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Everything posted by 93LSOwner

  1. Blake, Man; you might laugh at this. I saw your before car's before inside pictures in the gallery and I always that you had a different camera in the after pictures or a lot more lightning. Now, I know. LOL.
  2. I think all of us with Gen. 1 will like to hear, if there is a possiblity that this feature can be activated in Gen. 1.
  3. Ok, I put Lexol on the leather seats last weekend. This whole week the temperature has been 85-88. Today, the car said outside temperature: 910. So, Lexol has worked great; exactly has told by other LOC members after their experience. I used Meguiars before, couple of months ago. This is what I think: Lexol made the seats very very soft. Meguiars Gold Class Leather Conditioner made the seats harder than what they were before. Lexol Advantage: Easier to apply. Makes the seats very soft resulting in comfortable and cushiony seats. Also, gives the seats a more slik and oily look, while not being oily. Lexol Disadvantage: By making the seats softer; if pressure is applied the seats wrinkle around the pressure point. (Press the seats with your hand and it goes in to the seat and the leather wrinkles up around your hand). Meguiars Disadvantage: Harder to apply. Makes the seats harder resulting in uncomfortable seats. Meguiars Advantages: By making the seats harder; if pressure is applied the seats does not wrinkle up around the pressure point. (Press the seats with your hand and it doesn’t go in to the seat and the leather doesn’t wrinkles up around your hand). I did the best to explain the differences from my experience. If you have something different to add please reply. Keep in mind: My car is 1993, 11 years old leather.
  4. After I applied Lexol the seats were wet and sticky after about 14 hours later. But, after about two days, it went to normal. I guess it just need more drying time.
  5. Who is your favorite cartoon character? Homer Simpson from the Simpson’s or Peter Griffin from the Family Guy.
  6. Looks extremly nice, but took a chunk out of the trunk's space.
  7. Thi, what is the color of your car? Like you said, they could be a little more golden. They will stick out more if they are more golden. But they look nice anyways.
  8. All I have to say is: Some people come here to ask about there problems with cars, that are NOT even Lexus or even Toyotas. So, you HAVE to say, this is a heck of a club.
  9. Good luck, on your car search. Keep us posted.
  10. You have to get both of them prescribed.
  11. Ouch. My dermatologist prescribed Tazorac gel for pimples and Duac Topical Gel for other pores. Acne vulgarize is infection of the sweat glands. And, pimples are puss filled of dead white blood cells and bacteria. For over simplification, you get pimples if you have oily skin; Tazorac dries up the skin.
  12. Not to cut your discussion off. But, they went to 16" in 1993.
  13. This what I used and the trim glued perfectly. It was in the house, I don't know where we bought it from though. You just have to hold it for about 3-4 mintues from each side. Because if you don't, one side sticks but the other side comes out.
  14. I knew from the begaining that I was going to major in Biology. I was thinking about major in Business or marketing too. But, then decided to go with Biology.
  15. Steve: How was college different from HS from your experience?
  16. Well, since the answer to the question of this post is answered[mostly]. We can start new topics with in it. Hope nobody minds! I say "goodbye" to my HS on May 22. When I was a freshman, I really didn’t like going to school. My brother was a senior and I was a freshman. I saw how all the teachers knew him and students personally. EVERY single teacher he had in the past, talk about him and some of them know me by him; that I’m his brother. Plus, I saw him receive all these awards and go off to a very nice college [NC State]. After that year, I started to take honors classes and really started to study hard, my sophomore year became my first year in which I got straight A’s. After that were the AP [advance placement] classes. That freshmen year still haunts my GPA and haunted my chances of getting into NC’s top colleges. MAN, now I don’t want to leave. Because I just started to like HS. Think about the pressure, what will college be like? Will it be like the AP classes I took in HS? The second reason, why I don’t want to leave: Because I just bought my LS and just started to show off. Lol. Blake: I would love to attend to your school. The reason why I like AP classes than others is because you learn so much from it and remember from them, especially from the intelligent fellow class mates. But, no girls! Man. I’m not the “Ladies man,” but, who are you going to wear nice clothes for? And do your hair? Comb your hair? Lol.
  17. Blake: What did you clean your engine with? Both of the cars look as if they are 2004 & just come from the dealer.
  18. SW03ES: I don't mean any disrespect to you and to anybody else.
  19. Yeah, I wipped it off. Now after about 24 hours it is not so sticky. I'll respond more on how they feel after a day or two.
  20. Well, let’s start off with the paper. Like, I mentioned “will be printing lots of pictures,” I bought the paper because I have a senior project due and will be printed from my printer. It is a project that will only determine if I graduate or not. It will also be read by just about every student and teacher in my school, then the judges. Well, if you print pictures in the “best quality setting” the printer will throw out a lot of ink, now if you have thin sheet of paper do you think it will absorb it better than the other? Like I mentioned I have HP: PC, monitor, printer, scanner and an external CD-RW Driver and had it for 7 years now; so, I know about the company. When I worked at Circuit City, my manager stated that E-machines are not cheaper because they have cheaper parts than HP or Sony, but they are not tested by the manufacturers before they come out. The customer has to pay for any services the manufacturers perform to make their product. Now, before you start hitting up saying something. That Sales manager has led that Circuit City store to be the second Circuit City store in the state of NC for the highest sales. He also had his own business in cell phones and other wireless products. So, I guess that guy might know a thing or two about this stuff. I didn’t go around asking mechanics about what Lexus is all about. I could have asked my mechanic, “Hey what do you think of such and such car [a car which gives a lot of problems at the miles it had]” Now do you think he would say, NO don’t buy it OR he could say, that’s a good deal and make a so called “sucker” and pay “his bills [maybe to a LS430]. Or I have another idea, how about going to this website called LOC.com and see what they say. Ding, Ding, Ding, OH Yeah: I forgot this a website full of LEXUS enthusiasts, I wonder what they are going to say. I had some references to look at, about 8 of my friends other relatives have Gen. 1 LS400s and have good miles on it and I know a lot about there cars and their histories. This, the mechanic and LOC led me to buy Lexus over BMW or Mercedes. My point: There is something called trust & common sense. Now, you can’t buy everything in relation to the price of it but you can use some references and common sense. Aside the paper issue. If you go back to everything you buy, aren’t they all made from the same elements? Lexus and Bentleys have huge price difference; But aren’t they both made out of metal? Now, lets go back to the paper. Both kinds are made exactly the same but one says it is better than the other and the makers know he/she is exaggerating the truth or even lying. Maybe, that’s why some quoting: “some” business leaders are a lot wealthier than some lets say doctors with Ph.D. and some descent ethics & morals. Cough, cough. By the way: How about looking into your own collar before coming to conclusions.
  21. On Friday, I went to open house of my college, UNC-Greensboro. On the way back I stopped by Pep boys and got some Lexol leather conditoner. I put it on yesterday and now it has be 14 hours now. The seats are still a little wet and sticky. Now the seats do this: When you press on it, the leather don't crack; but the whole part of the seat thats being pressed and the surrounding press in. Ok, take a sheet of paper. Put your fist in the middle and wrap the paper around your hand. See how it wrinkles up in the sides. That’s what my seats where like before. Now, take a hard cover book and press on the cover, it’s like a rock isn’t it and nothing moves in. That’s what my seats are like now. Any comments?
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