicle has done mostly highway miles since we've owned it. My wife's parents live in Tampa and we live in Raleigh, so it has done quite a number of trips to and from without ever suffering a single problem on the road.... $13,000 firm. Once I advertise our vehicles in the local newspaper and interested folks drive out to look at them and also see the service history I keep on file, our vehicles typically sell the first or second day. Since this forum has been a valuable resource over the years, I decided to post our RX330 here first before I list it locally this weekend.... So if you're interested, let me know by Thursday evening. Once my ad runs in the local newspaper on Friday, June 15 and Saturday, June 16, this vehicle will be gone quickly....
  8. While I am certainly not a fan of Obama, I give his administration the credit it deserves for cleaning up as much of the Bush/Cheney disaster as has been possible to date. I said near the end of the Bush presidency that it would take us a decade to fully recover from the shambles that Bush/Cheney left us in both domestically and internationally, and I still stand by that statement. Unlike 2008 when the status of the Republican Party essentially meant a cakewalk election for Obama/Biden, 2012 will be a close one. I'm watching Romney like a hawk. If he repeats John McCain's huge blunder and picks a lightweight airhead for a running mate, his chances may be seriously compromised well before November. This one should be fun to watch as long as both sides can avoid the major pitfalls....
  9. Where is Joe Walsh when we need him....
  10. I haven't sold one of our vehicles since January 2007. Back then, I would simply advertise the vehicle in our local newspaper and usually sell it within a couple of days. Looking at the newspaper today, there are very few listings of vehicles for sale. I suspect this is due to the myriad of channels available to sell a vehicle these days.... To those of you who have recently sold a vehicle, what was your most successful source in listing it and selling it quickly with few if any hassles? Note: Under no circumstances will I use craigslist. I want to sell the vehicle (my wife's 2004 Lexus RX330 AWD), but I refuse to deal with the crooks and morons who seem to congregate on craigslist....
  11. Our 2005 S-Type runs just fine on regular unleaded. So that's what it gets.... We tried several tanks of regular unleaded in our recently-acquired XK8. Even my wife notices the loss of power and inconsistent idling. Going back to 91 octane restores power and smooths out the idle once again. I know that today's engines can adjust to various octane levels, but our XK8 is one of those cars in which the benefits of higher octane are easily noticed, especially at highway cruising speeds. It's gas mileage is also 2 to 3 mpg better when running 91 octane. I certainly wish I could run regular unleaded in this particular car, but my experimenting has proven that 91 octane is unfortunately the only way to go....
  12. Do it! The XK8 is a timelessly gorgeous car that is fast and well-built if you stick with the 2004 to 2006 model years when Jaguar/Ford really got these things right. And they're very affordable - ours stickered new at just over $80,000. I picked it up for $24,200 pre-auction in Jacksonville, FL and had it shipped to us. 36,300 miles - it was a Beverly Hills toy for a couple in their late 60s. Wonderfully cared for. It is all my wife wants to drive now. In the seven weeks we've owned it, she's driven her RX330 once and our S-Type once. I plan to sell her RX330 to the same guy who bought her previous RX300 in January 2007. He has to sell that RX300 first....
  13. Looks to me like "Mazda meets Audi"....
  14. Regular unleaded is about $3.75 at our local BJ's Club. Recently purchased a mint 2006 Jaguar XK8 convertible for my wife (it was a Beverly Hills car that my broker friend found for us pre-auction) that requires a minimum of 91 octane. That's right at $4.00 here currently. Anyone who believes that there's a realistic chance we'll be seeing $2.00 a gallon again is simply delusional. Ask Michelle Bachmann....
  15. I've always done it myself. With a little Lawncare 101 education, you can do the job for far less than $430 per year for that size lot, and benefit from the exercise as well.... I assume you have a cool-season fescue lawn, or perhaps a fescue/bluegrass mix. Find out, and read up on it. Cool-season lawns need to be fertilized just three times per year (Valentines Day, Labor Day, and Thanksgiving Day should be your targets), they should be aerated once a year in early September, and they should be overseeded after aeration. Mow your cool-season lawn at least 3.5 inches high in the summer. During spring and autumn, you can cut it at 2.5 inches if you prefer a shorter trim look. But blade height is crucial during the hot summer months to give the grass its best chance to get through the heat and drought conditions.... Locate and contact your local agricultural extension service at the universities in your area. They publish a "Homeowners Guide to Lawn Care" brochure for your general area. Get a copy, read it, and study it. Be prepared to take over the responsibility after your one-year lawn care contract expires. By then your turf should be relatively well-established and taking care of it going forward will be relatively inexpensive and easy.... I've followed this basic format for decades. While some of the turfgrass varieties and hybrids have improved and toughened up (I tested a new bluegrass hybrid seed for Scotts in our front lawn two years ago, and it has done reasonably well), basic cool- season grass lawncare remains essentially the ability to follow a tried-and-true schedule of what to do and when to do it. Any homeowner who can run a lawnmower every week during the growing season and rent an aerator once a year can be successful. Running that aerator can be tough for some folks, but it is one of the best aerobic exercises on the planet, especially if you have banks and hills on your property....
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