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Es300 A "chick Car"?


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I recently purchased a 2000 ES300, black w/ black leather, 42K. My first Japanese car. I love everything about it. I have owned a Porsche 911, 2 VWs and 3 BMWs and I still like this car over all of these for what I need at this point in my life and career.

Anyway, a couple of my friends have informed me that the ES300 is a chick car. Is this generally true? Personally, I disagree. While I do see females driving these cars, I also see many men driving them. Both of my friends who made this comment drive only German vehicles, and I think are a little hurt that I "crossed over".

My response to them was that just because my car wasn't featured in "The Fast and the Furious" doesn't mean it's not a great car to dive, backed up with dependability and satisfaction ratings that blow away any German car.

Anyone have an opinion on the whole "chick car" thing?

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yea, people say lots of things. Hell, people even say that about the Rx series. Ofcourse what do they know. Most of the members i see on here are all guys (no offence to the women ..jill, and others) Usually for the money, the men would prolly go for the more sportier car because ofcourse the ES isnt a performer. I think they generalize ES and cars like that as a womans car only because its more in touch with the softer side. :)

People used to say that Caddies are for old men. Well... if a nice bump free touring suspension is what old men like ... Cool, but im sure there are younger crowds that own those vehicles and love them for the ride.

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LOL I love the subject title of this thread! ;)

I own a 2001 ES300, and I'm a twentysomething male. Around my area (Fairfield County CT), I see maybe 75% of the ES's being driven by females. No intention to stereotype, but I would presume that the ES sedan in one way appropriately fits the image and comfort, yet yields enough power for a well-to-do, female buyer. I'm not worried about the "chick" comment, but maybe it's because I don't receive that kind of static. In fact, I've received a decent amount of looks and compliments from my neighbors, friends and co-workers :)

So I guess what I'm trying to say is don't worry about the female comment thing on your car; it'll get old after a while. Enjoy your new purchase, and keep the car nice and clean! B)

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Lol, yeah, the title is funny. I'm a 20 year old male, and around my school (U of A, Fayetteville, AR) both men and women own ESs. In my particular (all male) dorm, there are two other ES owners. Don't feel weird owning one. If people think of you in a lesser fashion because of what car you drive, you might as well not know them in the first place. I loved the comment about crossing over. I don't think its a very serious event when someone goes from a German car to a Japanese car. Not nearly as serious as say, "going over to the other team." ;)

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I would say that about 75% of the ES drivers that I see are women. I think the fist generation of ES (92-96) had more male buyers than the 2nd and 3rd generation (I definitely see more men driving the 92-96 models).

Does that make it a chick's car? Not necessarily, however out of the entire Lexus lineup, I would say that the RX and ES are more Chick cars than the other models. Add the new SC430 to that list - definitely a Chick's car.

As to your friends... don't worry about it. They will constantly be asking for a ride in your chick car while their German models are in the shop.

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Amen, Branshew!!! I bought a new BMW 330 Convertible last March. Piece of :censored:... The ES is not a chick's car, it is an intelligent consumer's car. I owned the BMW for a total of 6 months... I had it in the shop eight times, and it left me stranded twice. For a new car, especially one at that price point, that is ridiculous. Another friend of mine had a VW Beetle. He had it in the shop 73 times in a little less than three years!!!

I will take my "Chick Car" over any of those "macho" heaps of junk any day.

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Thanks for the input on this subject. I realize that this is not really what this forum is intended for, but you have soothed my mind. I was beginning to think that I was wrong for thinking the ES300 is a great car for both man and woman.

I guess I should consider the source. Both guys that teased me about this (just kidding around) drive Audi A4's. And I definately see a bunch of women driving those. Actually, they just hate everything not German. Maybe one day they will expand their minds and realize there are good cars from many countries, that can be enjoyed by both genders.

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People are always going to have something dirty to say to you about things that you have, especially a Lexus and especially when they themselves have german cars. Its just them being childish and trying to bolster their own ego. Be happy thats not neccisary for you.

The actual demographics of ES owners are around 65%male. True thats higher than something like a LS where 95% of owners are male, but its hardly a "chick car" In fact, owners of the 3 series BMW are closer to 50/50 male/female. Around here, every teenage girl wants a 3 series coupe.

Most of the people I see in ES are very old men, in their 70s kinda men. I see many more men than women. Doesn't bother me, I like what I like.

Tell your friends you don't need a so called "guy" car to feel like a man. That'll shut em up. If it doesn't, pound them.

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I can only say this:

a couple years ago I bought a Jetta (VR6 5 speed, natch). Once in it, I noticed--for the entire time I had it, about 6-9 months--that every Jetta on the road seemed to be driven by a woman. It sure seemed I was the only man in a Jetta.

I kept screaming to myself, IT'S A CHICK CAR!

(This didn't diminish the car in any way for me; no, German engineering and lack of attention to detail did that just fine, thank you very much. I dumped the Jetta for an Accord, and never looked back. But then, I'm a Honda guy from way, way back...but I digress...)

Fast forward to December 25 last year, when the ES300 found its way into my driveway with a big red bow on it. After getting the transmission rebuilt (SURPRISE! I think maybe Toyota has a weak spot in the trannies, but who's going to argue at 125K miles), I've driven the ES exclusively--and have never, ever, ever noticed the "chick car" thing.

So I'm sensitive to it, very aware of the concept from my Jetta days, and the ES simply does not stand out as such in any way.

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I too am not concerned what stereotype they put on the ES being a "chick" car or not, dosen't mean anything to me :lol: It's a Lexus & I think whatever gender is driving it looks sharp in it. My buddy drives a 02' Volvo V40 wagon :lol: Now there is a poor guy with a "yuppie" complex as both genders make fun of him for the type of car he has (were both in our mid to late 20's). People will always have an opinion on whatever someone else drives because most likely, they don't, can't & never will drive the same thing for a number of reasons. People that choose a Lexus have CLASS bottom line! B) :whistles:


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In fact, owners of the 3 series BMW are closer to 50/50 male/female. Around here, every teenage girl wants a 3 series coupe.

For me, A chick, I will admit prior to buying my ES 300 I test drove everything on the market, why....cause I did want a 3 series coupe. But I found when I got in one it was too small (I am semi tall) and on top of that, it seemed too similar to a Jetta for my liking.

So I went with my bank check to buy my second choice, Mits Spyder Eclipse. On the way was a Lexus dealership...I stopped and told my hubby that I have to test drive everything, prior to buying anything.

I drove that ES 300 no more than 1/4 miles before I fell in love with the car. Smooth drive, powerful engine (For the price range). Trunk that can fit two adult bodies :P . So I held off...went home and researched the crud out of the lexus. All my male friends and Male family members told me go ahead its a chick car, they laughed. So I did buy it, not cause it's a chick care, but because it has a powerful engine for its class, strong saftey ratings, fits four adults comfortably (7 uncomfortably), etc...that and black with black leather interior looks hot!

So all the Male friends and family who laughed at me and told me to go and buy the "Chick car"....they love driving it and no longer call it a chick car .... especially when I take their crappy cars off the line. :cheers:

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I'll second that sk lol :lol: Saw an elderly chinese woman driving one the other day too......she must have been in her mid to late thousands!! :lol: but mostly males nontheless. :P B)


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in philly its almost all men that drive the es300.mostly white itallion guys like myself but theres quite a few chinese with them as well but diffenitly all men.

most chic cars down here are mits eclipse,honda accord,mercades coupes,honda civics,and such.

men cars down here are (alllseries)lexus,bmw,acura,mustangs,camaros,and infinitys.

all depends on the driver i guess but i dont think any lexus is a chics car.but thats my opinoin. :D

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In the Minneapolis area, I see a very diverse crowd of people driving ES300s. I have seen young kids (people in their late teens/early 20s like me), middle-aged men and women, and elderly.

And pretty much it's 50% male, 50% female.

Avg. age I would say around here is like 35-45, but nonetheless, it's a great car for anybody. It has a very wide appeal; kids love 'em, adults love 'em, elderly love 'em. What can I say? :lol: It's a win/win situation! :lol:

And my friends/family surely do not think it's a 'chick' car. Most of them want my Lexus. After riding/driving my car, most of them have "seen the light" (or so to speak, they want to crossover from domestic to imports). Hahaha. :D

I think it's funny when people give me crap for having an import (stuff like, oh you're not supporting the american economy... very few people i know say this, but a couple still do). It's obvious that Toyota Corp. supports our economy by employing hundreds of thousands of workers, or however many it is... but the people that give me crap still don't get that. So yeah, I won't get on my soapbox. Haha. All I say is, "how many times has your car been in for repairs lately?" and that always shuts em up. :lol:

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While watching this topic grow, I've been counting the ES drivers in my homes association and in the building where I work with about 1,000 people. Maybe this is some sort of regional phenomenon or because my sample is too small to be statistically meaningful, but, strange as it may sound, all of these ES's are driven by women. I know four of these women ES drivers quite well and know they have other cars in their household that they could drive if they wanted to. I notice something similar when hanging around my friend's independent Lexus repair shop. The guys are there with their LS's and the women are there with their ES's - but then his shop seems to service mainly LS's so I don't see many ES's in there.

I have sometimes wondered why the ES are marketed in some countries but not in others. Why are ES's marketed in the north African states, Austrailia, Asia, and Brazil but not in Europe or the U.K.? I have not driven an ES since 1990 and will ask for one as a "loaner" next Wednesday when I take my LS to dealer for warranty work. I'm curious to see what they are like.

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Well, I'm a girl and this is my second ES. My first was a 2000. This is a 2003. I always find myself taking a glance at who the driver is when an ES is nearby, and while I'm not quite sure of the male-to-female ratio, I've noticed that a great many of the drivers are older. Come to think of it, the drivers of most of the cars around here are elderly. Must be the suburbs :)

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I think its really a regional thing, here most LS owners seem to be women, with more men driving 430s than driving 400s. Most ES owners seem to be men over 65.

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Well in my opinion, the "chick" or "guy" factor when talking about the car itself, as far as the ES goes, really has to do with the color. For instance, my first ES, a 92, was a beautiful red and gray. I personally think that this color could go either way. Now, my second one on the other hand, is black on black and I think there's no two ways about it-it's a "guy" car. My mom's is a 96 that's champagne w/a gold package-now THAT'S a chick car in my opinion. I feel wussy driving it :lol: But I feel like I own the streets in mine. I think too that the generation has alot to do with it; 92-96 I think can really be either, 97-99 I'd say is more of a chick car, and 99-01 more of a guy car (b/c the body lines are a little more "edgy") and the new ones I feel once again can go either way. I know that there are only 2 ES's other than mine at my school and both of them are white 92's; one driven by a guy, one driven by a girl, but both look pathetic next to mine b/c they've not been taken good care of whereas mine's like brand new. B) Geez I love my car :D

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lol i like the color theroy. :D

well i drive a black on black and must agree that you dont see many women driving black on black cars!!most womes like red,tan,silver,and white or maybe even blue but hardley ever black.my neighborhood like i said is almost all men driving luxury cars like the es,ls etc..most women go for the smaller type cars.

all in all the es300 whoever is driving it looks good in any color,with any age,race,s*x etc.... :D

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I completely disagree LOL.

Yes black looks great, but I will never own a black car because of the upkeep. Black shows EVERYTHING, every nick and scratch and every speck of dust. My dad had a black Cadillac about 10 years ago that I took care of for him, never again. My car is bad enough, but the metallic hides a lot of the miniscule stuff the black does not.

I agree with "once you go dark you don't go back" but I'll never buy a black car. Black interiors yes, I love em!

Especially not a black Lexus because it doesn't have a clearcoat. :blink:

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co'mon steve yes black does show alot of dirt but it sure looks the best of any color!!its worth the upkeep! :D

bbsal, I agree with you about black looking great when it's nice and clean. I've owned 2 black ES300s (including my current '01), and my passion for that deep rich color never fails on me ;)

Hey bbsal, I see that you're on the list for the NE Lexus meet on the 25th this month. Hope to see your black/black ES at the meet (as that will bring me back memories of my '96 Coach Edition!) :D

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