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Everything posted by pj8708

  1. Makes sense! Why not go to Lexus .Com, the Customer place for all things Customer involved and awnser stuff. Even the all seeing and all knowing Lexus can use a little help now and then. LOL LOL Thanks for the tip. Paul
  2. Dumb question probably, but have you pulled the codes?? Paul
  3. Hi Greg and welcome to the club. That is a real interesting problem! It is certainly true that it doesn't take a very big light bulb to drain a big battery. I've done it mysel! I would suggest two things. You can buy a relative inexspensive charger at Walmart or Auto Mart, or any place that carries good auto parts. You'll want one that tells you how well the battery is charging. After a complete charge and the engine will run with no problems under load such as the heat or A/C on. Things should be ok. if not, you'll need to take it in and the charging system checked., and the batteries are still able to hold a deep charge. Let us know what you find out.. Paul
  4. Hi Susan and wekcome to the club. In most cases, it should come back ok. Unless your well versed with car things under the hood, I would probably suggest taking the car or battery to a well known, respected shop. A Lexus dealer would be fine, but they are more expensive. You'll probably want to have the in car charging system cheked as well. Paull
  5. Just a matter of inviting more Pizazz, these threads are posted under the GS forum. That means that only our members who stumble on to that forum will find this great conversation. I'm suggesting moving these threads to the "General Chat" forum where others would be more likely to join us. Let me or Becki know your thoughts. Paul
  6. I'm sorry......I'm not sure I heard you correctly, did you say that" your a living, breathing, source of B.S.? LOL...
  7. Lexus Enthusist makes no bones about their close relationship with Lexus Corp. The gentleman who's project it is, has worked hard to bring a different source of information about all things Lexus. As his site has grown in access and accuracy Lexus has offered more opportunities for insider knowledge. Personaly, I get a kick out of stoping by the Lexus Enthusiist each day just to keep up to date with whats going on. For me, its important because as a staff person it is my duty to try and have as much knowledge as possible. (So far that hasn't made me any smarter. Take what you like, ignore what you don't like. There just cars.??? Lets don't get our shorts in a bunch. LOL Paul
  8. Hi Linda and welcome to the Club. You would have to start out with and easy one ! LOL First, the service & repair history. You have already done the smartest thing you can do and that is to download the prospective GS service records. Knowing how the car was cared for is highly important in projecting the autos future performance. Another place to try is a "CarFax Report". This is a independent rating company that tracks cars history for repairs and car accident body repair. You can go on line and browse for "Carfarx". There is a fee for the service. I think it is about $20 - $30. The notation for "front and rear body" is probably just a box on the check list they use to note they have looked over both those areas for no leaking fluids, loose exhaust systems and so on. Just my guess. Ask them. Does it feel like there giving you a straight answer.? Trying to remove the chrome from your current wheels, is going to be expensive. My guess is around $400 - $600.I would imagine doing a search for your area might turn up a shop that does custom chrome plating. I'm guessing that selling the chrome wheels you have and purchasing the new alloy wheels would put you farther ahead. Please come back if you have and questions, or if you could tell us how your dealer treated you. Paul
  9. Hi Justin, The only question I would add is when you say 'on the first try no luck, then on the second try it started up'. What do you mean by the "first attempt? Does that mean it would not turn over at all, but on the second attempt the starter kicked right in and all was well. If on the first attempt, it turned over but wouldn't start, then we've got a different problem. Paul
  10. In this current survey your going to find some surprises at what owners feel are the worst cars. For recent years I have heard that BMW continued to have reliability issues. Do you agree with this survey??? What are your opinions?? Does your car live up to it's reputation for solid performance??? http://autos.aol.com/gallery/most-disliked-car-brands/?ncid#!slide=2878779
  11. Hi Travis and welcome! Like Billy, I to am surprised that no one else hasn't chimed in here. Actually, this is a pretty common question, but one that is difficult to answer because there are so many answers and variables. I don't know the answer to your situation, but I think I might know a place. Log on to "Toyotas Information Services". This is Toyotas official site for technical information for all things technical on Lexus, Toyota, and Scion. You will need to open an account, and you can start for as little as $15 for 2 days useage. This is an incredible resource and I believe should offer you some help. https://techinfo.toyota.com/techInfoPortal/appmanager/t3/ti?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=ti_home_page&SMENC=ISO-8859-1&SMLOCALE=US-EN&SMAUTHREASON=0&SMAGENTNAME=%24SM%24mT%252bGLraBu9CwUVnZg4mEDzB2kysT90hgbwsWgdZzNOc%253d&TARGET=%24SM%24ht https://techinfo.toyota.com/techInfoPortal/appmanager/t3/ti?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=ti_home_page&SMENC=ISO-8859-1&SMLOCALE=US-EN&SMAUTHREASON=0&SMAGENTNAME=%24SM%24mT%252bGLraBu9CwUVnZg4mEDzB2kysT90hgbwsWgdZzNOc%253d&TARGET=%24SM%24ht
  12. GET READY!!!!!! NEXT WEEK!!!! The New Lexus RC Comes Out Of Hiding and Ready for YOUR GARAGE!!!!! https://webmail1.mail.aol.com/38719-111/aol-6/en-us/suite.aspx If your heart can stand it, Try Out the "RC F" (Also, Nearly 50% of all Lexus sold in the Middle East are LS's.) Paul
  13. Hi Alan and welcome. There are dozens of products out there that are meant for upgrading old systems such as yours to current technology. In addition, there are companies that make wiring harnes's for almost any upgrade. Makes things much easier. My suggestion is to start by checking out reviews and guides on what type of features and what companies offer the features you want in your new system.. Go to every Car audio shop you can find and ask a lot of questions. Find out how much they know, REALLY KNOW, about the Lexus audio product. For your year and model, your system was probably a Pioneer. Remember, all of your components are 15 years old so don't be suprised if you run into some old-brittle parts and a unstable amp. Letus know how you make out. Paul
  14. To my knowledge there is no way to measure the "working" time left on those batteries. Since it is virtualy bullet proof to open and change the battery, and the battery is so cheap, just do it once a year to make your self feel secure. The batteries are available at Interstate Batteries, Clock stores, and any place that sells small batteries such as those mentioned in your Owners Manual. You do not have to buy a battery from your dealer. They charge way to much.
  15. International RC video of the Four Wheel Steering design. http://us1.campaign-archive1.com/?u=c8d07861212a6ff83112f89f7&id=447b1ec92c&e=03d7af6b56 Paul
  16. Lets start a protest movement to eliminate speed limits for all Lexus automobiles. They already make everyone else look like they are standing still..LOL
  17. Hi Walter and welcome. Going back that far, I have no personal experience with your edition of the OEM Pioneer stereo. Your problem could be with the amp as you suspect, or a sympton called "Clipping". When you think about it, your amp may have more playing time on it than actual driving miles. Thats well over 20 years! Given not only this problem, but the load that the system is going to eventualy take as you put in other updated componets, I would suggest going with a new amp, (confirm this need using an opinion from a local car audio expert.) If you want to really max out your DIY skills, go to; TIS "Toyota Information Service".; This web site is owned by Toyota and contains any and all information for Lexus, Toyota, and Scion. You can bring up all the electronic and electrical information, as well as wiring diagrams for the radio, and all sound problems. You use the site by renting time and use of the data base. I usually just rent the smallest amount of time which is 2 days, - 48 hours = $ 15.00. That is usually more than enough time to research my problem and mess around with other topics. Hope others will stop here and give some help. Paul
  18. I enjoy your well thought out postings and even handed discussion of the topics. I'm like you in that neither I nor my wife belong to Facebook or any of the other "social" sites. Really have never seen a need for such a thing and from what I have experianced just passing through, just reafirmed my first impression. In my previous reply, I think I recall suggesting going to Lexus Enthusiust Daily. I really enjoy checking in every day and looking over details and photos of all thats new about coming models, specifications, release dates, new models for different countrys. When time allows, I try to post something from that web site during the week. I would like to hear any feed back you might have on that site. Also, try lookiing at the "General Chat" forum on this site and you might find more traffic. Paul
  19. Now, and through out the year, these special edition packages are meant for those of us who still belong to the " I can't drive 55!" club. Check it out! Paul https://webmail1.mail.aol.com/38711-111/aol-6/en-us/Suite.aspx
  20. https://webmail1.mail.aol.com/38711-111/aol-6/en-us/Suite.aspx Looking for the New Lexus???
  21. Hi Eddie and welcome. I'm curious why you think the problem is with the amp? If it was working fine before you swaped out the front two speakers and the tweaters, what do you think happened to crash the amp? There are the obvious things such as the new speakers being of the wrong impedance. Lexus usualy uses 4 or 6 ohm speakers. If this might be a possibility then the amp might be trying to put out more power per channel than it's capable of. I would think that in this situation a fuse would blow if things are puting that much load on the system. The speakers could be uncompatable. Getting power over run and over driving the voice coils. Remember as well to check out the cross-over network and any other previous after market components installed. I would be really interested in hearing what you find out. Since this problem developed over night it must be something that would stick out right away. Paul
  22. Hi Stephen and welcome to the LOC. At 66 I too also like some pizzaz in my ride even though I really enjoy the wonderful soft, quiet, Lexus trade mark. It's interesting to hear you speak about comparing the "mateing habits" of some of the industries fine cars. Each company spends billions of dollars on focus groups and market sampling to try and determine what they should make that would attract the most customers. You mentioned your previous Saab. Good car, but for some reason their customers didn't think so. Lexus, in my opinion, has been dull, dull, dull for the last five years or so. But now, wow, the line up rolling out this year and next year will put Lexus way back on top, where it has been for most years. I recommend a visit to "Lexus Enthusiast". It puts out print and video each day for all things Lexus. Check it out then come back. I did want to touch base regarding your thoughts on the lack of pizzaz on the site. We have been notiicing a little variance in traffic over the last few months. Other enthusiast on different clubs and web sites say they are seeing the drag in "Posting's as well. I've comfirmed this with Club Lexus. The current operating therory is our members are wanting a more instant experience which they can get from TEXT and Facebook and other "experience" interactions. And this is also holding true with other organized on-line sites. I would welcome your feedback on the matter. Welcome aboard! Paul
  23. Hi desgnr. When looking at guidelines for pricing and discounts on new Lexus, there is no one size fits all. Prices, as on all cars, vary by region and even city. With my RX350, I was able to get a discount of $1,500 off MSRP. At the same time, Lexus was allowing the dealers to use $1,000 discount . Over time, in my experience, most people get from 10% - $1,000 off. For the best idea, go KBB (Kellys Blue Book) on the net. It's my favorite source for price information. Let us know how it's going. Paul
  24. Hi Stephen, You might check the drain channels and tubes that drain around the sun roof and doors, as well as the trunk hinges and channels. A hose with a hard jet of water or a length of wire such as coat hanger should help. Paul
  25. Hi Larry, I wonder if there isn't something else going on to cause your speakers to fail so often. Are the speakers of the right impedance? Is the amplifier and crossover net work at their correct levels? You might want to ask your independent tech to do some diagnostics. Paul
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