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Somebody Hit My Damn Car...


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Can you believe it? I park it out in the end of the lot like I always do, nobody else around. I was away from it for 45 minutes and someone backed into the rear bumper. White paint on it, and scraped right down to the eurathane. Just happened.


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Ohhhhhh, man........I hate that! The same thing happened to my cousins car.....a white '03 ES. Luckily they saw who did it. They confronted the person and asked him what he was going to do about it. He said, bring the car to a body shop and ask him what it would cost to make this repair and he'd take care of the cost. The repair was about $800 bucks. At this point the guy said, NO WAY would he pay that much, so my cousin is having his own insurance company cover the repair cost. Honestly, I couldn't see that much of a damage to the car so I felt this body shop was a rip off. Do you have any idea how they'll repair your damage?

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No clue, the cover is fine, no dents or waves, it was a light hit, It'll just need to be sanded and completely repainted.

I'm just concerned about them matching the paint, I want it to look 100% like new...

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I'm sure that the paint match would be perfect especially if you brought it to your Lexus dealer! ;)

You'd never know it was repainted. When I bought my car I had the dealer apply a 3M film to the bumpers to protect the paint, but I don't know how this would have worked in your case. This film was used on helicopter blades to help prevent chipping. So far it seems to be working, but to tell you the truth I also like to park in areas that I would think are safe from bad inconsiderate drivers.:(

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One other thing: The body shop would take the paint right out of the can w/out having to doctor it up as they have to do on a car that is older than yours and faded slightly. It's a crappy feeling though when it happens, especially when you pride yourself in taking the best care possible. So until tomorrow, relax, have a beer, martini, valium (or whatever)......tomorrow will be a brighter day. :rolleyes:

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Steve, I can identify with you on this one. Last Jan 2, I was stopped at a light and a big azz lincoln tried to sqeeze between me and the island to get a jump on the left turn only lane. He didn't fit, then said it was my faults. The scrapes and scratches went from the rear corner to just in front of the wheel well up to the top of the gas door.

The bumper had to be removed and repainted. Make sure they add the 'flex' ingredient to the paint for the bumper cover since it is plastic and will not be rigid. The flex allows the paint to move with the cover and not crack.

Total cost of my repair was $1800 including rental. I paid nothing cause I made the guy stop and exchange papers. He passed on a double yellow to get up to the island then had two wheels on the island to get by me. He never filed with his insurance.

What is you deductable? Take it to a well known shop, highly recommended shop or a Lexus dealer with a body shop.

look on the bright side, your first hit, like mine, is over and not bad at all.

When our car is damaged by means beyond our control, it's the internal hit we proud Lexus owners take that is the hardest to repair.


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i hate jackasses

that pretty much sums it up

another point although does nothnig for you

in Ontario

it is a criminal matter not a highway traffic act if someone damages your car while on private property and leaves

alot more serious than a hit and run on a street

which already is bad enough

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Thanks guys!

Steve, I remember that, and yours looks like new so I should have confidence.

I went out and looked at it in the light this morning, it sure it ugly, but it could have been a lot worse. I'm confident that if I choose the right body work it'll look great. I dont know if that Xpel shield would have helped, in the least it probably would have stopped it from where it ground down to the plastic in the two places, the shield probably would have had to be replaced. Might look into that though actually...

I've complied a list of 10 acclaimed body shops in the area, and I'm going to get estimates from all of them. I'm taking the day off today to do so.

I'll let y'all know, thanks for the support.

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i hate jackasses

that pretty much sums it up

another point although does nothnig for you

in Ontario

it is a criminal matter not a highway traffic act if someone damages your car while on private property and leaves

alot more serious than a hit and run on a street

which already is bad enough

It is here too.

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NOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY WHY I SAY! i would so track them down and beat their !Removed!....or take a bat to THEIR car....

shoulda parked it in the yard :D or under the trees like in the picture.....

i hope the paint matches up...when u go to check the shops, find out how the would paint it (ie, if they would do the process where it would match or not)....good luck....if not i'd beat the painter's !Removed! too...i'm just posessive and they'd wish they never touched the car..sorry..

if its criminal, can u get the cops involved so they look for another busted car with the paint match????

too bad im not a state trooper, i'd help ya out :D even though that's mostly highway traffic ordeals, but i'd make an exception...

hope the whole painting thing works out....and if u find that the shop you hired did a good job, you best let us know incase this bozo (or his cousins, or anyone he knows) decides to hit one of our cars.......

take care!!!!! (wow im such a girl today)

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YEAH ... here on campus...

its a !Removed!...

no matter what i do ... how hard i try.. or how carefull i am ... it useless....

some radom idiot will park next to me and decide to open up the door as far open as it gets..

or someone just have to park.. and hit it....

one time i had a nice shopping kart surprize... OMFG .. i was so mad...

Lexus on campus... it so sad to see that .. ... But what can you do. ...

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I got a lot of estimates today, and I've narrowed it down to two shops.

One is a husband and wife that run the place, and it seems like a really nice shop, they seem to do good work. They want to take the bumper off, sand down the whole thing, then color the area effected and blend that color across the bumper. then clearcoat the whole bumper, and re-install it. She didnt seem to think the paint would be hard to match... about $270 from her.

The second guy is a shop that a client of mine uses to repair his fleet of Mercedes. The shop was really impressive, LOTS of expensive cars. They had three 02-03 ES300s in for body work just then, several S Class Mercedes, an LX470, and LS400 and a Rolls Royce. They seem to do great work. He seemed to think that if they tinted the color to match perfectly then completely repainted the whole bumper (off the car) that the job would turn out better. He says between $400-$500, more expensive, but he really seems to do great work, he knows the Lexuses, and he comes well reccomended. He also seemed to be the only shop that acknawledged that the paint was specialty and a pearl coat, which makes me think he knows more about whats going on. Another reason why he thinks color coating the whole bumper will look better. Makes sense to me. He also mentioned he'd use all Lexus parts and clips.

I think I'm going to go with #2. Either will take the car Monday and have it back to me good as new on Wed.

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I'm right in there with y'all. When I got my car, it only had two tiny hail-sized dings; one directly in front of the back driver side door handle, and one behind it. Other than that, nothing at all. Now after driving it to school a few months, I've already noticed a few new dings, most likely all from doors. Oh, and last week, I walk out to my car to find that some jealous *BLEEP* has ripped the Lexus vanity tag (that I made myself) off the bumper and threw it across the parking lot! Guess that stuff's gonna happen being that I'm one of only 3 people at my school who drive a Lexus, and the other two don't care much about their cars; a 93 ES and a ragged out 91 LS. Haha, my car's usually one of the cleanest ones on the lot! I just don't understand why some peoples' instinct upon seein a nice car is to f&@k with it. Oh well. That's life I guess.

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Been away for a few days and just read the news. Damn I am sorry and I know how you feel--almost like being violated--once you get over be angry. Having read the thread I agree with y9our decision to go with the higher estimate based on your observations. You want a class one job done even if it cost a few bucks more.


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Sorry to hear about it :o

I got hit in the rear bumper where the other car left the license plate indentations on the bumper. The shop replaced the car bumper cover with an OEM one and painted it. Looks good, but time will tell. I think it cost about $500.

Either got to worry about the idiots using you car as a end-stopper in 3-pt parking or you have to worry bout the idiots who swing their doors open at full speed. I have this small indent from someones door corner and although it is not noticable, I know its there :(

So you know I why I start to hyperventilate when I see some !Removed! parking 6 inches away from my car :chairshot:

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i get *BLEEP*ed before they even touch the car.... i was waxing the car today (OMG the front seats are DESTROYED from the previous owner, obviously one of those people who just don't care for their cars..) and some guy shut my door...i was like..woah hands off the door. found new mysterious gashes in the car....the cladding was dented a long time ago *SIgh*..then on the way home from the rents house...i heard a loud crack on the windshield..a rock.... so goes the tale of the lexus lemon...what can i say, lexus are magnets for destruction... and to lex3486, i was lucky..they just stole the whole plate ;)

i think if i had to choice between the two shops, i would have picked the couple......and i know it woulda probably been the wrong one.....im just too kind when it comes to people..im a sucker......cant explain it..instant trust i guess...even though, i shouldnt...

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Actually piggy, the plate was only stuck on with double sided tape, as I didn't wanna drill holes in my bumper for a bracket. Makes for a much cleaner look though. Oh, and I almost forgot that someone from on a shoolbus threw a rock or somethin at the hood of my car today too. GRRR! Lucky for whoever did it, it was like the only bus in the whole fleet that has tinted windows, or else I'd have definitely followed the bus and beat some serious !Removed!. Man, I hate high school; so many immature *BLEEP*s! <_<

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I'm pretty confident in the new shop, I talked to the guy who has used the before and I think they'll do a good job.

Also PS, if anyone wants to contribute to the vulgarity and language discussion, I created a new thread for it and put it in the feedback forum, here's a link:


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  • 3 years later...

How about I've been 5 times and onle in the car for 1 of them!!

1st time. My brother scraped me down the side of my car backing out of the driveway. ($350) :chairshot:

2nd time My car was INSIDE THE OIL DOCTOR getting its oil changed when they hit my rear bumper with another car. ($600)

Not to mention that they didn't inform me! they walked out and said green lexus? I said yep! (thinking it was done) and he said to me "only a few scratches" UHH EXcuse me? I didnt come here for scratches. On top of that, the employee didn't have the common sense to realize that there was no way in hell I'd be paying for that oil change. He started to ring me up... YA RIGHT.

3rd Time. I was run off the road. Some @$$hole didnt know how to check his blind spot and cut into my lane. :censored: I should have just let him hit me. Instead I avoided it, blew both my right side tires (which were new) and damaged my rim. He kept on driving of course. ($13) Townfair tire road hazard coverage.

4th time. Parked in front of my girlfriends house. Neighbor backed into rear passangerside door. ($500)

5th time. I let my girlfriend take my car and someone at my old school scraped the rear bumper on the corner. No note, no nothing.

Now the rear bumper is chipping, the door looks like $#!+ (and there is overspray), and I've got that nice mark on my bumper. From now on I'm paying the extra for a real good body guy. I dont baby my car to have other peoples mistakes take a toll on how it looks.

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