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Everything posted by VMF

  1. guys b4 i did my PPS flush i asked guys from the dealership what should i use and they said any tranny fluid brand and they mentioned that volvoline is the best and i dont have to spend extra to get the same fluid with toyota label on it. i never heard that you can damage your pps system by flushing it. as to the tranny flush you should ask people who gonna do it about what they mean by flush. some mean just open the tranny, clear the screen and add some fluid. in this case you will change only a small part of the fluid. but if they will connect your tranny to the special machine via radiator hoses and this machine will heat the new fluid up b4 pumping into the tranny while suckin the old one from the other end then you will change all of it. just make sure that you use original toyota tranny fluid in this case.
  2. but you neever heard about the current model with 4wd?
  3. ive been argueing with one of the "experts" about this and he told me that there are a few "custom made" Aristos out there that have 4 wheel drive and was telling him no. but just to make sure i want a confirmation from you Gs owners. thanx in advance
  4. OD button was only on the first gen LS. in gen II LS you dont have any buttons at all:) you just press brake and switch it into D
  5. old fluid will not cause leakage in your power steering system and once you have changed original factory fluid you will have to change it every 30k. its really easy to do it yourself and takes only 10-15 mins. let me know if you are interested and will explain to you how.
  6. its kicking and it might die soon so i'm making myself ready for this tragedy
  7. thank you for the quick response. i will do that once i will buy those products.
  8. what is this Leatherique. show me the link please. i might use it since my leather is really hard
  9. are you sure it was a 96 gs400 not gs300? i remeber they started to do gs400 only in 98. as to the pricing fully loaded gs430 weights 55k while LS will cost you more then 70k
  10. people from tristate! lets meet! please post here with suggestions and advices and we might come up with a REAL meet in spring when it gets wormer. but lets work on details in advance
  11. lets do meeting in tristate area. i even know places that can accomodate hunderds of cars (of course if we gonna get so many). and there were other car meetings b4. so the administration of the place is not against it. i can see there are plenty of members who live in or near tristate area and would have no problem driving for 2-3 hours to get there.
  12. hello every1! i have 2 questions and i tried to do it in one topic. my leather got really hard in some places and i feel it needs a conditioner. which one would you recommend? i also have some stains on the carpet from coke and some other unknown liquids. what should i do to remove it? advices appriciated.
  13. i still think its a bushing. they may b just worn
  14. what OD button does is it disables your 4th gear, that is why you see that RPM ups and downs. when its off it also makes tranny shift with the delay so for example in stead of switching to upper gear at 2k rpm you will switch at 3k. as to the ECT this button doesnt really do much. it gives the same effect as if you floor it. it supposed to change the shifting logic if the tranny ECU but you cant really feel it. i did some field tests on ES, LS and GS models and no1 feels a bit of a difference.
  15. i'm not sure if you gonna be able to fix AC yourself since this procedure requires some special skills and tools but you can show the procedure from the book to the mechanic to make his life eazier and to save you some $$ on the labor time
  16. why dont you? really cool over there and tickets are pretty cheap. hotels over there are expensive as well as gas. 1.50$ for 1 litre!!!!!!
  17. 2 external fans are for the AC system and not for the engine while internal fan is specifiaclly for the engine radiator. it has a temperature clutch wich controls fans revolutions. this fan is vital for for the engine and should be replaced ASAP otherwise you are riskin to shorten life of your engine.
  18. this is strange, i have original rotors and they are very good. i had aftermarket rotors and pads and i had to resurface rotors once in 3 month coz they were bent all the time and pad squeaking like crazy when car was coming to complete stop. i installed new rotors and pads from toyota and even that the squeakin is still there sometimes they brake much better and dont bend. my experience with aftermaket "quality" products has not been that good and proverb what you pay is what you get really works in this case.
  19. also this is not a 1 person job. i had my friend go under the car to stuck an screwdriver in the flying wheel while i was pushing the rachet to get the bolt off. here is a pic of the tool http://us.lexusownersclub.com/gallery/LS/100_0026 and here is a pic when everything is gone
  20. when i replaced my timing belt i just went to the autozone and rented a special tool to remove the harmonic balancer. rent is free you just have to pay 30$ as deposit. if you want detailed instrucions on how to do it and set the timing back let me know and i will email you an article that i wrote about the timing belt/water pump replacement.
  21. i think its less hassle to get a new one. my friend had been fixin this 2 times b4 he got a new heater core
  22. dont get those bosch things! they are bad! they brake when you pull them!!! only OEM wires and denso IK20 spark plugs! nothing else! also rotors and rotor caps should be denso too. they are OEM suppliers for toyota
  23. WOW nice, he prolly spent a fortune! i wish i had money for that! hopefully soon i will do smth like this. i did this in my russian offroad Niva truck with Renault diesel and now since i saw what this guy did i will try to do the same or put TT in my car
  24. i would recommend OEM toyota rotors and pads since they do the best job and were originally designed for the car and its weight. you can paint them with the high temp paint just make sure you do it couple of times. me and my friend did it on his GS400 and it looks great. third party cheap rotors are not reliable and i would not trust them. good aftermarket rotors are really expensive and if money is not the issue you should get brembo drilled rotors. otherwise stick with OEM
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