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Everything posted by VMF

  1. LED might make that warning light constant, like they did in my case. the way the cirquit that is responsible for the light works is it checks the resistance of all the bulbs and then compaers it to a known value. if they dont match the light comes on. LEDs have smaller resistance thus the light be always be on.
  2. 80k was the price for the IS-F neumann marcus edition. regular IS-F is going to be around 60-65$k depending on the options. thats what the dealer told me. 62k for is350 is def a ripoff.
  3. from what i was told in orer to get the oil pan out you have to lift the engine. not sure if you can do it at home unless you have proper tools and experience
  4. you best bet is to visit local car electronics shop/perfomace shop, they might be able to help you find the part
  5. btw, if you gonna b selling your existing rims, let me know:)
  6. i sure hope you uhave good roads there in michigan. IMHO they not gonna look nice on the lex. you need smth more simple yet more sophisticated
  7. this seems to be a common issue with 2001-2003 LS. the sound disappears when its below freezing outside. as far as i know there is no resolution to this, but if you find one, please do let us know.
  8. dont search for parts for the LS, search for parts for the engine, 3UZ-FE in your case. i know there are a lot of parts for the earlier version of the engine 1UZ-FE and if you google the name you going to get a lot of results and a lot of applications for this engine.
  9. also check rotors and rotor caps, they might have carbon deposits on them which would decrease the strenght of the spark.
  10. it is a known problem on the 90-94 LS models, check out the thread http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...468&hl=caps
  11. there are brackets and harnesses available for the aftermarket stereo installations for the earlier LS models
  12. check your coils? check your cable? check your spark plugs? are you not getting a spark from both coils?
  13. also check if alternator is giving enough juice, while the engine is running use voltmeter to check the voltage on the battery termnals, if its less then 14 then you might be in trouble with the alternator or the charging circquit. also check the voltage on the batter when the engine is off. if its less then 12 then its bad, also keep checking while some1 else starts your car, if it drops below 10 your battery mosty probably no good.
  14. it does sound like an electrical problem to me. might be a bad chip or a bad capacitor that messes things up when it gets worm. not sure bout your model year but there are companies here in US that can fix 90-94 clusters if you send it to them.
  15. those are very expensive, my windshield got cracked and i had to change it for 400$ parts only and not even OEM! check local junk yards, you prolly can get it there for 100-150$ plus expect to pay another 100-150$ for labor
  16. wait until the battery is charged, i had pretty similar problem with lights when the battery was pretty much dead. after i replaced the battery things went back to normal, not sure if this is your case so before buying a battery borrow a charged one from some1 and try
  17. you are comparing 98 car to a 90-94 car?:) these are different generations. i agree about the repairs. so far the only things i did on my 96 LS were tbelt, water pump, suspension and brake rotors. i got that LS wheni was rather young and i drove it very aggressively, it survived without requiring any significant repairs and currently has over 165k miles.
  18. cant really change calipers, these are 4 piston calipers and changing them would sacrifice a lot of breaking perfomance. plus its not gonna do much anyway. not sure what can you do about the caliper or the wheelwell. ive seen LS with 20 inchers, but only on pictures. not in a real life. i would suggest going for a smaller size
  19. without checking the car it is hard to say what it is. mounts definetly can be the culprit. not sure if tires can make the rumbling noise. had all kinds of suspension/tire problems in nyc area due to messed up roads but never heard a rumbling noise, but it might smth new i never have experienced yet:) please do check the mounts, its very easy thing to do using the crawbar.:)
  20. not really no:) looks allright to me. not sure how your car drives, but do this simple test, push the car down hard and check if its going to bounce few times, it just going to go down and back up. if there is no bouncing, then your springs are still not dead, im not saying they are in a great condition, but at least they are not completely dead. but if when you drive your car feels lke its jumping and swerving every time you make a turn or change a lane, it might be the time to change your shocks.
  21. you dont even have to decrease the height. if you want stiffer ride, install tires with bigger speed rating. i installed kyb shocks once, drove for 2 weeks and went for OEM setup. i installed Z rated tires and that gave me much better handling while i was able to keep the ride quality of the lexus.
  22. if you install new OEM shocks the GAP is going to disappear. changing the OEM shocks with aftermarket ones will sacrifice whole lexus quality ride. toyota invested millions of dollars to make is smooth and soft as it is, any other shocks are going to destroy it. OEM shocks are just as much money as aftermakret ones.
  23. it is illegal to have alimo tint. any tint above 35% is illegal.
  24. tell me why do you want to install aftermarket springs in the first place?
  25. thank you very much:) same to you:) drive safely and drink responsibly
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