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Sudden Acceleration Resulting In Crash

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I have been asked by a friend to investigate something. His friend was parking her 2007 Lexus IS (not sure 250/350) in a parking spot and had her foot on the brake. She said that suddenly, without touching the gas pedal, the car began to accelerate at full throttle. The car ended up running up the sidewalk, and crashing into a building, causing tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of dollars of damage to the building, and totaling the car.

Is there an issue with the late model Lexus IS, or is this nonsense? I have photos of the incident, but I don't believe I am at liberty to share them. Thanks!

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I have been asked by a friend to investigate something. His friend was parking her 2007 Lexus IS (not sure 250/350) in a parking spot and had her foot on the brake. She said that suddenly, without touching the gas pedal, the car began to accelerate at full throttle. The car ended up running up the sidewalk, and crashing into a building, causing tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of dollars of damage to the building, and totaling the car.

Is there an issue with the late model Lexus IS, or is this nonsense? I have photos of the incident, but I don't believe I am at liberty to share them. Thanks!

Honestly for insurance reasons I'm sure she would blame it on the car....if you were to have your foot on the brake like she had stated and the car started to lurch forward more you would automatically press on the brake as hard as you could...causing the front wheels to lock but the rear would spin. In this case the car would not go anywhere and just waste the rear tires. (Lots of people do this to show off but I think it's a waste of rubber) So if she really had her foot on the brake like she stated I think the car would not have ended up a few parking lots over. I think she honestly BELIEVED to have had her foot on the brake and really had it on the gas pedal. BUT, could the cars throttle have gotten stuck? It's possible but I doubt it if she was on the brake.

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I've never heard anything about the IS, you might want to check with the NHTSA....

I have done a good bit of reading over the years about accidents resulting from supposed "spontaneous acceleration" on a wide disparity of makes and models. There was an investigation about the Lexus ES and Toyota Camry, 2002-2004 I think.

There has never been a case that was investigated by the NHTSA, for any make or model of vehicle, where the conclusion was that the accident was caused by spontaneous acceleration of the vehicle. It was always deemed operator error.

There can be a lot of things that she would think would be spontaneous acceleration that really were a result of operator error. Improperly installed floormats, the car being in one gear when she thinks its in another. Maybe her foot slipped off the brake and hit the gas. IMHO, all of that is far more likely than spontaneous acceleration...

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I had this happen to me once, almost. I was driving a Volkswagen Jetta, stopped at a traffic light behind a box truck. I started to reach into my pocket to retrieve my phone when the car started to rev and lurch forward. As I pushed on the brake harder the revs went up also, and in that second, I looked at the back of that truck and thought this is gonna suck!, and then I realized I had my foot caught on the brake and the gas pedal at the same time, so I reached over and slipped it into neutral, the car stopped and just revved, and then repositioned my foot correctly, slid it back into drive and everything has been fine. But, that was driver error, and not the cars fault at all. I should have know better than that!

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I wonder what would happen if you pushed the accelerator and brake in the AWD IS. Would it still just waste the rear tires?

Okay since you guys are probably curious, I'm posting one photo that doesn't have any identifying features. :D


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The rear tires might spin a little, but traction control would kick in and the motor would go into semi stall. You can't burn tires unless you turn trac off manually. Try brake torquing on any first or second gen IS and you'll see.

BTW: What we have here is hearsay. I would like to see documentation of this incident posted here within the next 24 hours. I don't think we are in the business of rumor or hearsay mongering here.

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BTW: What we have here is hearsay. I would like to see documentation of this incident posted here within the next 24 hours. I don't think we are in the business of rumor or hearsay mongering here.
I'm not sure what documentation you expect me to have. It was a friend of a friend who crashed her car. I would post more photos, but that would reveal the license plates of the car and also quite possibly the location of the incident, which are two items that I do not wish to reveal at this point. We do have a case of hearsay--I'm not saying I don't doubt her story, I was just wondering if it is a common issue or not (apparently not, since no one else has ever heard of a case like this with the IS250/350 on this board).

Let me ask my friend tomorrow if it's okay to post the rest of the photos.

[EDIT]Actually, I found one that doesn't show the license plates.


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The pics will show nothing that contains any information as to why only the effect of it.

From all of the documented cases of spontanious acceleration including the biggest one that almost destoyed Audi was all driver errror.

With those it was found the pedals were too close and caused the driver to think they were on one pedal or another . Also found most of the drivers were women wearing heels at the time as well causing them to have an unatural foot position .

I hate driving with dres shoes as it gives me less pedal feedback , i can't imagine how someone could be a good driver with heels.

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BTW: What we have here is hearsay. I would like to see documentation of this incident posted here within the next 24 hours. I don't think we are in the business of rumor or hearsay mongering here.
I'm not sure what documentation you expect me to have. It was a friend of a friend who crashed her car. I would post more photos, but that would reveal the license plates of the car and also quite possibly the location of the incident, which are two items that I do not wish to reveal at this point. We do have a case of hearsay--I'm not saying I don't doubt her story, I was just wondering if it is a common issue or not (apparently not, since no one else has ever heard of a case like this with the IS250/350 on this board).

Let me ask my friend tomorrow if it's okay to post the rest of the photos.

[EDIT]Actually, I found one that doesn't show the license plates.

That's what I mean, as it's a friend of a friend story. As SK said, aftermath pics are just going to show a wrecked car, etc. Documentation would be a police report or maybe a news report. Personally I can see some discussion, which we already have, but not an "invesigation". I just don't think we should be promulgating the idea that there is some problem with these vehicles when there isn't. If there are any reports they aren't to be found here.

My reasoning is that right now if you do a google search on "sudden acceleration lexus" this thread is the third item that pops up. Most people might see the header and never read what's in the thread. I think everyone understands what I mean by that.

As a matter of fact a google search might yield a lot more info than you'll get by asking here.



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BTW: What we have here is hearsay. I would like to see documentation of this incident posted here within the next 24 hours. I don't think we are in the business of rumor or hearsay mongering here.
I'm not sure what documentation you expect me to have. It was a friend of a friend who crashed her car. I would post more photos, but that would reveal the license plates of the car and also quite possibly the location of the incident, which are two items that I do not wish to reveal at this point. We do have a case of hearsay--I'm not saying I don't doubt her story, I was just wondering if it is a common issue or not (apparently not, since no one else has ever heard of a case like this with the IS250/350 on this board).

Let me ask my friend tomorrow if it's okay to post the rest of the photos.

[EDIT]Actually, I found one that doesn't show the license plates.

That's what I mean, as it's a friend of a friend story. As SK said, aftermath pics are just going to show a wrecked car, etc. Documentation would be a police report or maybe a news report. Personally I can see some discussion, which we already have, but not an "invesigation". I just don't think we should be promulgating the idea that there is some problem with these vehicles when there isn't. If there are any reports they aren't to be found here.

My reasoning is that right now if you do a google search on "sudden acceleration lexus" this thread is the third item that pops up. Most people might see the header and never read what's in the thread. I think everyone understands what I mean by that.

As a matter of fact a google search might yield a lot more info than you'll get by asking here.



Not sure why you're getting so defensive about this. Who's going to Google "Lexus Sudden Acceleration"? Do you own lots of Toyota stock or something?

Anyhow, my personal theory is that she was either wearing high heels and somehow pushed the gas, or perhaps the floor mats somehow caused the throttle pedal to stick.

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BTW: What we have here is hearsay. I would like to see documentation of this incident posted here within the next 24 hours. I don't think we are in the business of rumor or hearsay mongering here.
I'm not sure what documentation you expect me to have. It was a friend of a friend who crashed her car. I would post more photos, but that would reveal the license plates of the car and also quite possibly the location of the incident, which are two items that I do not wish to reveal at this point. We do have a case of hearsay--I'm not saying I don't doubt her story, I was just wondering if it is a common issue or not (apparently not, since no one else has ever heard of a case like this with the IS250/350 on this board).

Let me ask my friend tomorrow if it's okay to post the rest of the photos.

[EDIT]Actually, I found one that doesn't show the license plates.

That's what I mean, as it's a friend of a friend story. As SK said, aftermath pics are just going to show a wrecked car, etc. Documentation would be a police report or maybe a news report. Personally I can see some discussion, which we already have, but not an "invesigation". I just don't think we should be promulgating the idea that there is some problem with these vehicles when there isn't. If there are any reports they aren't to be found here.

My reasoning is that right now if you do a google search on "sudden acceleration lexus" this thread is the third item that pops up. Most people might see the header and never read what's in the thread. I think everyone understands what I mean by that.

As a matter of fact a google search might yield a lot more info than you'll get by asking here.



Not sure why you're getting so defensive about this. Who's going to Google "Lexus Sudden Acceleration"? Do you own lots of Toyota stock or something?

Anyhow, my personal theory is that she was either wearing high heels and somehow pushed the gas, or perhaps the floor mats somehow caused the throttle pedal to stick.

The wording of the thread title and the use of words in your posts is what rang my alarm bells. And no I don't own Toyota stock. I'm just concerned about this forum starting or adding to some internet sudden acceleration myth.

I guess you would google it if you really wanted to research it. Then you'd have come up with the ES floor mat problems and the IS250 floor mat incident.

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And honestly the police will to so its a bad idea to lie.

Conversation with police I had

Police: Deer huh?

Me: Yep.

Police: Uhuh. See that guy way up there? Where your skid marks start? And way over there? Where they end...

Me: Hmm. Yea. Long way huh?

Police: And besides that guy saw you and he didnt see any deer. Hes the one that called us. U wanna re-write that accedent report?

Me. Yea. Thanks.

Police: Uhuh.

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does your freind have all weather mats in the car and if so are they on top of the carpet mats if so that could be your problem i have the is350 with all weather mats and on the mats it says do not install on carpet mats

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Not that it matters much but I always brake with my left foot in a vehicle with an automatic trans. Stick shift I brake with my right foot. I suppose it has something to do with being left handed. The left foot braking just comes natural to me for some reason with an automatic. I suppose being left footed keeps my foot away from the gas and I have slipped a few times especially when having wet shoes getting into the car when it's been raining.

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This happened to me in my previous car, (2004 Infiniti G35), although, not to the same degree. I pulled the car up to work, and thought I was applying the brakes to stop and put the car in reverse. As I pressed the brake pedal, the car moved forward. I did just as NicLX470 mentioned, and pressed harder on the brake pedal. The car lurched forward, over a curb, into a shrub. As it lurched, I lifted my foot, and reapplied it to the brake, stopping the car. I was sure that I had my foot totally on the brake the first time, but afterward, it was apparent to me that I had kind of a 'heel/toe' thing going on, and the harder I pressed on the brake, the harder I was also pressing the accelerator. This may not have been your friend's experience, but I thought it was worth the post.

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Not that it matters much but I always brake with my left foot in a vehicle with an automatic trans. Stick shift I brake with my right foot. I suppose it has something to do with being left handed. The left foot braking just comes natural to me for some reason with an automatic. I suppose being left footed keeps my foot away from the gas and I have slipped a few times especially when having wet shoes getting into the car when it's been raining.

Actually this seriously reduces your reaction time when applying brake from gas whether you think it does or not. Ask any professional driving instructor...

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If anyone has had sudden acceleration issues with the IS250 you need to see this.


I'm not surprised......you can google any car company and place "sudden acceleration" behind it and you will find millions of sites like these.

I'm sure it's all driver error or improperly installed floor mats......but.....if not...there is an easy fix in any car... The transmission in any car is easily put into neutral at any speed. <_<

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