i don;t know the name of the movie but as it is just retalliation i will wait till pbs or something shows it.
I also did not like bush well before Mr moore and 9/11.
I am quite happy being on this side of the border where ti is safe and quiet .
Canada is the country for me.
Funny part is i was watching a comedy show the other night and it was saying canada and the US are like drinking buddies going to the bars.
At the end of the night the drunk friend thinks someone is trying to stare him down. So he starts a fight gets the place in a mess and the buddy has to come over sort it out say sorry and help clean up while taking the friend home.
I prefer to be the Canadian pacifists who show up to help others when they need it, not tell anyone how ,what or when they should.
Respect is a 2 way street US foreign policy is one way and it is not helping anyone.
Another funny point that has been made thousands of times is when the IRA was bombing the *BLEEP* out of brits where was america then.
Thoses terroists where around along time also and probably got mroe news coverage, but their is no oil in the monarchy now is their.