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Just Got Rear-ended Pretty Bad


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well, sorry to say that my 94 LS just got rear-ended pretty bad by a Nissan quest. I was stopping and waiting for opposite trafic to clear to make a left. Nissan got ticket issued, so I will assume it's totally his fault. his nissan front end is also totaled.



from the pictures above, do ya think insurance will bother to fix it?

(94 LS400 fully loaded w/all options, about 117K)

if yes, should I accept it?

if total loss coverage is granted, what will be the reasonable offer to go by? I would take a resonable offer paying toward perhaps a 97/98 LS.....

thanks in advance for any imput!

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dont fix it, there is a frame damage to the car so it will never be the same anymore:( just take the money from the insurance company, it should be around 7k +-1k

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Sorry to see your car damaged. Your scenario is one of the many that I worry the most while driving:

1. waiting in the middle of the road waiting for the traffic to clear is like being a sitting duck !!!

2. Afraid of idiots running red lights, stop signs...

3. Idiots changing lanes without looking

All the best to whatever decision you make

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It will be a TOTAL !!!!!

Mine got rearended last Aug and you could hardly tell it without looking close and it was over $6800 to repair !!!!!!!!

If I knew how to put a pix in this message I would--guess I will do an attachment---anyway just the exhaust system was $1700.


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Forgot to say--my wife had two rods and a metal plate put in her back(2 months later) from just this little bit of damage---Bills thus far are over $60,000. There is a lawsuit in progress.

Say that to say this: do not settle the med.; also suggest you(or whoever was in it) to go get a MRI of your total spine and neck. Just one spur will give you big, big problems maybe 15 years from now. Your legs will get numb and you will wonder why. The med payment can come from your med on your ins.; or who hit you insurance, or your co insurance. but go get it to be smart.

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thanks for all the inputs, guys!

I was amazed how the rear end crumbled so well. there is no deformation whatsoever to the passenger carriage. that goes to tell you how well the LS is designed.

the car is already in body shop, Allstate (the nissan's insurance. the driver admitted fault out right to police and Allstate) contacted, things are moving alone.

my 7-year old was in the car in his car seat and buckled (thanks, GOD!), we both feel fine. I guess for now (just happened 4.5 hours ago) we can't really tell we are truly fine or not. will see.....

thanks again for your concern and inputs!

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Can't believe you have it in the shop already--took 2 months for the shop to get parts for mine. Also, you have to get paid for a rental car for the duration of the shop estimate--even tho you DO NOT rent a car.

another pix of the rear bottom:


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Sorry to hear that Tan & Wanda.


This summer my dad got in to a wreck just like yours, he stopped to turn left and Ford truck flew him right out from the back and another small car hit the Ford truck. But my dad's car was just like your Lexus from the back.

I'm thinking... that since this is a Lexus and the damage requires alot of welding & things that only 'pros' can do to fix it. It will cost the insurance more $ to fix it rather than called it "Total." If this is the case your car's Kelly Blue Book value comes a little over $8,000 (depending on what you got on it). And, most likely [i'm 99% sure] they will give you Excellent condition private book value.


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to my amaze as well that allstate (not even my own insurance!) did response very promptly. they will send an adjuster over bodyshop for estimate by Tuesday. will keep my fingers crossed the adjuster will say 'total-loss'.

Allstate did offer rental car coverage, but since you all know I still have 6 cars (including SC4 & ES3) left at my disposal, so I will rather take the $15/day allowance for rental car.

it looks like I will be driving SC and ES for a while till this thing get settled.

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This summer my dad got in to a wreck just like yours, he stopped to turn left and Ford truck flew him right out from the back and another small car hit the Ford truck. But my dad's car was just like your Lexus from the back.

I'll tell the story in more detail:

It is a 1990 Toyota Corolla with 120,000 miles Deluxe Sedan, clear title. [The value of your car at this point does not matter on how many accidents it had, just depends on if you have clear or salvaged title]. Now, a guy came from the insurace company who inspects the damage and determines if to repair it or total it. He is the guy who writes the check, if the car is called in as total, and gives you TWO choices, you can keep the car with the check by paying some money for it or the price will be deducted either one. Or you can give them the car and they will take it and sell it in an auction.

As you can see the Corolla's value in private value is $2,000 in excellent condition. And, let me tell you that 13 year old car (in 2003) was no where near excellent. HE GAVE US $2,000 AND WE KEPT THE CAR. We had it repaired and now we are driving it. The car's paint from the outside has dulled and my Dad has made the car kind of unpleasant to be in from the inside [he smoked in it]. The reason we kept it was because he only charged us $200. So, we was paying us $2,200 if we didn't keep the car. The second reason was because me Dad put alot of work in [but the value doesn't go up] and it runs great. You want to know how great, better than my 1993 LS400 146,000. It doesn't vibrate at 60-80mph or wobble around in 0-35mph. The reason why, my Lexus needs some suspension work.

So, thats why I said, I'm 99.9% sure they will give the Book Value, in Private Party with excellent codition.

My suggestion would be to go out and find someone who will fix your car and ask for estimate [not to tell the insurance agent but for yourself] because if they let you keep the car for a reasonble price and you think after the repair cost; it is worth repairing rather than buying another one. Unfortunately, your Lexus needs alot of work, since the bottom has damaged.

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while ago some Mexican guy hit my 1989 Toyota corolla without insurace and it cost him $ 2100 but it was about 30 % less than you demage and it was Toyota. The repare for your car should be more than $15000. My friend´s girlfriend didn´t give a right a way to some 1999 Lexus SUV and it cost about $40000 almost same price like for new car.

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Terrible hit. As the victem of many "not my fault" wrecks, I have found that the Insurance companies start off by trying to save money. Argue with them and demand what you are owed, Really sorry about your car, you took are hard lick. My perspective is that they will total the car. I thought the perspective offered by 93 was right on the mark. Teach you to try to turn left...... huh?

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Geez, just saw the pix, looked through the posts, and saw you're both ok.

But my guess the car's a total. Tis a shame----Great looking car before,

though. Think you take the insurance funds, and splurge on a new one.

We had a Pontiac that had 11K+ of damages in a front-end, but they didn't

total it, should have--- but I lost the battle, won the war fortunately. We now

have an RX-300.

Take care, glad to hear your A-Ok.


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dont mind those kbb prices, they are way over the real price.i go to the auctions on a regular basis and ive seen those LS s go for the price i mentioned above. 8k is the top and since repairs will cost more due to the frame damage and not only cosmeticaldamage it will be a total lost. you might get that kbb value from all state. i have allstate and my car costs 14200 according to their estimate.

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guys, thanks again for the overwhelming responses and advices!

we are still feeling OK physically. no soreness or pain developed overnite, and my son is still jumping up-n-down and running around as restless as any 7-year old boy can be!

from car stopped to the monent of impact, it was about 10 seconds. to be honest, when I recollect, the impact was not that great as one can image by looking at the damage. the rear end looks pretty bad, but the car still drives perfectly (I did drive 5 miles to drop it off at the body shop without problems) except the left muffler may hit the pavement at road bumps. it's amazing that not even the wheel wells got deformed and mud guards are still there without a scratch, and all rear lights are still working! this LS impacts so well, I'm definetly buying another one to replace it.

can't say the same thing about the nissan. the front end was totally demolished, one front wheel was almost parallel to ground, and one side of front bumper was siting on the ground, and both air bags deployed.

anyway, will see how the insurance thing turns out, and report the outcome back to the forum.

thanks again, and every1 keeps safe!

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dont mind those kbb prices, they are way over the real price.i go to the auctions on a regular basis and ive seen those LS s go for the price i mentioned above. 8k is the top and since repairs will cost more due to the frame damage and not only cosmeticaldamage it will be a total lost. you might get that kbb value from all state. i have allstate and my car costs 14200 according to their estimate.

You go to a dollar store= most likely you are going to get dollar store quality

You go to an auction= most likely you are going to get........ you get the point!

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dont mind those kbb prices, they are way over the real price.i go to the auctions on a regular basis and ive seen those LS s go for the price i mentioned above. 8k is the top and since repairs will cost more due to the frame damage and not only cosmeticaldamage it will be a total lost. you might get that kbb value from all state. i have allstate and my car costs 14200 according to their estimate.

You go to a dollar store= most likely you are going to get dollar store quality

You go to an auction= most likely you are going to get........ you get the point!

no.. not really. ive been buying cars at the auction for a while now, and if you know cars at least a little bit its really hard not to notice a bad car.

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exactly, my friend does this for a living nad he has parking lot here in brooklyn. and he makes around 2-3k on each luxury car that he is selling from the lot.

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