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Everything posted by 93LSOwner

  1. From all due respect all of the cars you have mentioned are very nice and well built but I don’t think they have “nothin’” on the Acura. Edmunds stress this point but read the last sentence of the article in the below link. My Webpagehttp://www.edmunds.com/used/1998/acura/rl/18354/review.html?tid=edmunds.u.prices.leftsidenav..12.Acura* Just a little story that I would like to share with everyone, I know nobody meant to harm Honda’s name: When I was in process of my car search, I went to Vann York Toyota; heck I’ll even tell you where they are located at (South Main Street, High Point, NC). This was my second visit, he called us and told us their was car that we might be interested in (very nice of him, but guess what they work on commission). It was a white Toyota Camry 1999 LE 4dr with 47,000miles $9,999. I spotted another car I liked on the lot, sliver Honda Accord 1999 LX 99,000miles $9,900. So, I started to talk to him about why the Accord is priced so high (know a thing or two about influencing someone to buy something and selling warranties since I worked at a well know retail department store) even though its book value is lower, and at the end of the conversion he said, “like you said it is an Honda Accord.” Before you come to any conclusions prior to this, 4 years ago we bought a 1996Toyota Camry with 47,000 miles for $11k over an scratched up 1996 Honda Accord with 86,000 and same price. Both cars were at the same dealer, not a small local dealer neither. So, how Accord is valued more than Camry, same goes for LS over RL even though the LS cost $7-10k more than the RL.
  2. Malfunctioning speedometer could be a great theory to consider, because on of my friend’s car’s speedometer is broke it stays at the bottom ( at zero) or just jumps up and goes to 140mph (top speed on his car) for about 9 seconds, (a lot of time to take a picture). But his car has a regular instrument panel not an electronic one.
  3. Would the Acura 3.5 RL be comparable to the Q45 or LS? "Price is also another aspect you have to consider when comparing cars"
  4. This is an opinion and experienced based post. I love cars and like to learn about them “on of my hobbies;” but I don’t know anything about how things in the car work expect of some electronic stuff. So, some of the things that I mention might not be correct or accurate. Anyways, I just like to see what other Lexus owners think of the things that are mentioned below: 1. Fuel addictives, fuel injector cleaner or anything that would go in the fuel for any kind of job; do you put anything in your fuel, if so what do you use? And what do you think or have experienced. • Or do you think that these things are just waste of money and only have short-term affects and in the long run they damage the engine or other parts of the car. 2. For cleaning the engine and other parts around the engine, are the engine cleaners found, in AutoZone or in any other retail store, good? 3. If you have cleaned your car’s throttle body, did you put anything in your car? If so, what? And did you use any kind of cleaners (except rages)? If so what? 4. Finally, do you put any other chemicals, for ANY kind of job, periodically or maybe just once a year in your car especially in Lexus?
  5. Hey Blake, Nice job, I wish my car was black. What product did you use to clean the leather and what do you use to maintain them (conditioner).
  6. I live in High Point, North Carolina. Regular: $1.645/gallon Premium: $1.745/gallon
  7. I was just about to start a topic about what chemicals and things that one should do prior to the Throttle body cleaning and after words. Since, Throttle body cleaning is emphazied so much, because of its importance, I think there should be a pinned topic about it, this issue's importance is just right next to the burned LCD issue.
  8. Is there a presentation of how to clean the throttle body of Gen. I. I know I saw it somewhere but now I can't find it.
  9. Plus, in most about states, Premium is $.10 per gallon more than regular. So, on a 22.5 gallon car you will only pay $2.25 more, when filling the whole tank. But this pays off when you get more MPG. VBdenny: When my family moved to NC from NJ, I realized that one of the advantages of living in NC is that everyone fills up their own tank; and parking the Lexus at the gas station and filling it up with Premium Fuel is a rush. Also, Valoline Complete Fuel System Cleaner have any short or long-term affect on the vehicle.
  10. As far as the cleaning of the throttle body is concerned, in your opinion when should it be cleaned, at how many miles?
  11. Hoax? not sure. But, what they are selling is the procedure of “how to replace or fix the old LCD to a new one.” It probably includes; how to take the unit out, the LCD and how to solder it in. This does not include the LCD. I don’t know why someone will be interested in purchasing this, because all of there are tons of website on the net with the procedure of “how to replace or fix the LCD.” There is a really good one but I can’t find it, it is like ?lextreme.com?
  12. I agree with every aspect of what JimBostar mentioned. To me the most important things are performance and an increse in MPG.
  13. Yeah, an aftermarket security system could trigger the factory alarm system. This happens in my friends Acura Legend.
  14. I have the EXACT same problem on my LS, the day I bought it. I asked people and a mechanic they said that it was the strut bar. But I never took the time to take it back to get it fixed. I guess I'll replace them when they get worser. I was not much help but just to let you know that it is in the LS too. By the way, 146,000 miles here.
  15. Uh man, I am sorry about that. 2002 ES300 !dang! "at least they cuffed the guy"
  16. Results: Even though it makes the leather hard and stiff. I used to on the Lexus and on the Acura Legend. On the legend I used it in about August or September of 2003 and now in March 2004, the seats are soft, and when you compress the seats in with your hand it goes down (unlike with the conditioner on) and when you let it go there are wrengles left on the seats.
  17. Man, I wish I had something like that I could play it 24,7.
  18. Mentioning of shooting. I have never seen a LS400 on any Police Chase videos on TV. Have you?
  19. Even though I have Gen. 1, I would buy the Gen. 2 if I had the money. Because the Gen. 2 looks more luxurious. Never driven it, so don't know about how the suspension, ride, etc... Four years makes a huge difference in the Book value, "The more expensive the car the more value change over the years."
  20. Past three days I have driving the Acura Legend. My mom took my LS and wouldn't drive her 1996 Camry. With the Acura when you floor it from 25mph the cars jumps back and in a spilt second you are at 60mph then to go even up to 120mph it slows down. Meaning 0-60 is faster then 60-120. I experience the exact oppsoite with the LS when I floored it, it was slower from 0-60mph and faster or quicker from 60-100 that I didn't not even relize that I was didn't even knew I was doing 100 until I looked down at the speedometer. OH Yeah, did I mention that all of that happened on a one-lane road. Not on a Highway or on the Main Street.
  21. http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...wtopic=6939&hl=
  22. http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...showtopic=7286&
  23. I didn't notice that the pedals were attached to the floor until I bought the car. To me it reminds me of my school bus. But the key is that you don't feel that it is attached or not (unless you look down and observe it) at least to me.
  24. What do you think of the color of the LS400 in my aviator. I think it is called Taupe. And, what is your favorite lexus color? mine is black.
  25. I agree with Tansupplyman, one of my friends just had an accident. He looped a curve so fast with his Civic that his car rolled and some how his car had a realy huge hole in the roof. Matter of fact, since I just bought this Lexus, I just did about 95mph on a state highway, where there are broken yellow lines are to pass. IRONICALLY, guess what I passed a Honda Civic (with Euro's) while I did this. Even though we can fit 2 of those cars in our trunk you have to realize. These LS's car huge .When you are driving it you don't feel like you are driving a beast. But get out and let someone drive it around in the city and see how big your car is compared to all the other cars and even most SUV's.
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