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Everything posted by pj8708

  1. Hi kbrod and welcome to the Club. It sounds like the old child's game of "Button, Button, who's' got the Button?" Your told one thing by party 1 in the beginning, then yet another by party 2, finally to be told yet another possibility by party 1 again. From my chair, it's pretty hard to figure out your best option. But given the possible expense involved, you might want to try going to a Toyota dealer and see if they will give you an opinion. If they are willing to at least drive it you might walk away with enough info. to put together an intelligent decision. Also, if you pick from some of these to do the repair find out what their warranty is on parts and labor. How much does it cover and for how long. Let us know how things are going. Paul
  2. Hi Lori and welcome to the Club. I'm on my third ES350 and just love the car. Keep posting and let us know what's going on. Paul
  3. I think someone has developed a case of "I don't care about my customer". It sounds as if Lexus financial is willing to accommodate some type of pro-rating of the final payment due on the RX being returned, against the first payment due for the new RX450h. This way Lexus comes out with a win - win. The dealers concerns simply underlines a sloppy finance department that apparently can't pick-up a phone and call their Lexus regional rep office, or Lexus Financial directly. I would encourage you to draft an e-mail to Lexus Financial or Toyota Financial which ever if is the lender of record. Put your thoughts together in the form of a time line, using Names and titles if you know them. The focus of this letter is to lay out the lack of logic lost on the dealer, the obvious solution as given by Lexus Financial, and the remorse you feel in being forced to leave Lexus. (Your actually not wanting to leave Lexus, it has come down to leaving the dealer.) Lexus after 12 wonderful years. Send the original to the most senior person you can track down at Lexus Financials then send a copy to the dealer as if your treating them as an student taken to the principal. My point here is to give a perception to your dealer that they have all ready lost their chance at keeping a long time customer and your now working with corporate to find a solution. I would think that there has to be a clause in the lease that gives you 30 or 60 days to change your mind or have "buyers remorse" where in you can cancel your lease. I hope this can be of some help. Paul
  4. I'm not sure I can help you. In terms of a "diy" fix, checking to see if there is already a CD in there would be no.1. But by reseting the whole system that should have sholved that problem. However, if a disk is wedge in the player it will have to be taken apart. Sorry I can't be of more help Paul
  5. Hi David and welcome to the Club, I'm not sure we have all of your information. You say that you have been double billed for July for your returned RX, and then for your new 2014 RX. Did you turn your 2011 RX late or early? Have you talked with Lexus Financial or Toyota Financial about the mix up? Was the 2011 over the leased miles allowed? Something just isn't right here and I would not pay the bill until I recieved a complete explanation. Paul
  6. Hi Phil and welcome. At the top of the page, and to the right, is a white box that is labeled "search". This search function accepts single word searches, multiple strings and phrases. At the end of the box you have a choice of several search engines. In my experience, Google seems to be the most accurate. Unfortunately, I can't help you out with your other questions. You can send me a PM(personal message) by clicking on my avatar and just click on send PM. Paul
  7. Hi Samuel and welcome to the LOC. Just a wild guess, but it sounds as if the key/ignition switch is leaving the electrical system in the standby mode or "accessory" mode. If so, that would cause the battery to drain over-night. In my car I've have drained the battery over-night just by leaving a lousy dome light on. Try doing a search of our data base to see if there are other references to this problem. Please keep us up to date on your progress so we can all learn from this. Paul
  8. Here is a link to Lexus Customer Service and other connections. Frequently, this number is used to help find answers to questions such as yours, or in particular, to facilitate a solutions between customer and dealer. They will usually start with contacting the dealer for whats been done to fix the problem so far. From there, the dealer is usually put under the contact of the National Lexus Technical Center. My suggestion is to work "nice and easy" with the Lexus corporate people. They are the ones that control the most leverage. However, I can't imagine this taking much time at all.It sounds like it could be a simple problem. http://www.lexus.com/contact/
  9. Hi Becki, The best thing In your favor is that the noise is very localized. Insisting that the rear door panel be removed for inspection seems like a reasonable request. Always remember you have a car with a lot of warranty left on it. If you want, you can always go to Lexus direct for intervention with the dealer. Paul
  10. Hi Farzam. That is a stumper. I don't have an answer for you but others might come along who can give you some ideas. Paul
  11. Hi John, and welcome to the LOC. First things first; I'll have two eggs over medium- hash browns- one pancake- and fresh Orange Juice! That was goooood! Now, to the probem at hand. You have a pretty tall order but based on my knowledge, I think it could be done. You already seem to have compartmentalized the major system groups you'll need to interface, along with a wheel barrow full of Franklins to fund this death march! LOL I haven't run across someone rewiring the steering wheel. As you say, with the proper wiring harness you can do about anything. There are also companies that make to order harness. The real difficulty with your project is having at your finger tips the correct tech info regarding How do I know the configuration of each component involed? When you install your new head unit, how much power does it need to send to the camera at the rear license plate? When usuing your current on board amp, are you also going to upgrade the speakers? They are 14 years old and have given good service over those years. If you are going to basicly reconfigure your system. it would be foolish not to take advantage of the new technology for better overall sound. That point brings up another regarding using the present amp. If you haven't already, you need to verify the power needs of your current amp. You'll need to know how much power it needs to drink-up, what wattage per channel does the amp put out? Do you know what the impedance/ohms are that go to the speakers. Not every Lexus, of every model year had/have the same amplifier ar the same speaker impedance. I've talked a lot but not sure if I've actually moved the processes forward. I'll leave it hear, and if you think I can help more let me know. Paul
  12. Hi Robert, Usually most members are "diy" types, but as for me I'm not very good that way. There is probably only one way to repair your problem and that is by taking the console apart. I'm placing a link to Toyota's official Technical website that has technical info on all Lexus, Toyota, and Scion products. You can find a blow up diagram of assemblies such as your console. There is a fee of $15 for 48 hours of usage. Believe me, you can learn alot in two days. Let us know how it goes! Paul https://techinfo.toyota.com/techInfoPortal/appmanager/t3/ti?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=ti_home_page&SMENC=ISO-8859-1&SMLOCALE=US-EN&SMAUTHREASON=0&SMAGENTNAME=%24SM%24mT%252bGLraBu9CwUVnZg4mEDzB2kysT90hgbwsWgdZzNOc%253d&TARGET=%24SM%24https%3A%2F%2Ftechinfo.toyota.com%2F
  13. Hi Ellen, The filter sounds like it's labeled just like your air filter in your home furnance. The arrow on your old filter points to the direction of the "air flow". So install your new filter with the "air flow" marker going in the direction of the old arrow. If thats not clear, come back and will give it another try. Paul
  14. I am with all of you. If your needing to watch the coins, nothing could do that better than the reliability of a Lexus.
  15. The new RC-F looks hot just standing still in my opinion! Not sure I like the red interior but then I've never been a big fan of red anything. The cabin over all brings the Lexus badge into the 2014's with attitude. I think the overall package can and will give BMW and others notice that Lexus is here to play hard ball. Paul http://lexusenthusiast.com/2014/07/04/photo-gallery-ultra-white-lexus-rc-f-california
  16. Hi Victoria and welcome to the Lexus Owners Club. Yes, you have a problem. Secondly, I want to give you a round of applause for taking on a task that I don't think I've heard of any one else doing them selves. It is quite a task. From your photo is looks like the piece that is not sticking is a piece of the antenna film. Is this correct? If so does the engine start when you press the button on the key fob? If so, How close do you have to be in order for the starter to engage? All of these settings should work if everthing is installed correctly. If they don't then the loose film MAYBE a part of the problem. Remember your ES has a 4 year bumper to bumper warranty. Don't shoot yourself in the foot here by continuing to play with systems that could flame you warranty. Usualy there are several car audio dealers in town who install remote starts ar good orices... As for me, I use my dealer because it protecte my warranty and my $43,000 car is tinkered with people who have actualy work on a 2014 ES350. Hope this helps. Paul
  17. Lets all bow or heads and wish the apparent return of the "Dukes of Hazard" another short run. Ugggh. Pass the air sick bag!!! Truthfully, Becki is right on target. Lexus is hoping they can move straight forward into the future by putting together some high performance products that can shake up the luxury car market. But as Becki also pointed out, how many teens and tweenty year olds do you know that can pony up the cash to buy one of these primo machines? My guess is that we'll see a lot of silver headed guys and gals behind the wheels living out fantasies of what they wish they had in High School and College. LOL PS: It is interesting how those of us who spent High School and College in the 60's, found that having a "Hot Car" was very helpfull in attracting a date, or the "Cool Girls":. That usualy translated into sel centered and would drain you wallet in one niight.Now, in the 2014's, car's don't seem to be off any consequence when you drive down the main strip on Sarurday night, and your power plant is a 4 cylendar with no mods. Oh welll I guess we'll have to revert back to our charming personalities and good looks. :) Paul
  18. "Shut the Front Door Roscoe"!!!! Someone at Lexus is reliveing their "Good Old Days" at college tokin on a long fat one.! Is this suppose to be proof that Orange is truly the new black? What do you think? Would you park one of these in your drivewar? http://us1.campaign-archive1.com/?u=c8d07861212a6ff83112f89f7&id=12ec10de97&e=03d7af6b56 Paul My answer: No, I would not park one in my driveway. I would not buy one. I think the color takes a technicily advanced automobile and makes it look like a toy surprise out of a cereai box
  19. In this video you are in the drivers seat of the new RC-F and what your looking at are the incredible instrument cluster as the driver pushes the RC-F to the red line time after time. The instrment cluster is like something you've never seen in any Lexus before. First, when you click on the link below you'll first go to a video where you'll here the tuned "throat" of this amazing ride. When that clip stops, a panel of YouTube choices appears and the best one is the RC-F Gauge cluster from the drivers seat as he takes it around the track. I don't know about you, but I've neve seen a set of instruments like this on a Lexus before! Strap in and hang on. short Lexus UK Instagram video Please write down what your opinions are. Paul
  20. Hi Guys and welcome, Looking through our data base the majority indicate the struts are the problem. They have probably lost there charge. But one other point. Recently, I read some notes about not all LS versions have the automatic trunk opening feature. It would depend on the standard OEM features and the feature packages the original owner opt for, Just FYI Below is a link to Lexus customer service. They may be able to help you with feature information. Paul http://www.lexus.com/contact/
  21. Hi Ken and welcome to the Lexus Owners Club. Your question sounds like one of those that seems like a First Grader could figure it out, but when the rubber hits the road, it makes you want to pull your hair out. I just came back from being in our garage and walking myself through your situation on my wife's 2013 RX350. In your owners manual look under "Console". You'll find a diagram of the center console showing the small, removable tray that we use for toll change, Also the placement of the USB port, 12volt port, and a AUX jack. What I did not know until tonight is the placement of 2 "Secret Compartments". As you look inside the console box, (you'll need a flashlight) look straight down toward the drivers side of the box. Up against the bottom tray of the box you will see a cloth tab sticking up. Pull the tab and you will find an incredible amount of storage space. Is this where your photo went? If not, try this. Now that you have taken up the first secret room, shine your flashlight to the bottom front of console box. You should see another tab that opens another door into a storage space which runs up to the back cup holder. I have not heard of any wide spread problems with the cup holders lid. You probably still are in warranty and before you start puting the crow bar to it, why not try runing this by your dealer. They might do it for free just to keep a happy customer. After all, if the lid won't open thats a warranty fix. Paul
  22. Hi Jay and welcome to the club. I want to make sure I understand your question. Your not asking for the wattage that comes out of the amp to each channel, and your not asking what the speakers mz. out put range is. Your wanting to know if there are crossover networks or filters that allow/restrict certain hertz of sound levels to go to certain speakers. I've never run accross this question before, and not sure if I will be any help. In these types of auto systems their pretty straight forward. The amp puts out it's signal. The signal is full width and is changed by the use of cross overs/filters, tone controls, amplifier wattage and speaker design. There is no one thing that controls the sound of your system. For complete tech data, go to TIS.com This is Toyota's official Lexus technical website where you can find anything you'd ever want of a technical nature. The fee is $15 for 2 days use of the site. Paul
  23. Hi Boxbrownie and welcome back to the "Colonies" lol I don't know of a particular item that would fix your problem short of having the dash cowling removed and painted with a dark matte finish' The trick I have used for years is wearing Polorized sunglasses. The Polorization of the lenses eliminates all glare and refections from glass, water, and metal. I would think they could help your situation, and be a whole lot cheaper. If you decide to try this type of sunglasses, buy a good quality pair. The better the quality the better the solution. Let us know if this helps. Paul
  24. Australia TMG ,Toyota Motor Group, indicates a dual clutch manual trans mission to be available within the next few years on the IS F and the RC. The information spells out the details and hoops to go through in order to make this option available. This is excellent news for so many members who for years have begged Lexus for a manual tranny in the IS and GS. With all of the other changes including power plant and suspension, these puppies ought to be a real B..A.. to drive.!! Paul http://lexusenthusiast.com/2014/06/23/lexus-introduce-manual-transmission-rc-f-f/
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