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Well Guys, Im Taking The Plunge! *an Loc Wedding*


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I'm not a religious person at all, in fact I hate religion, but nc's right. Being married is TOTALLY different than being in a boyfriend/girlfriend or fiancee relationship, even if you live together.

Its not something to be entered into lightly or on a whim.

Agreed it's not something entered into lightly.......I'm pushing 2 years being married to my wife now (were together 2 years before that). How do you know it's totally different sw? Your not married yet. :whistles: ;)

My wife is the same person today as she was several years ago (we just have a mortgage now lol).......one just has to be sure they have chosen wisely is my best advice. I very happy to say I have. B) I don't want to put words in Karen's mouth, but I think she would have to agree. :)


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they only advice I can give you is if you squeeze the toothpaste from the middle and she demands it be rolled up from the end..............then buy two tubes. simple as that.

I am happy for you and wish you the best of luck.

Inside steviej's mind

:whistles: :P :lol: he's a gonner, poor kid and so young.

I am glad you posted this up here. I don't blog.

Sometimes you post alot of irrelevant threads....so what.....I just don't read them. just kidding.

This is the general forum and as the site owners have entitled it:

General Discussions

members can post anything not even related to Lexus.



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:D Well if you guys wanna hear from her, she will be posting right below me haha. I know the screen name is corny, but she wanted to express her thanks personally. :lol:

ok so i know none of u know me and prolly think that im gonna break josh's heart in some way....but as i told him ive been hurt so much in the last year and in every way possible that it would break my heart to hurt him like ive been hurt. josh means the world to me and im so glad that we found each other....its like my world is complete now. u guys know a different side of him that i dont but i can tell ya that josh has a huge heart as do i and when we are together the world stops. in the time that we have known each other he has made me dinner got me roses and so much more as all of u know. he takes my breath away everyday...its a great feeling. so i for any one u that think im just another person that is gonna hurt him then ur WRONG...when he asked me to marry him it was the greatest feeling in the world and i wouldnt want to spend my days or nites with anyone else. im not with him for the army money i could care less if he had 2 nickles in his pocket or 2 million in his pocket bc that will not compare to the heart he has. and that means more to me then money. i support him 100% in everythign he does. and yeah he will still get to work on his car to dont think just cuz im a girl that im gonna make hime give up something he loves so much bc honestly im getting into cars more and more. he has his dream job and someone who loves him very much and i wont stand in his way on anything. so with all that said i love josh very much and would never think of ruining something so great. so thanks to all who have congrats us and gave us ur best wishes it truly means a lot.

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Well thar ya have it sports fans, the war dept has spoken, it looks like no end is in sight. :D THanks all for the congrats, and the support. the road in life isnt easy, and it will be long, but that road just got ALOT smoother.

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Congratulations Army, And just think, your insurance will go down too. Seems the insurance companies feel being married makes you more reliable. Just kidding, you both enjoy, and remember to always respect each other, bliss will follow. ...... sincerely tom

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Congratulations Army, And just think, your insurance will go down too. Seems the insurance companies feel being married makes you more reliable.

Thats one thing I definately have considered in my own situation LOL

I know, I'm a *BLEEP* LOL

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The War Department Josh??? A lot of us are Veterans and have served our country, just like you are doing today and we thank you for following in our footsteps. You have been offered great advice and should acknowledge it and follow through. Meghan, Great post and you should use the resources provided by our great military. Please don't blow us off..We are just sharing something that could have a huge impact on your lives. Passion is good for 6 months Marriage is "sacred" and demands a "lifetime" of commitment that borders on decisions made by the parties involved. We've all been hurt one way or another in our lives and it should not carry over, but it seems it does and inflicts unintentional wounds to the ones that mean the most to us. Josh, I know you better and you need to listen up, my good friend. And I mean that sincerely. Take NC's/Rob's well founded advice and you too Meghan. We really care about you guys and are truly concerned and do wish you the best. My goodness, please take time to reflect and I, as I'm sure we all, wish you both the up most happiness for all your lives. God Bless your union if you so Wish!! Your friend, Ralph.

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Congrats Josh! I too am taking the plunge later this summer, and actually had my first marriage counseling session with my fiance tonight. I wish you and your fiance the best of luck! If there was one thing I could recommend, it would be a book called Preparing for Marriage. My fiance and I have been going through it and it has been great. Same to you NC. It really kinda lays everything out and lets you know each others expectations. Anyways- enough about that. NC's got some great advice! I wish you the best!

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Congratulations Army, And just think, your insurance will go down too. Seems the insurance companies feel being married makes you more reliable.

Thats one thing I definately have considered in my own situation LOL

I know, I'm a *BLEEP* LOL

As long as your future wife has a good driving record! :lol:Uncle Sam also will take a little less out of your check too!

Congratulations Army...and thank you for your service to our country!!! My wife and I were together for 5 years before we got married and it has been great! Just as long as you learn the most important thing...she is always right!!!

It took me awhile to learn that B) ...just kiddin! Wish the best to both of you!

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i know Josh and i are not exactly taking our time with all of this but ya know the saying "when u find the right one u will know it" well it goes for us. it was love at first sight (at least for me). hes the greatest ever...words cant explain. and yes we will take everyones advice into consideration. im glad to know that there are ppl out there that are looking out for us. its great and none of ya know me...so of course youre gonna be worried and voice ur opinions and u have every right to. honestly we will take all the advice we can get. and as for SK why he has a problem with josh is beyond me...i mean how could ya hes like a great big teddy bear with his heart being the size of the world. and im the luckiest person in the world. pics will be up soon of our wedding. be on the look out for 'em :)

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Wow, who would of thought their would be such a big stink about a positive thing!?!?! :wacko: At any rate, Josh and Meghan, congrats and I wish yaw'll the best of luck and much happiness in the coming years! I didn't know that"Dr. Phil McGraw" surfed these boards!! But, he gave some great advice as well as everyone else!


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Hey Josh... sorry i'm kinda late with this post... but i just want to say CONGRATS!!! I haven't taken that plunge... so i can't comment on it. Good luck to da both of u. As for Meghan... welcome to the family. Josh has been an active member here... thats y many of us know him. As a matter of fact... in the past i have PMed him a lot... as i do with Toys n a few others... who i bug... hahaha. But welcome.

Josh... i'm in NY... i can techniqually make it to watertown... though the drive is dreadful... perhaps it will coincide with me visiting Plattsburgh. HAHAHA... just joking. Take pics... let me see em too.

On a different note... THE POST OFFICE IS WAITING FOR U TO PICK UP THE PACKAGE!! I haven't seen u online for a while... just like to let u know. I hope they don't return it back to me again. Go n bust down their door n tell them... u want ur package. I'm 100% i got ur addy right... if i really did make a mistake... i have to had ur FULL NAME right at least.

Well again... congrats bud... n i'm jealous of u having such an awesome fiance. I can only wish my g/f would support me on working on cars. Hahahaha


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As promised, pix of the ceremony.


The beginning of the ceremony^


^the vows...



^the rings...


^a contract, sealed with a kiss :D



^the mode of transport

And last but not least, the best man's car...

a 1985 Olds Cutlass...307 V8 :D


So i will bet you all are wondering...what happened to may? well, we couldnt wait, the military really woudlnt let us, they were making it so hard for us to get anything done that its just easier now. I have her enrolled in tricare, on the housing list and able to shop on post within a days time...

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Yeah, in the millitary you're better off to just go ahead and get married so that she can get all of the benefits she has coming to her.

That Cutlass looks JUST like the one my dad had when I was a kid (although his was an 83 I think). There are pictures of me sitting in the drivers seat ;)

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Ahhhh...look at the cute couple :wub::wub:

Hey, congrats you two!!! Hope life grants you both the blessed road to happiness!!

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