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Everything posted by akewlguy

  1. Okay.. So when the battery is low or almost dead the radio lights do not come on??? Also my D for Drive would not come on. The window was somewhat slow. My problem is I did not drive for about 3 weeks so you sorta forget the exact details. Or maybe you dont want to think something is wrong. Either way I pray my battery is dead. NOTHING ELSE
  2. Sounds like my LS, but mine happened after I drove it for 10 minutes.. - Terminals were coroded, but I cleaned them - Without jumper cables car interior lights just go dead after turn - With cables clicking and more clicking - During this whole time the interior lights, time and power was there... Just not enough to even get the starter to turn? I think... At the shop since I cant get a ride or a battery tonight. Hey do you all reccomend Interstate battery? I tell you what... Although I have about 5 options to have a great night... It feels like my 1st love just dumped me... Sucks not having the LS. Also walking home from the bus sucks quite a bit! Anyone in DC want to go party?
  3. Yeah the problem is the car wont start.. Tried to jump and now we are going to replace battery. You know its wet cold and when your trying to clean the terminals and the damn thing nearly falls on your head... One gets aggrivated. Long day... Of course Autozone does not have the part, so I am going to get them online. Thanks for help! Car is running like a tank, but damn battery cover does not fit this Interstate battery... If it aint one thing its another.
  4. Go to start the LS and sounds like battery not enough juice. SO I clean terminals look at water and just a clicking sound. Next step is the jump, but what are these hood shocks called. Freaking things suck or just worn out. SO aggrivating! autozone $20 and a minor installation. So I will get these hood shocks done today.
  5. How much did the radiorepairman charge
  6. That is funny. Hey you have to do what ever you have to do.
  7. Same problem here. Its random, but often. I am bringing the LS to a shop to get a checkup on the whole Knimachieooo system (or what ever the hell it is).
  8. Hey gents and ladies. Next week I am getting some $40 lights that are far better then the standard, but less then HID ($550). For $40 bucks you can not go wrong. Once I get them I will take before and after pictures. I saw my friends car who has them and they are awesome. The only problem is I forgot the name. Also he stated there are these new 2" neons with one led that look great on the floor. One should replace the 10" sub with a new one and also he is going to look at the left rear speaker issue I have. Does anyone have a car starter on their LS? Might get this done same day.
  9. BLIZZZZZAAAACCCKKK! Rated the best snow tire in the world. Why save 80 bucks to get some sub par snow tire. That is what 1.5 tanks of gas? Price is 550 at Firestone and they will install and replace at the start and end of winter for life. They also rotate for free if you buy their regular tires. I will buy some in about 2 weeks so I will let you know how they work. I will drive the LS throughout the winter since I love my car. Also it does not snow everyday in New England, just every other day. :) Cheers to LEXUS
  10. Could this really improve 1-2 MPG? Does it effect the LS more in the winter? Seems like my mileage went down one or two MPG. Might go with the rockauto.com deal. Cheers to LS
  11. I did hear something in the past about when there is transmission issues the car may shut down and all that. I dont know all the details, but something crossed my mind about about previous posting. Good luck
  12. One would think the alarm reset would allow you to restart the LEXUS. I think its a kill system that does not allow one to start until its reset?
  13. Gobble gobble... Did you see the bird that had no head for two years. He is famous, but then died on a kernal of corn. This was back in the 60's. Happy holidays.
  14. Nice. For that price what a deal. I need to find me a white one in that range.
  15. How much and where do you get it rust proofed?
  16. Go to LEXUS.. DOnt get dirty or lay on the ground.. If they serviced then they can look and fix it. Either way they usually are very good and open to helping owners.
  17. Yes.. I have the exact same issue as yours. I am excited to fix it this weekend. Slight rust at the bottom of trunk that sits on bumper and moisture where spare tire goes. Thank you for taking the time to figure out what the problem is. Cheers to LEXUSownersclub and the members.. Another token of advice that would have taken me a while to figure out.
  18. They need to compare the 93LS to the current German. Japan has a long tradition of pride in their employeer and work. Germany well they bend over for certain things and their history is interesting.
  19. I think someone stated before 92 they dont have one. I can tell you it was one amazing site to see the nastyness of these filters. It was absolutly disgusting after 16 years. It was like seeds, mold and dirt in ever little crevis. For sure one has to change these things!
  20. Luv you hit it on the head! For sure I want nothing to do with any of those companies (itunes, real, msft or others). They end of !Removed! up ones ability to control the file. Its easy to fall in a trap that they provide free software for us to use, but its a trick. Don't fall for their trap. Cheers to freedom on the net and smart people who use NERO!
  21. Wow this lexusownersclub is how old? Over 10 years?
  22. I always hear about the air filter and I just realized my 93 has two. They sit side by side. Is this right? They both are orriginal and nasty. As it works out I had to return the Fram filter from Autozone. It did not fit. So I guess I am off to Lexus. Will LEXUS send it to your home?
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