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Some A$$ Threw A Pencil At My Car!


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Today on the way to FB practice it started to rain like crazy and traffic was terrible. I was making a left and waiting to go. The light turns green and the cars are going. The person in front of me isn't moving so I honk to get them to go. They sit there for a while and then go and i can see someone in the back seat flicking me off I guess? We wait at the light and I get and turn left. Then the girl in the passangers seat rolls down the window and throws a pencil at my car. I got the plates and I plan to call the police and tell them what happened. When i saw they were throwing it I slammed on the brakes but I am still unsure itf it left any damge. I can see why there is road rage on the roads. I dont plan to sue but I do intend to find out why the driver would let her passanger throw stuff at my car. Sorry, it ruined my afternoon though. Actually when I got to FB that ruined my afternoon : )


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Don't let it get to you. $hit like this happens when you drive Lexus cars during high school. It happens to the best of us....I've been keyed, bottles thrown at me, cans, glared at, harassed, etc., and my car is never the fanciest or newest in parking lots. Except for getting keyed, none of it damages the car which is the most important part. Unfortunately, we have to deal with some idiotic people in the world.

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Some !Removed! threw a Slurpee at my car when i forgot to signal when changing lanes, i threw a 1/2 eaten Crunchwrap Supreme right back at him. Eye for an eye; food item for a food item.

I hope his Maxima still smells like Mountain Dew and Grape soda. :pirate:

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My wife's ES got keyed a few months back in a parking lot. I had to pay to have the whole side re-painted.

These people that have nothing better to do. I don't understand it. I guess it's just because they are immature.

Road rage is another thing i hate. Although a while back i did hold on my high beams at night onto an oncoming bunch of motorcyclers. It was like 2 in the morning and the noise!!!! Ughhh i couldn't take it after the 10th motorcycle that went by. So they got the business.

Oh well ;)

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Someone threw a pencil at your car, and you let it ruin your day? And you are going to bother the police with a complaint like that? In my town the cops would laugh you right out of the station. What will happen when you get a parking lot door ding the size of a pea? Take stress leave?

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Someone threw a pencil at your car, and you let it ruin your day?  And you are going to bother the police with a complaint like that?  In my town the cops would laugh you right out of the station.  What will happen when you get a parking lot door ding the size of a pea?  Take stress leave?

Altough it sucks, what he said is true.

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Well, without sufficent evience I didnt call the police after all. I dont know why kids my age are so dam stupid. I couldn't find any markings of a pencil hitting the car. If it had doen something I definetly would have called them. I should just have walked it off. Which I kinda did I guess....


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A friend of mine who is anal about his cars saw the car next to him open his door right into my friend's car, causing a very small ding. Hardly noticeable, you had to look at an angle to see it. The guy knew he was at fault but couldn't believe my friend wanted him to pay for it's removal. After arguing, my friend actually called the police who even advised the guy to pay for the ding removal. He refused, and a police report was made, followed by the guy's insurance paying for the ding removal. You know what, hurray for my friend. Point is, people need to take responsibility for their actions. I would have called the police in a second on those kids. Whoever threw the pencil got away with it. Next time it will be a baseball. Maybe the cops could scare them a little, maybe not. But they need to learn what is acceptable and what is not.

Sorry about what happened to you today!

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I'm going to give you guys a piece of advise, so you can take it anyway you like it. One of the main reasons I purchased my ls (besides wanting one) is I'm a competition shooter (pistols, mainly revolvers) and driving in Pheonix in a jeep with no a/c really sucks, or any sort of distance also really sucks in it. So basically when i'm in the car I have 2 to 3 guns in the trunk, and anyware from 300 to 1000 rnd of bullets with them. All this plus the gun in the glovebox. The one thing I do is make sure I don't get into any type of altercaton with other drivers on the road. I know what i'm capable of, I don't know what the other person is capable of, but I am prepared for it.

Just make sure that if you are going to rant and rave at other drivers that you don't become a statistic.

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I know what i'm capable of, I don't know what the other person is capable of, but I am prepared for it.

I'm confused. You don't mention specifically what you are capable of. It could be that you are capable of restraint, and that you are saying that even with the guns, you will remain calm and go about your business quietly. It could also mean that you are capable of becoming a mass murderer in any intersection, given that you make a point of mentioning just how many rounds of ammo you have. I suspect it is the latter you are threatening.

So what's a door ding or a scratch on the hood worth? One mag or two? Or does reloading upset your rythym?

Stay away from Santa Fe. Pal of mine lived there for a while. He said every driver was always fully polite and made no eye contact. Reason - everyone had a weapon in the car. Nobody stepped out of line. I prefer a society where people treat each other respectfully because they like to, not because they are scared crapless by gun wielding soon-to-be-felons.

And I am not naive about such things. I am former military - artillery.

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Hahaha SRK! :lol:

Spiller, The south west may not want cha', but the SOUTH will take you any day! Get 'er done! Hahahha

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on this topic... road rage isnt cool specially if it involves projectile weapons or spears bowstaffs nunchukes... i heard this story from my cousin he has a friend who lives in san jose california, better drivers lots of them are crazy or gang affliated, and most of them have road rage... so this friend was driving to get to someones bbq/birthday whatever there is this civic that wants to race him for the last 3 or 4 miles been tail gating like crazy... so the guy gets *BLEEP*ed off and in his car he carrys lots of stuff... huge lug nuts a mag light u know the kind people make racist jokes concerning cops and a couple of spare batteries for the mag light... so he Brakes extremely hard almost stopped on the freeway and the tail gater has to go into emerangy lane just to avoid an acident and this friend just keeps going agian but the guy in the civic wants revenge and was driving in front and braking hard and keeping the friend behind not letting him pass also throwing cans of soda and other trash out the window to hit my cousins friend car... well from there the story gets a lil foggy cuz im not really sure if it happenes but he ends up throwing everything he had in his car at the civic including the mag light either damaging the door or breaking the civics window

off that note having guns in the car isnt cool at all it gives people who sees it a sense of HOLY SH**

i myself had a bat in my front seat for the last 2 years of highschool people are complete aholes when it comes to cars... also its ilegal for a person to keep a bat in his front seat to use as a weapon so bring a ball and a glove and u should be set just dont use it for no reason practice a lil self control i have never needed to use it and i hope i never will


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do you kno what the density of graphite is?? (that's the stuff in pencils in case u didnt kno) It's 1.46 g/cm3

do you kno what the density of clear coat paint is?? It's 0.64 g/cm3

Hardness (density) is the measure of a substance's resistance to being scratched, meaning graphite can scratch paint.

aka graphite is harder than paint :blink:

..what can a pencil do... :P

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what is a pencil going to do idiot

Thanks guys. I dont know who this guy is but I really dont appreciate the name calling. If I am upset about this and you arent thats understandable but there is no need to be callin people names. You are gonna be losing respect here real fast pal.

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haha dont worry SK sent him packing already hes got nothing better to do then insult people online which is pretyt low lol owell sorry about the car but i wish someone had thrown a pencil at my car instead of my car being keyd on front left fender and that mark is 5 inch's long thne we have my rear quarter panel driver side which has hmm about 8 dents in it now because some ******* though it would be funny to use the car as a punching bag when my son took his girlfriend to the movies in it *sigh* i dont see why people need to do this kind of stuff but i guess u could say its a part of life and i ended up on the bad end of it because the bill to get it all fixed is 1.3 grand

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Don't worry about him,he is reading posts while he gets his IP blacklisted for harassment . I am sure his school won't be very happy about being listed as a spam network and being barred from internet acess.

Funny ,in Texas you can have a loaded gun in your car can't you?

Why would anyone contemplate roadrage with such an idea even remotly present.

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Ok, I am sort of guilty on the road rage part. I say sorta because I don't usually get mad at annoying drivers. But there is always that one time. Three years ago, I wanted to get off on an exit a half a mile ahead. I placed on my right turn signal and the person in the Jeep Cherokee speeded up so I couldn't get over. I slowed down and they slowed down. I'm like what the heck. So I speed up, get in the left lane and go around a car and get in front of the car in front of the Jeep Cherokee. The Jeep Cherokee starts sounding its horn. I'm like maybe this person had a bad day. The Jeep Cherokee then gets around the other car once we were off the exit and literally ran me off the road. I mean it tried to ram me, if I didn't turn off the road it would have been a bad collision. I catch up at a stop light and get the license plate. I notify the 911 operator of the incident and they're like, really. They did, then asked me for my license plate number and started acting like I'm calling in the incident to prank them. So I gave it to them and took matters into my own hands because I knew I would see this car again eventually. Two days later I spotted the tags on the Jeep and followed it. When it came to a stop light buy a gas station I pulled in the gas station and got out my car with an all black coat and hat and walked over to the Jeep with my hand in my jacket and asked why she ran me off the road Tuesday night. I could see she was really scared so I took my hand out of my coat when she said she didn't mean to run me off the road if she did and she didn't remember. So I left it alone and walked away without causing a bigger incident. Yes sometimes I think, what if she was packing heat, I would have been in trouble, but at the time I was upset because she was trying to kill me with her SUV.

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HAHAHAHAHAHA that was funny...i also get really mad when ppl think there car is the most important on the road...i remeber and incident with a little honda..its happened when was on a road trip in my Gx470...so the lanes are merging and my car was in front of this civic coupe so i assume i should go in first...then out of no where this little silver honda guns its v3.5 and i was like ok so i gun my v8 and smoke the they roll down the windows and the passenger and the diriver both flick me off i was like ok like that makes a diff. 2 me...so then this honda is *BLEEP*ing off everyone on the road hes trying to pass cars that are 4 times as powerful as his and so he finally catches up to me although i wasnt going over the speed limit just cruising...and tries to pass me...i was like i dont think so....so we both gun pur engine and again my car is in the front so he is behind the car in the right lane and im by myslef in the left and he is trapped, after 4 miles of tailgating i got *BLEEP*ed...so i hit the brakes hard and then floor the car while his car is skidding off the road..no one was hurt he just learned his lesson dont try to show off your 10k car to a person whos car is 60k...it made me so mad when he rolled down the windows and started cursing at me...that was the last of him...

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