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Everything posted by LEXIRX330

  1. Yea...that is a REAL high payout...right off the bat...Glad that you are OK and hope the other lady is too! Take...care!
  2. Thats a much better way to do it than just ignoring people, often the ignoring deal comes across as disinterest. I agree...the other approach gives the impression that the salespeople are either too...good...or that we are not good enough.
  3. I went to a MB and a BMW dealership that was like that...I was like what the h*ll. We walked around looked at a couple of cars and...no salespeople? I actually really liked it. When we saw the car that my wife liked...we went in and talked to the salesmen. But I will tell you this much they almost tackled us when we came in. The other MB dealership that we ended up buying from...gave us just enough time. Looked at the car and then "Hi guys, please let me know if you need anything or you would like to see the keys to any of the cars...my name is James" handed us a card...Perfect. Not a whole bunch of B.S. later found out he has worked selling MB for 20 years.
  4. Thanks SW! Just kidding! That is great that you have a good relationship with your insurance agent. RX- try calling the cable company and tell them you want to cancel for dish network! It takes 2 hours... :D As far as your insurance...you should look at your papers...inspect what you expect...but the reason that you chose to do business through an agent and not direct boils down to service. I feel that I can and do provide 100 times better service for my customers than any direct company. Why, because when you need help...I am not transferring you to someone else...when you get mad I am not pushing you off on someone else...I am here to help...explain what, and why you should carry extra or better coverage's...or on the flip side might not need those coverage's at all. Most direct companies are all about cheap insurance...I hate it because when people sit down and compare policies apples to apples...most of the time the direct company is much higher. I do not think that most people ask questions...and they assume that they have everything in the policy that they should. Big mistake! After doing this for 5 years and working for someone who has been in the business for over 30 years...there is allot to understand. I still have to call and find out things. If you do not understand your policy you do not know what is covered....and therefore it is worthless! The best advice I could give you is... Find a new Agent... if you like the insurance company...call the company and ask to have your policy transferred to a new agent. In most states this is allowed. Hey the company doesn't want to lose you...if your agent is a jerk find a new one!
  5. I had a 1994 Celica...GT....197k on her when I got rid of it...and it still ran great. I had that car when I was in college...it was great! Mother in law had a solera...and she loved that too! Both are great cars! :D
  6. 100% correct The worst thing you can have is an agent that you can't talk to. I spend hours every day explaining and re explaining coverage's on policies...to people...that is why I am here. What are you confused about? I would be glad to help you out with it. Coverage varies state to state, but I still think I can figure it out for you. :D
  7. That can't be with OEM glass. I do agree that one should use genuine OEM glass when replacing windshields, as you know if you specify it the insurance company must allow it. Just the glass from Lexus for an RX330 w/rain sensing wipers costs $671.08 SW- Did not ask for OEM glass just asked about replacement for rain sensing...
  8. Rx330- All I can tell you is that in my experience with claims around me most body shops and even dealers...use pro glass shops to do the work. I actually have a great relationship with a large pro glass shop...got a quote for you with the rain sensing wipers.....$525.00 I like using the dealer for the services...I know I pay more for it but I do not mind. But I would flip out if I heard a price like that! Oh well... happens!
  9. $400 to close up the hole! Good god you got shafted! A new aftermarket windshield doesn't even cost $400 installed! For that you should have put the claim in and let your insurance totally replace the windshield with Lexus glass... Even a Lexus windshield glass is only $400-$1000. $3k??!? Change dealers. Those guys a crooks. Wow... Yea...I don't know how I missed that one! :chairshot: 3K for a windshield...that is nuts!
  10. Mine is also Farmers Insurance. I am worried if they would count this as a claim later on? Thanks!! I am an insurance agent for about 9 companies. Farmer’s is one of them. I would not be concerned about a comp claim. I filed one for a chip in my window about 6 months ago. Comp claims really do not count against you...when you are shopping for rates comp claims and especially ones under $1000 barley affect the premium at all. They should not affect your rate at all with your current carrier, existing business. That does vary state to state. :D
  11. Do you think he needs to get a blood test? LOL :D
  12. Real stupid question. What happens if you get a flat?
  13. OK...here are a couple for you! CLICK ON THIS ONE :D
  14. I can't believe you are either...I love my wife she can hit whatever and I will still love her...but if I had a Lamborghini...and she dented that up...we would have to go to counseling! J/K !!! :D
  15. Hi Josh :P :P :P What is wrong with you...JOSH...blame it on the wife! I saw her do it! :D
  16. Be easy on her. It's not her fault. Those crazy curbs jump right out in front of ya... Thay have a mind of their own! :D :D There was even a sign CURB CROSSING :D
  17. Sorry to hear that Steve, but I have an even better story, and my tale of woe. Last week I was out to a Long Island mall shopping, and when I came back to the parking area, there was my car pushed back into the traffic lane. I noticed that before I left to shop there was an SUV parked with the tail of his/her car in front of me. It looked like the driver of this SUV inadvertently put their car in reverse and crashed into me with such force that it made a hole in my bumper, drove the whole assembly back, so the hood was kinked, plus on first inspection did other internal damages. I drove the ES home without noticing any ill effects from this trauma. On Monday morning I went to my Lexus dealer to get an idea of how much this repair was going to cost, and I was told about $2000.....but he could give me a more accurate price after the bumper was removed. The original estimate was incorrect, because on further inspection both the left & right headlamp assemblies were cracked, and they had to be replaced also...at about $1000 per side. The final total for this repair was $4045.53, plus my comprehensive deductible of $500. The hood, hid light assemblies, bumper, plus many more bent brackets had to be replaced. I won't get my car back until sometime next week, but I was told that after this repair was done, that this fairly massive job would be undetectable. I've seen some other jobs that this Lexus body shop has done in the past.....so I believe what they told me. Upset is really not strong enough to describe how I'm feeling, as you can understand, but it's really bothering me tremendously, since this SUV owner took off without leaving me any kind of note.....hit & run! Remember: If at all possible, DON'T PARK BEHIND AN SUV!! The main reason my car had so much damage was because of the unequal bumper heights. I'll report back after I get my sweet 'lil car back, and tell you the final results. LATE TO THE PARTY! This sucks! It is bad enough if you do something to your own car...but when some A....hole will not even leave their insurance info. I have at least one person a day call regarding the same thing. In MD you have to pay a $250 uninsured motorist deductible for your car being hit in a parking lot. So now they have to pay money to get their car fixed! It just doesn't seem right! :chairshot: The way I feel about it is most people do not respect their own things...so why would they even think of respecting yours????? SW- in your case...at least they had insurance, and that it was pretty minor! But even so...it still SUCKS! ;)
  18. I will have to show my wife this... :D Her car was less than one week old when I was washing it I noticed a little scrape on the rim...and a small cut in the tire... :cries: I was like...did you hit a curb or........? She was upset...so I know she hit something...
  19. Sorry I read them...forgot to post this :D :D :D FUNNY STUFF!
  20. That was hard...I did not have my back up camera! LOL :D
  21. Never drive a dirty LEXUS! :chairshot: :chairshot: :chairshot: It is up to you...but me personally I also do not use the automatic washes that often...Even if the water is distilled water by using the high pressure, to get the dirt off of the car you are still blasting dirt in to the paint. They also do use some pretty strong chemicals too...as SW said. I am not going to say that using the was every once in awhile, but usually only if my car is pretty clean anyway. I also do not plan on keeping either one of the cars much more than 3 years so I am not to worried about the long long term effects...but still I do not want to mess up paint/clear coat on the cars. What I do is have a guy that comes to my work usually once a week and if not I will hand wash... ;) I usually spend 10 mins or so cleaning the front bumper and all of the bug prone areas every morning...and usually hit the wife's too! :chairshot: I use a quick detail spray meguiars or eagle one with microfiber towels. I also wax that area quite often. I will usually every 3 - 4 months wax and detail in and out of the car...but I also keep them in a garage and have the tendency if it is raining to leave it parked in there...hate getting a clean car dirty! Do whatever works for you! :D
  22. It is rare to have valet at any place around me...but when the wife and I went to VA Beach...awhile back we went out to a couple of restaraunts that had valet and I did the same thing gave the valet the tip BEFORE... :D
  23. I'm not sure if I heard this somewhere before on an earlier report, but have you tried taking the ferry after calculating your route and seeing if the nav sys will recalculate when you detour? Even though its DVD based, can it learn? I have 2 small ferries on my way to work...just like the previous post my NAV will never pick it to take me to work...but if I enter the destination as work and start to go towards the ferry it will pick it up and direct me to take it and even tell me that I am entering the Ferry. WEIRD!
  24. I know this is for SW...but IMHO... Touch free carwashes do not get all of the dirt and grime off of your car...and if they are towel drying the rest of the car they are just scratching your paint. If they only blow dry the car and that is it then that is fine...it will not scratch your paint because nothing is touching the car... I use these types of washes when my car is dusty or I just want to have it sprayed off. They are OK but I would never think about waxing the car after using the touch free wash...they just do not clean it good enough. After going to a touch free wash take a white towel and spray some quick detailer on the lower part of your car wipe it off and see if your towel is still white.
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