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Everything posted by RFeldes

  1. Okay SKP, They look nice. Where can I find them and will they fit an 02? Thanks
  2. benjatel.com, I believe you meant 2.69 - 2.79 for fuel lest you wish to have a few million or so new neighbors looking for cheap fuel.
  3. My XM antenna mounts on the back of the trunk lid magnetically then into the same area. The "Homelink" antenna is at the back of the roof.
  4. ATF4 Auto Matic Transmission Fluid, red in color. Toyota Dealer or maybe autozone.
  5. Spiller 91ls has a good point if your "check engine" light came on.
  6. Fuel filter more than likely, cheapest fix. Check that first and then follow the advice I'm sure will follow if that doesn't do it. Same thing happened with my 85 Corvette. On the highway it started choking and running rough and I would pull over for ten minutes then it ran fine for maybe 50 miles or it would go away for a week in town. Back on the highway, same problem. They changed one thing then it ran fine and then the problem came back then they changed another thing and problem came back. When it was finally fixed the mechanic explained that the filter would clog and then when the car was calling for less fuel the pressure would back off and the car would run fine. Once I got back on the highway and started running a lot of fuel the clog would come back to the filter and once again the chocking of the engine. Cost me $600 to find out a $5 fuel filter was the problem. When they pulled the filter a large. expensive fuel clog, putting it mildly, came out from the draining fuel. Maybe it's not your problem but it sure was mine. What a ghost in the closet that was. It cost me a lot of quality time with a beautiful babe and I will never forget it. Ranting......Sorry!
  7. NC211 is correct in that the clay bar on the windows and Rain-X reduce wind noise significantly. Slicker than a babies butt. Gremio..great post. I wish I had that TB when I had my 400 as It drove me nuts. Not that loud but had to keep the sunshade closed all the time.
  8. This is really a tedious undertaking as it involves expanding the pixels and then introducing the new colr. The really hard part is completely out lining the vehicle to incircle only the painted parts and each part must be "completely" enclosed or the color will bleed out and you start over. Very time comsiming and that is probably why you have no takers or feedback. It can be done and there are people willing to spend hours doing it but we are talking tedious work for free. In other words take a picture at 600 pixels by 600 pixels we are talking outlining 360,000 points of interest. Takes a very steady hand and a lot of patience or as I said you miss one pixel and you are at ground zero. I would venture to say an average picture would entail 12 hours to get it right. Some guys are a lot faster if you can find them. That is what I know about it, but there may be someone who is more up to date than this old !Removed! as I have been out of imaging for quite a while.
  9. Doom And Gloom!! Not a pretty picture guys. How many feet of fresh soil would be needed in the low lying areas to make it feasable? Say 20'. I said "Low lying" because the French Quarter, their livelihood, for the most part, was not under water. The heartbeat, French Quarter, is still there and the limbs, "outlying areas" have been flooded and seriously polluted. We will all face a serious tragedy in the near future as it is far from over. This is definately a test of our national resolve to cure what ails us and stop the divide within our nation. Especially when they uncover the bodies and horrid pollution. The finger pointing and racial card will not play here. This is wake up call number two and we struck out again. Strike three and we are all out!!! Unless we come together and send a message to our local Governments and Washington. This was totally unacceptable on local, state and federal response. The days ahead will be a marker on the responsiblity and we will all figure it out, if we can read through the bipartisan/ racial /special interest politics. Remember, "We are One Nation Under God". I look forward and pray that the "Good Times Will Roll" once again in one of the most fun cities in the U.S.A. And some of the nicest people you will ever have met, If you have been there. Your Friggin Vote does count!!!Thanks America and the world for all your help.
  10. Having given up my 90 400 for a 02 430 is an awesome bounce. The NAV is a "must", if you are a gadget freak. I feel like I am back in college, studying the 3 manuals. Such a well thought out vehicle. I promise to do a whole right up when I figure it out myself. Please don't think I am being Snobbish as I waited a long time for this and just want to share the experience and give you guys something to shoot for in one of life's few pleasures...a Lexus. And most importantly, a first hand critique of moving up to the 430 from a 400, which is such a great car and gave me years of pleasure. Honestly, I still look at 400's and see and feel the pride of the owners who have "cared" for them and give them a thumbs up. I can't describe it, but giving up the 400 was like losing a beloved pet. Never felt that way about a car and I have an appointment next week for "Lost Lexus Therapy" or LLT...... LOL
  11. Well, They have headed west and our Convention Center and Colisseum are full as well as our Hotels. I sit on one of the appropriation committees of United Way here and can tell you everyone is scrambling to take care of these people. I can assure you guys that once these people get out of N.O. they are being well cared for in communities from Texas to Tennessee. Americans are so generous and will take care of them. This is who we are. "Wake Up Call" was a poor stab at humor in difficult times and I apologize.
  12. No Typo here....Happy Birthday AKEWL
  13. It is sure great to hear Blake is okay. I'm sure the Big Easy will be re-built and maybe the Federal Government will pay attention to us since we import a large percentage of the coffee and they all need a wake up call... right!!!! :chairshot: Our oil production wasn't shabby either. In any case, thanks for your support and yes, The new LS is "Awesome" and I will post when the time is appropiate. God Bless the people. You are a great bunch of guys and gals. Thanks for your support, from all of us in Louisiana.
  14. Thanks ko90ls, It is certainly very trying and my cousin has a lot to be thankful for. Lake Charles sent fifty boats with volunteers down there and thet can't go in because of frigging gunfire to get those people out. FEMA has completely fallin on it's a$$ and those people are desperate. We are desperate to help and the look on the refugees faces here in Lake Charles, is in your words Heartbreaking. I gave up all my spare mattresses to the Red Cross and they didn't even come get them. Probably busier than two peck$$$d billy goats. I'm sure as time goes on cooler heads will prevail. Tomorrow "will" be a better day, and maybe Congress will get back to Washington off of their vacations, during a "Horrific" National Crisis, but I don't see it, or food and water, or buses or law and order helping those cops who have to syphon gas from floated cars and ask for food where they can get it. There, I said it and maybe something will be done soon. God Bless those poor people. I know this is a Lexus Forum and I will abstain from any more of my rantings. Please, Please say a prayer for those people.
  15. Before and after. Can't get them to download here, Sorry. Pretty devastating. Nice home and then a slab.
  16. Hey guys, When you think you have had a bad day. These are photos before and after of my cousins beach house outside of Biloxi. Andrew is a hotel clerk who was nice enough to load the pictures. My cousin took the before and after, so naturally she is okay. She got out and went back.
  17. If LOC would be interested, and enough members were interested. :chairshot: I would be glad to set up an LOC relief fund, here in Louisiana, at Hibernia National Bank. I've never done it but I am sure I can do it or maybe LOC could do it. Doing something rather than standing by is better for the Soul. This is indeed our home grown tsunami. They will need our help.
  18. You are right AKEWL. It is just devastation unbelieveable and it is not over for New Orleans. All these people here in Lake Charles with no place, home or job to got to. Heartbreaking. But they are safe and I fear for the one's still there who can't get out and the ones on rooftops awaiting rescue. It goes on and on.
  19. We are okay in Lake Charles, Louisiana but I have a big concern for our friends east and north of Katrina's track as well as my favorite haunt New Orleans, the "Big Breezy". Cool heads will prevail and I wish God Speed to all of you. Forget the Lexus and cover your A%%. On second thought, cover the Lexus too!!!
  20. Thanks for your support for the southern boys and for me in the 430. Well, since the weather was so bad. I had to go and rescue the 430. Picked her up today. My hands are shaking. You can turn a bad day into a good day. I'll detail her and test drive for a few days and then take pics for you guys with a full report and comp. to the 90. Thanks again.
  21. Welcome aboard!!! And many more Happy and Safe miles.
  22. Welcome back 90ls400Lexus, I guess some of us are reaching the age where family members seem to fall away from us. I have lost my Mother and Brother this past year and today found out my Aunt passed away. Not pleasant times and makes you realize how short and precious life is. The only thing we can do is to move on and make our lives mean something to the next generation. God Bless, and for what it is worth, I feel your pain. Welcome back.
  23. That sure makes you want to lease a new one and then buy it out wholesale at the end. Great!!!! deal. I would not hesitate. Is there something about the car you don't like?
  24. The most common cause for wind noise on the LS in the gasket around the sunroof glass. Unfortunately you must purchase the whole glass piece to stop the noise as the gasket is sealed at the factory. The only other option is to buy a wind deflector that mounts in front of the sunroof and that seems to solve the problem. You should also apply a gasket sealer/preservative to all your gaskets around all windows and doors annually.
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