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The Real Facts - Don't Be Fooled !


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George Bush has been in office for 7 years and 8 months. The first six

>>> years

>>> the economy was fine, and moving at a stable predictable rate.




>>> A little just over one year ago:


>>> * Consumer confidence stood at a 2 1/2 year high;


>>> * The Dollar was strong;


>>> * Regular gasoline sold for $2.19 a gallon;


>>> * The unemployment rate was 4.5%;


>>> * Most businesses were thriving in our country;


>>> * The DOW JONES hit a record high of2014,000+, and American's were

>>> buying new cars, taking cruises, buying second homes and vacations

>>> houses,

>>> we were living large!...;


>>> * The USA was still respected and recognized for our global

>>> commitment!;



>>> * The Dollar was strong, and the world wanted to invest in the good

>>> old

>>> USA ;


>>> * Many did not agree with our tactics, but the world saw a unified

>>> America , never seen since world war II.


>>> But American's wanted 'CHANGE'! So; in 2006 they voted in a Democratic

>>> Congress & yep; we got 'CHANGE' all right.


>>> In the PAST YEAR and some months:


>>> * Consumer confidence has plummeted;


>>> * Gasoline got to over $5 a gallon, and we have not seen the end

>>> yet!;


>>> * Unemployment is up to 5% (a 10% increase)and rising;


>>> * Americans have seen their home equity drop by $12 TRILLION &

>>> prices

>>> are


>>> still dropping;


>>> * 1% of American homes are in foreclosure, more to come;


>>> * As I write, THE DOW is probing another low at 11,508;


>>> * $2.5 TRILLION DOLLARS have evaporated from our investment

>>> portfolios;


>>> * The Dollar is at our history's weakest margins;


>>> * The current US Congress (Led by Nancy Pelosi & Joe Biden) made it

>>> a

>>> partisan agenda to stall, block, and fight any project of law that could

>>> help the incumbent party in any way!


>>> * Congress has since received the LOWEST public approval record


>>> in history! Lower than that of their one and only nemesis which they

>>> have

>>> set out to destroy with rhetoric and lack of support; Our President.



>>> in

>>> America can our own government institution (Laden by the self serving

>>> scum

>>> of our society) bring us down to our knees as our Congress has in 18

>>> months!





>>> * Increase Income Taxes;


>>> * Increase Capital Gains Taxes;


>>> * ; Reinstate the Inheritance Taxes to higher levels;


>>> * Withdraw our forces from Iraq (Possibly reversing our hard won

>>> victory);


>>> * Nationalize Healthcare (Now I know I've heard this before? Yes

>>> Michael

>>> Moore!) neither have a clue, it just sounds good!;


>>> * Reduce Military spending ( Clinton set us back 10 years; this

>>> clown

>>> will have us asking the UN to protect our interests by the time he gets

>>> through!);


>>> * ; Wants to "Dialogue" and "Understand" our worst enemies, and does

>>> not

>>> want to seem insensitive by wearing our flag;


>>> * Obama fails to see the need to protect infant life; even after

>>> live

>>> birth!


>>> * &nbs p; He is going to achieve all this by crossing "Party Lines"!!!

>>> An

>>> inexperienced Democrat President, with a failed Democratic Congress in

>>> power

>>> at the same time? Why would he need to cross any lines? Obama must think

>>> that we are all really stupid!


>>> * Obama denies his Muslim origins by calling himself a Christian,

>>> yet

>>> writes in his own book; The Audacity of Hope: 'I will stand with the

>>> Muslims

>>> should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.'



>>> blind

>>> or just as he thinks we are? Mostly Stupid!!


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The issue is that now we're seeing the reprocussions of steps that Bush and the republicans have taken over those past 6 years.

I don't have the energy to lay it all out...but these issues are due, in a large part, to actions he specifically took as President. Its discussed elsewhere on the site...

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I don't think it much matters who's the President, but rather who's ruling the house. I think if roles were reversed and the democrats were in the White House, and Republicans in the house, we'd still have a childish p*ssing contest of a mess going on. Things only seem to move forward when one party rules both sides. Which, thankfully, is exactly what this country is based upon to not happen. If Obama wins and the dems maintain control of the house, things will move forward quickly. And, I can promise you, at somepoint, it'll all implode as well when the republicans lurk into the shadows and wiggle their way back to the house. Let us not forget the whiplashing the Clinton administration took during the following 36 months after Bush came in. Bush will face the same, as will either McCain or Obama in 4 to 8 years. If they're replaced in 4 years, then they must of really sucked. When they're replaced at 8, the country is usually sick and tired of them anyway and bash them right up to the end. Then applaud them with a "thanks" as they fly home.

America is meant to be "stable", but not "stagnant", which is why we change leaders every 4 to 8 years. Start fresh, and kill 60% of the things the last president planted. Has it's good, and it's bad.

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I wish everyone could just grow up and get over their raging obsession with bashing Bush.

Sorry the guy is an idiot and I am infuriated by what he has done with the presidency I voted him into. It has nothing to do with me having to "grow-up". I am a successful businessman and a tax paying American citizen who knows a thing or two about how our economy and markets work, I'm a grown-up already. This guy is a disaster, and there are very few individuals left who disagree.

Clinton NEVER had approval ratings as low as Bush...not even during his impeachment.

The congress sucks too, I agree and I am really dissapointed in what they've done with my vote as well, but that doesn't change the fact that Bush is an idiot.

I can't believe they didn't pass the bailout...

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I must admit, after seeing 60-Minutes last night and learned the original bail-out plan was only 3 pages long, I was scratching my head wondering why any president would support such a thing, that's less then a 5th grader's book report on Catcher in the Rye. But, I must also admit, as I've stated in the past with democrats and red-tape. They tend to love that stuff, which after 9/11 revealed was so thick, the FBI and CIA couldn't even share data together w/o violating some type of law.

The fact that the house republicans are the ones to blame for failure of the bail-out plan, I'd have to say just handed the keys to the White House to Obama. I know I for one, am feeling that way at this moment myself.

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Someone correct the math if they want to go into the exact dollar, but if there is say around 305 million people in the US. All of which are not over 18. So, why not give us 1 million dollars each, which would be less then the needed 700 billion dollar bail out plan! I'd pay off our mortgage and stimulate the economy with a few nice purchases to boot!

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Because that wouldn't solve the issue at hand, the economy would still fail.

$1,000,000 a peice is not going to replace having viable companies who can employ people, having credit available for people and companies to borrow money.

We have to save these companies so that they can in turn save the economy.

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I don't know, I keep thinking about this and I just don't see how it's an "economy saving" package, and not a "Wall Street" saving package. I understand how the credit system works. If we have to save these companies, then they should be sold to the American Taxpayer and become our property. Why should we just give them free money for being idiots? Who's gonna bail out my company if I sell to a bunch of people that can't pay me for my products? I think then that all the profits form these newly acquired companies when this all starts to turn around should be handed out in the form of tax breaks and repayments for allways ever after. The private sector is just to greedy for these types of mega conglomerates driven alny by dollars and profits.

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I don't know, I keep thinking about this and I just don't see how it's an "economy saving" package, and not a "Wall Street" saving package. I understand how the credit system works. If we have to save these companies, then they should be sold to the American Taxpayer and become our property. Why should we just give them free money for being idiots? Who's gonna bail out my company if I sell to a bunch of people that can't pay me for my products? I think then that all the profits form these newly acquired companies when this all starts to turn around should be handed out in the form of tax breaks and repayments for allways ever after. The private sector is just to greedy for these types of mega conglomerates driven alny by dollars and profits.

Its all too much to swallow. Everyone knew this was coming but kept their fingers crossed that everything would work itself out. Not a good way to do business.

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I don't know, I keep thinking about this and I just don't see how it's an "economy saving" package, and not a "Wall Street" saving package. I understand how the credit system works. If we have to save these companies, then they should be sold to the American Taxpayer and become our property. Why should we just give them free money for being idiots? Who's gonna bail out my company if I sell to a bunch of people that can't pay me for my products? I think then that all the profits form these newly acquired companies when this all starts to turn around should be handed out in the form of tax breaks and repayments for allways ever after. The private sector is just to greedy for these types of mega conglomerates driven alny by dollars and profits.

You don't understand the bill. The american taxpayer was going to recieve ownership interest in any company that we bailed out. American taxpayers and America very well could make money on the deal. They did similar things during the depression we made money on, and we made money on the savings and loan bailouts too. This was not the case in Paulson's original package, but it was included in the revamped bill the house voted on today.

If this continues you won't have any customers for your products because nobody will have any money. America runs on credit, we're talking about a complete and total failure of our credit system. Its already occured on the commercial ends, banks aren't lending to banks or companies. Right now they are still lending to consumers...but that won't last much longer if something isn't done. Companies won't be able to make payroll...

No offense but if you went out of business it wouldn't affect a whole lot of people. If all of the US lending institutions go out of business and cannot lend money, our entire economy will fail. These mortgage backed securities are EVERYWHERE. Every company invests in them. Every pension plan, your insurance policies, everywhere, all over the world.

We're talking about no credit cards, no car loans, no home loans, no student loans for kids to go to college. A generation of Americans with their retirement wiped out. This is a disaster of monumental proportions that is looming about 10 days away...

The package saves wall street, and wall street IS the economy. You don't save wall street, you don't save the economy. I'm as mad as you are that these fat cats were so stupid, but if they all go under we're going to be the ones that are going to suffer.

When Warren Buffet, the most conservative financial mind in America says something needs to be done...I listen.

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I dont have the time energy or enough strength to get started on everything this discussion brings out in me... I am against helping a CEO bailout...as for the american people we need it. I am tired of hearing we are looking at a recession... they need to buy a dictionary ... as far as blaming Bush... which I voted for too... I cant blame one man for problems that stem from hundreds of thousands of people being greedy. I am what most people believe to be as a black heart republican...I do not believe in welfare reform...mainly because I dont believe in welfare...I agree some people need assistance.. the disabled is a good example... but if you have been drawing welfare for a decade..this is not assistance...this is a retirement... a retirement funded by mine and our tax dollars... there has to be not only a answer but alot more questions..I have owned many many different types of money losing ideas ...lol... no golden parachute not even a umbrella...if you own a company that goes under you should not expect to walk away with 20,ooo,ooo million dollars of tax payers money. No one man is to blame. That is one of the problems everyone wants to push the blame noone want the responsibility. I voted Bush in office I take responsibility for my actions... I love a cold beer and a football game as much as anyone else...but I am not waiting to the third of every month for a check while watching my neighbors cable while sending my kids to school to get free lunch and eating steaks paid for by food stamps and sending my kids to the dentist to be paid for a medical card complaining about how high gas is wanting my welfare check to raise because of the high cost of living... I believe anyone drawing welfare, Social Security, medicaid, medicare, child assistance, wick, or k tap should be drug tested.... this is a issue that could save millions in these assistance programs... I work and pay for my insurance I have none nor do I qualify or wish to for any assistance of these types and personally could not retire or want to on just social security. But if one of these so called needy or underprivilaged people fell off the roof of there house while getting a frisby and broke his arm. They would recieve medical attention no questions ask...If I fell off I would have a deductable at which time be drug tested ... take into consideration for insurance that I pay for ..before recieving any medical attention... like I said this is just one issue I work for a multi billion dollar company and one of our leading expenses is medical... I guess what I am trying to say is many many issues have led to these problems... and yet instead of fixing or even addressing the problems that help create these issues... everyone wants to throw money on it and call it fixed... when in reality all we do is keep enabling these politions that in reality are more apt to vote on an issue due to a personal reason then helping the public they took an oath to help... It makes me sick to think the United States is not only the greatest, richest and best place in the world... and look at what these greedy self proclaimed voice of the american people have done to it. Having personaly served in the Marines I love my country and it makes me sick to my stomach to know that what I lost friends family and loved ones for is being controlled by people that would rather take a free dinner from a fourtune 500 CEO than a direct question over what they stand for... when I came back from overseas alot of friends use the word hero and great american...you show me a man or a woman that works two jobs to support two kids , and keep food on the table, a single mom that waits tables in the morning and comes home to mow there yard in the evening and still has time to read a book to their kids at night... that scraps together enough money for gas and power... and still takes there kids to soccer and cheerleading practice ... I will show you the real hero... America is the greatest country in the world... and I am all for free enterprise... When did we start rewarding someone who worked three weeks for a company that went backrupt and penalizing the man that worked for the company for thirty years by taking his retirement to furninsh the CEO with twenty two million because of a damn contract that the ink hadnt even dried yet.... forgive me... I should probably shutup but, touchy subject....forgive the typo's but was thinking faster than i can type.

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Someone correct the math if they want to go into the exact dollar, but if there is say around 305 million people in the US. All of which are not over 18. So, why not give us 1 million dollars each, which would be less then the needed 700 billion dollar bail out plan! I'd pay off our mortgage and stimulate the economy with a few nice purchases to boot!

Going down to the exact dollar, it breaks down to $2295/person. You had me excited for a second there ;)

With that said, Steve is absolutely right. It's somewhat shortsighted to say no to this bill simply because of not wanting to bailout these companies that have admittedly screwed up. There is an extremely likely possibility of a financial collapse if something is not done which will affect us all (read: companies allowed to fail).

One thing that many people are reacting to is the term "700 BILLION DOLLAR BAILOUT." Many people are assuming that 700B is simply free money given to these companies. It is not, the treasury would be purchasing assets from institutions which would allow the institutions to start lending again and basically jump start the economy. These assets would be repackaged and eventually sold back to financial institutions. It is not a gift check. Like Steve mentioned, this could potentially be profitable to the taxpayers.

There were add'l provisions in today's bill which protected you and I as taxpayers. Again, it's not a $700B blank check, there is going to be a purchase of assets which do have an underlying value. As Steve said, the treasury would also be able to take ownership interest in those companies. Also, if this bill caused a loss five years from now (if it overpaid for the assets), it required the president to propose legislation to recover the loss from the financial industry itself.

Credit standards have tightened so much so quick already. To get the best rates on loans, many lenders now require a 720 fico or better. On an 80 LTV Agency home loan (Fannie/Freddie), you actually have to have a 740 fico to avoid rate adjustments. Roughly 6 out of 10 Americans would not be able to get these best rates today due to their fico. Imagine if this gets even worse if lenders start tightening even more. Less homes purchased, less automobiles purchased, even credit cards... Standards of living could go downhill pretty damn quick for you and I.

The saddest thing is that it appears that this is being turned into a political issue on both sides of the aisle with all kinds of finger pointing and posturing. And on a related note, here is an interesting article here regarding the vote breakdown

Quoted for Truth:

The package saves wall street, and wall street IS the economy. You don't save wall street, you don't save the economy. I'm as mad as you are that these fat cats were so stupid, but if they all go under we're going to be the ones that are going to suffer.
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just curious... but why should it matter if obama was or is Muslim or not...

as an economist I can honesty say that all of this should have been expected... its not big surprise... economics 101 could point out the numerous flaws in policies and a corporate culture that encourages greed...

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Wow dcfish, I can't fathom how you actually believe and support what you posted.... that you really think all the problems that are occurring now is due to the slight Democratic majority in Congress. You don't mention or give any credit to the Clinton administration whom preceded Bush and led the country to that great standing.

Then again I can't believe how Bush was able to get elected twice. I finally thought Bush's scare tactics, of forcing every American to believe we had to follow his lead or not doing so would be the end of America, was finally at an end because Americans could see what it truly was, scare tactics and not the truth, and then you post that garbage.

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Wow dcfish, I can't fathom how you actually believe and support what you posted.... that you really think all the problems that are occurring now is due to the slight Democratic majority in Congress. You don't mention or give any credit to the Clinton administration whom preceded Bush and led the country to that great standing.

Then again I can't believe how Bush was able to get elected twice. I finally thought Bush's scare tactics, of forcing every American to believe we had to follow his lead or not doing so would be the end of America, was finally at an end because Americans could see what it truly was, scare tactics and not the truth, and then you post that garbage.

OK, dispute dcfish's entries point by point.

Discussing politics on this forum is going to lead to nothing but bad feelings. People tend to overreact and overstate when politics are involved.

But this is a discussion forum and this is a "General Discussion" so snipe away. It is disappointing.

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Wow dcfish, I can't fathom how you actually believe and support what you posted.... that you really think all the problems that are occurring now is due to the slight Democratic majority in Congress. You don't mention or give any credit to the Clinton administration whom preceded Bush and led the country to that great standing.

Then again I can't believe how Bush was able to get elected twice. I finally thought Bush's scare tactics, of forcing every American to believe we had to follow his lead or not doing so would be the end of America, was finally at an end because Americans could see what it truly was, scare tactics and not the truth, and then you post that garbage.

OK, dispute dcfish's entries point by point.

Discussing politics on this forum is going to lead to nothing but bad feelings. People tend to overreact and overstate when politics are involved.

But this is a discussion forum and this is a "General Discussion" so snipe away. It is disappointing.

agreed and back to the weather Jim......lol :)

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Someone correct the math if they want to go into the exact dollar, but if there is say around 305 million people in the US. All of which are not over 18. So, why not give us 1 million dollars each, which would be less then the needed 700 billion dollar bail out plan! I'd pay off our mortgage and stimulate the economy with a few nice purchases to boot!

Going down to the exact dollar, it breaks down to $2295/person. You had me excited for a second there ;)

With that said, Steve is absolutely right. It's somewhat shortsighted to say no to this bill simply because of not wanting to bailout these companies that have admittedly screwed up. There is an extremely likely possibility of a financial collapse if something is not done which will affect us all (read: companies allowed to fail).

One thing that many people are reacting to is the term "700 BILLION DOLLAR BAILOUT." Many people are assuming that 700B is simply free money given to these companies. It is not, the treasury would be purchasing assets from institutions which would allow the institutions to start lending again and basically jump start the economy. These assets would be repackaged and eventually sold back to financial institutions. It is not a gift check. Like Steve mentioned, this could potentially be profitable to the taxpayers.

There were add'l provisions in today's bill which protected you and I as taxpayers. Again, it's not a $700B blank check, there is going to be a purchase of assets which do have an underlying value. As Steve said, the treasury would also be able to take ownership interest in those companies. Also, if this bill caused a loss five years from now (if it overpaid for the assets), it required the president to propose legislation to recover the loss from the financial industry itself.

Credit standards have tightened so much so quick already. To get the best rates on loans, many lenders now require a 720 fico or better. On an 80 LTV Agency home loan (Fannie/Freddie), you actually have to have a 740 fico to avoid rate adjustments. Roughly 6 out of 10 Americans would not be able to get these best rates today due to their fico. Imagine if this gets even worse if lenders start tightening even more. Less homes purchased, less automobiles purchased, even credit cards... Standards of living could go downhill pretty damn quick for you and I.

The saddest thing is that it appears that this is being turned into a political issue on both sides of the aisle with all kinds of finger pointing and posturing. And on a related note, here is an interesting article here regarding the vote breakdown

Quoted for Truth:

The package saves wall street, and wall street IS the economy. You don't save wall street, you don't save the economy. I'm as mad as you are that these fat cats were so stupid, but if they all go under we're going to be the ones that are going to suffer.

I like this posting, good job jobyfreddel :cheers: .

I point out your comment about 6 out of 10 won't qualify for the good rates, as basis for an earlier comment I made about how important it is now to maintain your assets "home, car, etc" now. Keep your home in tip-top shape, put in the sweat equity now, will help it's value and curb appeal, which will help attract those 4 with the good credit to buy it later. And get on your neighbors to clean up their acts too, if need be. It's time for communities to come together and tighten up the ship, to protect their marketability. Watch out for the "renters", I've got one in my neighborhood I've been watching, and will now have to address as they have a 99' Infiniti Q45 sitting in the street with bricks behind it's wheels "obviously e-brake doesn't work". That's against HOA rules, and I'm going to make sure they know it. It looks bad, and won't fly. That sort of stuff we've got to watch out for.

Wall Street certainly has been the economy over the past 5+ years, that's for sure! It's been the ATM machine, pumping in the global capital, and taking it out. That'll change now with more regulations sure to come back into play, as they should in my opinion. "Securitization" has gotten way out of control! I mean, when movie studios are funding their film productions with securities funnelled through Wall Street, it's gotten bad.

I propose the following alteration to the bailout plan. Instead of us tax payers buying up the bad assets and freeing the banking community of having to deal with them "putting the responsibility on us", I say every bank in the country be REQUIRED to estabilish a "bad bank" sidecar, which will hold all of the questionable assets. Then, we taxpayers, loan the bank the required funds to get liquidity flowing again, in exchange for ownership stock in the bank itself. The BANK is then responsible for managing the bad assets in the sidecar holding company, sell them off when the market returns "and it is returning guys, don't let the bad press fool you, it's being set up as I type with several hundred billion dollars being pooled into funds to buy up these assets at discounted prices by private investors". If the bank fails to sell off their bad assets, and the fed has to take control, no only do we get the bad-bank assets "as we're planning on now anyway", but we get the GOOD assets too via the ownership stocks. If the bank doesn't fail to sell off the assets "managing the problem instead of the problem managing you", which will most likely happen, as they sell the assets, they then buy the stock back from the fed and begin down the road to recovery.

As it stands now, with the $700b package, we're just taking the bad assets, and putting the responsiblity of managing them on us, which I'm beginning to have a problem with. $700b for all troubled assets, or $700b for the potential of all troubled assets mixed in with good ones too. Seems to make a bit more sense to me.

Eitherway, as RX, SWO, and I "and other" have all agreeded in a few posts further up, the #1 thing that MUST happen for any recovery to start happening, is transparency. We MUST locate and expose the bad assets. Until that cover of secrecy is lifted, nothing will happen, as confidence won't return until then.

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Let me just put up that I'm more spouting my frustration at this whole thing. I can't beleive that no one saw this coming and even more unbeleivable is the fact that nothing was done before we came to this. It seems they have all the security cameras and alarms in the wrong room of these banks!!

I know this package has to be put thru. It just erks me that all the politicians are acting as our saviors and doing us all a favor by really trying to oversee "good stewardship" of taxpayer money. Seems to me they should ahve been paying attention and doing that all along.

I'm just frustrated guys, and gals. I own a business. I have employees that rely on this business for thier livelyhood. This whiole thing just really stresses me out. I'm nervous about next week, and next month.....and so on....

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Let me just put up that I'm more spouting my frustration at this whole thing. I can't beleive that no one saw this coming and even more unbeleivable is the fact that nothing was done before we came to this. It seems they have all the security cameras and alarms in the wrong room of these banks!!

I know this package has to be put thru. It just erks me that all the politicians are acting as our saviors and doing us all a favor by really trying to oversee "good stewardship" of taxpayer money. Seems to me they should ahve been paying attention and doing that all along.

I'm just frustrated guys, and gals. I own a business. I have employees that rely on this business for thier livelyhood. This whiole thing just really stresses me out. I'm nervous about next week, and next month.....and so on....

Smooth, One of the main reasons I posted this is because of frustration, I have no faith in our government, Republicans and Democrats alike, In fact Politics these days belong on the pile behind the barn. What ever happened to 'WE THE PEOPLE" ??? Government runs us, Should be the other way around. OK, Back to the discussion, Rants and Vents :cheers:

"Things always get worse before they get better"

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I would prefer McCain to win, but either way, It's not going "destroy" America or turn America into some mythological wasteland that is the awe of the world to have the other party win.

So in Nov. I'll put in my vote, but if Obama wins, I may be upset for a day... then I'll get over it, and continue to live my life.

I'm getting VERY sick of politics. We need a president that is passionate and knowledgeable. That just east, sleeps, and breathes America.

As far as the "bailout" goes. Wall St. IS Main St. and God help us that something is done soon.

This kind of reminds me of that scene in "V for Vendetta" where the gentleman on TV says something about the US begging for help. AH! I hope this isn't the future in store for us! :D

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After all the hoopala, The politicians are broke, in more than one way. They spend like drunken sailors and have no idea what their income is, as if it matters. Government has done nothing to improve the working man, they have created a welfare system that creates generations of non workers, screwed the Medical care system up by causing it to overinflate all normal expenses because they can. Now they want a free get out of jail card for the folks that caused it all. Republicans, Democrats, they are both sick and heading toward Socialism. They feel they can do better than you or me in taking care of our children, grandchildren, etc. All it has done is taken responsibility away from everyone to accept any blame or responsibility for their miserable plights. The CEO's, board of directors and all of the Ivy league insiders have ruined this country with their EAST coast mentality. Jobs have gone overseas and we have sold out our technology to third world countries that have no interest in democracy or human rights. China puts a man in space and gears for a space station by 2020 and I can guarantee you if will not be only for exploration. The Media hardly covers it, and ignores the growing threat. This financial crisis is greed and stupid deregulation, which has failed us all miserably. The Enrons, Xerox, and countless other frauds that happened in the last ten years just have not been punished enough. Now We Bail out the good old boys, hey where is my cut when my ATM says I have no more funds. Could you spare me a dime?????

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