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MOVING SUCKS!!!! :chairshot: :censored::wacko::blink::pirate:

I've got more splinters, pulled muscles, missing clothes, boxes, boxes, boxes, boxes, dear God I hate boxes, paint stains, and little neighborhood teenage boys oogling over my wife than I can handle! I catch one of those perv's window peeping on us, they're going to see something that'll take years of therapy to cure! :lol:

But, the garage is unpacked, custom workbench built, tv hooked up and plenty of space to "kick it" :cheers:

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Regarding the Oriental vs Asian question

Not to stoke the fires... but to shed a little light on this side bar.... things are Oriental, people are Asian. There are a few different opinions on this, but if you want to be on the safe side, just don't use the word "Oriental" at all. "Asian" works for all situations. Better yet, make an attempt to avoid stereotyping (good or bad) people of different ethnic groups. I lived in Asia for a year (my avatar is a photo of me in Asia), and I have lived with Asian families here in the States. It has nothing to do with being "PC"... it just has to do with being "C."

On the other hand, if you don't care if you offend people; do whatever you want. It's no skin off my lap top.

Hints from Heloise :)

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Well excuse me. If you think I don't care about offending people, then you clearly didn't read the thread correctly. How about I correct myself and identify the previous owners as "species of upright walking nature" or "homosapians of decent home ownership skills". That way we can completely erase everyones identity and we can all just be people, void of characteristics of value, or identity. If oriental is offensive to poeple, then I apologize. However, you need to recognize and don't accuse me of not caring about offending people just because, in your opinion, I used the wrong term. I would think, and quite frankly, expect you to realize, that it was not my intention to offend that segment of society, simply because if I wanted to offend them, I could of used a different choice of words.

If I'm guilty of anything, it's the fact that I don't spell check.


Homosapian of upright walking nature.

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don't accuse me of not caring about offending people just because, in your opinion, I used the wrong term.


I didn't accuse you of anything. My comment was "if you don't care if you offend people...".

It's not my opinion that you used the wrong term. You used the wrong term. In modern parlance, people are not "Oriental."

Also a Homosapien

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You cracker!


"No, my 1st name ain't baby, is Cracker...Mr. !Removed! if you're nasty."

Ok, I'm confused, so you're saying that I drive an Oriental Car, not Asian car as most publications identify them as? If "Asian" = "people", then technically aren't "Asain" cars..really "people" cars?


Way to go Buford, now you've ticked off the Germans by stealing their name! Which will iritate the Jewish population, which in turn will fuel the Iranians, which will impact Iraq, which will force Mr. Ping-Pong on the Northern axis of evil to sell a nuke to the Al Qadians, which in turn, will require the species of upright walking nature in the United States of America to unleash the hounds of hell on Ping-Pong's world. Which will ultimately upset the peaceful Native Americans because this was their land to begin with, and if Mr. !Removed! gets scalped, the south shall rise again and the country will have a quasi-civil war with cowboys, indians, yankees and hillbillies.

Gezz, you tired yet? I mean you've completly ruined the nautral balance of mankind here today.!

Hahaha.... I'm just messing with you Buford! I understand where you're coming from! :cheers:

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At least it appears that I didn't p*ss off the !Removed! stamp collectors in Alaska.:whistles:

WTF does pc or anything in the realm have to do with our buddy nc have anything to do with how you view the world today??? If a human being on this earth has anything to say to nc it should be CONGRATULATIONS ON THE NEW HOUSE :D ;) ... :cheers::cheers::cheers: I personally don't find your interjecting post's any positive contributions to these forums. Enough said. :whistles:

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I too have enjoyed your experience with the new house, but you are truely a person of great wit, and enjoy the verbal exchanges of PC nature. Boy are people sensitive, wish it would all go away (PC correctness) and we all just enjoy the sharing of experiences. If PC becomes an obsession, than we would not be able to enjoy the great books of our past. Quite frankly PC people are pointy headed intellectials that belong in UC Berkeley or Davis California as well as some of the IVy league schools back east. Thank god for the home grown middle folks in the south and midwest. The east coast and west coast are full of people that seem to pick the fly sh_t out of the pepper barrel. Lighten up and become real Americans like the NC's and RXNC folks. Just my Friday two cents worth from a boy that has lived all over these United States.

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I too have enjoyed your experience with the new house, but you are truely a person of great wit, and enjoy the verbal exchanges of PC nature. Boy are people sensitive, wish it would all go away (PC correctness) and we all just enjoy the sharing of experiences. If PC becomes an obsession, than we would not be able to enjoy the great books of our past. Quite frankly PC people are pointy headed intellectials that belong in UC Berkeley or Davis California as well as some of the IVy league schools back east. Thank god for the home grown middle folks in the south and midwest. The east coast and west coast are full of people that seem to pick the fly sh_t out of the pepper barrel. Lighten up and become real Americans like the NC's and RXNC folks. Just my Friday two cents worth from a boy that has lived all over these United States.

GOD BLESS :cheers:

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I personally don't find your interjecting post's any positive contributions to these forums. Enough said.:whistles:

What in the world are you talking about? What other posts have I made that got under your skin!? Other than the few I've made here in the past day or two, I probably don't post on the board more than once every few weeks.

Look guys, I don't care if you don't like the PC movement. My comments weren't pushing political correctness on anyone, I was just trying to clear up what the correct adjective was. If you have an issue with modern phraseology, don't take it out on me.

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I personally don't find your interjecting post's any positive contributions to these forums. Enough said.:whistles:

What in the world are you talking about? What other posts have I made that got under your skin!? Other than the few I've made here in the past day or two, I probably don't post on the board more than once every few weeks.

Look guys, I don't care if you don't like the PC movement. My comments weren't pushing political correctness on anyone, I was just trying to clear up what the correct adjective was. If you have an issue with modern phraseology, don't take it out on me.

The world is one, Why do you single yourself out ? SORRY TO GO OFF TOPIC GUYS/GALS.

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The world is one, Why do you single yourself out ?

I hope I'm not the only one that has no idea what you're talking about. :wacko:

My original post in this thread was to address a pre-existing discussion about the correct way to describe Asian people. If you want to continue to tell me these riddles, please take it to PMs. This thread drift has reached the point of sillyness.

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The world is one, Why do you single yourself out ?

I hope I'm not the only one that has no idea what you're talking about.:wacko:

My original post in this thread was to address a pre-existing discussion about the correct way to describe Asian people. If you want to continue to tell me these riddles, please take it to PMs. This thread drift has reached the point of sillyness.

"QUOTE'This thread drift has reached the point of sillyness. Exactly my point...:chairshot:

nc, Where's the HAMMA ???

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Ok let's drift this thread back to original topic.

NC, have you caught a turkey yet to cook? You never know when one of us might be in the area and would want to eat at, (cough) ahem, see your new house. :D Haha. j/k. You must be having your family over for the holidays this time because they must all be excited to see your new home. ;) B)

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Personally I don't really care what adjective was used in an otherwise great story from a guy who is obviously excited about his first house and wants to share his enthusiasm with fellow Lexus owners. And I suspect that virtually no one was interested in an education on the term "Oriental" which in most people's minds simply refers to people from the Orient. Funny that no Oriental Lexus owners commented. :)


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Personally I don't really care what adjective was used in an otherwise great story from a guy who is obviously excited about his first house and wants to share his enthusiasm with fellow Lexus owners. And I suspect that virtually no one was interested in an education on the term "Oriental" which in most people's minds simply refers to people from the Orient. Funny that no Oriental Lexus owners commented. :)


Gryphon, Some folks are just sensitive/insecure/ or just want to be heard. We @ LOC love :wub: nc and his new venture. God bless him and his family. Especially his "GERAGE" Where he'll spend most of his time. :D Don't tell his wife I said that :lol::lol::lol:

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Funny that no Oriental Lexus owners commented

actually, i was the first one to talk about this oriental thing ( go back to page 1), which NC quickly changed in his original quote. :cheers: (if you havent figured it out, im asian)


and buford, try not to start fires that are already out. lol. though you are partially correct, in this day an age, not many people are offended by that. Hell, i dont care if people use oriental, i just snicker...

speaking of snickers, omg BEST CANDY BAR EVARRRR

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and buford, try not to start fires that are already out.

For Pete's sake. It was not my intention to fuel any fires, make anyone feel poorly educated or take away from the grand celebration of the home purchase. If what I said was inflammatory to you guys, I don't know how you make it through the day. ;)

For the record, I did attempt to move the side-bar with dcfish to PMs. No response. I guess when he said "some people just want to be heard" he wasn't talking about me.

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and buford, try not to start fires that are already out.

For Pete's sake. It was not my intention to fuel any fires, make anyone feel poorly educated or take away from the grand celebration of the home purchase. If what I said was inflammatory to you guys, I don't know how you make it through the day. ;)

For the record, I did attempt to move the side-bar with dcfish to PMs. No response. I guess when he said "some people just want to be heard" he wasn't talking about me.

No reply because I don't see any reason why I should :chairshot: . This topic is about nc's new house and I applaud him and his wife on there purchase. Thewre is no need to discuss ethnic terms. Move on to the original topic. :cheers:

nc. Have a bud on me.....:cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

Who is pete ???

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Ok let's drift this thread back to original topic.
It seems pretty clear to me, but apparently not to everyone else. Allow me to reiterate. No more posts about political correctness or Asia or whatever in this thread, if yall want to discuss it those topics further, start a thread about it because any further mention in this thread will be deleted. Thanks.
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Ok let's drift this thread back to original topic.
It seems pretty clear to me, but apparently not to everyone else. Allow me to reiterate. No more posts about political correctness or Asia or whatever in this thread, if yall want to discuss it those topics further, start a thread about it because any further mention in this thread will be deleted. Thanks.

Or don't even start a new thread about it, if you guys wish to discuss it more, take it to the PMs. I'm sure you guys wouldn't want this thread closed, and surely NC wouldn't want that to happen too.. ;)

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Listen to the track called "Gypsies In The Palace" from Jimmy Buffett's 1985 album "Last Mango In Paris".

Once you've heard that song, you'll understand why NC211 would have to be insane to invite a bunch of LOC strangers into his new home for a party....

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