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Everything posted by RFeldes

  1. Excellent color combo!!! Enjoy
  2. Well I took a chance and ordered a Lexus watch on E-Bay from Hong Kong for $54 plus $15 handling. I arrived in 10 days. Nice
  3. Usually a rubber sealer is enough to soften the rubber gasket. Autozone can fix you up or any auto store worth their salt will. You should do the gaskets yearly as part of maintenance. Short of that, There are adjustment screws on the door jam or panel. I am not sure witch, but they are there. Fine line between adjustment and wind noise. A little tweak is always better. But I believe the sealer/softener is your best bet. SKperformance is correct, in that the door can sag....by the way.
  4. Well said guys.............To each his own..........and that is fine Gucci workmanship. That is why these cars are fun. You can put a lot of dough into them and still enjoy them for years. Hey, he may want to go LV next time around.
  5. First I would try manually moving the inside losks back and forth and see if they are sticking. Then I would hold the inside handle open for access and spray some graphite or silicone moving back and forth with the lock button so the plunger inside the solenoid gets exposed. Last resort is pulling the inside panel and inspecting for correct voltage and travel to/of the solenoids and go from there. If voltage goes to the solenoid, 12+ volts. Then they are weak or sometimes you can adjust the travel and that works. Lube the plungers and try again.
  6. Do the locks act the same way when your engine is at idle?
  7. Not Uncommon, Just had one myself. Lexus service is topnotch, including their prices. It's like checking into a 4 star Hotel. You are seated in an office and offered Coffee or cokes etc. Then given the keys for an A1 Loaner. It all comes with a price but no other service like it. Does not matter the year of your LS. They pull up your car's history and you have the options,Spend or Bend, If you know what I mean. First class operation but what you would expect from Lexus. They are truely a first class operation, geared toward the well heeled. The only upside is peace of mind as they will stand behind all service, as a rule since it all goes into a Lexus database. Not to say there aren't some shams around. But they are VERY thorough. If you are on a budget then this forum is the right place. We offer first class help but no loaners. Sorry.!!!! Happy Halloween every one.
  8. Tough call, Go back to semi and see what happens.
  9. Low idle PS issues are usually attributed to the screen on the undercarriage below the driver's seat. Have it pulled and cleaned. There is a thread on this site for the air bag light. Do a search. As far as the CD player, the early models are finicky and don't like home made cd's or copies for some reason.
  10. Once again, Sorry Kewl and my apologies to you and your wife, I was out of line, not an excuse but it might be the hurricane. Best wishes and I hope for another LS in your driveway for a long, long time.
  11. Congratulations!!! Great looking car. Take care of it and it will take care of you.
  12. Sorry Kewl, The way your post reads, to me anyway, she is not leaning towards an LS.
  13. The answer to the problem is..... Sounds like she may be jealous of your LS "Affliction" and is looking for attention. Take her on a vacation in the LS and "put the petal to the metal". In other words ,Kewl, give her some polishing and affection, If you know what I mean. This will work and save you lots of $$Bucks$$. Attorneys are expensive. :chairshot: Warning signs. Seriously, she needs your attention and this forum is not meant for relationship management. Ask yourself in the mirror.. no, that won't work, we know you too well. I would assume she is a serious looking gal and is looking for some serious affection. That will solve your problem. IMHO. She will forget the Jags and Audi's.
  14. I have XM satellite and listen to BLUES from the Mark Levison...Sooo Sweet. Play Nice..........
  15. The Autozone pump worked great for me in my 90. It does have a lifetime warranty and Autozone will replace it free for life no questions asked.
  16. By the way, Thanks to ArmyOfOne, Prix, SWO3ES, And AKEWLGUY for your concern. It means a lot and heartfelt gratitude to you all. I was lucky and so many less fortunate. Thanks again.
  17. Thank you so much. It is nice to be back with you guys and your support. Robert, I Love BBQ and am well known for my pulled Pork. So anytime you come my way, and that goes for all of you, we will throw some coals on. As far as Robert's NC BBQ, I will definately look you up sometime soon, as pulled pork is your State's specialty.Hopefully, we will all take a respite and chat. The best way to get life back to normal is BBQ smoke, a cold beer and friends. Maybe Blake and I and anyone else interested can set a date this spring and meet for a blowout NC BBQ. I know Blake feels the same way, these friggin Hurricanes are mother natures way of cleaning house, but it is such a HOOVER we don't want to be in her pathway again. If you ever pull out your vacuum cleaner and you have pets, they scatter. Now we know why. Awesome power. 8 hours of 80 MPH winds and one hour of 120 to 135 MPH winds. 80% of us evacuated and 20% stayed and they paid the price. Everything south of Lake Charles is Gone. God Bless you guys in Florida too. If this is a wake up call..........where do I enlist. 8 years Navy subs. All who stayed here that I have talked to said "Never Again". I am sorry if I seem to expound on this, but wish to say that FEMA and the Red Cross came through magnificintaly as well as the State of Louisiana and they are still here cleaning it all up. If you ever face a category 2 or higher, get out, and you will forever be amazed at our country's resources to get you back on your feet. Go Mardis Gras and Go New Orleans, the tough guys. Ralph
  18. Hi guys, Well I just got my phoneline back last night. We evacuated to Shreveport and spent three weeks there. I came back to Lake Charles three times and could not believe the destruction. I got lucky, as there was only one tree on my back porch. Other than that all is okay. The Lexus was flawless during the trips and really brought a comfort zone during the heart break. Thanks to you guys that showed concern and I hope this season winds down soon and quits disrupting so many people's lives.
  19. Technically speaking, a screen is a filter. But SK is correct they are screens.
  20. If it drives okay when you are underway i would be suspicious of clogged filters or a weak pump. The little filter under the drivers side is usually the culprit, if the pump is okay. Re-built pump at Advance auto parts $125.00. Clean filter 30 mins. labor. I suggest drain and clean both filters and see if the pump is okay before replacing.
  21. I saw a override kit on E-Bay in the auto parts section.
  22. Hi Blake, I think, he is referring to the number of condensor cooling fans on the front.
  23. The 1990 I had, had two in the front for the condenser and one on the engine side for the radiator. I understand the later model 400's had one front and one back. Someone will chime in on the years.
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