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Everything posted by 93LSOwner

  1. 1. http://www.edmunds.com/used/lexus/index.ht...tent..0.Lexus.* 2. http://www.cars.com/go/crp/index.jsp *The above two links do preaty good car comparison, from year to year and also have editors' and consumer reviews. As far as the maintance is concerned, you can always check with any Lexus dealer to see if they have done any work on that car [which ever one you might be interseted in]. If the buyer is confident about the price they are selling it at, why want ask them if he/she have the recipts of the particular work done to it; since most of it will have to be done at that point [mileage wise]. *The following are just sites of what other people have said, but LOC will fill you up with all of this info.: 3. http://www.carreview.com/Luxury%2CCars/Lex...82_1529crx.aspx 4. http://www.carsurvey.org/review_48023.html
  2. Why did you feel the need to quote 93ls400? If you are refering to what I said, I was just comparing Mikado to Jim Walker.
  3. WHATTTT $250? I e-mailed Jim Walker and he said he will do it for $150. And $15 to put it in.
  4. HRP: Has he done work on Lexus before? If so, pictures of Before&After? I don't remember if I asked this before, or has been mentioned. Is there a serial # on the Heat/AC unit. So, one won't get back the wrong unit if he/she sents it in to any of the people mentioned.
  5. No wonder when I do a search on 'Yahoo' for Lexus, more than 20 results come from LOC.com
  6. OH yeah, after cadillac redesigned the Escalade it took me of my feet. If I had the money I would have a great difficulty deciding on buying a LX or Escalade. I was just saying, when the first Escalade came out, nobody noticed it so much (maybe because it looked like the GMC SUV). After the famous rapper came out with that song, "Southern Hospitality" all the celebrities started to buy them. Just like when Nelly came out with the song for the Nike shoes 'Air Force ones' and thier sales went up like never before. Sorry to change the subject, lets stick with the original question, "How hard would it be to do this! El Camino style."
  7. I don't exactly know what you are refering to. But, before you vote, in the bottom there are two options: Submit Vote Or View results. If you click on View results you cancel your option to vote. After you have voted, the place where it said Submit vote before, it should say "you have already voted."
  8. You know bikes are great for small crowded cities, like for example some in Japan and China. But out here in the States we have one of the biggest cars manufactured, with very high speed limits compared to other countries. I have a LS400, I pick up (accelerate) very very slow, one: to safe the engine, two: to get more MPG; but I do go over the speed limit, which takes about 30 sec. or more (45mph). Usually some people behind me are very impatient, usually the students who go to my High School; and pass me. I hate it when someone does that too me. BUT, like I said I do go over the speed limit. Once I pick up the speed, I pass there pieces so fast that they don’t even notice what hit them. My school is in a rural setting, so their isn't too much traffic, but I live in a city (different city then my school's). When my parents brought me my first car, Acura Legend (still have it) I used to pass people for now reason. I guess that was because of my excitement of driving, and having a near-luxury car that can beat a lot of sport cars. Anyways, there is this one girl who sat behind me in my math class last semester and sits behind me this semester too. Well, last semester on a straight a-way on a speed limit of 45mph (I tried to show off). She was probably doing 70mph, I passed her and it didn’t even feel like she was walking when I passed her, it felt like as if she was going in reverse; I looked down and I was doing 125mph. It took place on a road too, in a rural area. But this was before my parent brought me the LS, after the LS, I changed a lot of driving habits; but I still get excited sometimes and try to show off, I don’t have anybody else to blame but Lexus.
  9. Thanks, and I think of every Lexus owner out here the same too.
  10. If I did some heavy driving, I would buy a 16'. Won't want to be tilted on the way. BTW: Here is where Medic Kit and the Luxury kicks in. :D
  11. Even though this post doesn't have any helpful information. I think it should be pinned for just about a month or so. It will show were LS are standing as of today, and might come in handy for future potenital Lexus owners.
  12. Man, do you push your SC to the limites?
  13. Here is a procedure of just a regular Throttle Body Cleaning: http://www.lextreme.com/tb.htm
  14. Lexus with a truck????? Cadillac had a success with the Escalade EXT, before Lexus decides to swing this way they should hire Ludicrous to rap a song for them, “Lexus Grills.”
  15. mysterious!!!! Should be just a misunderstanding, hopefully.
  16. Were there any improvement on the skid control in later Gens?
  17. "Your name is not going to be shown anywhere if you VOTE, unless you reply to this post."
  18. Well, I guess this "LS advantage, in rain" rules over the "LS disadvantage, in snow."
  19. The Car & Wheels are phat. Is that a 92??????????? :D
  20. What do you start thinking about, A. Cops or B. Things you have missed in life. :(
  21. I'm not sure about this, but someone here mentioned that Toyota dealers are not very pleased too see a Lexus drive into there lot of service. Lexus dealers might tell you other things to look for too, but your car only has 30k though. Who knows better about Lexus then a Lexus dealer!
  22. I use my right foot to brake every where. This is what I was thought in my Driver's Ed. class. One might want to you thier left foot to brake on a traffic signal, if thier automatic car is really really ghetto and backs up if nothing is applied. LOL. :D
  23. MAN, imagine them just getting bumped with a car and rolling miles away. Not a preaty site.
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