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I never told ya'all, but on my way to a party (i was even the DD that night) on the 22nd of dec, i got pulled over. Im not going to tell you i wasnt speeding, cause i was. But what i didnt realize is that the limit went from 65 to 55 just a few seconds prior. I missed the sign. I mean straight up didnt see it. Oh well, it happens to the best of us. 71 in a 55. would have been in a 65, but... :ph34r:

I dont consider it a big thing, the officer was VERY polite and so i was too ( i would have been anyways). what could i say? I was speeding.

anyways, my point here is this, is there ANYTHING i can do to keep my insuarnce down after this? My ins is already $340 a month on one car. i cant afford it to go any higher. i was told by a friend that if you dont change your ins co and you keep your policy current, they will never re check your record. is this true?

anyways, merry christmas to me, Oh well. I cant really be upset. I guess i did it to myself. :huh:

BTW, i ALWAYS make i t apoint to shake the officer's hand and thank him in any experience i have had with an officer, it goes along way toward smoothing things out.

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I never told ya'all, but on my way to a party (i was even the DD that night) on the 22nd of dec, i got pulled over. Im not going to tell you i wasnt speeding, cause i was. But what i didnt realize is that the limit went from 65 to 55 just a few seconds prior. I missed the sign. I mean straight up didnt see it. Oh well, it happens to the best of us. 71 in a 55. would have been in a 65, but... :ph34r:

I dont consider it a big thing, the officer was VERY polite and so i was too ( i would have been anyways). what could i say? I was speeding.

anyways, my point here is this, is there ANYTHING i can do to keep my insuarnce down after this? My ins is already $340 a month on one car. i cant afford it to go any higher. i was told by a friend that if you dont change your ins co and you keep your policy current, they will never re check your record. is this true?

anyways, merry christmas to me, Oh well. I cant really be upset. I guess i did it to myself. :huh:

BTW, i ALWAYS make i t apoint to shake the officer's hand and thank him in any experience i have had with an officer, it goes along way toward smoothing things out.

Army, Over 3 years ago I had 2 speeding tickets and my ins. never went up. My agent knew of the tickets but the ins. co. never checked so my premiums never went up. Now after 3 years my ins. has premium has gone down 25%. That was a close one.

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Just get a lawyer to handle it. Most lawyers around here only charge like $75-$100 for speeding cases. My brother was caught speeding in the same situation as you, paid his lawyer $75, and the ticket was dismissed. The fine itself would have been like $150 plus whatever the insurance co. rate hike would be. Good luck!

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Do they have thing where you can take a safe driving course and then the speeding ticket is dropped off your record? Here in California you can do that.

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That sucks...

I'd go to court. If you lay it out honestly to the judge, I've had a few accidents in the past that make my insurance difficult, the speed limit had just dropped from 65 to 55, and I was the designated driver for the night (play up that angle) I bet he'll cut you a break.

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That sucks...

I'd go to court. If you lay it out honestly to the judge, I've had a few accidents in the past that make my insurance difficult, the speed limit had just dropped from 65 to 55, and I was the designated driver for the night (play up that angle) I bet he'll cut you a break.

Its likely, so should i contest it?

I should have had like triple brownie points though, its christmas, i was a DD and im active duty military, and they guy still gave me a ticket.

Oh well, the unny thing is im not all that upset about it. :huh:

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That really sucks. I have a few active duty friends and they never get tickets. I'm surprised dude didn't even give you a good break. I would definitely go to court. You should probably find out how much court costs are, where I'm from sometimes they're upwards of $100, but well worth it in your case for insurance purposes. Judging on your premiums, I would say you might have a good chance of getting dropped if that ticket gets reported to your ins company. Good Luck.

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Either way you pleade, ask the DA, or whatever ADA, or JOTP handles the case if they can keep the ticket from your insurance.

in '03 i got one doing 80 in a 60 in the afternoon & then got one written for 90 in a 70. That one got my lisence taken away, but my insurance never went up because i asked them if they would keep the record from them.

They both said OK.

The FIRST ticket you get if you've not had one in awhile, most insurance companies I know just let it slide. If you've had some rescently like in the last 2 years, ya, expect rates to go up a bit. More so 'cause of your age.

Always fight a ticket. it's their responcibility to prove you did anything & you're innocent until proven otherwise.

Just make sure before you plead either way to ask them if they can help you out.

Edited by Toysrme
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Not sure if you can but see if you can get PBJ (Probation before Judgment) I am a insurance agent and we recommend to all of our insured's if they get a ticket to take it to court. Just be honest and tell the judge that you do not want the ticket on your driving record. Most of the time the way PBJ works...you get 3-6 months Probation and if you do not get another ticket the 1st one does not ever go on your record. Trust me you do not want that ticket on your record. We write for 8 insurance companies and in MD tickets show up for 3 years. I am licensed in MD, DE, and VA some states work different...VA you have to take a defensive drivers course...not sure about DE (just don't speed there)

By the way I would never get a lawyer for a speeding ticket... I have had 3 that I have went to court on 2 MD 1 VA never had a problem...GOOD LUCK!!!

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Not sure if you can but see if you can get PBJ (Probation before Judgment) I am a insurance agent and we recommend to all of our insured's if they get a ticket to take it to court. Just be honest and tell the judge that you do not want the ticket on your driving record. Most of the time the way PBJ works...you get 3-6 months Probation and if you do not get another ticket the 1st one does not ever go on your record. Trust me you do not want that ticket on your record. We write for 8 insurance companies and in MD tickets show up for 3 years. I am licensed in MD, DE, and VA some states work different...VA you have to take a defensive drivers course...not sure about DE (just don't speed there)

By the way I would never get a lawyer for a speeding ticket... I have had 3 that I have went to court on 2 MD 1 VA never had a problem...GOOD LUCK!!!

LexiRX330, my DL is a TX one, my ins is NY and my registration is too. will this affect anything?

and to the guy who said i have a good chance of getting dropped? thats a big negative, I have one accident on my record, my insurance coverage had more than a 6 month lapse in it, im driving a sports car i owe money on, and im under 21.

THATS why my insurance is so high. Im high rick yes, but if this ins, co drops me, i will fight that, because i knwo several people with multiple DUI's who still have insurance with USAA.

as for other tickets, I have never had one for speeding that went on my record. the one i did get was almost 5 years ago.

Edited by ArmyofOne
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LEXI- I may be looking for new insurance soon, PM me your contact info if you don't mind.

Army, I wouldn't contest it, I'd just go in and say:

"Yeah I was speeding, but I'm asking in the light of these reasons:

1. The speed limit had just been reduced from 65 to 55.

2. It was late at night, during the Christmas season, and I was doing my civic duty being a designated driver so that my friends would be ensured a safe trip home. I did not notice the reduction in speed limit from 65 to 55.

3. Because of my recent enlistment in the Army, I need to keep my insurance as clean as it can be."

And just sheepishly apologize and see what he does.

Worst case scenario you're in the same boat you're in right now. I bet he'll waive the points if you pay the fine or reduce the charge to 6 over instead of 16 over. Typically they'll do something for you just for coming in.

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THATS why my insurance is so high. Im high rick yes, but if this ins, co drops me, i will fight that, because i knwo several people with multiple DUI's who still have insurance with USAA.

as for other tickets, I have never had one for speeding that went on my record. the one i did get was almost 5 years ago.

I don't think that you are in danger of getting dropped... DL issue may be another story but since you are with USAA and are in Military I don't think it will be a problem. Your rate is high for the exact reasons that you said... sports car and full cov and young driver. In MD, VA, DE magic # is 25, 21 does help...

I do not know what ded. that you have on your policy but carry the highest ones that your finance company will allow, at least on your collision. Comp will not save you that much money. Most of the time it is a 1000 dollar ded. is the most that you can carry.

For everyone that thinks that your company will not raise your rate for one ticket...you are wrong...The fact is that most companies do not pull MVR's except at new business. That is why your rate has not gone up they do not know about the ticket...

LEXI- I may be looking for new insurance soon, PM me your contact info if you don't mind.

Visit our Agency Web site it is www.yourinsurancequote.net

Will be glad to see if I can save you some money.

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Last month i got a speeding ticket for doing 99 in a 55. The ticket said 99 but my guess is that i was doing over 100 the cop just brought it down.

I'm going to court in a few weeks. The law in my state, states that for every mile per hour over it's $10, but then there's court costs...

This is my first ticket in a year, the greatest too!

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Josh, in Kansas, many years ago, there was this little law called The Plea Doctrit. You double the fine, pay the court cost, and the ticket magically became a non-moving violation. You could do this once a year by yourself, then you needed an attorney after that...any quick-draw-McGraw will do. UPDATE your driver's license to your new state pronto! In many states "NC being one of them", you have 30 days from taking up residency to convert it...or face a "driving w/o operator license" ticket. It will hurt you in court if you're still on your Texas license. If none of that works, and your state now doesn't have the Plea Doctrit, then play the angle as mentioned already about being in the military and so forth...but tread lightly on it too. I am sure the judge has heard that one a million times up there. Even though you're a straight shooter, down the middle kind of guy, be prepared to the fact that bar-brawler Private "Metal-eater" who trashed someone's bar in a fight with one of the locals over his girl has gone up before the judge ahead of you and played that exact same angle.

I'd take toysrme's advice and talk to your c/o off the record for his advice on the matter. Nothing looks better than a recommendation from your base commander for leanentcy "spelling?" Great way to disconnect yourself from that drunk bar brawler with gun-powder between his ears who could hurt your chances by guilty by association.

Did I read your response right, you are with USAA? I am, dad is retired usaf colnel. My rate at 32 years of age, full coverage and $250 deductible is $380 every 6 months. Only item on my record was back in 1996 down in some poodunk town 60 miles south of here...for driving without an operators license due to the fact that I still had my Kansas driver's license...been here for 6 months. 2 points on my record....they dropped off many years ago.

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Josh, in Kansas, many years ago, there was this little law called The Plea Doctrit. You double the fine, pay the court cost, and the ticket magically became a non-moving violation. You could do this once a year by yourself, then you needed an attorney after that...any quick-draw-McGraw will do. UPDATE your driver's license to your new state pronto! In many states "NC being one of them", you have 30 days from taking up residency to convert it...or face a "driving w/o operator license" ticket. It will hurt you in court if you're still on your Texas license. If none of that works, and your state now doesn't have the Plea Doctrit, then play the angle as mentioned already about being in the military and so forth...but tread lightly on it too. I am sure the judge has heard that one a million times up there. Even though you're a straight shooter, down the middle kind of guy, be prepared to the fact that bar-brawler Private "Metal-eater" who trashed someone's bar in a fight with one of the locals over his girl has gone up before the judge ahead of you and played that exact same angle.

I'd take toysrme's advice and talk to your c/o off the record for his advice on the matter. Nothing looks better than a recommendation from your base commander for leanentcy "spelling?" Great way to disconnect yourself from that drunk bar brawler with gun-powder between his ears who could hurt your chances by guilty by association.

Did I read your response right, you are with USAA? I am, dad is retired usaf colnel. My rate at 32 years of age, full coverage and $250 deductible is $380 every 6 months. Only item on my record was back in 1996 down in some poodunk town 60 miles south of here...for driving without an operators license due to the fact that I still had my Kansas driver's license...been here for 6 months. 2 points on my record....they dropped off many years ago.

I cant update my liscense without paying NY states UNGODLY Income Taxes (TX has no state income tax) it is not a law as i am not considered a permanent resident, since i am stationed here, that i must change my lisence. That fact is true though, if your not in the military. But being military does have its advantages.

What im saying is, due to military status, i am considered, for all accounts a transient. i have no permanent address here in NY, only a PO box.

Yes, i am paying $340 PER MONTH with USAA. My dad retired AF as well. i have a $500 deductible.

The only violations i have were 1 in alaska and 1 in texas. the accident with the lexus never went on my record because i wasnt ticketed, no claim was made against my insurance co. the Alaska Violation was 127 in a 55 (young and stupid, in a camaro SS. the only reason i didnt lose my liscense is because my mother cut it up in front of the judge. i was barely 16 at the time). I paid a rediculous fine 9matching my rediculous speed), was put on probation community service. and The second violation was for the totaling the contour, and it was Failure to contol speed to avoid collision. that was 2 years ago (april of 2004).

the first ticket was off my record a year ago...i was paying $90 a month for liability only when i wrecked the lexus. sitll high, but not as bad as it used to be. this was due to the fact that i am under 25.

Bottom line, Being young and carrying full coverage on a sports car sucks.

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Well since you posted this, I thought maybe I should use this against you :P

If you are a bit worried about your insurance, etc. over this simple speeding ticket what if you were pulled over during this (your twisties thread):


yeah steve-o, i know. but alot has changed with me since then. i have grown up quite a bit. That happenes when you get out on your own and have to pay your own bills. I hadnt realized yet the effect that would have. yeah, that run was fun, but also foolish. I know better now.

Edited by ArmyofOne
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Army- Stupid question but did you shop your ins. rate? I understand your in the military and use USAA but those premiums sound crazy. I'm 22 and have full coverage through nationwide on my '98es and pay $394 every 6 months. Even when I was 19 driving an explorer with 2 tickets it only went up to $2400/year. I do realize that I was able to carry over quite a few discounts from my parents, but OVER $300/month for insurance is insane unless your hanging on the edge of being dropped or you have DUI's.

I wasn't aware that insurance classified 2 door 4 cylinder cars (escorts) as "sports cars" and charged you the rate of a Maserati. I'm adding my 21 y/o fiance onto my insurance with a 2000 Solara V6. She has 1 ticket and it's still going to be around $500/6 months. Maybe i just have really cheap insurance.... Oh, and good luck with that ticket :) When's the court date again?

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Army- Stupid question but did you shop your ins. rate? I understand your in the military and use USAA but those premiums sound crazy. I'm 22 and have full coverage through nationwide on my '98es and pay $394 every 6 months. Even when I was 19 driving an explorer with 2 tickets it only went up to $2400/year. I do realize that I was able to carry over quite a few discounts from my parents, but OVER $300/month for insurance is insane unless your hanging on the edge of being dropped or you have DUI's.

I wasn't aware that insurance classified 2 door 4 cylinder cars (escorts) as "sports cars" and charged you the rate of a Maserati. I'm adding my 21 y/o fiance onto my insurance with a 2000 Solara V6. She has 1 ticket and it's still going to be around $500/6 months. Maybe i just have really cheap insurance.... Oh, and good luck with that ticket :) When's the court date again?

court date is jan 12th or eariler. ALOT of my insurance rates being high has to do with the state im in. NY has the highest rates in the country, its automaticall almost a 30% increase (so i was told). and yes its weird that the escort costs the same as it would for me to ensure an SRT4 or a Camaro SS. but that is the way USAA does it. Most insurance compaines do ti that way. if it has 2 doors it is considered a sports car, unless its a hatchback/pickup/SUV. its unfortunate, but its true.

this sucks, my career depends on my driving record (didnt know that 3 months ago either).

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  • 1 month later...

Army- Stupid question but did you shop your ins. rate? I understand your in the military and use USAA but those premiums sound crazy. I'm 22 and have full coverage through nationwide on my '98es and pay $394 every 6 months. Even when I was 19 driving an explorer with 2 tickets it only went up to $2400/year. I do realize that I was able to carry over quite a few discounts from my parents, but OVER $300/month for insurance is insane unless your hanging on the edge of being dropped or you have DUI's.

I wasn't aware that insurance classified 2 door 4 cylinder cars (escorts) as "sports cars" and charged you the rate of a Maserati. I'm adding my 21 y/o fiance onto my insurance with a 2000 Solara V6. She has 1 ticket and it's still going to be around $500/6 months. Maybe i just have really cheap insurance.... Oh, and good luck with that ticket :) When's the court date again?

court date is jan 12th or eariler. ALOT of my insurance rates being high has to do with the state im in. NY has the highest rates in the country, its automaticall almost a 30% increase (so i was told). and yes its weird that the escort costs the same as it would for me to ensure an SRT4 or a Camaro SS. but that is the way USAA does it. Most insurance compaines do ti that way. if it has 2 doors it is considered a sports car, unless its a hatchback/pickup/SUV. its unfortunate, but its true.

this sucks, my career depends on my driving record (didnt know that 3 months ago either).

Well, i went to court...the angle didnt work :(

Speeding fine, 71mph in a 55mph zone: $90. NY State surcharge: $55. Total Fine Due: $145.00

Due Date: Feb 20, 2006.


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I never told ya'all, but on my way to a party (i was even the DD that night) on the 22nd of dec, i got pulled over. Im not going to tell you i wasnt speeding, cause i was. But what i didnt realize is that the limit went from 65 to 55 just a few seconds prior. I missed the sign. I mean straight up didnt see it. Oh well, it happens to the best of us. 71 in a 55. would have been in a 65, but... :ph34r:

I dont consider it a big thing, the officer was VERY polite and so i was too ( i would have been anyways). what could i say? I was speeding.

anyways, my point here is this, is there ANYTHING i can do to keep my insuarnce down after this? My ins is already $340 a month on one car. i cant afford it to go any higher. i was told by a friend that if you dont change your ins co and you keep your policy current, they will never re check your record. is this true?

anyways, merry christmas to me, Oh well. I cant really be upset. I guess i did it to myself. :huh:

BTW, i ALWAYS make i t apoint to shake the officer's hand and thank him in any experience i have had with an officer, it goes along way toward smoothing things out.

Army, I'm not sure the laws & regulations in NY state......can you fight the ticket in court to try & get a lesser charge (do they have a 'point' system there?) or perhaps there was some kind of mistake on the ticket (granted a 'technicality......but it could be tossed & no charges stick).

I had a speeding ticket in July 15, 2005 & am currently fighting it (I just got a notice of trial yesterday as a matter of fact........court date is Sept 12th, 2006! :blink: 14 months after I got the ticket........so much for a right to a speedy trial! :rolleyes: ) Anyway.......the notice I got has my name spelled wrong, plus the 14 month time to get to trial.......I retained one of those traffic court reps so we shall see where this goes.

Just a suggestion is all......I don't care about the money to hire someone......my main concern is my insurance as it was a 4 point ticket! :chairshot: Had a brain !Removed! that morning & the police officer was hidding behind a tree.....litterally a minute & a half from my Condo. :whistles:

Get this.......I mentioned to my wife that morning I got a ticket (my first in 14 years) & she laughs and starts singing the song I fought the law, and the law won"! lmao :lol:


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You might be out of luck Army...

Sometimes that happens. I had a cop that was really a !Removed! one time and did the same thing to me. Usually they'll drop the fine somewhat just because you came in...

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You might be out of luck Army...

Sometimes that happens. I had a cop that was really a !Removed! one time and did the same thing to me. Usually they'll drop the fine somewhat just because you came in...

Yea- Steve is right...most of the time they will cut you some slack.

That sucks Army, sorry it did not work out....

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