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Everything posted by VMF

  1. you dont even have to go to any store. just go for the autozone and rent the tool. its FREE!!!!! write down the error codes and then post them here. a lot of us have lists of those error codes with explanations and instructions on how to fix or do more troubleshooting.
  2. VMF

    91 Ls400

    pleas e be more specific about the problem. did the volume got restored after you turned off the radio? did it got restored after you shut down the car? does it work now? what do you mean by loss of volume? was it still playing but with the lower volume? was there any distortion? how was the sub output? what kind of system you got in your car?
  3. from the previous researches that people did a role of filter does not play a significant role in the changing condition of you oil. they have tested oil condition during 3k miles using different filters and didnt really see any difference. i'm talking about some chemical analisys. as i can remeber they were soarer guys from australia and i found it on their site. dont have the link now but it might be pretty ez to find. i personally still use original filters and i still have 4 in my supply room so i guess i'm set for another year:)
  4. check out my car. i have a 1996 Ls. click on the link in my signature for the clear lights and hids. i also have a wooden gearshift. decided not to spend money on the wooden steering wheel. i'm planning to make some more rennovations and modernizations once i will save up enuff $$ for the project. i also bought 2 7$ chrome exaust tips but since they are pretty bad quality you have to change them once a year but i guess they are worth it.:)
  5. i also think the difference is also in the percentage of ethylene-glycol in the mixture. toyota recommends that it should be between 50% and 70%.
  6. i can see a lot of people from this forum are as well aircraft fans. there should be smth in it. LS and jet aircrafts.... :D
  7. i have distilled water mixed with red prestone coolant at rate 50/50. my temp gauge is always a lil bit higher then the middle of the gauge. i'm not sure if it supposed to be like this but it is not giving me any problems.
  8. ok here is a quote from the lexus repair manual "Use a good brand of ethylene-glycol base coolant and mix it according to the manufacturers directions. using coolant which includes more than 50% ethylene -glycol (but not more than 70%) is recommended. do not use alcohol type coolant." it said also to use toyota or equivalent type of coolant
  9. yeah i did. pps system was so dirty that it took 7 bottles of atf b4 i got the clean fluid coming out.
  10. you dont have to use a toyota coolant only. just make sure it is red (ethilene glycol based) your radiator is aliminium and a green or yellow coolant will destroy it.
  11. i used Volvoline and as the manual said once the fluid is changed you have to change it every 30k miles.
  12. i think i was the first one who did it diy and yes i turned the wheels while i did that. i turned engine on 3 times since i had to turn it off coz my container with old fluid was gettin overfilled. i dont think my ps system was ever cleaned b4 so that is why it took so many bottles of atf to clean the system
  13. wow it started with the MAF sensro disconnected. mine didnt even wanted to start. btw i used 7 bottles of the ATF b4 i got the clear pink fluid coming out.
  14. oh i was wondering about that since acura has a special button for this and LS doesnt. 10x:)
  15. its 150 miles from phylly. i'm going to grad school in bethlehem pa now and it is the same distance from brooklyn as philly. as to the banquet in the city. it will cost our fellow members to park their precious lexus cars in there plus driving in the city might be very frustrating for the people who never drove there. i remember my first time and oh i wanted to kill those taxy drivers:)
  16. dont take it apart!!! contact guy with nick pioneersuby or smth like that! he will tell u what to do. i'm sure there is a pin or smht like that for emergency eject. that guys knows evertying about those systems just send him a pm
  17. hey you have special button to turn heat on mirrors? i have never seen gen II LS with heated mirrors in US. or this is a spcecial feature of 97 model?
  18. this is a partia drain, not a flush. if you want a complete flush then just get some toyota atf fluid and go to the strauss or any other store and ask them to use your oil in the machine. you disconnect 2 hoses from the radiator and connect them to the special machine that controls the temp opf new fluid. when tranny fluyid reaches certain temp in the tranny the valve will open and old fluid will go into machine while new warmed fluid will be pumped into the tranny.
  19. they dont have one for Gen II LS:(
  20. mine is loaded with eveything except air suspension (10x g-d)! i have heated seats, nakamichi, chrome rims, Cd changer, etc... and i never had a problem with a car for 2 years. i bough it with 107k miles in 2002 for 13k and i'm in love ever since:)
  21. very nice job you got:) i wish i had smth like this. as to the LS we have similar projects and i also tend to do stuff myself. during those projects we can help each other with problems if we will encounter any:)
  22. gen II Ls doenst have the leaking problem either as well as the bushings problem is not that often on the gen II LS. i have 1996 LS with 130k miles and my suspension is purrfect:)
  23. hey Mike, what kind of car show are you making?
  24. this indicator tells you not only about brake lights but about rear parkign lights as well. since you have a 7443 type of bulb in the taillight wich serves both purposes check both spirals in the bulb or just check when you turn your lights on if all the lights are on.
  25. i cant beleive there are gen II LS cars without CD player. i've seen many of them and all of them had a 6 cd changer above the glove box. 126k miles is not a big mileage for these cars and if there are no leaks and strange sounds in the engine and transmission shifts nice the car is ok. of course each case should be valuated differently but if the interior and exterior are in a good condition then the car is fine. as to the maintanence records you can get the VIN number and call any lexus delaership. all lexus delaerships have centralized database so you will see what and when was changed. i happen to have a 96 Ls so if you have any further questions about any particular car please let me know and i will be happy to help you.
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