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Everything posted by pj8708

  1. Hey Stephen, Sorry it took so long for someone to respond to your post. I trolled around the search data base and found this program. http://www.online-reference-tools.com/app/photo_manager/en-us?camp_id=4388&gclid=COrxjsfAx7MCFao7MgodIWcA7Q It's called "Photo Bucket" and is for uploding photos. As far as I know there is no utility witin the LOC site software that allows you you to upload your pics directly other than your Avatar. Dumb I know. Other members have used this so it should be ok. Let me know how you come out. Welcome to the Club! Paul
  2. I called my brother Friday and thanked him for his service in the Air Force as a Survival Insructor for downed pilots in hostile territory. Thanks Lenore for the reminder. Paul
  3. This article list the cars and their makers who have already announced their pulling out of the U.S. market or whose automoble(s) are leaving this life, some a rotten shame, others, no loss. Short summary of each car and it's situation along with photo's of each model. Paul http://autos.aol.com/gallery/car-brands-danger/?icid=maing-grid10%7Chtmlws-main-bb%7Cdl5%7Csec1_lnk3%26pLid%3D233121
  4. Admitedley, I have a poor memory, but earlier in the year, were you thinking thinking of putting in a pool back there? Man Dave, somebody's got it in for you. You can count on Steve and I to come over with the Honey Wagon and help you out.
  5. Tell me boss, (SW), will the Lexus Nav - Garmin Nav. ever die, or will they each just whimper away from taking too many upper cuts in the 10th round? Paul
  6. I think they should have said, "White is the presence of all colors"! ^_^ I'd argue that black has the absence of color (at least from a scientific standpoint). I really like white vehicles, especially Lexus' starfire pearl. My mom's '10 ES350 has the starfire, which really makes my dad's '09 white RX350 seem "dull". I LOVE the starfire pearl! I'm glad Lexus brought some dark shade of blue back. I tend to agree with you CD regarding the absence/presence of light argument. Knowing you, your probably familiar with the "Doppler Effect" discovered and now used to measure the speed of stars moving away from us or moving toward us. (I'll leave out the passing train metaphor). In the middle or neautral part of the light spectrum everything is pure white, (simplified). As the source of the pure light begins to move away from us, the photons or light waves are elongated by the pressure of the force being applied to the leading edge of the photons and the light you see trailing behind starts becoming red; or the longer part of the light spectrum waves. I think that white is the mixture of all colors. Otherwise, where do the red (longer waves), or blue (shorter waves seen in front of our moving group of photons) come from? 2010 was a great year for ES colors. The Truffle Mica that SW bought, The Black Saphire I owned and the White Pearl you love. As for 2013, In my belief, the colors are awful. I spent two days trying to figure out which color I would be the least likely to grow to hate intensly over a 5 year period. Finally, I turned coward and chose black. Everybody knows it's pretty hard to screw up black.!
  7. Lexus has registered another trademark, supposedly for a new coupe. http://www.autoblog.com/2012/11/07/lexus-trademarks-rc-350-for-new-sport-coupe/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+weblogsinc%2Fautoblog+%28Autoblog%29
  8. The Land Rover starts in the upper $50's to $60's. The Range Rover is for those who carry a small boy in the back to wash it after you drive through each pot hole off road! My Lexus dealer sells the Rover line and the technicians say it continues to improve it's reliability, but not yet at the point where it ought to be for the money.
  9. As Julius Ceaser once said, there's never a bad time to buy a new Chariot ! Man I hear ya. Over the years, one of the most perplexing things I've always toyed with was trying to find a way to come out ahead when owning/leasing an automoble. In my experiences, it's easier to get to sleep while your only daughter is out on her first date with some kid nammed "Zipper". It sounds like you've been the SUV route, and comparing the LX to your GX, it sounds like your truly an SUV person at heart. BUT, who wouldn't want to slide in behind the wheel of that beautiful LS. The LS certainly has the gross MSRP to help accelerate your first year write down using your agency. Leasing has changed since I had my business and leased my cars, and I don't feel competent to speak to that. But as you and everyone steeped in the car world know, by 2015, trying to unload a LX or get favorable IRS blessings for SUV's like them, will be nearly impossible. The need to continualy improve fuel efficency, will continually reduce the value or equity in any Low mpg vehicle. In fact in that category, I wonder if the word equity is even descriptive. On the other hand, if your looking to show a rapid loss or a maximum current year exspense, I would look on the LS as a gift from above, and get the car you've always wanted. But, you may have to cash flow it out a little longer. Yet, you'll pick-up the mpg you need and far less depreciation than you will have on the SUV's. Heck, it's only money......lol Good luck friend, Paul
  10. If Romney does take the Electoral College, at least he'll be able to do some graduate work on how to recognize a citizen that owns only one house. (That is before his playmates on Wallstreet threw you out of that one house.)
  11. Where have you been? I've been thinking that maybe you straped yourself to the Mars Explorer and took off for the red planet.!!! Good to hear from you and hope everything has been alright. Paul
  12. Welcome Carbuff to the Club. Glad your here and look forward to your contributions!.
  13. Election day is my favorite day of this year. I'm even going to put a candle in my celebritory Snickers bar. For today means that tomorrow my phone will quit ringing every fifteen minutes begging for money. I'll be able to turn-on the television and watch ten minutes of programing at a time, instead of three minutes of programing and twenty seven minutes of two people calling each other liers.....correct that...Damn Liers. Wherever you are, wherever you roam, always remember, they were both lying anyway. - " Burma Shave"
  14. I am so sick and tired of the so called "Self made Men" complaining about what they percieve as the low class, won't work, lazy, food stamp scaming, welfare check bleeding questionable citizens. In short the 47% that Romney and Lenore identify as existing on this planet only to grab entitlements. Big fat clue Romney supporters. EVERYONE in this country, rich or poor, descended from the Mayflower or Africa enjoys and receives the benifits of entitelments. Through the tax code, previously mentioned support such as Medicaid. Future deffered tax payments. Special regulations, dispensations, ear marks, quietly inserted language in a Senate bill, and a personal lobyest. We also receive more payout from Medicare than we ever paid in if we are involved in a serious illness. We want less and less taxes, but more highways with smoother payment with the ability to drive faster. We love the entitilment of being able to stop anyone on the street who's skin is browner than mine and demand they prove their a legal citizen of the United States. It's kind of like the Master Golf Classic where first they had to change the rules to let a African American play. Then they had to change the rules again to let a WOMEN play in the tournement. Wow. Those golfers really had to earn those entitilments. If anyone should be an expert on entitlements Lenore, it's has to be Romney. Born wealthy, which is a matter of goog fortune. But being choosen by the wealthy for the campaign and now owned by the aristocrisy to do their bidding should he win. Everyone gets their entitlement.
  15. When was the last time you parked your Lexus in your basement so you could use the special light from your HID headlights to speed-up the growth of your Marajauna plants. It's happening in Amsterdam. Thieves are stealing the HID headlights from Porsche's to use in thier Marajauna basement growing operations. It seem's the headlights from the German sports car have a more intense light wave in a particular spectrum that give the plants a turbo charged growth spurt. Watch the video and read on. What did Chech and Chong drive? http://www.autoblog....na-grow-lights/
  16. pj8708

    Hello Loc!

    Congratulations and welcome to the Club. Tell us more about your LS sometime, and if you have any plans to modify it in the future. Paul
  17. Hi Yotoy, Looks like there is no shortage for possible reasons for the fluid problem. I did a quick search just to give you some ideas to start. Take a look at the link and see if any of the situations make any sense to you. Let us know what you come up with. Paul p.s. Given the list of problems this beast has, it sounds like your initiai $800 will turn in to the price of a early model LS430. You must want this oldie but goodie awfully bad. LOL
  18. As far as Iowa at this point in time, It looks like Obama by not a breeze, but not buy a white knuckle flight either. Romney's problem out here is that he has no way of making a beleivable connection with the agri-business folks. He rings true with the very conservative and evangelicals, but cant speak to export markets for farm, plant genectics, what is a farm bill (?) that hasen't been acted on all year because of Republican desire to make Obama look bad. Now, with the storm, Romney has chosen to be filmed handing out cans of tomato soup instead of calling Fema or the White House and asking what can my organization and my gazillion worth of personal money, do to help.
  19. TPS = Tire Pressure Sensor. Transmiter imbeded in valve stem that measures tire pressure in each tire and sends info. to dash board. Paul
  20. You may be showing a working charging system and a full battery, but something has to be draining the charge wether running or sitting. Have you checked for a short starting from the starter to the alternator, alternator fuse connector, etc. It could be the ECU but in my experience, as Landar implies, it's basic old fasioned plus meets minus. Paul
  21. Thanks for your support SW I felt the same way. Their giving me a good car to drive at no charge so I might as well be an adult and wait for my Christmas present. Not sure if I told you folks about the final settlementon for the 2010 350. I had looked all over the country, comparing my ES with 13,300 miles on it to other sames year models with as close as I could find to the same mileage. Hard to find. I selected six cars that fit the specs. and in excellent condition, they ranged from about 27,550, to 29,700. I expected an offer from American family of $27 - $28 as fair market value. When I finally heard from Amer. Fam. they said they were going to base their settlement using ADA values. Their number was $35,000, minus $1,000 deductable with they retaining salvage value. I felt Like I came out alright.
  22. Hi Nook and welcome to the Lexus Owners Club ! Can't say I'm very familiar with the IS other than the few times I've had it for a loaner. However using/loosing that much oil in that short of time span is definately not good. You say there is no black smoke out the tail pipe, I would be more inclined to look for a white to gray smoke if it's passing throught the combustion chamber. I can't guess what might be the problem, but you need to have it looked at ASAP. Either by your Lexus dealer or a qualified and experienced independant mechanic who has worked on Lexus before. Please write back and let us know what you find out. Also, someone else today might chime in with some better solutions. Paul
  23. Welcome Polkaroo to the LOC. Several members inclunding myself have had good luck with Loyds brand mats. Additionally, just doing a quick look on the internet using " Lexus custom fit floor mats", I found several listings for what your looking for. Paul
  24. Thanks old friend for the positive vibes. New chapter:: The dealer did a search today of all the upper and lower mid- section of the country but coulden't find a 350 with what I want, basically the real McCoy, a sacrificial cow...Leather. and the toys that go with it. So....you'll all think I'm nuts, but a car like I want is leaving Japan this week and the car will be here end of Nov. or first two weeks in December. In the mean time, I can turn in the rental car and the dealer will give a Lexus to drive until the new car arrives. I will be so glad when this is over. ....with buying and moving into a new house and all the stress that entails, Having the accident and some continuing medical problems from that, and trying to pick out a car in a matter two days- all in the time frame of 14 days. My wife and I are looking for a fairy god mother to come along and get every thing in the house put away. Thanks for listening. Paul
  25. Welcome to the Club. Hope you enjoy hanging around. I don't have an answer to your question right off, but to get you started try using the search data base for you topic. I immediately came up with some hits, but didn't know what I was into. Others will chime in here too, so you''ll find some answers to your questions. Paul
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