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My Baby Was Crushed


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Glad to see you're ok (well, good enough to tell us about the accident  :unsure: )

Is it totaled?

Sorry to see that you lost your girl :cries: Looks like you got hit pretty good, Hope you weren't hurt. What happened?

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I agree the LS likely saved your fiance's life. I saw a similar broadside accident right down the street where I live - a Chevy truck rammed into the drivers side door of a Toyota Corolla. The lady in the Corolla was knocked unconscious and suffered internal injuries that killed her a day later. The lady was not bleeding much so we were shocked to later learn her internal injuries were severe enough to kill her. Now if she she been driving an LS I'm sure she would still be alive today.

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Glad to see you're ok (well, good enough to tell us about the accident  :unsure: )

Is it totaled?

yes its totaled. I was not driving the car my fiance was driving and the guy that hit her didnt have his lights on so she never saw him coming. She has two broken ribs a bruised sternham (hope i spelled that right ) and a punchured lung but she is recovering and everything is coming along well

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He have insurance? If so, DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING from his insurance company without legal consultation on your behalf first. Glad to hear she's doing OK! I had a similar but not as severe accident back in 97, guy came over into my lane and fed me his old Chevy work truck. Those airbags burn the skin too. Even to this day I deal with that accident in my neck and back. I've got a bone spur on the 4th vertebre in my neck that will have to be dealt with at some point in my life. I signed away my ability to sue because I was young and unaware.


Glad to see you're ok (well, good enough to tell us about the accident  :unsure: )

Is it totaled?

yes its totaled. I was not driving the car my fiance was driving and the guy that hit her didnt have his lights on so she never saw him coming. She has two broken ribs a bruised sternham (hope i spelled that right ) and a punchured lung but she is recovering and everything is coming along well

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Hi All,

Glad to hear your fiancee is okay. Still, I'm sorry to hear she was hurt at all!

I guess this underscores how important a criteria safety should be when buying a car. I got into a minor accident 2 years ago with my LS. (Some lady blew a Red and slammed into my Left Front Fender @ 20-25 MPH) The car barely moved and I walked away. I was too busy yelling at the other driver to realize I might have been injured had I been in a lesser car.

I wonder how she might have been in a Side Airbag equipped LS400/430..I think the 98's have them.



Glad to see you're ok (well, good enough to tell us about the accident  :unsure: )

Is it totaled?

yes its totaled. I was not driving the car my fiance was driving and the guy that hit her didnt have his lights on so she never saw him coming. She has two broken ribs a bruised sternham (hope i spelled that right ) and a punchured lung but she is recovering and everything is coming along well

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What a tragedy, but the LS stood her ground and kept your fiance safe. I hope your fiance recovers quickly and fully.

I'm with Monarch...I'd hate to think what would be left of the car if it wasn't a 4,000lbs tank (I don't drive small cars mainly for that reason).

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Glad to hear she is ok. Two kids got killed around my way in an Acura Integra. It slammed into a pole sideways. Side impacts I see are really dangerous. I'm sure it hurts us to even look at the pic, but I'm almost positive you want another one.

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hearing something like this makes you really appreciate side-impact air bags equipped with GenII LS4.

from picture, I can see you have a gen I LS. I also had my old 94LS rear-ended by a nissan van almost 2-year ago with my then-7-year-old seatting in the back. the front end of the nissan van was totally demolished and dropped to pavement, and the rear-end of my LS4 was totally crushed, but it crumpled so well, even the rear window was not broken and the LS was drivable. me and my son were totally fine with no long-term "side-effects". needless to say, I took the total-loss money and bought a 97 LS4.

since your fiance got injured, don't settle anything with insurance before you talk to a personal injurey attorney first.

wish her a speedy recovery!

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Having been hit more times than Joe Lewis myself, I can understand. Looks like your Lex is all done but at least your future wife is alive so the Lexus did it's last job well. As much as we love these cars, you can replace them with money. Sue them!

I wish you both the best.

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Looks like a lot of force when your wife was hit. For sure the car saved her life! I have seen many t-bones with death. As for the side air bag it may have helped more, but if she is okay with that much damage then the car did well... Also she probably had the seatbelt on?

Need an attorney? :) Suspect DUI on the other side???

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Glad to hear no one was hurt too badly!

Wasn't that little extra you spent for the LS worth it?

It's the only car i will let my wife drive. Especially now that we have another baby on the way.

Looking at that picture must make you smile. I mean, don't you just wanna kiss that car's bumper to thank it LOL

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Best wishes for a speedy recovery to ur fiance. Like wut blake said... thank god she was driving a tank. It kinda makes me worried about my g/f driving a smaller lighter ES. Well let's hope we all drive safely this winter. Best wishes.

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Excellent news to hear that she is recovering well.

That other driver should be fined BIG TIME for this. Fined again for being so stupid not to turn lights on. I see that much too often. People driving in the dusky dark without lights on. As a matter of fact, I saw a couple of cars in town this evening around 7pm without any lights on. If not for the city lights, one could not see them. I wish I was a police at times when I see people driving without lights. Often, I will flash my lights at someone to let them know. 80% of the time, they get the message and turn their lights on, but the other 20% do not even have a clue. :rolleyes:

Yes, the car is definitely totalled. Even if it was a brand new car, it would be totalled. That car has MAJOR frame damage. :(

The car can be replaced though. Luckily, there was no life-threatening injuries.

How about the other driver? Was they OK? Details on the driver? Intoxicated?

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Excellent news to hear that she is recovering well.

That other driver should be fined BIG TIME for this. Fined again for being so stupid not to turn lights on. I see that much too often. People driving in the dusky dark without lights on. As a matter of fact, I saw a couple of cars in town this evening around 7pm without any lights on. If not for the city lights, one could not see them. I wish I was a police at times when I see people driving without lights. Often, I will flash my lights at someone to let them know. 80% of the time, they get the message and turn their lights on, but the other 20% do not even have a clue. :rolleyes:

Yes, the car is definitely totalled. Even if it was a brand new car, it would be totalled. That car has MAJOR frame damage. :(

The car can be replaced though. Luckily, there was no life-threatening injuries.

How about the other driver? Was they OK? Details on the driver? Intoxicated?

Not nessicarily 90LS400, i have seen some pretty serious collisions in my life, and i have seen some miraculous repairs. that one is a total, rest assured, but if it was a $70,000 2006 LS430, 20K would fix it. maybe a little more. the insurance woudl rather pay 20K to have it fixed than $70,000 to payout. know what i mean?

Not saying ti would happen, just saying i ave seen cars worse than that come back from the dead. they can do amazing things with laser jigs and frame straightening machines.

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Naaa, I think any car would be totalled in that situation.

Its not only the cost of the repair, its whether or not the insurance company wants to insure it AFTER the repair. No insurance company would want to insure a car after a hit like that.

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also, don't forget the "loss of value" because of the nature of damage been done. it will be subtaintially less than market value if you want to sell it or trade in. so if your insurance did want to fix it than total it, make sure you include "loss of value" in the settlement.

as I recalled, 2 years ago, Statefarm lost the class-action, and sent out millions of reinbursement checks to policy holders becuase for years Statefarm excluded "loss of value" in accident settlements. out of nowhere, I received $3K+ check for couple of accidents occured over 7~8 years ago!

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06 Lexus LS430 with under 2K miles meets Taurus. LS survived with $16K worth of damage. Taurus fate is unknown. As you can imagine, diminished value is big concern. Any advice?

Very impressed with Lexus build quality. Taurus pulled out in front attempting to make left turn, totally neglecting on-coming traffic. Impact at 40 mph. Spun Taurus 180 degrees (stopped facing opposite direction).



Edited by Supraguy
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06 Lexus LS430 with under 2K miles meets Taurus. LS survived with $16K worth of damage. Taurus fate is unknown. As you can imagine, diminished value is big concern. Any advice?

Very impressed with Lexus build quality. Taurus pulled out in front attempting to make left turn, totally neglecting on-coming traffic. Impact at 40 mph. Spun Taurus 180 degrees (stopped facing opposite direction).

if the repair has been done, do a carfax on your own car and see whether any "severe or major accident" has been recored in the car history. don't we always tell used car buyers to avoid this type of used cars which been thru major accident or been salvaged unless it's heavily discounted car and you know exactly what you are doing. anyway, diminished value definately can occur.

I can image a "severe damaged" car such as severe frame damages prolly will be pretty close to the same value of "salvaged" vehicle which can anywhere from 30~50% below market value.

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I agree. I would hate to think I was driving a car that had been damaged that badly. <_<

Naaa, I think any car would be totalled in that situation.

Its not only the cost of the repair, its whether or not the insurance company wants to insure it AFTER the repair. No insurance company would want to insure a car after a hit like that.

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