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What A Rush ...


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Lets make more trouble.... :whistles:

If you ajust the numbers to accout for the number of cars on the road, and the number of pepole killed by cars, and compair that to the number of guns, and how many are killed by guns... Cars kill so manay more folks then guns. Even if you just look at the number of folks killed in by a car when a crime was being done. Running from cops, druck driving, hit and un.. And so on. You can ajust the numbers for # of guns per capita an the number of cars... But cars are more deadly then guns....

But no one talks about taking all those dedly cars of the street.......

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Ahh , but the major difference is the 1 and only purpose of a gun is to inflict injury or death .

If that was the sole reason for owning a car then we would have a real problem. :)

This is like the oil debate ,everyone has an opinion and is entitled to it.

No one will agree to ever change side but we all show what and how we have beliefs on the issue.

The problem is "WE" on this forum are not the ones anyone has a problem having a firearm . It is the "others" who have them that cause discretion on ownership.

It is unfortunate that to effectively remove a problem in society you need to disarm everyone . This also leads to the criminals finding other means to injury and kill.

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All right, I'll chime in.

I have no problem with guns, and I have no problem with qualified civilians carrying guns. I do however think its FAR too easy to get a concealed carry permit in areas where they are allowed though. I believe there should be rigarous testing and selection criteria one needs to meet before being granted a cc permit, but thats a topic for another thread. As for the "framers of our constitution", their idea of bearing arms has little bearing on life in the 21st century but that again is a topic for another thread.

Anyways, my problem with this scenario is not the gun, its the person who pulled it. Pulling a gun on another human being should not be a "thrill". You should not "thrill with his life in your hands", it is a very serious situation and it should be sobering, not thrilling. As police officers who use their weapons whether pulling a gun on a criminal is a "thrill". Riding a roller coaster is a thrill, pulling a gun is serious thing. I don't believe this particular individual should be allowed to carry a gun given the scenario he's laid out for us.

He pulled his gun on someone stealing a bike, why? To be a hero. Bye bye gun in my opinion. Its a bike, its not worth killing anyone over. He shouldn't have even confronted the guy if you ask me, he should have quietly called the police.

Risking your life over someone else's bike? Stupid.

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Ahh , but the major difference is the 1 and only purpose of a gun is to inflict injury or death .

If that was the sole reason for owning a car then we would have a real problem. :)

Because something is meant only to do good, it doesn't mean there aren't serious or threatening issues that follow with them. Just because a car is an efficient means of conveyance, the fact that they do kill shouldn't be dismissed, not to mention all of the environmental havoks they reak. I enjoy electricity in my home as I'm sure everyone does, and it's meant to do only good, but the contaminants that power companies "discharge" and go god knows where that hurt and/kill citizens/wildlife/etc. is serious business. I'm just posing an argument (I'm not about to park my car and start walking places or live in the dark! LOL). Guns are not soley for killing. I mainly use my guns at the gun club for target shooting...it's great fun! Their are hunters too...

As for the "framers of our constitution", their idea of bearing arms has little bearing on life in the 21st century but that again is a topic for another thread.

It has plenty of bearing on today's society for no other reason than its prime real estate in our Constitution. They wanted to protect themselves, just like we want to today. That's why I like guns, well, going to the gun club is a blast too!

Risking your life over someone else's bike? Stupid.

Your one sentence summation makes the story sound stupid, but there's way more to it than that. Thieaux came upon the thief in the act of stealing the motorcycle; then, the theif goes to pull something out of his bag, it could have been a stick of gum or it could have been a 38 special. A judgement call had to be made, and I think it's more than logical to assume that he was going for a weapon. Any one would have drawn their gun if they had it at their side.

If you go to pull something out of a bag after you were seen attempting to comit a serious crime, the police will not shrug it off. After they pull their weapons on you, you drop the bag, and you're cuffed, they'd likely beat the hell out of you just for $hits and giggles.

Harsher gun regulations only affect law abiding citizens. You're going to have a hard time convincing me that your local crime lords have concealed licenses or even leagally obtained weapons.

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After they took away all the citizens' guns in GB, the violent crime rates went up and police who never carried before began to carry guns. Apparently the criminals became bolder. Go figger.

In this state, carry permits are at the sheriff's discretion. If one gets caught brandishing, he will get his permit pulled. Most states requre a concealed carry course, and a background check before issuing carry permits.

Criminals not knowing who is carrying and who is not, makes a really good deterrent.

Stringent gun laws do not make for safer cities. LA, NYC, Chi, and DC are all proof of that.

I've only ever pulled my pistol once, but it saved my car and my life when a carjacker tried to break out my window. This, in the middle of the day on a major route in a small country town. There was no rush involved, but just a calm and practiced reaction to the threat.

I too carry a Air Taser when in non carry areas, but in some cities those are illegal for civilians, due to outmoded laws going back to when Tasers were powerd by gun powder instead of air. I'll take my chances with it though since it isn't classed as lethal. However, our permits are now valid in most of the states in which I travel so no problem.

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Nice try (conceal and carry nuts) -

I don't mind if you carry a gun - even though I don't believe in carrying unless there is an intention that puts you regularly/frequently in a dangerous environment. But, pulling that gun to play "Captain Save The Day" in a non threatening situation is what I'm talking about. It's offensive to me for one to carry with the intention that they are living scared/and/or living strong, when there is really little reason to be. Even by carrying a gun, it puts you at risk for theft of your own weapon - theft out of your vehicle etc. Then that gun gets out into the streets with your name registered all over it. Not good for you or for anyone...

Amen S & K - I think folks who "feel" a need to carry without realistic purpose equate to those who are on steroids - many just want to be big b/c they got picked on etc. I've known several on roids and most on are loose cannons waiting for a situation to occur - only to turn it violent. This way they can show off their physical prowess and put a beat down on someone.... Opportunity knocks.

Hunting, and going to the range are fine with me too. But, taking the wife and kids out to dinner while packing a nine -- give me a break. Going to the gym, give me a break. This is not a matter of what our laws tell us we can/can't do. It's ultimately our own judgment and lifestyle that determines our safety. It has nothing to do with the right to bear arms - but the spin here is when to bear them.

Keep your belongings secure, epecially your loved ones - and enjoy your guns recreationally. Don't carry for kicks or be a security guard wanna be nut... For most of us knowledge is protection. 4cts..

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Sorry to stir a conflict betwen members , just want it to share an experience with the memebers of the LOC, i support a lot of opinions in this thread Specially blakes ,as i am oppose to some, but that may be to the fact, that you may not know all of the factors regarding myself , situation and place, so in trying to settle some conflicts, here it goes:

1) I do NOT live in the states , i live in the Dominican Republic. Where cops are affraid to enter some areas.

2) I am not a Police Officer, but i am a Marine Inteligence Agent (M2), Hence experience on handling guns and their consequences.

3)Sadly in my country theres no safer way , i live in a place where criminals carry semi automatic weapons , such as Tec9's , R15's and M16's, not to mention glocs 18 (Automatic pistol).

4)Theres no control on gun permit licensing, now theres been an efforrt to reduce the guns on the street by only issuing "a possesion license" but not a carry license. Taking away the means of protection of law obiding citizens who live in places , where you can get stab for 10 pesos( 35 us cents), and have to walk very late at night from work.

5) When you catch a criminal and you call the police , they say "that u need to bring him in", cause they dont have any gas on the cars.

So thers also the new penal code that i don't even want to get in cause it actually protrects the criminals and F..... the good citizens, something to do with Human Rights, i dont get it.

All that said , i need to point out that as i've said thats the first time i've had draw my gun on someone in 8 years , as a member said , a decission had to be made , taking into account what i just posted above.

And regarding human rights, where were the rigths of all the victims that suffer rape, assault and many other crimes in my country .

He who doesnt have mercy , doesnt have the right to receive any kind of mercy.

Just an example of how bad things are here, A friend was drag 15 feet when some as..le tried to snatch her purse on a motorcycle when coming out of sunday mass.

I may not agree on some opinions but its my right to differ from yours as long as i do it respectfully .

As the Members of the Us MIlitary would die for their country , in order to protect it.

Id do the same for the well being of my love ones.

Thats why i carry my gun , Cause im not bringing a knive to a Gun fight......

I would like to apologize if i started any kind of trouble.

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Don't apologize in anyway thieux it is not needed and i don't think anyone on this forum expects or needs you to.

Being in the Caribbean over what everyone assumed was mainland USA is a very different story .

My background is Guyanese and i know how wonderful and dreadful it can be all in one. Carrying a gun is a normal part of society there and is quiet well needed in the event of every day life. Most of my family there have teams of security for the houses business and personal transport because everyone everyday is trying to scheme the easy way to make a buck.

That said , thanks for the clarification and the interesting debate.

I love this club and its members.

The most twisted topics other than "oil and Gas" can always be concluded with level and respectful heads.

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Nice try (conceal and carry nuts) -

I don't mind if you carry a gun - even though I don't believe in carrying unless there is an intention that puts you regularly/frequently in a dangerous environment. But, pulling that gun to play "Captain Save The Day" in a non threatening situation is what I'm talking about. It's offensive to me for one to carry with the intention that they are living scared/and/or living strong, when there is really little reason to be. Even by carrying a gun, it puts you at risk for theft of your own weapon - theft out of your vehicle etc. Then that gun gets out into the streets with your name registered all over it. Not good for you or for anyone...

Amen S & K - I think folks who "feel" a need to carry without realistic purpose equate to those who are on steroids - many just want to be big b/c they got picked on etc. I've known several on roids and most on are loose cannons waiting for a situation to occur - only to turn it violent. This way they can show off their physical prowess and put a beat down on someone.... Opportunity knocks.

Hunting, and going to the range are fine with me too. But, taking the wife and kids out to dinner while packing a nine -- give me a break. Going to the gym, give me a break. This is not a matter of what our laws tell us we can/can't do. It's ultimately our own judgment and lifestyle that determines our safety. It has nothing to do with the right to bear arms - but the spin here is when to bear them.

Keep your belongings secure, epecially your loved ones - and enjoy your guns recreationally. Don't carry for kicks or be a security guard wanna be nut... For most of us knowledge is protection. 4cts..

Let me get this straight, I just got called a nut by someone who was in a pretty heated (the guy pulled a gun on you, so I'm guessing tranquil conversation was out of the equation.) verbal match over a parking space??? :D :lol: :P j/k

I suppose everyone whose had their car stolen had the keys in the ignition and the doors unlocked? It's impossible to keep everyone and everything safe 24/7, 365. Crime and god forbid, violent crime are facts of life.

"Dangerous environments" are everywhere. I'm by no stretch of the imagination one of those people who constantly looks over their shoulder, but you have to be realistic, crimes happen in more places than just the ghetto.

That said , thanks for the clarification and the interesting debate.

I love this club and its members.

The most twisted topics other than "oil and Gas" can always be concluded with level and respectful heads.

I agree!


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Your one sentence summation makes the story sound stupid, but there's way more to it than that. Thieaux came upon the thief in the act of stealing the motorcycle; then, the theif goes to pull something out of his bag, it could have been a stick of gum or it could have been a 38 special. A judgement call had to be made, and I think it's more than logical to assume that he was going for a weapon. Any one would have drawn their gun if they had it at their side.

I agree, but that doesn't change the fact that he confronted the theif in the first place. THATS where the error was in my opinion, would he have done that had he not been armed? I bet not. He was emboldened by the gun, thats my point.

Harsher gun regulations only affect law abiding citizens. You're going to have a hard time convincing me that your local crime lords have concealed licenses or even leagally obtained weapons.

No, this isn't about criminals though. Stricter licensing a control regulations however might have saved the 6 year old girl that was shot by a 7 year old boy in daycare near here this morning because his dad was too stupid to properly store and unload his handgun.

Not the gun's fault, but the *BLEEP* should never have been allowed to posess it in the first place because he's a moron.

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I agree, but that doesn't change the fact that he confronted the theif in the first place. THATS where the error was in my opinion, would he have done that had he not been armed? I bet not. He was emboldened by the gun, thats my point.

Makes sense to me. From Thieaux's remarks, it sounds like you carry a gun if you can. I don't think we can relate.

No, this isn't about criminals though. Stricter licensing a control regulations however might have saved the 6 year old girl that was shot by a 7 year old boy in daycare near here this morning because his dad was too stupid to properly store and unload his handgun.

Not the gun's fault, but the *BLEEP* should never have been allowed to posess it in the first place because he's a moron.

It's certainly possible, but people are going to have guns no matter what regulations are in effect. It's like prohibition, people still got their booze eventhough it was illegal. It's a good thing that the little girl was not killed (I think the bullet caught her arm.). Who keeps loaded guns in such close proximity to kids? That guy should be removed from society because of his lack of intelligence.:chairshot:

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THank Sk, blake,sw03es, and to all who have contribute.

JC11907 : if i were to live in a different place, where i can count on the police maybe it would've been different, but sadly here i cant, reading skperformance post he can vouch , on whats living in the caribbean. I have to let you know that the bike that was being stolen , wasnt going to be chopped for parts , it was going to be use for criminal activities such as drive by , purse snatching and every kind of criminal acts you can imagine .

Maybe that guy using that bike , would've been the guy that , god forbid, tomorrow night has a gun pointing at my moms head asking her to move over or GOD FORBID get her in the back seat with another criminal.

So im trying to make you see were im coming from, Its not a being a "Captain save the day " thing, it was trying to prevent a future crime.

I dont know if you've been a victim of a crime and if not, GOD PROTECT YOU AND YOUR LOVE ONES TO NOT BECOME ONE. But i've been one, and it changes you completly, u see things in another way


in relation to if i didnt have the gun , i honestly cant say what i've would it done, cause no one knows till the moment arrives.

Again very Sorry, and guys every day im getting more into the loc and less on the messenger and yahoo chatrooms, its very nice to talk to a group of people that have very different views on life and yet have the maturity to discuss events and agree that we can disagree without disrespect :cheers:


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I don't think we can relate.

I agree with that.

It's certainly possible, but people are going to have guns no matter what regulations are in effect. It's like prohibition, people still got their booze eventhough it was illegal. It's a good thing that the little girl was not killed (I think the bullet caught her arm.). Who keeps loaded guns in such close proximity to kids? That guy should be removed from society because of his lack of intelligence.:chairshot:

I agree, but just because people are going to do something anyway doesn't mean we shouldn't TRY to control it. If anything it simply gives us a vehicle to prosecute people like this kid's father who blatantly are incapable of handling the responsibility of owning a firearm.

Are people going to murder other people regardless of the law? Yes. Are people going to rape women regardless of the law? Yes. Are kids going to drink regardless of the law? Yes. Are people going to drink and drive regardless of the law? Yes. This doesn't mean that we shouldn't make these things illegal.

Again, I'm not advocating making guns illegal, I just want across the board governmental procedures in place to make it:

1. Reasonably difficult to purchase and carry a handgun. Not to annoy anyone, but just to make sure that those who go through the proceedure are serious about owning a firearm and firearm safety.

2. Harder to get a concealed carry permit than it is to get a drivers license.

Carrying a firearm is SERIOUS business and police train for months before they are allowed to do it. Why shouldn't private citizens be held to the same or even higher standards? Everyone who carrys a gun should:

1. Know how to use it, and this includes targeting etc

2. Know how to store and care for it

3. Pass through an extended probation period where their useage of the weapon is monitored and tested.

THEN give those people a concealed carry permit, and we'll all be safer.

All other handguns being carried without this permit would be confiscated and their carriers punished.

Experienced citizens with guns make us safe, wacko nutjobs who leave them loaded for kids to find do not.

Theiaux- Not to worry, the discussion has progressed beyond the pros and cons of your experience ;)

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Sw03es i couldnt agree more with you, thats what i would like to see in my country, and im a faithfull advocate on more strict gun control.

For instance in the states you have the right to bear arms, but does that makes it ok for anyone to have one, hec NO, not everyone is capable or has the maturity to handle a deadly weapon.

For me a solution would be EDUCATION and Stricter gun policy,.

But in this country theres a heated debate betwen Authoritys that issue the permits and gun bearing citizens, Because theyre making it more difficult for civilians to get a permit, but at the same time criminals are getting their hands on more sophisticated weapons , And i can understand the civil part , being their argument that "Youre taking away my permit and gun , then whose gonna protect me , i cant count on the police and your doing nothing about the gun smuggling " Authoritys responds "Try to avoid difficult parts of the country dont drive at late hours of the night , be carefull". And i say to that , im becoming a prisioner on my own country , i mean, i have the right to go where ever i want whenever i want , or am i wrong.

So you see we may be on different parts but crime affects us all, We need to find a solution , otherwise there will be a moment , where we coulndt even go to the neighbors house.

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I agree, but just because people are going to do something anyway doesn't mean we shouldn't TRY to control it. If anything it simply gives us a vehicle to prosecute people like this kid's father who blatantly are incapable of handling the responsibility of owning a firearm.

We would like to think that it would be used as a means to prosecute, but I'm not holding my breath...especially, after hearing about things like the dumb !Removed! judge in Vermont who gave a child rapist 60 days in jail for raping a little girl for 4 YEARS.

Are people going to murder other people regardless of the law? Yes. Are people going to rape women regardless of the law? Yes. Are kids going to drink regardless of the law? Yes. Are people going to drink and drive regardless of the law? Yes. This doesn't mean that we shouldn't make these things illegal.

There is a difference between rape and carrying an illegal weapon. I can actually recall insatances of murderers, rapists, drunk drivers, etc on the news that are being punished. I honestly have never heard of anyone being brought in for carrying an illegal piece. Those more serious crimes that you listed are waaaaaay more enforecable than hunting down an illegitimate 9mm pistol.

Carrying a firearm is SERIOUS business and police train for months before they are allowed to do it. Why shouldn't private citizens be held to the same or even higher standards?

I've never been to a Police Academy, but I'm pretty sure they spend their months of training doing more than shooting at paper targets, like learning laws and how to enforce them. Just about any !Removed! can shoot at a target and do reasonably well.

I agree with all of your regulations whole heartedly and would be more than willing to go through them to purchase another gun, but I still stand by the arguement that the people who are going to comply with your regulations are people who are going to use firearms responsibly in the first place, so in my mind, the plan would not be very effective.

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Nice try (conceal and carry nuts) -

I don't mind if you carry a gun - even though I don't believe in carrying unless there is an intention that puts you regularly/frequently in a dangerous environment. But, pulling that gun to play "Captain Save The Day" in a non threatening situation is what I'm talking about. It's offensive to me for one to carry with the intention that they are living scared/and/or living strong, when there is really little reason to be. Even by carrying a gun, it puts you at risk for theft of your own weapon - theft out of your vehicle etc. Then that gun gets out into the streets with your name registered all over it. Not good for you or for anyone...

Amen S & K - I think folks who "feel" a need to carry without realistic purpose equate to those who are on steroids - many just want to be big b/c they got picked on etc. I've known several on roids and most on are loose cannons waiting for a situation to occur - only to turn it violent. This way they can show off their physical prowess and put a beat down on someone.... Opportunity knocks.

Hunting, and going to the range are fine with me too. But, taking the wife and kids out to dinner while packing a nine -- give me a break. Going to the gym, give me a break. This is not a matter of what our laws tell us we can/can't do. It's ultimately our own judgment and lifestyle that determines our safety. It has nothing to do with the right to bear arms - but the spin here is when to bear them.

Keep your belongings secure, epecially your loved ones - and enjoy your guns recreationally. Don't carry for kicks or be a security guard wanna be nut... For most of us knowledge is protection. 4cts..

You have the right to speak your thoughts, but you do not have the right to call people nuts. I could reply in kind, but this is/was a civil discussion.

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Sorry to stir a conflict betwen members , .......

Hay, no big deal. This is almost as good as regular gas or super... Or reg oil or syn........

In short, some good pionts on both sides and some bad pionts......

Like "Guns are only made to inflict pain and suffering and to kill. Nope. Some guns are made to never be shot at anyone. They are made only for target shooting. yes the can be misused. Just like almost anything can. A gun is nothing more then a tool. It is the person holding it, or responsable for it, that is responsable for if it is used for good or bad.

Now a fishing hook... That is only designed to hurt and mame in order to do "it's job". But something is not "bad" just becouse it hurts, or kills.

What makes it good or bad are the cercumstances and the personail belifes of the person or persons judging if it is right or wrong.

And debates of this type are endless in nature. For the most piont gun owners will not agree to give them up, and anti-gun folks will not agree that guns are good, etc.... But what is great, is that we can all agree to disagree ;)

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ya know that's all fine and dandy, in other countries where the us operates we shoot people on site for theft, mainly because it puts soldiers at risk trying to arrest someone who seems suspicious, no one says much about that! if it were me i would have probably shot him in the knee and never felt sorry about it. why you ask? because he took it for granted that he could do it and i'll take it for granted that he has violated rights and priviliges of another human being.......something i don't take very lightly to, and in my state theft or ATTEMPTED theft of property constitutes up to and including deadly force if so inclinded becuase of the theifs intentions or body language, trust me i would have just shot, been there done that, dont tread on me

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I respect all viewpoints in this post and just b/c you coneal and carry, I'm not calling you a nut. The wanna- be/testosterone types are who I'm talking about (if you are one of them, this means you). I disagree with folks who walk with an aggressive stick... thats all I'm saying here. I don't have a psychology degree, but its apparent that some I've talked with over the years - seem to be hiding behind their pistol. One other thing - I think it's fine to be a nut in the country too. Heck, were all nuts about Lexus cars... Just don't be a nut when it involves, dangerous, aggressive and even wreckless behavior.

I have had guns pulled on me twice in my life and in neither situation was anything being stolen or sold.

So, for me its two gun carrying guys - to zero muggings, hold ups, thefts etc.... 2 - 0

Hence, I've encountered two guys who carry; and have encountered zero hostile/dangerous/criminal guys...

I still firmly believe in owning and even carrying a weapon/s which is the common theme here. My home is packing strong.... In fact, I have a Thompson Submachine Gun my Granddad brought home from WWII - The ATF welded it shut after someone ratted him out for having it (he owned it as a show piece only) Even though it doesn't work it's still really cool to have - very heavy. We all seem to at least believe in the right to bear arms. Good thing. It's all good.

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Last night i was pulling in to my parking sapce , i live in a residential complex , and the gate was open , and i saw a guy strugglin with a bike, when i looked closely it was my neighbors bike, when i step up to the guy , he went like "help me push it cause its dying on me" , and i asked him in which apt were you, as soon as he gave me the wrong answer i know he was trying to steel it, i told him step off the bike , and he turned and tryed to take out something out off a bag he was carrying , i pulled out my small, yet trusty walther ppk/s , and yelled don't move, i knocked him off the bike and call my neighbor and the police , WOW i mean what a rush , as i was aiming this guy , i knew i had his life on my hands , but was nervous as hell , but managed to control the situation without any incidents .....But what a rush..

And what if the thief had a lookout that had a red dot on your head all the time ? The lookout would have had quite a rush also. Such a dynamic situation demands a lot more cool than you displayed IMHO. Yes, I own 23 assorted guns. It isn't easy to make the right decisions in the heat of the moment.

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ya know that's all fine and dandy, in other countries where the us operates we shoot people on site for theft, mainly because it puts soldiers at risk trying to arrest someone who seems suspicious, no one says much about that! if it were me i would have probably shot him in the knee and never felt sorry about it. why you ask? because he took it for granted that he could do it and i'll take it for granted that he has violated rights and priviliges of another human being.......something i don't take very lightly to, and in my state theft or ATTEMPTED theft of property constitutes up to and including deadly force if so inclinded becuase of the theifs intentions or body language, trust me i would have just shot, been there done that, dont tread on me

im sorry to say that you sound like an angry person that carries a gun which is no better than the guy trying to steal the bike.theres a reason that the police have the right to do some of the things that they do b/c they are trained professionals at their work. im not trying to insult you , just lettingyou know how your statement sounds.

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It sounds like some of you are not educated on what it takes to get a gun and even more so a carry permit. To get a gun you must pay for a background check, and if you've ever been convicted of a felony you have lost your priviledge to even OWN a gun. You can't just go to your local wal mart and buy one over the counter without any type of background check.

Now for the carry permit. SW states that it needs to be harder than "getting a drivers license". I won't hold this statement against you because apparently you don't know what it involves. In the state of TN (like most other states), it's not an easy process. Not only does it cost over $200, but you must attend an 8 hour class taught by a professional (99% are cops). This class teaches you the LAW and the consequences of using your weapon. You are then given an exam in which you must make 100%. After about 6-7 hours of classroom teaching, you have to pass a "firing exam" where you fire about 30 rounds at a target. If you can't hit the target, you can't carry a weapon.

Most of all the cops I've talked to love that carrying permits are on the rise. Of course like anything, there are a few morons that can't seem to remember all the laws (ie NO weapons on school grounds). But I feel the good outways the bad in this situation.

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