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Everything posted by pj8708

  1. We have the government we deserve fellows. For each of the topics you complain about are the results of people we elected to represent us. And that means BOTH Repulicans and Democrats. At this point in time, given the performance of the congress over the last 18 months, (that is EVERY member of congress regardless of party) I feel have been childish, power hungry, and most of all, spending all their time trying to make someone else look bad or pin the blame on someone else. Even within their own parties they in fight and play pin the blame, and the President can't seem to moxy enough leadership to get them off the dime. There is enough blame to go around, but in the end it is up to us We put them there, now put THEIR feet to the fire for a change.
  2. Hi Gary and welcome to the Lexus Owners Club. From what you wrote I assume you don't have any collision insurance on the car. If in fact that is the case, you really do have only the two options you mentioned. I went through something not exactly like this last fall, but I had full insurance and the insurance company gave me an excellent settlement and I was able to buy another new Lexus. If you want to keep the car and it's driveable, that is your cheapest route. It will look like hell and you'll never be able to sell it except for salvage. Are you capable enough your self to dismantle the car into its most valuable parts.? If so you might be able to make more money that way than sell "as is" to the salvage yard. If you think the old girl still has a lot more miles left in her, then bite the bullet and have it repaired and go for another 50k. MY choice, considering the damage and the miles, (you didn't mention any other engine proplems or drive train) I would be strongly inclined to looked for another latter model GS with lower miles that would take you into the future year with hopefully more problem free driving. Paul
  3. "To each his own"...... and that surely applies to buying a car, as well as anything in life. It's always been my belief that when your a paid reviewer of anything, people don't feel like they've got their money's worth unless you can find some flaws as well as gret adoration for it's major achviements. (not to be confused with my spelling). Your IS250C is not everyones cup of tea, no more than my ES350 would be yours. Mine is not as tight in the corners, it tends to roll a little, and its 275 hp is more than adequate for my needs but off the line would not make your neck snap. Every magazine reviewer is paid to make their readers feel they got their moneys worth so they make sure they come up with something to grab the readers attention so they will stop what their doing an read on. It's sad, but we always want to read about the train wreck first, and then the little boy who was pulled from the well. Be proud our choice. It's a damn good Lexus. Paul By the way, if some one already hasn't, Welcome to the Lexus Owners Club. We're glad your here and look forward to hearing more from you. Remember, the only opinion that counts is yours......your the one making the payments! :)
  4. Hi Jim and welcome to the LOC. Your compatibility question is answered at www.lexus.com/mobilelink. This link list all the cell phones that are Bluethooth compatible with your 2013 Lexus. This web address is also in your owners manual in the phone chapter. To my knowledge, the package that Lexus uses for these aplications is writtien to work best with the Iphone. Come back and let us know how things go. Paul
  5. We're glad you get so much from the contrbutions of all the LOC members. We don't always have a ready answer but will always try to help. Please post your own tips and "on the job training" information. Paul
  6. The other day as I was merging onto the freeway, I again remarked to myself how impressive the distance car manufacturers have come in improving the performance, mpg and reliability of a little o'l 6 cylinder engine. When rating mpg for a particular make or model I go along with Jim. Seldom does any car in all situations perform exactly to the specs the EPA publishes. I have had 3 ES series cars so far. A 2005, 2010, and a 2013. Each of these cars routinely got 30 mpg during highway/inter state driving. 33 mpg has been the top. That from a V 6, 270 h.p.(approx) engine.Wwhen merging onto a freeway or passing in a hurry, when you punch those 270 guys it responds like a bat out of hell. Compare that to my very first car, a 1956 Chevy straight 6, and it's like the hare and tortise. One problem with the Chevy was I could not afford all the STP you had to put in to keep up with the oil it burned, Sure the ES is never going to match a GS, but the two models serve two different markets. So goes it with hybreds. I see one in my future. Paul.
  7. A very cool ride. Welcome to the LOC and the joy of owning a Lexus. Post more pics as the weather drys up and you take it out for a spin. Paul.
  8. I did a search and found this YouTube video showing how to reset the maintenance display. It shows a 2010 ES350 but the procedure should be the same. Also if you don't have an owners manual you can go to Lexus .com and get one.
  9. Welcome to the LOC John and chaley. Glad your here. The instructions for the procedure is basicaly the sama as my ES350, but with a few twist. For the 2013 model: Switch the display to trip meter "A" while the engine is RUNNING. Next, turn the engine off. While pressing the ODO TRIP button, push the START/STOP engine power button to "Ignition On" but DO NOT start the engine. Otherwise, the reset mode will be canceled. You will see a message in the display saying, "Resetting Maintenance Data". Continue to hold the button until the trip meter shows "0000000" As you can see, the method is similar but the engine on or off is a big differance. I have also had a 2010 ES350 and in that year/model you did not put your foot on the brake. As for the point at which the engine is supposed to be on or off I don't remember. I'm going to search our data base for this topic and see what I can find. I would suggest you go to the top of the page and do a search as well. You might find something I over looked. Let us know if one of these two methods work. Paul
  10. Hello chexican and welcome to the LOC. This topic comes up with most Lexus hybreds. Based on the postings I've read before, it is not unusual for a hybred to get fewer mpg on the highway and more with around town driving. Some owners report 38 - 40 in town, amd 32-35 at highway speeds. I don't know of anything special one can do to improve your current results. But I would suggest you go to the top of the page and do a search of the data base. You will probably find several hits on the subject. Also, if you haven't, talk with your dealer and ask then if there is something more that can be done. Paul
  11. Hi Robert, I don't know the answer to your question, I would suggest you try just calling a dealer service dept. and see if they can answer your question. Also, go to the top of the page and search the data base for each of your model years. Another suggestion, the vendor your buying your new head unit from should be able to contact the manufacturers tech support for an answer. Maybe Crutchfield might know. Sorry I can't be of more help. Paul Try this link to Crutchfield where they list your cars install componets. http://www.crutchfield.com/App/Car/outfitmycar/car.aspx?g=103000
  12. Welcome elliot527 to the Lexus Owners Club. This topic comes up often and there is no real consensus about whether it's a thumbs up or down. Heres my view on the subject. The extended warranty is the same as an insurance policy. If you want protection from any future financial exposure then this is for you. But in most cases the "premium" is steep. There is the fact that they want that premium all up front. That means your either going to pay cash instead of puttung it into a money market or CD, or maybe pu itt on your credit card and pay out more money if your going to make payments. Extended warrantys are major profit makers for dealers and are best considered when looking at an older car with higher mileage. If your someone who wants to have no stone unturned then go for it. However, you have a recent model car with a good history and could pass on parting with your hard earned money Paul
  13. Photos of the 10 best car interiors as researched by Wards Co. Suprise.....not one european brand made the cut. Of no suprise, the Lexus GS450 did make the grade. Whats your opinion? Paul http://autos.aol.com/gallery/best-car-interiors/
  14. I've had the same diffculty in getting my 2013 ES350 to link with my new garage door opener. Thanks to all of you who have posted here, I think I now know the problem. Great forum! Paul
  15. Welcome to the LOC! It sounds like you've got some trust issues with the Toyota dealer. You say they "supposedly" checked for power, and they had fouled-up the electrical outlet. Maybe what you need before parting with the $650 is a second opinion. I searched our data base and only found one consistant issue with the information center, and that was for inaccurate outside temperature readings. Hopefully others will drop in who have electronic/instrument skills. Paul
  16. Hi dasmint and welcome to the LOC. The ES300h is a great car and I really like the new looks of the 2013 edition. Overall, the ML system has been a good package for Lexus, but in my opinion it has had consistent issues with amplifer failures. Based on the number of post members put up regarding your same problem, it dosen't appear to be getting better. Obviously you have more than an amplifier problem. There must be something down the way that is shorting or messing with it's software. The biggest problem with the ML system is that it is totaly proprietary to Mark Levinson. The Lexus people are not trained to repair any part of the product and are limited to replace only. There are no repair manuals or parts or training. Mark Levinson simply license the system to Lexus. Since your in warranty your protected from the approximate cost of $2300. for a new amp. But as I said, there must be an additional problem for a new amp to fail as soon as it's pluged in. Even though ML does not put out technical information so it can be repaired, there is a company in Ney York state called United Radio. They specilize in auto sound systems repair. Some members have been able to use them for repair of thier ML amps with good results. I don't know how they do it but it appears to be an alternative. I've put a link for them below. Please come back and let us know how things workout. PJ http://unitedradio.com/automotive/
  17. Welcome to the LOC rdcrow91. The correct tire pressure for your RX300h is always that specified on the drivers side door post or the owners manual. The pressure shown on the tire itself is the maximun pressure the tire can be safely inflated to. If the Toyota folks or the good people at Goodyear inflated your tires to 38, it would make me look for a differant shop. IMO, over time many members have found that taking their high priced luxury car to places like Goodyear, Jiffy Lube, Midas, etc., was hardly worth the $20.00 bucks or so they saved. Things such as wrong oil type or not actualy changing oil, and very young inexperenced help are problrms that come up. The link below is a article explaing how to determine the correct tire pressure for a car. Let us know if you got you problem solved. Paul http://ask.cars.com/2007/05/how_do_i_find_t.html
  18. Hi Chris and welcome to the Lexus Owners Club. We are glad you and Mark have joined the almost 144,000 members around the world. I can only affirm Mark's suggestions and add a few more. Lexus reliability has consistantly been rated among the best and has been the number one selling luxury car in the USA for the past several years. Even so, I would suggest you ask if the 430 is being sold as Certified Pre Owned car. This certification provides for a warranty period of usualy 4 years or "X" number of miles. The car has been thouroghly inspected and repaired were needed at 120 points. I have purcased two cars under this plan and have been very pleased. Let us know what you decide and how you like your new car. Paul
  19. I'm with you. You can probably Google another survey and find just the opposite results for Land/Range Rover. The only opinion that counts is your own. Thanks for being a good sport and taking the ribbing.LOL Paul
  20. Hi Charles and welcome to the Lexus Owners Club. Each model of Lexus comes with a set of tires specifically picked for the dynamics of that model. Over the years I and others have exchanged information about what tires they think are best for their specific needs just as you have, and man, this can be a hot topic for some owners have strong opinions about what brands/specs are the best. My 2013 ES350 came with Bridgestones but I have had better performance with Michelin Primacy's. I had the dealer take off the Bridgestone and put on the Michlein's. You might post in the LS460 forum for some other input, or do a search and see what others have posted. Paul
  21. Don't believe evrything you read......right David? LOL http://247wallst.com/2013/05/02/seven-cars-most-likely-to-be-dumped/print/
  22. Glad to hear that you resolved your app. And thanks for posting your fix with everyone else so we can all learn. Regarding the USB and itunes/mps files. It is rather odd that the Lexus audio program is mainly centered around Ipod applications but you have to convert their files to mps as bc6152 stated to use a USB drive. Paul
  23. Hi Paul and welcome to the Lexus Owners Club. I'm glad you posted this problem because I had never heard of this application. With my 2013 owners manual at 908 pages and the Nav. manual at 421 pages, I have switched to a "As Needed" mode. As I read the instructions in the manual and follow the steps you took, I think Jim is probably on the right track. However, the formats on page 279 appear to apply to audio. On page 56, the format for a USB is either JPG or JPEG and the file names are case sensitive which I sometimes forget. Sense the system will not run either music files or the app in question You may want to call or drop in to your dealer for some help. Your warranty covers this if there is something wrong with the software in the head unit, or a bad USB port in the center console. Paul
  24. Hi wlpncp and welcome to the LOC. I can only think of one thing that may be involved and it depends on wether you have the navigation pkg. If your RX has the standard audio system, the random button must be held in until you hear a beep in order to turn on/off the feature. It may be that you have unknowingly turned on the random feature. If you have the Nav pkg. the random feature turns on just by clicking on it. Thats about all I can think of unless your CD's are burned in a format that is somehow not a wma or mp3. Maybe someone else will jump in here with some other ideas. Paul
  25. Hi Shawn and welcome to the LOC. The conversion makes a big difference in the whole look of the car. In the 2013 ES350, Lexus has moved further with the use of LED's. The front foot wells use led's and the DRL's also are LED"s. Also the rear license plate is LED. My pet pive has always been the weak, tiny light in the console box. It doesn't matter if it's day or night. When you open the the top and look in, all you see is a black hole. As you know, if anyone follows astro physics, black hole suck. Big time. lol. Come on people. For over forty grand you can't put in a brighter bulb. Paul
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