Yeah, that is the sad part. The way people drive, you would THINK it would be a popular topic. Everyone, including our politicians, all speed when they are out on the Interstates. If you are doing 75 now, you are one of the slowest cars out there. Everyone speeds, I see guys in BMW's, mothers in mini-vans, people with PBA plates and stickers, church vans full of the faithful, government owned vehicles, plumbing trucks, need I go on? Oh sure, there are a few people who hold to the letter of the law and drive the speed limit. While their intentions are good, they cause huge accidents because of people trying to get by them in the right lane, everyone checking up and cars bunching up behind.
So why can't we get a politician who will support raising the limits. They will use the old safety issue bull. I really does come down to money. The government is broke, and they htave to get money from wherever they can. I'd vote for a modernize the Interstates, require extensive driver training, and raise the speed limits. Those Germans can't be all that much smarter than we are?