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Need Help With Ls Image


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Need advice on how to handle the image of my '98 LS 400.

I just bought it for $15,000 with 103,000 on the odometer. Immaculate. I think I got a good deal on it, and I love the car! Best car I've ever owned!

Anyway, now when friends, neighbors, and contractors come to the house, they all think I'm rich, and make comments to that effect. Worst of all, my wife wanted me to get a Camry - even if it cost more. I'm not rich (money-wise anyway) and find some psychic difficulty with this as I was raised by depression-era Quakers and believe modesty is a virtue.

I didn't think the car would cause the reaction it has. Does anyone else have experience with this? How should I respond when people make comments?

No regrets in L.A.

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well, im 16 and am paying installments on my 94 LS which is $250 a month. my parents took out the loan, i saved up the down payment and I pay the loan off. whenever people think i'm rich, i say "no actually, im poor because i own a Lexus." that helps

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i deal with it every day, in new york lexus=money, and it feels pretty nice to be honest with u:)i dont think that this is a problem, this is a benefit:) the problem with all this luxury brands is that no matter how old the car is and how many miles it got its still an expensive luxury car coz it looks like it.

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To me I think people mark it as more of a success and worked hard to get a decent ride.

I myself bought one becasue I am one of those people who slouches in the seat lazy like. The luxurious ride keeps me away from stress... may i live longer?... i hope so!

Its like buying a sofa for your lounge.. you would not buy a rickety chair... but you want a (joey from friends style) leather chair with recliner.. electric one too... coz I work hard and i want to dwell in the fruits of my labour... not with a sore !Removed! on a wooden chair! :lol::lol::lol:

Enjoy your ride my friend...

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Need advice on how to handle the image of my '98 LS 400.

I just bought it for $15,000 with 103,000 on the odometer. Immaculate. I think I got a good deal on it, and I love the car! Best car I've ever owned!

Anyway, now when friends, neighbors, and contractors come to the house, they all think I'm rich, and make comments to that effect. Worst of all, my wife wanted me to get a Camry - even if it cost more. I'm not rich (money-wise anyway) and find some psychic difficulty with this as I was raised by depression-era Quakers and believe modesty is a virtue.

I didn't think the car would cause the reaction it has. Does anyone else have experience with this? How should I respond when people make comments?

No regrets in L.A.

My SC has a nasty dent on the side, and of course the front license plate came off when that lady hit me. All of my co-workers think I'm the big-boss, then they come close to the car and see the damage, and say, :blushing: man was I wrong! D'OH!!!

To me, my LS isn't just a luxury car, but a car that gets me from point A to Point B, with a little bit more power than what Toyota offers. Besides, it's just the Toyota Celsior-rebadged as a Lexus.

I'd say: Whatever :whistles:

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Welcome to LOC , If the people that think you are rich would buy A lexus for themselves, instead of buying the junk that they own , then they could look at there own LEXUS , then they will ask themselves the question "Am I rich ? ;) Enjoy your LEXUS .

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If they're going to react like that, you don't need them around anyways.

I've gotten some response like that. It doesn't matter what Lexus you drive or how old it is, people see "Lexus" and to them its all the same. I'm no stranger to fancy cars and stuff like that though as I was rasied around it, doesn't bother me.

If it does bother you though, honestly get rid of it. Whats the point in having it if you can't enjoy it because of the way it makes you feel? My guess is people will get used to it, they have to me and my friends no longer make any comments about the Lexus.

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I think you got a great deal!!!! I opted for a 99 w/53K miles and paid $8k more....in retrospect , the 100K LS is just as solid as the 50k one, so you saved a ton!

The car has such a great stature.........it will always look very expensive and classy if you keep it well groomed :lol:

You think like most of us do here at LOC..... New Accord/Camry for $22k or used LS with more room, power, class, etc for LESS :D We've all worked hard for what we have, it's a shame others view things differently as they don't understand the economics and value of the used LS <_<

Swo is right, most people are just weird about seeing the "L" on the grill - no matter what year!!


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Welcome to the LOC :D

yes i get the same thing, as i believe all of us do. especially at automotive places people try to take advantage b/c they think your rich, if u are or ur not either way.

you don't have to be rich to get a good deal on a great car.

my family is also the same way as far as modesty and viture, those are great qualities to posess, and you are very fortunate to have been brought up that way.... the small people in the smaller jobs, and income bracket are no better than the wealthies of wealthy, god created us all equal :D

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Need advice on how to handle the image of my '98 LS 400.

I just bought it for $15,000 with 103,000 on the odometer. Immaculate. I think I got a good deal on it, and I love the car! Best car I've ever owned!

Anyway, now when friends, neighbors, and contractors come to the house, they all think I'm rich, and make comments to that effect. Worst of all, my wife wanted me to get a Camry - even if it cost more. I'm not rich (money-wise anyway) and find some psychic difficulty with this as I was raised by depression-era Quakers and believe modesty is a virtue.

I didn't think the car would cause the reaction it has. Does anyone else have experience with this? How should I respond when people make comments?

No regrets in L.A.

It sounds as if you feel guilty for making a smart decision. Don't let people lay this load of guilt on you. Look at your personal philosophy; do you believe that because if someone has a buck less than you, you should feel guilty (or if they drive a Ford and you a Lexus, you should feel guilty)? Read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand, but don't let these friends, family members, etc catch you reading it until you finish because they will tell you that "the author is crazy", "the book makes no sense", "it's about selfishness, etc. Since they can't argue with the book, they will insult you, the author, and the "people who read the book". After you have finished it, you can deal with these snide comments about you, your car, and reading the book. It is the hardest book I've ever enjoyed reading. And you won't feel guilty about owning quality anymore.

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I traded in my 98 Honda Accord-never serviced, worn out beater with 98K miles-for a pristine 94 LS400 with 99K-and paid an extra $5,100 !! Never made a better deal. I figured that the Honda was about to start costing me money, so why not spend it on a Lexus that was always maintained? Couldn't be happier.

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Need advice on how to handle the image of my '98 LS 400.

Actually, you don't need advice on how to handle the image of your car. Other people do.

It is important to remember that you can't help them with this little problem, and that you are not obligated to try. All you need to do is change the conversation politely to something else.

Don't feel guilty, don't feel obligated, and don't spend another moment cogitating about it.

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i have both 04 accord and 03 camry in my family but my LS is da best and looks much better on the driveway:) even 91 legend looks much better then accord and camry:)

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I know how you feel. I get a good bit of flack about my car because I'm 17 with a '95 LS4, and I'm on my second Lexus(My ES was too small, so I had to move to a larger car...after I saved for a while). Right now I'm really getting it bad because I haven't sold my ES yet, so I have 2 Lexi. I could really give a crap about what all of the kids at school tell me about being a "rich boy" or "what Lexus did you drive today?"-I just chuckle and keep on walking! People will always be jealous of nice things even if they are used. The joke is on them because their brand new microscopic Honda Civic costed more my LS!

There's no need to feel bad about your choice. Think of it like Agent 99 put it...new 4 banger Accord/Camry...or why not sit in the lap of luxury with V8 power at your toe tip with a little mileage on the odometer. IMO, it's simply buying SMART! :D ...rather than buying a brand new econo car.

Just do what your screen name says(I'll paraphrase here!) and Love your '98!!!! B) Take care of the '98, and she'll do the same for you with hundreds of thousands of miles of reliable service...I'm at 225k miles, and the car is perfect other than a bad suspension bushing up front. I spent $500 on a seat, console, and steering wheel which made all of the interior look brand new, so I'm ready to roll on to 500k miles in a car that looks brand new! :)


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i have both 04 accord and 03 camry in my family but my LS is da best and looks much better on the driveway:) even 91 legend looks much better then accord and camry:)

Yeah, your lex & ack are both preaty bad. :D We have the same.


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Welcome to the LOC :D

yes i get the same thing, as i believe all of us do. especially at automotive places people try to take advantage b/c they think your rich, if u are or ur not either way.

you don't have to be rich to get a good deal on a great car.

my family is also the same way as far as modesty and viture, those are great qualities to posess, and you are very fortunate to have been brought up that way.... the small people in the smaller jobs, and income bracket are no better than the wealthies of wealthy, god created us all equal :D

This kind of attitude is @ the heart of LOC - I love to see it :lol:

My dad told once me that other kids (I was young then, :D ) may be:

smarter than you

stronger than you

faster than you

have more $ than you, etc, etc...

and there would always be people that use these "cards" to get under your skin because they (unfortunately) don't have enough self confidence and/or taught wrong values in life (even now as adults) - I was always good enough for my parents, and that's good enough for me.

If you inherited the LOTTO or something, you'd really find out who your friends were <_<

No one person is BETTER than anyone else - but it would be nice if we could treat one another "Better than Ourselves"


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"Must be nice" --- yes

"you drive a lexus?" --- you drive a XXXXX?

As for people trying to take advantage, contractors thinking your rich, etc. Don't leave the car out when you get a first estimate. At car places just be the smart, informed consumer that you have proven you are. People will try to take advantage/comment no matter what you drive or who you are.

People can be so stupid.

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The main difference I notice when driving a Lexus as compared to an ordinary car is how much more respectfully and courteously other drivers treat me in various traffic situations. Like if another driver and myself arrive at an intersection with a stop sign at the same time the other driver will expect the Lexus to move out first and will even hand gesture me to move out first.

Or if I'm slower than other drivers on a 2 lane highway, the other drivers will cautiously pass me and never do anything rude like !Removed! or beeping their horn.

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Thank you all for your posts and thoughts. I now recall why I made the purchase decision that I did. It was really between getting a newer, lower grade car (Camry, Avalon, Maxima) with fewer miles, and getting the quiet, comfortable, reliable ride that will take me another 100,000 miles anyway. After owning the car for a month now, I realize how much better the car is than the alternative. It even costs less to insure than my old car (ugggh! A Chrysler!) I feel like I've cheated "the system" somehow. :D

So now people see the Lexus and assume I paid big bucks for it. They don't realize I paid less than they did for their car, or certainly their SUV. Funny. I even paid less for it than my wife did for her '99 Toyota Sienna. So when friends say something, I'll just let it pass and change the subject. To say something back defending my purchase would feel, well, defensive. And unnecessary. And when contractors come to the house the first time, I'll just make sure they know they'll be bidding against two other contractors. B)

Also, I have noticed when I'm out driving, people do give you more respect. Just like wearing a suit and tie, you are treated with more respect. People let you in to the next lane more courteously, let you go first at 4 way stops, etc.

All in all, I can't wait to put the next 100,000 miles on the odometer, and take care of the car every mile of the way. :D

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See thats just the opposite here. People are extremely rude to me in the Lexus vs the Explorer.

In the past year, I used to see an Explorer at just about every other intersection in big cities, (kind of weird). People in America tend to favor Explorers, to they last long??

Maybe people are rude to you in your lexus, because you have a very very new car. I have only seen one 2004 ES on the road. Maybe in the Explorer your just an ordinary citizen and in a new ES your the KING, that everyone else wants to be. :D

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