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Everything posted by 93LSOwner

  1. I don't know if I should buy a laptop or a desktop. Laptop has mobility but I can built and have help from others building my computer. 'got a lot of computer wiz in the University' for a lower price and would be upgradable for later on. Plus, it would be a lot faster. ;) So...know any websites or places to buy new/used computer parts? B)
  2. Wow. Great job man. The window tint looks great and it is not so dark from the inside as I thought it might be.
  3. http://www.american-stitches.com/ http://www.exoticwooddash.com/
  4. LOL. Some people just go a little to far with somethings. :D Fortunately they are not as good as mine (in the signature) :D
  5. There are some RXes with cloth interior also.
  6. It's cool. Nobody is in a hurry, take your time. B)
  7. WOW. Super Nice. Hopefully I will find a Black/light Tan Gen. II LS someday; wana trade. :whistles: If you have time, take another pic from the inside for us (me). ;)
  8. EXACTLY!!! NAHHH This semster I have to go to a college where there are more female then male to about 1:3 ratio (male:female) MANN, there are so many girls it is ridiculous, seriously. How many girls am I going to impress with a 2004 LS430 compared to an Escalade!? :P tO aLL oF yA PlaYa HataS
  9. The Cadillac Escalade are the best looking SUVs ever built, I would buy one over any Lexus SUV made today except for the LX (maybe.....maybe not). There sharp looks are what impresses me the most. I dont' think anybody would want a big piece of metal with a huge engine in it, I mean who buys SUVs for there ruggedness!!!only looks and styles count.
  10. None. Lexus dealership will cut them for free. Sorry, if you want the Lexus keyless entry you will have to buy a whole new system with a new computer and keys. You cannot add on keyless entry keys on to the Gen. I LS400. Price for the keyless entry at Lexus: (and you cannot add on keyless entry keys) One key: $150 Two Keys: $350 I don't know why but people on ebay bid on those keyless entry keys so much to about $34. If only they can visit LOC and find out that they wouldn't work. Not so funny now that I need a keyless entry key because I need a front cover. You can buy keyless entry remote system on ebay or any other place for about $40 or even less. For a little over $100 you can also purchase the 2-way remote system from ebay.
  11. http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...?act=Search&f=1
  12. Hmm....very interesting thread, I would have to say is that, make the exterior and as well as the interior more larger. I looked at edmunds.com and the specs and 2004 is not much larger than my 93. Nothing personal but I just feel that Lexus should be a little larger in size than what it already is. I think Lexus designers and engineers can pull this off without making the car look like a big metal block.
  13. Hey, thanks guys. WOW, great website SK.
  14. I have a Nokia and it is ok. Just a general question on what you think is....the best & why.....?
  15. How about putting on the 'LS 430' emblem instead. Nobody will know!?
  16. I'm looking for them also. I have seen them quite often on ebay.
  17. There was thread about this earlier, it has more info. on this topic: http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...wtopic=9878&hl=
  18. You can order owner manuals from here: Register here for Free and order your manual for FREE after registration.
  19. 125 mph on the Acura Legend and only 100 mph on the Lexus. (in city)
  20. Oh man. But, don't worry there are a lot more fish in the sea. Just be patient and hang around LOC and you will learn in&out of Lexus and what to look for when buying a Lexus. ;)
  21. How did you get your pictures in to the computer? By a digital camera or scanned them? Both of them should come with softwares to edit the pictures. If not just copy the picture into Microsoft word or any other office software you have and paste it in there and you can edit the picture there. Then simply copy it again and paste it back into the folder where you first found it or where ever you want to place it. Personally, I would upload them into our LOC Gallery and show my ride there AND it will be A LOT easier for you to place them in the avatar.
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