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Everything posted by mburnickas

  1. On a 98, it is about a 30 minute job...
  2. I hear ya. I lived in MA and now TX. I do love how people want to spend $600 on a bra that might help a little but still have yet to overcome the short oil durations. Which one saves money? But ha, you know me:) LOL Even if it did help, all the rocks etc will just be around the bra. You are going to get chips etc. It is part of owning a car that you drive. Well have fun and let me know if the stuf works when you are behind a sander/salter and how good it does...
  3. depends on insurance and the state you are in. Plus doing a repair is again the same thing. I know in MA, they would NOT repair anything in field of vision.
  4. A CEL, check engine light is processed integral to error codes. No codes no CEL. Find the error code then proceed.
  5. If you like it buy it. What I have found on Forums is, like most, people think what they want and they all have different values. Some are based on facts and some are out ther a$$. So again, go by what you feel..since you know more about it then us.
  6. okay, dark color cars always look good....is that better now?
  7. I got them to work. Problem is most black cars look good after waxing. come back in 3 months and post how durability and longevity are. Keep us up to date. Looks good though
  8. So do I and they might not drive on sam houston, 59 SW or I-10. Have you driven on I-10 lately? It is a bomb zone (for last 4 years) for the next 3 years. Drive there and again the $600 clear bra will do jack $$^. Look at 10 cars and I bet 40% have cracked or broken windshields. But I live here and know what I see. The little $600 paint bra, yup, will do $#$% when you have 20-tons of bank run flying of a Peterbuilt doing 85 mph (uncovered).... Sorry steve but this is not nasty at all. It again is funny that people here will worry about $600 paint bra that MIGHT do something in light conditions. Save the $600 and get the same effect; at least when I am. I lived in Northeast and I salt and rocks on the roads are not even in the same ballpark.... But if it makes you feel better, have at it. 1000 to 1 in one year it would look the same or damn close to someone without it.
  9. Texas is big my friend and you can live here and not drive on I-10 or drive more then 10 miles...This is not a nasty discussion. It is funnny.
  10. Some people like or enjoy working on cars. Again the bra would do nothing here. I know what I see on the roads daily... Ps I have cleaned my car and not the wheels. Do it every other wash since wheels start very clean here but paint is dirty due to again highway. Again this is me since I have yet to see $600 gain another in this enviroment with this product. I know what I see.
  11. Yup, 90 miles a day (4 lanes to 8). Roads are not an issue. If you drove here you could tell the issue in about 10 minutes. It is called trucks, most busy in the state, since most have concrete and dirt loaded in them. It comes off the trucks and hits all cars. Nothing new. I wax it since I enjoy it, as I noted before NOT to save its valve. It is not worth $^**% as most cars are not when you drive off the lot. To close, your little $600 paint bra will not last long in Texas, trust me. Everything is bigger here and a little 20 mil plastic will maybe save 50% of the rocks. Save your money here. You again need to worry about more things then little rocks chips in your paint here. Then again people will pay $600 for a plastic bra but will not spend $20 for oil testing..Which one makes the car last longer here? LOL
  12. I like to detail too but detailing a car is not the same as repairing headlights either. Then again sometimes you need to say, who cares. I will play the other side (you know me). People pay how much for the car and then headlight price is an issue? That is like buying a home and then trying and DIY a subpanel breaker box or try and clean a hot water tank.... But, ya if you have an older car and not worth much, sure it is worth it to clean. Since the lights might be same value as the car. Your light problem is a little, well, over extreme since if you need to replace all the lights in your Lexus, or any car, get another car. Plus you know that $1,100 WHOLESALE is now $2500 to your door? Then gain I do not maintain my headlights and they look new (except for the chips from trucks).:) Again, you know me.
  13. You call I-10 in Houston Texas not a highway??? There is more 18 wheelsers on this road (throwing rocks etc) then DC my friend. Why do you think there is not glass coverage here. The way I look at it, a car is a dimishing return and it will get marks etc. That is part of driving it. I have marks, chips, dings in mine since I drive it daily. But that is me.
  14. I guess I am the opposite. Skip it. Ya in protects like 5% of the car. What about the other %? You are going to get scratches, chips, dents etc. It is a car. For me, the front paint is the least of my chipping issues.
  15. So is my time.... But I will bite, so how expensive is extremely?
  16. I was one that was anti-Amsoil at one time. Amsoil WILL outform Toyo fluid along with Mobil. It is well worth the price in my eyes. I have used it for too long along with UOA. Anyone that drain fluid every 15K is guessing and wrong. They have no idea. Install it and wait 25,000 miles and be happy with a 2X FOS or a high MTBF!
  17. As noted before, you are not ahead of the ball without UOA..you are guessing...
  18. Dude, use Amsoil and drain every 25 to 50K and have plenty FOS! Every 15K is nuts in my eyes. Anything else you are GUESSING without UOS's!
  19. I agree it is your choice and you will not have a problem. My point is where is the line in savings vs performace vs actual fluid life?. Again, you know me, without an UOA I would not be too confident here. Then again T4 fluid is not the best so you might have to do that. But need an UOA to support this.
  20. Not arguing, but are you crazy? This is really about inline with people draining there engine oil at like 5K miles or below without anything to support there process. Why would you drain that soon and so little? Unless you are doing longer drain like myself, you are wasting money here along with resources and time. Put in Amsoil go 25K and the fluid will last 2 to 3 times that. I have used Amsoil in trannys that are prone to rebuilds and after 50K miles on the fluid it was like new (color and smell). I would never flush but drain and fill, yes. Without draining your TBN will still be low and TAN much higher. Nevermind the OXD and NOX in there. Nor higher then "drain" wear #'s. That is like draining your coolant reservoir and never draining the complete rad… Toyota fluids are over pimped, over priced fluid and not worth $%^&.
  21. Amsoil ATF is spec for T4. Use it and be happy.
  22. Are you kidding me here? Not gonna happen. You need a solvant to clean or a product made to clean. I like LC20 for cleaning in the engine oil. Which also haev many other benefits that I have yet to see in any product.
  23. Mine was easier, buy new lights and move onward! Nothing like 5 year old threads coming back
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