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Everything posted by chips229

  2. I think it was first done on the top of the range mercs. Its been around for a few years....more things to go wrong :D
  3. the commercial is for the kia spectra. click the "Spectra 'Car Cover' Ad" on this page (left column) :D :D :D :D Nice one thats one of the best adverts ive seen in a long time. Tell me where i can import theses car covers..... :D I could be a millionaire this time next week Chips.
  4. Hi.....ibejack2 The parts are expensive to buy on any of the model range,so like everyone says make sure its been looked after and has FSH if possible... Like monarch says if you buy a bad one it could be one of the biggest financial mistakes of your life. :o My cars the series 1 a 91 model....i myself would have loved to have bought a new version of the LS....if i had the money a series 4 would be my choice....my boss had a series 4 a 98 model...he had the ecu which talks to the ignition key go,so the car would start,it was replaced under warranty..but it would have cost £1500 over here :o Another thing to look/listen for is a blowing exhaust sound which can be heard when the bonnets(hood)up...its the EGR pipe which is a common problem on the series 1,2 and 3....i was told the design was changed on the series 4. To replace the EGR pipe is a costly job if its done by the main dealer!!!! I looked at alot of LS 400s,before i bought mine....theres some real dogs out there so be careful I went with the series 1 because it only had 2 owners before me,the lady i bought the car from owned it for 10 years and it had a FSH.... Good luck and let us know how you get on :) Chips.
  5. but if you did a ecu reset....take the battery off for say 10 mins... The ecu would learn the shift points again,that might sort it out...worth a go Chips.
  6. I love to hear how good the Mark Levinson system is in the LS range..my old 91 series 1 has the pioneer unit and for a car of its age,im really impressed with that from a factory fit unit....I smiled when i first put music in the disc player in the boot...by todays standards the disc player is nearly as big as a X box :D . Chips.
  7. Let us know how you get on ;) "I fly radio controlled ducted fan models " :D
  8. Hi........1UZ-FE I never like to drive any car hard when there not fully warmed up,the bit of road where i tested the car was a few miles from me,i drove the car around abit so it was up to temp before i did the test. I put the car into N to make sure it was up to temp and it was ticking over at 600 revs....i didnt hold the car on the foot brake,i just took me foot off the brake and nailed the throttle...i did notice like you said,some times the car didnt seem to get off the line as well as other times,sort of bogs down to start with like you explained yourself,but the 0 to 60 mph was nearly always around the same sort of times.. How much fuel did you have in your car when you tested...im going to test again when the fuel level goes down...im hoping then it will be abit quicker Im thinking of decatting the car,to give me abit more power...ive been told that should give me a extra 10 to 15 bhp Chips.
  9. WELCOME TO THE CLUB :) Theres plenty of info on most of your probs if you search the LS section.
  11. Well that was interesting... Its 9.30pm here..dry road...done the test on the same bit of road and theres no mods to me car...the car HAD a full tank of fuel with just me in the car..same sort of spec as on the 1st post...aircon off etc The 1st run was 8.88 sec then after 9.16,9.28 always in the low 9s done about 6 runs in total,but never under the 8.88 of the 1st run always in the low 9s. It almost seems the hotter everthing got the slower the car felt.
  12. Ive had my aircon fixed today,so i only drove the air over and back from the garage....i noticed all the comments on the way there as i was running abit late...on the way back i was just cruising with the air on B) Cars been parked up for the rest of the day as ive been surfing d net the rest of it Just for you 1UZ-FE...i will fire the old limo up and road test her now the roads are quiet ;) Be right back.
  13. My car also has the 4 holes in the trim and the cable...theres also a aerial which looks as though its built into the top middle of the rear window,the aerial was unscrewed and i found it in one of the storage bins which are on the backs of the front seats... Ive justed tucked the cable up under the carpet...out of sight out of mind :D In the uk here the law only allows the use of hands free kits which you can buy and place your mobile in...the laws on mobiles and there use well driving are tighting up over here. Lets us know if you get another car phone and get it up and running. Chips.
  14. Just thought id support your poll as you only had one vote ;) ROLL UP ROLL UP GET YOUR VOTE IN!!!
  15. could you please give more details on this product and where u got it and such. i would really like to fix my handle before it breaks. thx chips Hi again, The link below has a picture of the products they do...the stuff i used was in the red packet......dont use superglue thats to brittle and cracks...this araldite stuff goes off hard but has a sort of rubber feel to it and doesnt crack.....i fly radio controlled helicopters,well when i dont crash them :D this stuff helps keep they together Its the best stuff ive come across to stick anything to anything :D CLICK ME FOR INFO Chips. Let us know how you get on ;)
  16. Thanks for the offer John to us all But without putting a damper on this topic.... over here in the uk,your good work wouldnt stay on my car very long :o .....theres good and bad people in every part of the world,but over here it seems theres more bad,well i think its because they can get away with it because the police are under manned :(..if you phone the police all you get is a "crime ref number"to give to your insurance company,they dont bother to come out and look at the damage :( ....my point is theres been alot cars getting damaged or stolen,im on a few other forums of which have alot of members who live close to me and they have had there cars keyed and even broken into parked outside there homes and it seems to be on the increase Id love to give my car a makeover,but id only draw more attention to it ;) Keep up the good work. Sorry to lower the tone Chips.
  17. Goldplater.....your car looks very nice with those extra touches youve done. A job well done mate ;)
  18. :D :D I just fixed my drivers door handle on Sunday afternoon. The outside handle was fine but one of the brackets which holds the handle had cracked and broken on the inside....It looks a tricky job removing all the handle and frame as theres not alot of room inside the door....I mixed up some Araldite resin and that seems to have done the job. Good luck with your repairs Chips.
  19. Yesterday i took the inlet feed pipe from the air filter box to the induction manifold off and cleaned the butterfly and intake with a spray can of cleaner i bought from me local car shop..if anyone else does this put a rag down in the breather hole or the *BLEEP*ty liquid will run into the top of the engine and mix with your engine oil :o You could take the breather pipe off buy its abit tricky cos of lack of room. The car took abit of turning over to get her to start,but now the engine runs smoother :) ....seems to pull better B) through the rev range....ive noticed it pulls alot better higher up the rev range....and the throttle response seems more crisper and the engine generally seems more urgent ;) So another job under my belt :D A job well worth doing guys. Chips.
  20. I also do all work on my car myself...and yes its to save money at £116 a hour labour!!!! :chairshot: and like you guys said i know the works been done right ;)
  21. On my 91 400 the switches look like a stardard Toyota switch,id have a look around the breakers yard for a cheap replacement then if no luck buy a new one.
  22. I was disapointed when i first looked in the boot of my LS 400 to find how small the boot was for such a big car because the fuel tanks in there behind the trim :( So no 12inch subs for me,i also like and need my boot(trunk) space.
  23. :chairshot: my local dealer in the uk arent that helpful,say they will call you back then dont <_< They need to get back to basics....if i was running the branch,id rip the television out for starters :chairshot: when i went down there the other week the staff where sat round watching tennis Thats why they were so long answering the phone!!!
  24. I dont like to see posts go un answered :) Im not to sure where the sensor is located... The only sensors i know of are the airflow sensor in the air filter inlet box,and the lamba sensors before and after the cats on the exhaust. Hope someone else can help you
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