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Road Rage


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Well, one of the things that :censored: me off is: People who are speeding along in the left lane and tail gate so you can move out of their way, then after you switch lanes, they won't pass :censored: Another one is: People who fall alseep in the left turn lane and wait about seven seconds after the light turns green to proceed, by that time the light is turning yellow.

I think one of the strangest incidences of road rage I've experienced was about this time last year, when I got in front of an old man in a pick up truck. FYI I didn't cut him off, he was still stopped when I got in front of him and there were about four car lengths between him and the other car. I thought he was letting me in, well that was pretty far from the truth. After traffic started to move again he floored his truck to make the tires squeal. I realized then that he was in fact NOT cutting me a break and he was angry. When traffic stopped, he got out of his car and walked up to my window. I had my windows down and sunroof open and music going, it was a beautiful late afternoon here in the Sunshine State. Well, he yelled at me "What the :censored: kind of driving was that?" I just responded with "Did I hit your car?" He looked puzzled and answered no of course, so I told him to get the :censored: out of my face and away from my car. He proceeded to inform me that I was a F***ing a****le. I didn't engage with him anymore as I realized that he was a very miserable human being and could be some kind of nut. For him being the age he was, (looked about 60's) he wasn't very smart. I could have been some lunatic with a gun and could have blown him away. I too probably wasn't so smart by being sarcastic and dismissive, but I guess I was caught off guard and was in shock that an old man was at my window yelling at me because in his mind I had cut him off. I thought he was letting me in, he thought I was cutting him off. What have I learned? Some people have lots to be happy for and thankful for, others don't have that luxury. The holidays have the tendency to bring out the best and worst in people. Maybe that guy had nothing to be happy about and the holidays just made him even more of a resentful person.

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Well, one of the things that :censored: me off is: People who are speeding along in the left lane and tail gate so you can move out of their way, then after you switch lanes, they won't pass :censored: Another one is: People who fall alseep in the left turn lane and wait about seven seconds after the light turns green to proceed, by that time the light is turning yellow.

I think one of the strangest incidences of road rage I've experienced was about this time last year, when I got in front of an old man in a pick up truck. FYI I didn't cut him off, he was still stopped when I got in front of him and there were about four car lengths between him and the other car. I thought he was letting me in, well that was pretty far from the truth. After traffic started to move again he floored his truck to make the tires squeal. I realized then that he was in fact NOT cutting me a break and he was angry. When traffic stopped, he got out of his car and walked up to my window. I had my windows down and sunroof open and music going, it was a beautiful late afternoon here in the Sunshine State. Well, he yelled at me "What the :censored: kind of driving was that?" I just responded with "Did I hit your car?" He looked puzzled and answered no of course, so I told him to get the :censored: out of my face and away from my car. He proceeded to inform me that I was a F***ing a****le. I didn't engage with him anymore as I realized that he was a very miserable human being and could be some kind of nut. For him being the age he was, (looked about 60's) he wasn't very smart. I could have been some lunatic with a gun and could have blown him away. I too probably wasn't so smart by being sarcastic and dismissive, but I guess I was caught off guard and was in shock that an old man was at my window yelling at me because in his mind I had cut him off. I thought he was letting me in, he thought I was cutting him off. What have I learned? Some people have lots to be happy for and thankful for, others don't have that luxury. The holidays have the tendency to bring out the best and worst in people. Maybe that guy had nothing to be happy about and the holidays just made him even more of a resentful person.

My grandfather was one of the most wisest people I have ever known. He would rattle off advise all the time. Unfortunately, I was too young to really listen to what he was saying at the time.Anyway, he told me once, that in order to meet 5 truly good people, you have to encounter 1 really bad one. So, you can choose to remember 2 things from this equation. 1) Once you have met that really miserable person, you can move on happily knowing that they are out of the way, and you can meet some really nice people now, and 2) so long as you don't let that 1 miserable person stop you from meeting those good people, you will allways be better off.

So, in the past I have actually told the miserable people that I meet "Thank you." Yep. After they have said what they have to say, I just respond with" Thank you. My grandfather allways told me that I would meet one miserable nasty person along the way of meeting some really nice people. And now that I have met you, and gotten this out of the way, I can go on and have a wonderful day knowing that I'm gonna meet some cool people later." :D

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Well, one of the things that :censored: me off is: People who are speeding along in the left lane and tail gate so you can move out of their way, then after you switch lanes, they won't pass :censored: Another one is: People who fall alseep in the left turn lane and wait about seven seconds after the light turns green to proceed, by that time the light is turning yellow.

I think one of the strangest incidences of road rage I've experienced was about this time last year, when I got in front of an old man in a pick up truck. FYI I didn't cut him off, he was still stopped when I got in front of him and there were about four car lengths between him and the other car. I thought he was letting me in, well that was pretty far from the truth. After traffic started to move again he floored his truck to make the tires squeal. I realized then that he was in fact NOT cutting me a break and he was angry. When traffic stopped, he got out of his car and walked up to my window. I had my windows down and sunroof open and music going, it was a beautiful late afternoon here in the Sunshine State. Well, he yelled at me "What the :censored: kind of driving was that?" I just responded with "Did I hit your car?" He looked puzzled and answered no of course, so I told him to get the :censored: out of my face and away from my car. He proceeded to inform me that I was a F***ing a****le. I didn't engage with him anymore as I realized that he was a very miserable human being and could be some kind of nut. For him being the age he was, (looked about 60's) he wasn't very smart. I could have been some lunatic with a gun and could have blown him away. I too probably wasn't so smart by being sarcastic and dismissive, but I guess I was caught off guard and was in shock that an old man was at my window yelling at me because in his mind I had cut him off. I thought he was letting me in, he thought I was cutting him off. What have I learned? Some people have lots to be happy for and thankful for, others don't have that luxury. The holidays have the tendency to bring out the best and worst in people. Maybe that guy had nothing to be happy about and the holidays just made him even more of a resentful person.

My grandfather was one of the most wisest people I have ever known. He would rattle off advise all the time. Unfortunately, I was too young to really listen to what he was saying at the time.Anyway, he told me once, that in order to meet 5 truly good people, you have to encounter 1 really bad one. So, you can choose to remember 2 things from this equation. 1) Once you have met that really miserable person, you can move on happily knowing that they are out of the way, and you can meet some really nice people now, and 2) so long as you don't let that 1 miserable person stop you from meeting those good people, you will allways be better off.

So, in the past I have actually told the miserable people that I meet "Thank you." Yep. After they have said what they have to say, I just respond with" Thank you. My grandfather allways told me that I would meet one miserable nasty person along the way of meeting some really nice people. And now that I have met you, and gotten this out of the way, I can go on and have a wonderful day knowing that I'm gonna meet some cool people later." :D

Wow, that is a really great way to look at it. I'll make sure and use that line next time I encounter a :censored: :D Grandparents, ya gotta love 'em. I lived with my grandparents on my father's side for many years of my life, and am very close with them, and I must say that I have learned lots from them.

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There is something else that really gets me steamed, but it's one of those situations when you can never really be sure, but you know it happens. for example, these "people" I know. They have an aunt that is disabled and lives next door to them. Her disability is that she has gout. So she gets a disability plate and that thing you hang from the rearview mirror. So, they all have one on thier car. Everywhere they go, they use it, and jump out to waltz right up to their destination. We sometimes meet at comedy clubs, or resturaunts and I see them parking in those spaces. I have said something in the past about how that's not right, but he just laughed it off saying everyone does it, it's no big deal.

Well, today, they met up with us for lunch, and I was waiting outside when I saw them park in the handicap stall. They were unbuckling thier seatbelt when I also saw a Grand Caravan with the wheel chair lift mounted on the back. It came around the corner looking for a space. there were none. So I walked up to my friend and told him to put his seatbelt back on, and move his car to the other side, he asked me why whats up, Then I waived to the Caravan and when he rolled his window down, I told him to just wait a second, this car was just pulling out, you can have this space. He thanked me, and began to position his van to pull in. So I went back over to my friend and told him that someone with a real disability needs this space, and if you don't move your car, I'll not only move it for you, but I'll give you a real reason to need these stalls in the future!!! So, he pulled his car out, the van pulled in, and he found a spot in the back of the lot and was walking up when the people in the van were just lowering the wheel chair with a severly disabled lady in it. I thought it was a great that he got to see that. I made some comments about I wonder how many times they couldn't find a spot because "everyone" does it. He had nothing to say. Over the meal, he did apologize, and say that he never thought about once they had the spot, and all, so he will be not using those anymore. Then I thanked him for being open enouph to admitt when your wrong and correcting it.

But I just know that alot of people do, do this. There is a part of me that always wants to park closer, but on the other hand I have found that if you just park, you will probably get in and out faster than crawling the lot looking for that "closer" spot.

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off topic, but that van looking thing needs to be added to the fugliest thread... LOL.... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Hey it's a different country buddy! lol... The newer Starex looks better now.. :P Ugly? We've got the ugliest cars here.. Just havent had time to take pix of them :)

I think, just for enjoyment, I'll start a new thread on local cars here in the Philippines. :)

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There is something else that really gets me steamed, but it's one of those situations when you can never really be sure, but you know it happens. for example, these "people" I know. They have an aunt that is disabled and lives next door to them. Her disability is that she has gout. So she gets a disability plate and that thing you hang from the rearview mirror. So, they all have one on thier car. Everywhere they go, they use it, and jump out to waltz right up to their destination. We sometimes meet at comedy clubs, or resturaunts and I see them parking in those spaces. I have said something in the past about how that's not right, but he just laughed it off saying everyone does it, it's no big deal.

Well, today, they met up with us for lunch, and I was waiting outside when I saw them park in the handicap stall. They were unbuckling thier seatbelt when I also saw a Grand Caravan with the wheel chair lift mounted on the back. It came around the corner looking for a space. there were none. So I walked up to my friend and told him to put his seatbelt back on, and move his car to the other side, he asked me why whats up, Then I waived to the Caravan and when he rolled his window down, I told him to just wait a second, this car was just pulling out, you can have this space. He thanked me, and began to position his van to pull in. So I went back over to my friend and told him that someone with a real disability needs this space, and if you don't move your car, I'll not only move it for you, but I'll give you a real reason to need these stalls in the future!!! So, he pulled his car out, the van pulled in, and he found a spot in the back of the lot and was walking up when the people in the van were just lowering the wheel chair with a severly disabled lady in it. I thought it was a great that he got to see that. I made some comments about I wonder how many times they couldn't find a spot because "everyone" does it. He had nothing to say. Over the meal, he did apologize, and say that he never thought about once they had the spot, and all, so he will be not using those anymore. Then I thanked him for being open enouph to admitt when your wrong and correcting it.

But I just know that alot of people do, do this. There is a part of me that always wants to park closer, but on the other hand I have found that if you just park, you will probably get in and out faster than crawling the lot looking for that "closer" spot.

Good call. My grandmother has to be pushed around in a wheel chair by my grandfather when they go out together, and I know how hard that is for them. You calling your friend out was a very just thing to do. Great of him to apologize, I always admire anyone who admits when they're wrong and apologizes.

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why do people think it's ok to turn left out of a driveway right in front of you and then they get over on the shoulder so you can pass..... what the crap man!! so you got the initial slam on the brakes so you don't hit him and then he moves over..... people are how can i say this..... retarded!!!!

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I rarely get road rage because it does nothing to help and causes a dramitic rise in my blood pressure. A couple of things do trigger me though. The main thing is idiots driving slow in the left lane when they have every opportunity to get over. Other things include morons who sit back five car lengths at traffic lights then move at a snails pace so everyone behind them misses the light. As far as handicapped parking goes, it seems that just about anyone can now get one. The worst are people who have them because they have eaten themselves into a state of fatness and they can no longer walk.

Meanwhile, I'll try to remain calm.

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I rarely get road rage because it does nothing to help and causes a dramitic rise in my blood pressure. A couple of things do trigger me though. The main thing is idiots driving slow in the left lane when they have every opportunity to get over. Other things include morons who sit back five car lengths at traffic lights then move at a snails pace so everyone behind them misses the light. As far as handicapped parking goes, it seems that just about anyone can now get one. The worst are people who have them because they have eaten themselves into a state of fatness and they can no longer walk.

Meanwhile, I'll try to remain calm.

The worst are people who have them because they have eaten themselves into a state of fatness and they can no longer walk.

If you only saw my friends with the fake handicap ticket!! LOL!!!!

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Ok, here is another peave of mine. I'm really getting sick and tired of the red light runners. I mean, they aren't even trying to go when it's pink anymore, I watch the light turn red, and then 3,4,5 cars still go!! What is up with people anymore? Where are they going that is so important as to ruin lives over a red light? And if your coming thru the intersection and blow your horn at em??? they look at you and start cursing??? Like you'r the one in the wrong!!!

I know there is this light that everyone turns left thru the red light. So, when I'm coming in the other direction in the Nissan, as soon as the light turns green I jump out there and I can usually cross to the middle of the intersection before the red light runners can cover that ground, and so they get trapped in the middle of the intersection. So, I get a small reprieve and grin at em as they look around for what to do now. Is that wrong of me?

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A little off topic, but in India, EVERYONE drives with high beams on ALL THE TIME. it is so annoying. Also, blinkers and rear view mirrors are just for show. They never use them. They simply honk and its understood that they are going to A) make a lane change B) turn C) want you to move D) are reversing or E) your driving is *BLEEP*ing me off. It's so bad in India. No lanes no nothing, unless ofcourse your going on the national highway.

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*CYCLISTS who think that road rules do not apply to them. Just how many time have you seen a guy on a bicycle slooowly creep through a red light? Or totally ignore a stop sign and zoom by you when you'd just start crossing. Where's a sniper rifle when you need one...

*Formation Pilots.....Why do some people insist on driving in formation with another vehicle, keeping it perfectly side-by-side or in the blind spot? You bump into these people on the freeway and there is NO way around them. They usually drive at the speed limit, too.

*People who keep giant gaps between the car ahead WHILE STOPPED. You know, you stop at a traffic light during peak hours and there's always somebody who insists on keeping a gap of 5-10 meters from the car ahead. If I can, I make sure Iget into that space there to show the guy HEY, you can fit a whole car in there and still have room.

*Inconsiderate people. Somebody described above is blocking you by |<---->| this much from getting into a left turn/right turn lane. No matter if you flash your lights or honk, that person will NOT move a foot or two to let you by. They have to maintain a 3000 ft separation from the traffic ahead.

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*CYCLISTS who think that road rules do not apply to them. Just how many time have you seen a guy on a bicycle slooowly creep through a red light? Or totally ignore a stop sign and zoom by you when you'd just start crossing. Where's a sniper rifle when you need one...

*Formation Pilots.....Why do some people insist on driving in formation with another vehicle, keeping it perfectly side-by-side or in the blind spot? You bump into these people on the freeway and there is NO way around them. They usually drive at the speed limit, too.

*People who keep giant gaps between the car ahead WHILE STOPPED. You know, you stop at a traffic light during peak hours and there's always somebody who insists on keeping a gap of 5-10 meters from the car ahead. If I can, I make sure Iget into that space there to show the guy HEY, you can fit a whole car in there and still have room.

*Inconsiderate people. Somebody described above is blocking you by |<---->| this much from getting into a left turn/right turn lane. No matter if you flash your lights or honk, that person will NOT move a foot or two to let you by. They have to maintain a 3000 ft separation from the traffic ahead.

*Inconsiderate people. Somebody described above is blocking you by |<---->| this much from getting into a left turn/right turn lane. No matter if you flash your lights or honk, that person will NOT move a foot or two to let you by. They have to maintain a 3000 ft separation from the traffic ahead.

Right, the left turn lane blockers, and so " I'm just not paying attention to you needing intothat lane, and yes, I could pull up quite easily to let you by, but I like being a jerk, so,,,,, Oh?!, did you need to get by?" And even when the light turns green for them, it's like they even take a few extra moments to find the gas pedal too. I call that the" I'm so miserable, I want others to be miserable also." attitude.

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:chairshot: I forgot all about the handicapped parking tag pricks! I have seen kids driving cars and pull up and slap the tag on the mirror and jump out of the car and run up. I would never do it but I feel like slashing all 4 of their tires!

My grandfather before he passed had one of the tags and he absolutley refused to use it. He said all of the time that many other people needed more than he did. My grandmother did unforeintly have to use towards the end for him.

It just shows how lazy people are.

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Jay (Indiasfinest)

That's the same exact setup over here in the Philippines! The horn is the "side mirror" over here. People just change lanes whenever they want, without looking at their blindspots. They presume if there's a car in their blindspot, you will honk at them, and they won't make the lane change. It's so annoying but you get used to it after awhile. Nobody uses the lanes over here also (as I already mentioned) and people love driving with their high beams on at night.

What also gets on my nerves are the people who think IM driving with my high beams on! They flash at me thinking I have my high beams on, to get a surprise flash back from me that I have HIGHER beams if they want. It's really ridiculous! Plus not to mention people who want to "save" on battery and don't use their headlights at certain places at night. A lot drive with their park lights only if the area is well lighted! <_< Really dangerous! I mean I will accept those people who just drive with their fog lamps on but w/o their headlights on, but just park lights, that bugs the heck out of me! It makes driving more difficult at night, not to mention that everyone's got tint on their cars so it's a real challenge on rainy night to drive! :pirate:

I don't know if any of you really experienced this, but I've gotten used to driving around with about an inch away from the other cars! Since no one follows the rules, they drive where ever they want, and they presume you have to just squeeze your way thru the small space! I'm surprised I've gotten used to that life right away because I drive pretty big vehicles and I would presume it must feel 10x easier to squeeze a Honda Civic around than an Isuzu Trooper. lol.. :wacko: :wacko:

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My road rage is when in europe, they all drive on the wrong side of the road! Really screws up my texting ability on the blackberry, and has put a few cups of coffee in my lap. :D

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well, I have decided to just use this thread as a good venting device. Hopefully this will prevent me from disassembling someone at a stop light. :angry:

Yesterday on my way home from the shop, I was moving along with traffic. I was driving the Nissan, which has that mean 1.8 litre 5 speed,LOL!!!, anyway, this lady in a new Mercedes C350 decides the lane I'm in is flowing slightly better and that there is about 3 inches more space than the total length of her car to move into. So she starts to come over, half into the lane change she gives me 2 flashes of the turn signal and just keeps coming over. Here's what REALLY GETS ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, I was the last car in my lane!!!!!! There was no body behind me for a half a block!!!! I'm thinkin this old hag had better need to make a right hand turn like now, because if she's just riding this lane, I'm gonna be even more ticked!! Well, she wass just riding this lane alright. So, after about 3 blocks, she has the nerve to tap her brakes at me because she thought I was tailgaiting her now!!!!!! Yeah,,,,,,I'm thinkin .357 at this point. And I mean hey, YOU THOUGHT IT WAS ENOUPH ROOM TO GET IN THIS LANE WITH!!! WHY WAS THIS AMOUNT OF SPACE OK WITH YOU BACK THERE???? AND NOT NOW?????

So, I just changed lanes, while mentally setting up the "Arm .50 calibre machine guns" button and "target acquired screen",,, Fire....:censored:

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Ok, new scenario. This is gonna answer a question I have had for along time. It's very apparent that everyone hates the left lane bandits. The people that just can't seem to get with the program.

So, your on a 2 lane highway. The right lane has a steady pace of cars going 55-60 mph. The speed limit is 55. Your clipping along at 65-70 mph. Your with a small group of cars all going that speed. When you notice a car coming up on your rear doing say 85-90 mph. He's catching up fast, and you notice there are maybe 2 or 3 cars with him. So, do you now have to slow down and change lanes to the right to let them by? Or do you just continue until there is a large enouph space in the right lane to move over without having to slow down, which may mean they'll have to wait for awhile, maybe 8 or 10 miles down. Or is there a line that says I'm going fast enouph to be in this lane, and for those who want to go even faster than that will just have to find a way around you?

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Ok, new scenario. This is gonna answer a question I have had for along time. It's very apparent that everyone hates the left lane bandits. The people that just can't seem to get with the program.

So, your on a 2 lane highway. The right lane has a steady pace of cars going 55-60 mph. The speed limit is 55. Your clipping along at 65-70 mph. Your with a small group of cars all going that speed. When you notice a car coming up on your rear doing say 85-90 mph. He's catching up fast, and you notice there are maybe 2 or 3 cars with him. So, do you now have to slow down and change lanes to the right to let them by? Or do you just continue until there is a large enouph space in the right lane to move over without having to slow down, which may mean they'll have to wait for awhile, maybe 8 or 10 miles down. Or is there a line that says I'm going fast enouph to be in this lane, and for those who want to go even faster than that will just have to find a way around you?

Slow down to the speed limit and let the rest do what they want. Let them break the law, Not me...

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Ok, new scenario. This is gonna answer a question I have had for along time. It's very apparent that everyone hates the left lane bandits. The people that just can't seem to get with the program.

So, your on a 2 lane highway. The right lane has a steady pace of cars going 55-60 mph. The speed limit is 55. Your clipping along at 65-70 mph. Your with a small group of cars all going that speed. When you notice a car coming up on your rear doing say 85-90 mph. He's catching up fast, and you notice there are maybe 2 or 3 cars with him. So, do you now have to slow down and change lanes to the right to let them by? Or do you just continue until there is a large enouph space in the right lane to move over without having to slow down, which may mean they'll have to wait for awhile, maybe 8 or 10 miles down. Or is there a line that says I'm going fast enouph to be in this lane, and for those who want to go even faster than that will just have to find a way around you?

I try to get out of their way, but if I can't find a suitable spot in the other lane, then they'll just have to wait. If traffic is congested enough for me to not get out of their way, its probably a little dangerous to be speeding/switching lanes back and forth. <_<

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