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Gas Mileage

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If you want to see average gas mileage drop like a rock try driving in NYC.

Anyway, within the next two weeks I'll mention here on my comparison between "regular" or "high test" for gas mileage on my new ES330 and compare them to the cost of each. I'm an engineer and an efficiency geek.

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I drove from NYC to Minneapolis(about 1200 miles) using "high test". On my return trip I used "regular". My gas mileage was virtually the same, and I didn't notice any improvement in performance using the "high test"!! The odometer mileage at the start of this trip was approximately 3000 miles('03 ES300). ;)

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I've noticed quite a difference actually bwtween regular & high test gas. I use Sunoco Ultra 94 but have use the 87 regular on occasion since the price of fuel in canada has gone through the roof! (works out to be about $3.85 a gallon if you convert!! :chairshot: :censored: so just think of your neighbours to the north if you think you guy's have it bad!). I can feel it in the acceleration, slight drop in fuel economy when using the regular.......is it worth the extra cash for the high octane? well.....it sort of balances itself out in the end in my opinion but I'm sure there will be cause for a debate on the subject.


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The thought crossed my mind........just seems like not very good value considering that it's about 6 cents more to move up only 2 octane compared to the top shelf stuff. The one thing I do know is Sunoco is the BEST gasoline one can use at least in Canada! as it has ethonol which is good for your car & the environment B) Esso has the worst & is the most dirty with the highest sulphur content ppm. Petro Canada is owned partly by the federal government (don't even get me started :chairshot: ) and since 2/3 rd's of the gas price here is taxes..... :whistles: Shell is a good alternative if you can't find a Sunoco station but is still a step behind.


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I just filled up yesturday and had to bite my lip. I have always used premium but am stepping down to 89. I can't get myself to pay over $2 USD for a gallon.

I know it adds up to only a couple bucks on a tankful, but over time, who knows.

we will see what the mileage does and if any knocking comes up.


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I just had a discussion with my co-worker (who's an auto DIY repair man in his spare time) regarding fuel use. He uses 87 Octane gas in his Honda and doesn't see any difference in performance if using higher grade gas. Hi-test fuel (which I assume is anything higher than 93 Octane) is more advantageous on sport cars like the Corvette and the Pontiac GTO.

I tend to agree with him on those points, but it seems in general for luxury car owners especially, they stress putting in any fuel at least 89 Octane rating. This is what I'm filling up in my car now. I used to get the 93 Octane in the ES, but the service advisor at the dealership said that the ES does not need the 93 on account of no real benefit behind it (besides eliminating engine knocking).

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When I use regular gas, I also go to AutoZone and buy Feul Injector cleaner. My car runs so much better and the feul injector cleaner works for 2 fill-ups. Otherwise, I use high octane gas (93).

High octane gas is still under $2.00 in Arkansas (for now).

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The one thing I do know is Sunoco is the BEST gasoline one can use at least in Canada! as it has ethonol which is good for your car & the environment

This is where the majority of the population is fooled. It pretty much doesn't matter where you fill your tank up, all the gas is the same. Gas companies sell gas to other companies, and blend bought gas in with their own. What you're putting in your tank is likely not solely Sunoco (except perhaps the 94). There may be one or two exceptions to the rule, but generally gas companies sell and mix gas between other companies. Believe it or not, gasoline is not an oil company's biggest product, atleast not for Sunoco. Heating oil, butane, propane, asphalt, and other oil refining products are the bigger business. Gas companies don't make quite the profit people think they do. A gallon of gas that costs $1.50 at the pump may cost Sunoco almost $1.00 or even more than that when all costs and taxes are added in. My father has worked for Sunoco for almost two decades now, he likes to explain these things to me ;)

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I used to get the 93 Octane in the ES, but the service advisor at the dealership said that the ES does not need the 93 on account of no real benefit behind it (besides eliminating engine knocking).

Believe me, if I ever hear knocking I'll go up to the next higher octane, but so far in my '03 and also my '94 I NEVER heard it, even with putting the engine under tremendous loads. ;)

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Our high grade petrol here actually has an octane rating of 98... (are we talking about the same thing?)

Also, about 6 months ago, all of the petrol companies here came under major scrutiny, as tests found the ethanol had killed engines (I have no idea what part).

Now all stations have to display exaclty how much ethanol is in their petrol. (apparantly, they used it as a kind of "filler" to make the petrol profit margines higher).

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94 is the biggest ripoff out there especially when compared to normal 93. No way one octane is going to make any difference at all, let alone a difference worth the extra cost.

The Sunoco stations here have even stopped selling 94 because no one buys it.

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A few years ago Sunoco used to sell "Economy" grade gas, for atleast $.05/gallon cheaper than Regular 87, but people weren't smart enough to buy it. They put the "economy" name to mean "not good enough." But the thing was, it was 87 octane gas, just for cheaper and with a different name, but the public was too afraid to change and Sunoco got rid of it after awhile.

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ive started putting 93 in my 1995 es since i hit 180k miles. at around 179 i started hearing a faint knock. the mechanic told me (because of the miles and age of the car) to try a higher octane, the knocking stopped. ive used premium ever since. and BTW i get around 28-33mpg

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ive started putting 93 in my 1995 es since i hit 180k miles. at around 179 i started hearing a faint knock. the mechanic told me (because of the miles and age of the car) to try a higher octane, the knocking stopped. ive used premium ever since. and BTW i get around 28-33mpg

Whoa..you get 28-33mpg!?

how do you drive?...

i get about 19-25mpg in my 95es300...

and i put in premium too...i believe thats 91 octane here

but i admit..i do tend to accel somewaht quick tho..but not faster than what other people are doing

and most of my miles are freeway miles...

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I just filled up yesturday and had to bite my lip. I have always used premium but am stepping down to 89. I can't get myself to pay over $2 USD for a gallon.

I know it adds up to only a couple bucks on a tankful, but over time, who knows.

we will see what the mileage does and if any knocking comes up.


$2.00 USD??? i hvaen't seen anything lower than that in a year. Right now the prices in the Bay Area, CA is about 2.30...... i haven't filled up for a while, going very low on my gas. i am waiting for 2.10 again so i can fill it up. it aches my heart when i have to put about 40 bucks out just for a full tank of freaking gasoline.


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how fast do your normally travel on the highway?

is it flat highways?...or does it have hills?

I go with the flow of traffic. I average between 65 and 70. I live by the coast, not inland, so there are no major hills or mountains. Any elevation is gradual.

my mileage is also above average because I also run a K&N filter and use synthetic oil. That comibnation picked me up 2-4 mpg.


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Look at the chart I put up on page 1 of this thread. You're mixing up octane number with Research Octane Method. This is in the Owners Manual for a '03ES.

You CAN use 89 octane fuel in your car. If you hear pre-ignition(pinging), than go up to a higher octane. ;)

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