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Well Everyone, Its Time For Me To Say Goodbye...


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Well LOC, its been fun. Unfortunately, my time to do what I have been training and wanted my entire life has arrived. My time to really shine as a Mechanic in the United States Army.

I am deploying to somewhere in southeast Iraq (near the place where the Tigris and Euphrates riv ers meet, thats about all i am allowed to say) to join the fight in the war on terrorisim. I am assigned to Foxtrot Co, 210th Brigade Support Battallion, attached to 4/31 Infantry Regiment, 10th Mountian Division. My wife meghan will be on from time to time, posting updates for me.

The living conditions are not good where i am headed, i will be 200 miles from the nearest phone. Internet will not be anywhere nearby, Showers will not even be easily available. I will have to make my own with a water can and a bar of soap lol.

120 degrees is a normal fall temperature in the location i will be, unfortunately i will be so far away from everything that i wont even have lavatory facilities. Every 4 weeks, i will be allowed to come back to a base that has communications to call home and to hop online for a quick second. it will be 4 weeks minimum between showers and hot meals. A steady MRE diet will be all i get for 4 weeks at a time.

so yeah...needless to say it is gonna be the longest year of my life...As i said though, meghan will be on to update you on my status. A couple of the members here i will be meeting up with when i come back to DFW on leave on july 1st through the 16th. I leave sometime between 4 August and 17 August. But between now and then i will not be online, I will be spending every waking Moment with my Wife Meghan starting monday. Between now and monday I will be on to check the forums. So it was a pleasure, and i will be back in September of 2007. Pray for me guys, where im goin im going to need it. Real bullets will be flyin and people will really be dyin...

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Well LOC, its been fun. Unfortunately, my time to do what I have been training and wanted my entire life has arrived. My time to really shine as a Mechanic in the United States Army.

I am deploying to somewhere in southeast Iraq (near the place where the Tigris and Euphrates riv ers meet, thats about all i am allowed to say) to join the fight in the war on terrorisim. I am assigned to Foxtrot Co, 210th Brigade Support Battallion, attached to 4/31 Infantry Regiment, 10th Mountian Division. My wife meghan will be on from time to time, posting updates for me.

The living conditions are not good where i am headed, i will be 200 miles from the nearest phone. Internet will not be anywhere nearby, Showers will not even be easily available. I will have to make my own with a water can and a bar of soap lol.

120 degrees is a normal fall temperature in the location i will be, unfortunately i will be so far away from everything that i wont even have lavatory facilities. Every 4 weeks, i will be allowed to come back to a base that has communications to call home and to hop online for a quick second. it will be 4 weeks minimum between showers and hot meals. A steady MRE diet will be all i get for 4 weeks at a time.

so yeah...needless to say it is gonna be the longest year of my life...As i said though, meghan will be on to update you on my status. A couple of the members here i will be meeting up with when i come back to DFW on leave on july 1st through the 16th. I leave sometime between 4 August and 17 August. But between now and then i will not be online, I will be spending every waking Moment with my Wife Meghan starting monday. Between now and monday I will be on to check the forums. So it was a pleasure, and i will be back in September of 2007. Pray for me guys, where im goin im going to need it. Real bullets will be flyin and people will really be dyin...

Army, Take care, Stay alive, And buy a LEXUS. :cheers::cheers::cheers:

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Best of luck young man, remember one thing, never trust the IRAQ folks, and use your common sense to protect you. Make a pack with your buddies and watch each others back. You will be well, and God Bless you. We look forward to your posts when you come back.

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Best of Luck !!!!!!!! Stay safe, and come back in one piece. Think of it, in the end, you will be enjoying life in a brand new Lexus!! :cheers: :cheers:

actually, it wont be brand new, but i will get an LS400...or an IS300 5spd, more than likely.

I just want to get my car paid off, thats the most important thing to me right now at this point. I wont come back with much saved money, but i will have most of my bills paid off and be put from under most of my debt when i get back.

Upon my return, the pnly payment i expect to be paying is Meghans Matrix.

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Yes, stay alive so you can come home and fill your Lexus with the oil you defended:IRAQ'S PIPELINE TO CALIFORNIA Iraq has historically been a big supplier of California's crude, accounting for one fifth of all the state's imports in 2002. The spigot was cut when the United States invaded Iraq in March, but it was restored in August. -- Sources of oil in California Foreign imports 30.3% Domestic 69.7%. -- Sources of foreign oil imports Iraq 20.1% Saudia Arabia 19.5% Ecuador 13.7% Mexico 8.4% Angola 8.3% Argentina 7.3% Yemen 3.7% Australia 3.5% Others 15.4% Source: California Energy Commission

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Josh, best of luck and stay safe! You will be in all of our thoughts and prayers. ;)

I want to take a second to congratulate the Club Lexus members becacuse they managed to keep this same thread going for 35+ posts without a single political remark. Good for you CL! :cheers:

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Yes, stay alive so you can come home and fill your Lexus with the oil you defended:IRAQ'S PIPELINE TO CALIFORNIA Iraq has historically been a big supplier of California's crude, accounting for one fifth of all the state's imports in 2002. The spigot was cut when the United States invaded Iraq in March, but it was restored in August. -- Sources of oil in California Foreign imports 30.3% Domestic 69.7%. -- Sources of foreign oil imports Iraq 20.1% Saudia Arabia 19.5% Ecuador 13.7% Mexico 8.4% Angola 8.3% Argentina 7.3% Yemen 3.7% Australia 3.5% Others 15.4% Source: California Energy Commission

Thats it, Monarch has been banned from the LOC for good. I've watched him bait and insult Josh and his service in the military from day one and its over.

Sorry Josh.

Anyways Josh, best of luck and well wishes to you. If its any consolation I just went to settlement with a client today that was in Iraq, and she said even though its hot its not humid so its pretty comfortable. Small comfort I know LOL.

I want to take a second to congratulate the Club Lexus members becacuse they managed to keep this same thread going for 35+ posts without a single political remark. Good for you CL!

Hopefully after my above action we'll be able to say the same in the future.

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Yes, stay alive so you can come home and fill your Lexus with the oil you defended:IRAQ'S PIPELINE TO CALIFORNIA Iraq has historically been a big supplier of California's crude, accounting for one fifth of all the state's imports in 2002. The spigot was cut when the United States invaded Iraq in March, but it was restored in August. -- Sources of oil in California Foreign imports 30.3% Domestic 69.7%. -- Sources of foreign oil imports Iraq 20.1% Saudia Arabia 19.5% Ecuador 13.7% Mexico 8.4% Angola 8.3% Argentina 7.3% Yemen 3.7% Australia 3.5% Others 15.4% Source: California Energy Commission

Thats it, Monarch has been banned from the LOC for good. I've watched him bait and insult Josh and his service in the military from day one and its over.

Sorry Josh.

Anyways Josh, best of luck and well wishes to you. If its any consolation I just went to settlement with a client today that was in Iraq, and she said even though its hot its not humid so its pretty comfortable. Small comfort I know LOL.

I want to take a second to congratulate the Club Lexus members becacuse they managed to keep this same thread going for 35+ posts without a single political remark. Good for you CL!

Hopefully after my above action we'll be able to say the same in the future.



Its about time lol. I was about ready to retaliate, but i just resigned myself to some 14 year old kid who doesnt know what the *BLEEP* hes talking about lurking on a car site.

Ill bet he doesnt even own a lexus, or a toyota anymore. Monarch, i can openly say this cause i know you are reading and everyone here will agree, you are a disgrace to all citizens of the united states, native here or not. Its ok to not support the war, but to not support the people who fight it is ludicris.

WE ARE SIMPLY FOLLOWING ORDERS. if we dont, dire consequences will result. Some of us joined because we had to, not because we wanted to. (not me, but some soldiers). If you have something even remotely political to say bin this thread then dont say anything, i dont wanna hear it and im pretty sure most others dont either. THis thread wasnt political.


Good riddance to bad rubbish.

thanks for your support guys, i will be back.

*EDIT* Damnit, lol sorry guys, im under my wifes login, didnt know that.

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Well LOC, its been fun. Unfortunately, my time to do what I have been training and wanted my entire life has arrived. My time to really shine as a Mechanic in the United States Army.

I am deploying to somewhere in southeast Iraq (near the place where the Tigris and Euphrates riv ers meet, thats about all i am allowed to say) to join the fight in the war on terrorisim. I am assigned to Foxtrot Co, 210th Brigade Support Battallion, attached to 4/31 Infantry Regiment, 10th Mountian Division. My wife meghan will be on from time to time, posting updates for me.

The living conditions are not good where i am headed, i will be 200 miles from the nearest phone. Internet will not be anywhere nearby, Showers will not even be easily available. I will have to make my own with a water can and a bar of soap lol.

120 degrees is a normal fall temperature in the location i will be, unfortunately i will be so far away from everything that i wont even have lavatory facilities. Every 4 weeks, i will be allowed to come back to a base that has communications to call home and to hop online for a quick second. it will be 4 weeks minimum between showers and hot meals. A steady MRE diet will be all i get for 4 weeks at a time.

so yeah...needless to say it is gonna be the longest year of my life...As i said though, meghan will be on to update you on my status. A couple of the members here i will be meeting up with when i come back to DFW on leave on july 1st through the 16th. I leave sometime between 4 August and 17 August. But between now and then i will not be online, I will be spending every waking Moment with my Wife Meghan starting monday. Between now and monday I will be on to check the forums. So it was a pleasure, and i will be back in September of 2007. Pray for me guys, where im goin im going to need it. Real bullets will be flyin and people will really be dyin...


You be safe & keep well my friend! I'm sure I speak for most when I say we'll be thinking about you & look forward to your safe return. B)

Meghan, please keep us posted regularly & you too our in our thoughts & prayers.



Toodles monarch :chairshot:

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Just remember josh. The #1 enemy is anything that will kill you. That does include falling into oil pits. ;) keep your eyes open over there man. Love ya!

I know yall have no service & stuff, but Im gonna be on meghans !Removed! about getting your APO.

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"A Soldier's Heart"

All hope was gone

Hard to hang on

Hard to be strong

Was blind, could not see

Nothing but walls in front of me and inside no peace

And the mountains seemed impossible to climb until...


You stood on the front lines

You led the way, out of the darkness

We didn't go astray

You were ready to die for our sake

And that takes a soldier's heart

Oceans so deep

Uphill so steep

But still we believe

And when the road was too far to travel

Heros you came and carried us there

And the mountains seemed impossible to climb until...


And so our flag was still there

All because you decided to care

[Chorus x2]

You stood on the front lines

You led the way, out of the darkness

You could have let us go astray

You were ready to die for our sake

And that takes a soldier's heart

And that takes a soldier's heart

-A Soldier's Heart, by R. Kelley.

Listen to it here: http://www.bpfrommer.com/A~Soldier's~Heart.htm

To Brian and Jake, 2 of my very best friends whom i lost to the war in march 03...Guys, im goin in to fight in your stead...I'll finish what you guys started. RIP and know all the promises you asked me to make, i kept. I know you all cant read this, but it gives me some solice. See ya on the other side.

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Josh! I stand behind you and your duties. Be proud of who you are. And what you will be doing. And always remember to never take your safety for granted. Always on guard.

My Son will be there shortly after you. Sometime in Oct. Exact spot yet to be announced. He is a Blackhawk power train mechanic.

Peace and safety be with you. And a safe trip home.


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Josh, keep 'em between the ditches my friend... When you've got Iraq settled down and ready to head over to Afghanistan to get Osama Bin Hidden "cause he's a cowardly little !Removed!", I'll personally ship that ford over there for you so you can make good on my theory that you've build thing to run his sorry !Removed! over!

Be safe amigo, and know we'll be waiting for your safe return!!

PS: Armyofone = ArmyofLoc!

Salute to you sir!

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Josh, keep 'em between the ditches my friend... When you've got Iraq settled down and ready to head over to Afghanistan to get Osama Bin Hidden "cause he's a cowardly little !Removed!", I'll personally ship that ford over there for you so you can make good on my theory that you've build thing to run his sorry !Removed! over!

Be safe amigo, and know we'll be waiting for your safe return!!

PS: Armyofone = ArmyofLoc!

Salute to you sir!

I wouldnt do that to my car, i am however in the middle f building a MASSSIVE, Twin Turboed Hummvee, up armored and everything, with 3 TOW missles and a .50 cal M2B Browning machine gun. :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes, stay alive so you can come home and fill your Lexus with the oil you defended:IRAQ'S PIPELINE TO CALIFORNIA Iraq has historically been a big supplier of California's crude, accounting for one fifth of all the state's imports in 2002. The spigot was cut when the United States invaded Iraq in March, but it was restored in August. -- Sources of oil in California Foreign imports 30.3% Domestic 69.7%. -- Sources of foreign oil imports Iraq 20.1% Saudia Arabia 19.5% Ecuador 13.7% Mexico 8.4% Angola 8.3% Argentina 7.3% Yemen 3.7% Australia 3.5% Others 15.4% Source: California Energy Commission

Thats it, Monarch has been banned from the LOC for good. I've watched him bait and insult Josh and his service in the military from day one and its over.

Sorry Josh.

Anyways Josh, best of luck and well wishes to you. If its any consolation I just went to settlement with a client today that was in Iraq, and she said even though its hot its not humid so its pretty comfortable. Small comfort I know LOL.

I want to take a second to congratulate the Club Lexus members becacuse they managed to keep this same thread going for 35+ posts without a single political remark. Good for you CL!

Hopefully after my above action we'll be able to say the same in the future.



Its about time lol. I was about ready to retaliate, but i just resigned myself to some 14 year old kid who doesnt know what the *BLEEP* hes talking about lurking on a car site.

Ill bet he doesnt even own a lexus, or a toyota anymore. Monarch, i can openly say this cause i know you are reading and everyone here will agree, you are a disgrace to all citizens of the united states, native here or not. Its ok to not support the war, but to not support the people who fight it is ludicris.

WE ARE SIMPLY FOLLOWING ORDERS. if we dont, dire consequences will result. Some of us joined because we had to, not because we wanted to. (not me, but some soldiers). If you have something even remotely political to say bin this thread then dont say anything, i dont wanna hear it and im pretty sure most others dont either. THis thread wasnt political.


Good riddance to bad rubbish.

thanks for your support guys, i will be back.

*EDIT* Damnit, lol sorry guys, im under my wifes login, didnt know that.

Army of One,

It's been a while since i've been on the sight. I wish you God's protection and guidance as you go over there. I last went in 2004 and i know that we are the best trained army in the world. With that being said, we still have to believe in one another and look after each other. Take care and do it swiftly and precisely. It's what keeps us alive

Stay strong,


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  • 3 weeks later...

Just received an international call from Josh this afternoon (others I think have received a similar call today).......he will be deploying to Iraq as of tomorrow. :( Some members, he did not have their number, so he asked me to wish everyone the best.

Godspeed my friend, you & your fellow troops be safe in harms way....were thinking about you & your family......we'll see you when you get home! Meghan, please let us know how he's doing from time to time.

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Josh phoned me as well, but I couldn't take his call since I was in the middle of bribing someone for an inspection sticker. He left me a message saying that he would be deploying on Sunday. I'll have to set aside 3 or 4 hours (LOL) and give him a call to night to see if it's tomorrow or sunday.

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Josh phoned me as well, but I couldn't take his call since I was in the middle of bribing someone for an inspection sticker. He left me a message saying that he would be deploying on Sunday. I'll have to set aside 3 or 4 hours (LOL) and give him a call to night to see if it's tomorrow or sunday.

I didn't get a chance to ask him where he was calling from blake........all he said was it was international.

A bunch of us should get together with Josh & Meghan when he returns. B)

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