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Remedies For Sleeping At The Wheel


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i recently went through a rebirth, i was driving my lexus and i was a lil dozy and after a few mins i fell asleep at the wheel, i drove on to the sidewalk and thanks to god, i barely missed the huge light pole, and the big !Removed! bush, a jerk of the hand in both directions would cause my car to be totaled...

anyways my question is does anyone do something to not cause sleepiness?

my car going off the street onto a sidewalk and then going off it will that mess up my car in anyway?

thanks a bunch guys

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glad you are ok..........that's a scary situation

its so easy to get sleepy while driving the LS, cause its so smooth, quite and comfy....

i always drink red bulls when i feel sleepy at the wheel on trips or whatever, those will get u going for sure :blink:

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Ive found since driving my LS i dont seem to be on the ball well driving like i used to be when driving other cars ive owned :chairshot:

I dont seem to pay as much attention because i feel detached from driving,i like how quiet and smooth the car is :) but i feel worry that i myself might fall asleep at the wheel....everyone who rides in the car always says "I COULD GO TO SLEEP IN HERE ITS SO QUIET"....its a double edged sword :rolleyes:

Glad your ok GS....you might have knock the wheel alignment out so watch the front tyres for uneven wear :ph34r:



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everyone who rides in the car always says "I COULD GO TO SLEEP IN HERE ITS SO QUIET

:lol: That's what my friends say too, when they ride with me.

I have never driven the LS more than 20 mintues alone, one time for 1.5 hours but my family was riding with me, talking. Since, I bought the car in January, 2004 I have driven 1,200 miles and 95% of them on the hwy. I love driving the LS, on the hwy I like to drive fast because the faster it is the better I feel, and it is a joy when I pass ppl who are on the far left lane from the middle lanes. :lol:

Usually, I just go behind whoever is going fastest. :P Most of the time it's me.

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The best option is to take someone along for the drive. Carry out a light conversation and you will get to your destination in no time.

If you have to go alone, then you can do a few things to prepare yourself.

1. Eat right and not too much. A big meal tends to make a person relaxed and thus likely to be sleepy.

2. I would not recommend taking things like red bull or any energy drink because caffiene is not the best for anything. These are energy drinks, and unless you are expending vast amounts of energy (of which you don't driving an LS), adverse effects are more likely than not.

3. If you need a waker-upper, eat an apple, works just as well as coffee.

4. Got this from a transportation company that does long hauls: (and it has helped me significantly!!) : During daylight driving, wearing glasses with orange colored lenses significantly reduce eye strain (a major cause of driver fatigue). They are better for driving that regular dark tinted sunglasses. A good pair of driving glasses can help you deflect glare and keep your eyes on the road. I keep one in my glove compartment.

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If you start to feel drowsy while driving the best thing to do is remember that your body will eventually take a very long sleep, just think a few seconds about what it will be like being six feet under and that should be more than enough motivation to get you to find a pillow somewhere and get some much needed rest long before the big sleep.

One cup of "coffee" (whatever) is okay for driving long enough to find that pillow, but never, NEVER, have that second cup to keep you awake even longer.

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When I first got my 90' LS, I often found myself getting "heavy eyed" while driving on the freeways and highways- no matter how many hours I had slept. When I would have my mother riding in the car with me, she would always fall asleep and wonder why the car made her sleepy. Since my A/C does not work at this time, I have the windows down and this helps a lot, but when the windows are up in the winter, when it is cold enough to have them closed- I get sleepy. I guess it is where the car is so smooth and quiet.

I would first suggest that you get at least 8 hours sleep- that may help some, but if that fails, try driving with the windows open, or the radio playing an upbeat tune.

Yes, if you had of hit a sidewalk, it could have caused suspension/steering damage, depending upon how high the curb was.

Remember, keep those eyes open! :blink:

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I wonder...

Is everyone aware that one of the ways Lexus and Toyota overcame the loss of A/C cooling efficiency resulting from the refrigerant changeover from freon was to significantly reduce the cabin atmosphere OUTFLOW?

The less unconditioned outside airflow entering the cabin the less A/C capability needed to maintain the cabin at your selected comfort level.

I can't say if these are an unusually level of complaints about sleepiness in these vehicles but it certainly did get my attention.

But other than a stale and humid cabin atmosphere there are otehr aspects of the low level of fresh airflow that contribute to becoming drowsy. The system blower speed, a MAJOR white noise source, can be much lower and quieter. The addition sealing and insulation needed to prevent extraneous outflow will also make the cabin significant quieter.

The cabin airflow exhauster port's outflow is always located near the bottom rear of the car, an area of predominantly higher air pressure due to the vehicle's forward motion and that pressure would also result in lowering the cabin atmospheric outflow.

Feeling drowsy?

Lower a rear window slightly, in a Lexus it might help more than you would expect.

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man haha this is the first time i got this many replys in one post the first day WHOOT!!!!

imma try drinking fluids more, and i always drive with my windows open i have to check out my alignment thanks guys for all the help been great!!

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Of course, we're missing the obvious. Your body is telling you that you need some sleep, so you ought to get some sleep. I'm sure everyone is different, but power naps work for me. Pull off the road somewhere (rest area, shopping center, etc.) and get 5 to 10 minutes of sleep. It works for me. I'm good for another 5 hours or so.

Several years ago I was driving a Suburban pulling a horse trailer with two horses in it to Ocala on Interstate 10 when a car hit the trailer in the left rear just where the two wheels of the trailer were. I never saw the car until it hit me (my wife says never tell anyone that - I'm not sure why. Now I've told several thousand smart people.)

The car hit me, bounced off the tires, flipped, and passed us upside down in the passing lane, and then crossed in front, flipped again, and went on the shoulder of the road. I stopped, ran up to the car to check on the driver. I expected him to be dead, or at the least badly injured. He was in the passenger seat (no seat belt, apparently). He was a college student at Florida State who had taken his last exam of the semester and had fallen asleep on the way home. The windows were down and his books and papers were scattered all over the road. They took him to the hospital, kept him over night, but apparently he was OK. The car was totalled. (The horses were OK too, except I had to turn around and go back slowly to Tallahassee with a bent axle on the trailer)

I've forgotten what my point was, except that bad things happen when you fall asleep. Pull over, take a nap, or get a motel room for a couple hours.

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I know the feeling! I head to work at 4:30 every morning, and eventhough I get plenty of sleep, my eyes feel like they weigh a ton. What works best for me is sunflower seeds! I get a pack of Salsa flavored David sunflower seeds and chew on them babies for the hour and a half drive. Works like a charm! I also drink a few Diet Cokes to get a little caffiene! :D

93, 1,200 miles since Jan.?? Sheesh! I've had my LS since March, and I've already clocked about 8,000 miles!


Edited by blake918
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I know the feeling! I head to work at 4:30 every morning, and eventhough I get plenty of sleep, my eyes feel like they weigh a ton.

93, 1,200 miles since Jan.?? Sheesh! I've had my LS since March and I'm up to approx. 7,700 miles!

4:30 am??? if you dont mind me asking, what do you do for a living and how far is your work? maybe it's because i'm 17 and can sleep for 15 hours strait, but how do you do that?? i could never do that unless im getting paid $100/hr!

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93, 1,200 miles since Jan.??

Actually, it was 1,6xx or something but below 1,200. :lol: I use to take it out of the garage and head to school and then come back and back in the garage. But, this all changed after May when my brother took the car for the summer and now it sits in the hot sun in Atlanta, GA. Then later it will outside of my university.:cries:


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this all changed after May when my brother took the car for the summer and now it sits in the hot sun in Atlanta, GA. Then later it will outside of my univeristy.:cries:

u'd better get some really dark tint on those windows to save your interior.

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u'd better get some really dark tint on those windows to save your interior.

Yeah you are right. I guess I will go around the car and scratch all the windows and ask my parents to buy new tinted ones. Because thats the only way I'm going to get them. ;) j/k

I have never seen a car with the color tint that my car has, so I don't know where to get the tint. For no more than $125, right!?

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I know the feeling! I head to work at 4:30 every morning, and eventhough I get plenty of sleep, my eyes feel like they weigh a ton. What works best for me is sunflower seeds! I get a pack of Salsa flavored David sunflower seeds and chew on them babies for the hour and a half drive. Works like a charm! I also drink a few Diet Cokes to get a little caffiene! :D

93, 1,200 miles since Jan.?? Sheesh! I've had my LS since March and I'm up to approx. 7,700 miles!


4:30 am? Wow.. I should feel lucky, because I do not have to be at work until 10:00 am every morning and I only have to drive 15-20 minutes- depending upon the downtown traffic....

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I should feel lucky, because I do not have to be at work until 10:00 am every morning and I only have to drive 15-20 minutes- depending upon the downtown traffic....

im really spoiled, but my drive takes all of about 20 seconds!! i back out of my driveway, drive 5 houses up, turn right on the first cul-de-sac, and another 5 houses to the end and pull into the driveway. btw, i am working as a carpenter's assistant helping my friend add on to a house.

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I know the feeling! I head to work at 4:30 every morning, and eventhough I get plenty of sleep, my eyes feel like they weigh a ton. What works best for me is sunflower seeds! I get a pack of Salsa flavored David sunflower seeds and chew on them babies for the hour and a half drive. Works like a charm! I also drink a few Diet Cokes to get a little caffiene!  :D 

93, 1,200 miles since Jan.?? Sheesh!  I've had my LS since March and I'm up to approx. 7,700 miles!


4:30 am? Wow.. I should feel lucky, because I do not have to be at work until 10:00 am every morning and I only have to drive 15-20 minutes- depending upon the downtown traffic....

haha guys i wake up at 4:30 to go to school everyday to beat traffic, my school is a 45 min drive from my house driving normal without traffic, i usually never feel tired while driving since i always try to race people not a good idea.. but it keeps me awake anyways im for power naping cus thats such a good idea cus end up wake up and feeling refreshed thanks guys for the imput much love guys

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if you pay me 50 bucks a trip ill sit in the passenger seat and everytime you doze off ill punch you in the nuts....yeah sound good? deal?

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!

that would hurt like a *%*#!@$# but it would work!!

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4:30 am???  if you dont mind me asking, what do you do for a living and how far is your work? maybe it's because i'm 17 and can sleep for 15 hours strait, but how do you do that?? i could never do that unless im getting paid $100/hr!

I do mind, so I'm not telling...nooo, I'm just being facetious! :lol: I work at a small engineering firm that custom fabricates automation devices. I work both in the field helping electrical engineers install them and in the office doing paper work(creating drawing indexes). Our biggest customer is located in Venice, LA(I refer to it as the armpit of LA[along with the rest of the state]! lol), and the drive takes about an hour and a half(my fastest time was 1 hour and 10 minutes! I won't share my speed just incase my parents find this thread! lol), so in order to get there at 7am(usually only this early if one of the PLC's has gone nuts), I drive to one of my coworkers houses; pick him up(or vice versa--we carpool) and head to Venice. I should have worded it better: I wake up at 4:30, and I'm on the road at 5am. Either way, I still feel like a zombie behind the wheel of my land yacht. :lol: Office days are 8-5! Also, for extra spending money, I cut 5 lawns on my street. :D Starting July 30 I'll wake up at about 12 because I'm quitting(I need plenty of time to get ready for college. muhaha)! :D

Yeah, I sometimes wonder how I do it too! ;) I'm 17, and I get 10/hour and my travling expenses are covered by my company(all the premium fuel I want is covered, and I get paid while I'm on the road; plus, mileage for maintinance on my car.), so I and my bank account are very happy! :D When I work in the office, it's weird to see a tank of gas last the entire week!


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Not many 17 year olds can say that they make $10. per hour, not to mention that + paid gasoline and service on the car. You are quite lucky. We have a lot of 14-17 year olds at work (supermarket) that make about $5.25 or $5.35 per hour- or whatever minimum wage is these days.....

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