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Everything posted by mburnickas

  1. I know you want an answer but it is the holidays and do not think 7 threads helps. Just put them, BTTT. It is slow around here at times. You have like 7 threads on this you know? http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...ic=43393&hl= http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...ic=43444&hl= http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...ic=43550&hl= http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...ic=43551&hl= http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...ic=43552&hl= http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...amp;qpid=277982 http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...mp;#entry278753
  2. Are you sure both dealers showed prices on same parts. Most times the upscale dealers will try and replace everything just to be sure. Local guys guys, per say,only fix what is "broken". I had the same deal on my wifes car. Someone wanted to fix only the compressor. I said did you check, evap, h/l switch, hoses..which they did not.
  3. Problem I see, is I would NOT let anyone in Houston work on my car. Maybe brookshire or Katy. Not Houston. PLus do not forget the 8.25% tax and the other endless fees they throw at you there. Nevermind the I-10 JOKE
  4. So you paid how much for you car and you are compling about prices? That is like SUV people that complain about gas prices. That is part of OWNERSHIP and suck it up. Again prices are the same anywhere and Lexus is no diff then anyother. You opinions are fine but they are not realistic here. Do some design work myfriend along with quality and you will realize nothing is perfect. You think because of (1) car you had, that is the benchmark. Sorry, does not work that way. PS. brakes and shocks are cheap. I do mine with OEM part cheap. If you go to the dealer that is part of owning a car and not doing DIY. Need a sticker? I can dish it out and take it but give me a break, you need a sticker on the car about tires? Again, lawyers love people like yourself.
  5. I do not own a "defective model" like yours (poking fun here) but we are all riding you like a mule since you are whining about tires, brakes and shocks. So the car has XX miles and something little went already. Big deal that is the auto industry and called quality my friend and nothing is perfect based on SPC rules, Kiazen etc. You got a lucky car with your 01 and you got a non lucky, based on 3 little things and you are flaming Lexus. Gee, if the people who love GM, Ford and Dodge took the same attitude our economy would be flat-lined. You are posting on tires, my god man. They will not last long. My old car they lasted no more then 20K miles. Suck it up buddy. You paid how much for the car and you are whining about these little things? Then the socks had issues and brakes. Those are so minor it is not funny. I would not even complain since you did not pay #1 and #2 if they do go down the road, it is a cheap fix. But I doubt that it will happen so soon. PS, based on my world in the vehicle field, the buyer (Lexus) is NOT responsible for quality. Lexus sets up the testing specs and farm it out. There sub contractor(s) are responsible for it; along with testing (durability, FEA etc). Please give up the damn sticker will ya!!! It is about as good as the sticker on a lawn mower about sticking hands up the deck when running. Do you REALLY need one that bad?
  6. yea, if you do not put that on, from reading it will not last long. If fact I did not see the pkg and the wipers worked no better then the cheaper one. Once I found the little pkg (really small) with the "optimizer", whatever that is, make the blades slip and wip 10X better. But find what works for ya. So far they are great. We will see.
  7. I installed some Trico winter wiper blades on the ES the other day. I had used the cheaper Anco blades and they well, suck... They are like 50% more then Anco blades but WELL worth it. Also I do not know what the little packet (called Optimizer) is you wipe on the blade before putting on (silicone) but make it super nice. Just saying ha, try them since you might like them. I know I wish I found them years ago! Going to try there nerofoam this summer!!!!! It is like a new car, well new windshield...
  8. This thread is amazing.. what if the world ends before your tires do...you are worried about prorating tires here with how many miles????. My god man! Better ask about prorated windshield blades too if you do not get the duration! Lexus did what they wanted. Just because you whine about tires does not mean the thousands other do. It is personal and as the saying goes, you cannot make everyone happy. Owning a Lexus is no differant then any other car. If fact, this car is MUCH cheaper to fix then my old truck. Does a Lexus have a $800 starter in it? Or $3,000 injectors???? It seems like you should suck it up and be a man or sell the ES and buy a older 01 Camry that you think is so much better. Maybe buy a sticker for tires since I think you need one..
  9. Another dealer PUSHING $$$ over the customer.
  10. I used to love my Optima and now I would not give them 30% of what they are selling for (junk). It lasted me 2.5 years and would not hold a charge any longer (<11.5v). There warrenty process was another joke since I was getting the run around from the dealer (one who supplies to the area). So in it went into the trash, all 38lbs. I am done with Optima.
  11. nope, I assume you are trying their paint guard +? and others? I WAS going to try some other stuff like Danase wet glaze, Four star, DP etc but I have enough stuff from CG, Optimum , Clearkote, Zaino clear seal and a few others to last me and my kids forever; however, there are times when some other orders might happen! LOL I gave lots away to family/friends since I did not like. Out of the above, I only have poorboys wheels cleaner left since I love the stuff. The only thing I might be looking at right now is a Cyclo machine. I tried a PC and it worked. Now use my makita 9227C and love it. But I want to try a cyclo and see what the results are. I still cannot beat the LC pads..Best thing I have used to date. Let me know how the results are when you get the stuff. Nice to see how others do.
  12. or orde online and save more money and to your door. For me, I still have yet to see a Toyota dealer charge less for a Lexus part/service then Lexus. Ps. There is no such thing as Lexus parts. All are Toyota.
  13. Welcome to LOC. :) Do not forget the search function ...great tool I always use. OEM pads and rotors, Cheap and last a long time. I have tried slotted /drilled and drilled alone. Unless you have a rotor heat problem (no lexus does) or race, do not waste the money. This is my voice.
  14. Have you tried: JW stuff, CG stuff or Opti-seal? Good stuff. So far, for me I cannot find a one product does all.
  15. 1) Well around here both Lexus and Toyota are owned by same dealers. So they are the same priced at both, I tried trust me. 2) SKIP the wash at the dealer. They do a half-a$$ job and do more harm then good. Basically, the people who wash they suck and I love the stupid cherry smell they put in a LEATHER car!!!! CLOWNS. 2.5) They do not give loaner cars out here since it is a day job; no car for a day job.
  16. For me I thought people in the Northeast were bad driver. Go down south, AKA near Mexico and you will love the Northeast!
  17. Welcome to LOC! :) search on here (forum). It is only like 2 nuts but it is a pain the first time. Let me see if I can find some links myself.
  18. Just because the car has 130K miles does not mean the wate pump is bad either. My lexus dealer here says to replace everyother Timing belt. That is 180K for water pump. I wil look on the seals. I did not do mine since I did not have time
  19. I would still like to know why you are replacing items:6, 7, 10 and 11 at every 90K on your 1997..You do not need too. Save your money.
  20. welcome to LOC! :) I would have them CHECK/test the water pump. 10 to 1 you do not need it and I would replace it at the next TB. Save the $200 Replace the coolant, belts, cam and crank seals along with the TB. Some will say replace tentioner etc but I was told it does not need it (they will tell you). Wait till next time. I had mine done at Lexus since it was not worth my time.
  21. when I did my 98 about 2 years ago, I dd the CWM4319. Takes about 15 minutes to remove, 5 minutes to install and then put all back.. All I know, I would not want to try and save $40 just to install and not work.
  22. The trolling never stops on a product of lies and will be on TV soon for $19.95. They cannot pay for a real website and the "ALIEN LIQUID RESEARCH" really brings in the people!! :chairshot: :wacko:
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