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Presidential Election?


Who would you vote for?  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. Who would you vote for?

    • John Kerry/Edwards
    • George Bush/Cheney

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great idea! ;) this ought to be really interesting.

Moderators: please leave this thread here(it should probably be in the general forum right?). once everyone in the LS forum votes, move it to general. (different audience, more votes :D )

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how would i know ehen every1 in LS forum will vote?:)

i think in general forum it will get more votes.

oh and i'm not voting. i dont like any of them.

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LOL, I'm starting to think O'Reily is a Republican, or just defending the president. Anyways, the 12-minute arguement/debate with Moore was very interesting :)

And wow, 9/9, closer than I thought, if you don't mind me asking, what are the reasons for voting for Bush/Kerry?

Whoever thought there would be so much Democratic support by the entertainment business?

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Raymore, Missouri Grandpa? Heck, no one down there has a Lexus... ;)

I thought O'Reilly's interview of Michael Moore was absolutely hilarious. O'Reilly looked like an idiot and appeared panicked and overwelmed by Moore's intellectual superiority. I think O'Reilly shouldn't have given up his gig on that syndicated entertainment show he used to be on. What a lightweight...

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BUSH HAS BALLS !!!!!!!!!!!! kerry should have been left in NAM ...........................

LIAR , AND HE ATE MY RATIONS , PRIC* HIS WIFE IS A B****$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ KETCHUP WITH THAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IN A LONG RUN WE WIN .

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I'm a Canadian so I'm an "outsider" looking in if you will. It's weird that for the most part Canadians know much more about Americans they the other way around (again for the most part). I follow events that happen to our American friends (and around the world) all the time......Gotta LOVE CNN! :D No President that I can recall or have researched in history books has been perfect. President Bush has made some mistakes to be sure, but overall I think he has done a fantastic job since the day the world changed! I feel he deserves to be re-elected & hope he is! I am embarrassed to say my government has not stood shoulder to shoulder with our neighbours to the south as I feel we should have! Let me put it this way: If Canada was attacked (god forbid) in any way who would we expect to come to our rescue? :blink: The Americans that's who! Because we depend on them to protect us since we are so close to them & their biggest trading partner (and have next to no Military in which to defend ourselves.....we had to borrow bullets from the Spanish army during the Bosnia conflict for god sakes! :rolleyes: :chairshot: ). Michael Moore's movie did not change my opinion at all either although it has some eye opening tidbits and was even amusing the odd time. I have every special taped from the events of September 11th (about 7 different ones) including one called: 9/11 a President's Story...on TLC....I ask Michael Moore why none of that (or a number of other specials which were well done) got into his little documentry....because it's so biased it's not even funny. Sorry to ramble everyone, just my 2 cents......keep the Commander-in-chief you have & re-elect him, he has done a fine job! :) I wish we had a leader with as much gut's as he does. Kerry can't make up his mind on anything it seems.....& I agree 1UZ, that cartoon was hilarious :)


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michel moore is a jerk !!!! and took advantage of a sitsuation [ and the public ] to make millions , If he has any heart the money he made off the documentary should go to the 9/11 victims families ..........nothing else has to be said . :censored:

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another Canadian but i can't stand bush or anything he sits down for since he stands for nothing

i couldn;t stand him well before micheal moores propaganda ,it just showed him in a biased light of stupidity which bush is well known for.

I think war is useless and only for the weak trying to flex their muscles on others.

Any time you try and tell another how they should live you should expect retaliation it only makes sense.

If you came into my home and told me to get out because you have a gun ,do you really think i would say oh sure no problem i will go live in the streeet instead ?

btw i prefer Canadian politics we show up to help heal, repair and restore not shoot ,mame,bomb, and make excuses.

you don;t see us with a terror alert,maybe we are naive in thinking we don;t need one , but ignorance is bliss and i prefer my country not fighting anyone,what's the use of atttacking Canada ?

Maple syrup, mountie uniforms and free health care if you happen to get shot ?


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I agree with sk on the health care we have here in Canada. As far as Canadian politics is concerned were just plain boring! How many Americans watch our politcs compared to Canadians (the whole world really) watches American election coverage? :blink: Of the two guy's who want the White house job, Bush is the better of the two hands down.....Kerry wavers too much & his record in the Senate (30 years worth) is proof of that. It's the reason why we re-elected Martin up here (albeit not a majority government) it's the "devil" you know at least! B) This is intresting that Canadians are so opinionated on U.S. politics.......told ya Canadian stuff is boring lol :lol: :whistles: It's embarrassing that we were ever attacked, that we couldn't defend ourselves.....the tiny island of Bermuda could take us over if they wanted with 12 soldiers! :lol: :whistles: I don't think any leader (including Al Gore at the time as Bush's opponent) could have done as well as Bush did......at least at going after Bin Laden & his cronies.

What was Bill Clinton doing (remember that the first World Trade Center attack was on HIS watch, not to mention the USS Cole? :huh: ) to fight a terrorist threat with his 8 years in office? (and a Democrat!) :blink: Chasing young interns around the Oval Office that's what! :chairshot:


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Heh, im afraid to drive my lexie on MO roads, what about u alexR? you gotta admit that the roads are terrible.

I live in Springfield, there's like 200,000 people, its not the roads, its the traffic. But yea, there are some pretty weak rural roads around here.

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Go see "Farenheit 9/11 and you'll see what an idiot your president really is! Just look at his panicked expression when he was told that the U.S. is under attack. He just sat there dumbfounded for at least 7 minutes, instead of reacting immediately like the head of this country should have done! :chairshot:

P.S. There's plenty more reasons why I won't vote for him. So there! ;)

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Agreed dcfish! & AMF as I mentioned already, that movie was SO biased it's not even funny, I'd be happy to tape & send you a copy of all the other 9/11 specials I have taped over the last 2 and a half years & you WILL see what I'm talking about (it may not change your mind which is fine, but at least you have BOTH sides of the events that occured at specific times throughout that terrible day so you could imagine what he & the rest of the administration was trying to deal with which was pure ciaos). The 7 minute stuff you mentioned is NOT true either.......what did you expect the President to do exactly when Andy Card wispered in his ear to tell him the second tower was hit in front of a classroom of young school children? :blink: Stand up and scream "oh my god! were all going to die! run for your lives"???? & cause an enourmous panic all accross the U.S.? He was in shock (BUT ramained under control as he nodded & his face turned to a look of ANGER as his eyes panelled to the press pool as they were just getting word of what was happening too!) as we all were & for the record, the secret service had to organize (carefully) his departure & he also had to give a brief statement of the events that had occured before he left which he did & was on the phone immeadately after with the national security team to obtain more details......this was even before the Pentagon was attacked!

I have e-mailed Michael Moore about MANY VERY important details that he "conveinently" left out of his documentry including quite a few "half truths" some of which I have mentioned here.....I have NOT received a reply.......geez, I wonder why? :blink::rolleyes: :chairshot:


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I love moore but i watched it like anything with an open mind ,to the point where i favour nothing but truth. he is biased as mentioned before but he got his point across, he sure got Black amaerica involved especially the youth to be involved with the voting process so there is one great thing that came out of alll this ,

Do you really expect Mr.Moore to answer your questions he gets thousands of emails a day on this especially hate mail, i wouldn;t bother answering either.

BTW the canaidan army may not be the most impressive in numbers or equiment but hand to hand combat the are only rivaled by the green beret's which i s a high mark to acheive ,look into it more before you slam the guys anyway you put it they put there lives on the line for us Canaidans unlike ourselves I don;t think it is right for someone to make a mockery of the men and women who do there best to defend their country not themselves. As well as them protecting mny other countries in a peaceful position other than ourselves alone.

Our politics is boring because we don;t bully anyone, human nature will always make you want to slow and look at a car crash or 2 people going at it in the street,doesn;t make it right but it is a show.

That is what keeps our country under the radar from being attacked.

When terrorists were destroying ireland killing and maming peoplewhere was Mr. bush and his war on terror defending England??

no where ,he didn;t care as there is no oil there.

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