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Hey Bin Laden


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sh*t....i'm not touchin' that one man...and I really do recommend we just stop here on this....let's take your advice 93 and leave this forum for cars...

Legal: From here on out....NC211 has attempted to clear the air, and has made an effort to shut this thing down...NC211 takes the blame for sparking this thing up, due to mass amounts of caffiene and poor spelling ability. But....from here on out...as I hope I have made it clear that I am not trying to start a p*ssing contest, or argue race, religion, s*x, credit scores, or origin in any manner....I must go to bed now as it is late, and I have to get up at 6:00 am for work...peace out.

Okay, since you are the author I will delete my post................

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Whew...am i glad to see that this thread did not turn into a shouting match during the night.. That was my fear, and I should have thought about that before I started this thread. I agree that I really shouldn't have posted it on a Lexus automotive forum in general. Especially one that is international. Allow me to explain....I'm a very laid back kind of guy. I go to church and try to live my life in the right way as to not offend others, and walk the line of a good man. But there is really only one hot button with me, and that is 9/11 and those who are responsible for it. This is no joke, I could have very easily lost my dad that day, and if things had played out like they should have, I most likely would have lost him. We have a family friend who is a commercial real estate attorney in NYC, and his firm was located on the 93rd floor of the north tower. My dad's shop was working on renegioting one of their commercial loans on a building around the trade towers. He was to be in NYC that morning for a meeting with Joe "the attorney" and the borrower at 8:00 am. He was originally going to fly out the night before on the red-eye, but as fate would have it, that flight was eventually cancelled due to the day's back-log of delays. So he was going to fly out of Kansas City the next morning, 9/11. Well Joe decided to just take the morning off and wait for my dad to arrive for the meeting around noon. But Joe's entire staff reported to work as usual, and sadly, none made it out. My dad was sitting on the tarmack in KC, first up to take off when the pilot came on and said "there has been an incident in NYC and the FAA has grounded all flights." If he had flown out the night before as originally scheduled, they would have been in Joe's office at 8:00 am for their meeting...So, I get a little hot under the colar when I see Bin Laden pop up... The building they were working on was so badly damaged by the collapse of the towers, it eventually came down too. I saw the photos and video from the insurance company on the building that's in the file at his office...truely stunning.

Bartkat, not sure if you're familiar with the area of Birmingham called Homewood? Sept. 20th is my birthday, and 9/20/01 was my 28th B-day. At that time, I was working in a firm that was located in the SouthTrust Bank building in downtown. I was sitting with my buddies at a bar called Oak-Hill in Homewood Village, having a few beers when Bush gave that speach I linked up. Needless to say,,I was pretty well lit up that night. And whenever Bin Lakin' shows up on the news, I kind of regress back to that night and get all fired up again... I get in that "lock and load boys, we've got a score to settle" frame of mind and will shoot off my mouth about it. I was actually asked to leave a restuarant in Charlotte about 2 years ago for saying what I would do to Bin Laden if I were President to my friends. They didn't ask me to leave because of my view points, they asked me to leave because I did not realize there was a nice family behind me with children and my hot-headed mouth was out of line. I felt really bad, and on my way out I gave the manager a $100 bill and insisted that it pay for their dinner and tip. The father came after me in the parking lot, shook my hand and said "privately, I agree with you, but my little girls were asking me what those 4 letter words were that you were saying".

So...long story short...sorry guys, and especially 93' if my thread offended you at all. I appreciate your kind PM 93' ;) . It's not that we all disagree about the end result of taking out Bin Laden and his crew...I think it's just the way "I" said it. I can't say I haven't crossed the line in this topic before in my life....and can't say that I probably won't do it again in the future.....I just hate that SOB and can't wait for him to be exterminated from human existance....ok...I better stop now..getting fired up again. Hahaha.

Edited by nc211
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Now we just wait and see who's the first politician to use this tape for political gain... HMMM!?!? will it beeeee.... Ole' Teddy "Lets take a swim in my car into Chappaquiddick" Kennedy??? Or will it be Hillary "Bush runs the Senate 'plantation'" Clinton???

Mark my words. I don't even give the anti-war left libs a week until they start spewing: "Bin Laden says were losing..... HE MUST BE RIGHT!!! WHY WOULD HE LIE!?!?" Did anyone else pick up on the transcripts how he PRAISES the anti-war anti-bush left?!?!?! HELLO??!?!? THEY'RE ON THE SAME TEAM!!!!!

Who knows.... between Hillary's plantation comments (TO a black audience ON mlk day IN harlem... hmmm you think shes fishing for the black vote? ) and New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin saying he wants N.O. to be a "chocolate city" i've just been overwhelmed by these peoples irresponsible comments...... there's my rant....

Well said! :cheers: Hillary and Teddy...talk about a match made in hell. I don't know who I hate more (probably Teddy). :censored:

And here's to my idiot mayor.....


You know, the double standard is what really chaps my !Removed! about this aside from Nagin's inability to think before he opens his big mouth. A white mayor would have a noose around his/her neck if they said New Orleans will one day be white again....please, please come back to this rat infested, *BLEEP* hole city. :chairshot: He should learn to shut his mouth and focus more on rebuilding the city.

As for Hillary, that was just a lame attempt to cater to her black constituants to help reelection. Yeah, congress is a plantation....please. I really believe that she would use that same similie if she was addressing a white audience. :snoooorrrtttt:

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HAHAHA!!! Blake, that picture is too much! Oh man, I'm going to print that off and put it on the bulletinboard! that...is great!

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HAHAHA!!! Blake, that picture is too much! Oh man, I'm going to print that off and put it on the bulletinboard! that...is great!

I agree totally with what you said. I've been known to rant a little myself on the subject. We won't ever forget and we won't back down.

I was born in 1939 so I was cognizant of WWII. All I ever remember hearing on the radio was war news, and I had two uncles fighting in Europe and one in the Pacific. I'll never forget my grandmother's reactions to news on the radio and her fear of almost every knock on her front door. When the end of the war was announced I remember asking my mom, what was going to be on the radio then. I figured all the radio was for was to hear the war news. Those are some things I'll never forget.

Here's another one for you LOL....


Good stuff. I'm "borrowing" those two for a political board I post on. :cheers:

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You guys have too much time on your hands.

BTW i see no reason to close this thread, we are all adults and are conducting yourselves that way.

Here is a topic i personally love

If you want to see stereotyping go stand by a U.S. border crossing .

I love visiting the states but US immigration and customs have to be the most racist ,rude ,prejudice set of enforcement BAR NONE .

The nicest time i had with them was when i went to Vegas with my wife. Leaving was hell as i guess they want you to feel welcome coming there to gamble but then did a full body search of my wife and refused to give any reason when we where leaving.

Until you are on the other end of the stick and realise that they have freedom to do as they want and you have no recourse as no one in there offices care if you lose flights time or are humiliated.

The amount of people who are subjected to the powers they are hold are ridiculous.

I hate US customs , and am so glad they do not represent the US as a society ,just pea brained idiots that they are. Its truly unbelievable i have never in about 30 trips to the States ever had one person who was normal. They all act like 16 year old testosterone teenagers on a power trip with there daddy's Winchester.

This is also not only since 9/11 it just got worse since then.

end rant-------

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Ok, well if you guys agree....

Hey Bin Laden...your flesh and blood sure does look HOT in GQ this month!

Didn't you kill women in those soccer fields back in the day of the taliban for showing too much skin?

Aren't you the one who said "we'll defeat the americans!" back in the day?

Well...getcha' some...you asked for it....you got it!!

Oh, and Iran....take a look around...we're to the north in Turkey...east in Afhghanastan, west in IRAQ, and...well...might as well sell that fishing boat you got down in the Gulf....because the US RONALD REAGAN is waiting for you!!! Talk the talk...but WE walk the walk...

PS: those at the NSA....thank you! want my cell phone number? Please monitor my conversation, because you are the ones who keep my future safe.

PSS: Hey Hillary...how do you think you caught your husband? I'm sorry, but I do not recall Linda Tripp askng Monica if she minded being recorded???? Hey Ted Kennedy.......do you really want to try me? You've got more DUI's than Danny Bonaduchi, not to mention a midnight swim in the graveyard.

Oh, and Al Gore....Greenpeace 1 is setting sail in 20 minutes....I'll take care of your parade of 1978 GMC Suburbans for ya!! I haven't seen that much smoke since the Pearl Jam concert of 1993.

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One time coming back from Lux, we flew into London to catch a plane back to the states. I had checked my big suit case and had a little nylon zip bag with my essentials and clothes from the day before as carry on. I had inadvertenly placed my dirty undies as the top items of the bag. We had to go through a check point before entering the main terminal. The woman behind the counter asked to see my bag. She opened it up, saw the dirty undies, and gave the bag back to me as fast as she could. After that I always packed dirty undies in the top of my carry on. :lol::lol:

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Hope you're a "boxer" man...otherwise....good god, that's just gross...you from Pelham?

One time coming back from Lux, we flew into London to catch a plane back to the states. I had checked my big suit case and had a little nylon zip bag with my essentials and clothes from the day before as carry on. I had inadvertenly placed my dirty undies as the top items of the bag. We had to go through a check point before entering the main terminal. The woman behind the counter asked to see my bag. She opened it up, saw the dirty undies, and gave the bag back to me as fast as she could. After that I always packed dirty undies in the top of my carry on. :lol::lol:

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Hey Bin Lackin', suuurrree, we'll agree to your truce...you just give us your address where we can fed-ex our...um...conditions, and we'll call this a dead..opps...I mean..done deal. You don't even need to give us your street address...Longitute and Latitude will do just fine..We'll find ya'. You chicken sh*t coward.

If I were President....the only truce I would make would be for me to take off your head with a dull, rusty, American made jig saw on the South lawn of the White House, on live TV so everyone in the world could hear you scream like the little cowardly b*tch that you are. Then I'd bury your as* in a shallow grave in the front lawn. And every morning when I woke up, I'd walk outside and p*ss on your grave.

You started it...we're going to end it. No stopping now punk...we're still rollin'! Straight for your :censored: AS*!! J-DAM WILLING!

Truer words were never spoken! Nicely done! B)


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Hey Bin Lackin', suuurrree, we'll agree to your truce...you just give us your address where we can fed-ex our...um...conditions, and we'll call this a dead..opps...I mean..done deal. You don't even need to give us your street address...Longitute and Latitude will do just fine..We'll find ya'. You chicken sh*t coward.

If I were President....the only truce I would make would be for me to take off your head with a dull, rusty, American made jig saw on the South lawn of the White House, on live TV so everyone in the world could hear you scream like the little cowardly b*tch that you are. Then I'd bury your as* in a shallow grave in the front lawn. And every morning when I woke up, I'd walk outside and p*ss on your grave.

You started it...we're going to end it. No stopping now punk...we're still rollin'! Straight for your :censored: AS*!! J-DAM WILLING!

Truer words were never spoken! Nicely done! B)



Osama Bin Laden, your time is short;

We'd rather yo! u die, than come to court.

Why are you hiding if it was in God's name?

You're just a punk with a turban; a pathetic shame.

I have a question, about your theory and laws; "How come you never die for the cause?"

Is it because you're a coward who counts on others?

Well, here in America, we stand by our brothers.

As is usual, you failed in your mission;

If you expected pure chaos, you can keep on wishing

Americans are now focused and stronger than ever;

Your death has become our next endeavor.

What you tried to kill, doesn't live in our walls;

It's not in buildings or shopping malls.

If all of our structures came crashing down;

It would still be there, safe and sound.

Because pride and courage can't be destroyed;

Even if the towers leave a deep void.

We'll band together and fill the holes

We'll bury our dead and bless their souls.

But then our energy will focus on you;

And you'll feel the wrath of the

Red, White and Blue.

So slither and hide like a snake in the grass;

Because America's coming to

kick your !Removed!!!!

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PS: those at the NSA....thank you! want my cell phone number? Please monitor my conversation, because you are the ones who keep my future safe.

I think the scores and scores of Americans who died to provide our freedoms would disagree.

Beware things done in the name of "keeping us safe" and beware the civil liberties and privacies you so readily give up or our government might just look a lot more like Iraq's in your lifetime.

Regardless of that, wiretapping without a warrant is against the law, plain and simple, ragardless of the purpose.

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Man this thread is still going................ fella's chill we know all about the snake "Bin Laden" and we know his time is up. Subject over... This is LEXUS forum and you guys are cloging up my Hotmail....I love the good old USA and it is here to stay, but take this to the political forums... Anyone, got a car problem? I know I do......

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